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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Gary Whitta said:
IIRC people complained about the last one too.
I don't know but pretty much all games these days have this angsty CG guys standing looking in what direction on the cover, I don't get it, is it supposed to be appealing or something? I want boxart to be actually art :\ . In case of Uncharted here, ND is not some emo, angsty character , that boxart is misleading IMO, but that's just me I guess :[ .


erotic butter maelstrom
what crazy news to wake up to

it's gonna take all day for this to sink in, I don't know where to start


Rikyfree said:
Gunfight while skydiving! Called it!

Oh man!!!

Red Blaster said:
I'm hoping the increased effort towards multiplayer and coop doesn't mean that the single-player will be affected. U3's gotta have that 20+ single-player as well.

Also I'd love to see an option to go completely non-lethal.

That was my fear when I first heard UC2 was going to have multiplayer. But they knocked the singleplayer out the park and the multi was an awesome addition. No reasos they can't do the same here while extending the multiplayer.


I was hoping it was off the 2 year cycle, release it when it's finished, they have so many games coming out next year anyway
dralla said:
I was hoping it was off the 2 year cycle, release it when it's finished, they have so many games coming out next year anyway

You think Sony cares about sticking to initial release dates?

See- Holiday of 2010.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
hxa155 said:

As an Arab, I'm so excited for this.

I hope he doesn't massacre Arabs this time though.
Yeah, I know what city this is. You're taught about it in Islam.

Expect a lot of under ground levels, GAF.



Deceit is all well and good. But remember everyone love Nate and Sully, Naughty Dog.
Red Blaster said:
I'm hoping the increased effort towards multiplayer and coop doesn't mean that the single-player will be affected. U3's gotta have that 20+ single-player as well.

This....unless they find a way to integrate co-op into the campaign. Not knocking multiplayer but it didn't resonate with me the same way singleplayer did.


CrankyJay said:
I think it's a cool name.

It really is a cool name, in the same pulp way that "Attack of the Clones" is a cool name. I'm not sure a lot of people get Uncharted's pulp roots.
RustyNails said:
Shut your whore mouth. I'm ready for Uncharted 8: Atlantic City, New Jersey.

I can see it now...leap past deadly sand pits of hypodermic needles! Evade STD-riddled crack whores! Uncover the mystery of the zombie guido, then destroy him with jager bombs and protein pills! Brave the Jersey transit as you escape from the city as it implodes behind you!


Awesome news! Can't wait to play this. Uncharted might be my favourite franchise on the PS3. And those screens look so tasty! :D


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
For all of you guys saying that's Nate in the trailer. It really isn't. I wish it was. But most definitely is not. I think I've heard him before, somewhere on the history channel or something.


out0v0rder said:
please no multiplayer, ruined the 2nd game

We've already said there will be multiplayer.

How did it even ruin the second game? The SP campaign turned as awesome as it was planned from the beginning. Nothing suffered and lots got improved on the SP side even from the inclusion of MP.


erotic butter maelstrom
his face looks weird, I think they're trying to slightly alter his likeness to make him more Walhberg-esque


i hope they have a new story. the first 2 games basically had the same one, they need to find a new way to introduce the supernatural element instead of revealing it during the last part of the game as a 'surprise'.


I'd be in the dick
I'm still hoping Naughty Dog releases Unkarted at some point to continue their tradition of making kart racing games out of their franchises.


Totobeni said:
3D huh , well good bye big graphical improvement then :(

As someone said, that's not how it works, at all.

It already looks way more awesome than Uncharted 2 did, and we're a year from release. You'll see soon!
SolidSnakex said:
Didn't Evolution say that going 3D actually improves the 2D version because they're forced to push the engine harder?
It does, and one need only look at Super Stardust HD to realize that 3D makes games look BETTER in 2D, but it won't stop a lot of people from bitching and moaning about things they don't understand.
So, let me get this straight.

Next year will see the release of:

-A new Uncharted
-A new Zelda
-Portal 2
-Arkham City
-The Last Guardian
-And the 3DS.


*grins uncontrollably*


Have a fun! Enjoy!
arne said:
As someone said, that's not how it works, at all.

It already looks way more awesome than Uncharted 2 did, and we're a year from release. You'll see soon!

What's the actual resolution Arne? Can you say? "high-resolution" means nothing really.

Edit - I mean in 3D. Per eye.


An blind dancing ho
badcrumble said:
Uh, no, that's not the way it works. 3D has, so far, pushed developers to make huge improvements.

Black Ops and GT5 ( and what we saw for MotorStorm 3 so far ) don't agree with that theory (Black ops even look way worse than MW2).

TTP said:
Here come the experts

I am not expert or anything , but I go with what I see in game , and I yet to see game with 3D got big graphical improvement of it's 2D prequel.

if ND can do that , well that will be a very good thing.
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