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Unemployment Quest!: the RPG about being unemployed (Kickstarter)

Yeah, I don't see why using RPG maker as a solid tool for an oldschool rpg game is bad for a one-person game. But yeah, using default assets is a sign of laziness.

You have thousands of people making games out of custom engines and assets, or even with RPG maker, for free out of their own passion and love, yet this guy needs $10,000 to supply said "passion".

Kickstarter is going to basically become a reverse appstore where there is a sea of garbage asking for money with nothing to show for it, possibly ever, versus something that already exists asking for a purchase, even if it's crap. There are gems on both sides of course, but the difference is for one of them you can basically ask for money with literally nothing more than a webcam video to show for it. If it's not in this state yet, kickstarters like these are going to inspire handout geniuses to jump aboard the free money train with their napkin drawing ideas.
a) Don't really mind a student putting up a project. Hey, at least he's trying. I've seen tons of students come fresh out of Full Sail or wherever and they are so convinced they'll get a job they don't make any personal projects.

b) Does look very hastily prepared though. And even more stock than snesfreak's NFLGAF project. Certainly nothing worth $10 yet.

c) (Makes me wish I could put my NeoGAF (ish) RPG on kickstarter.)
Why does every thread about a specific Kickstarter have to turn into a thread about Kickstarter itself?

The guy didn't want $10,000 to make his game. He made the game anyway and wanted $1,000 to make a few CD copies so he could package it up all nice and sell it at a show. It's not his fault he made $10,000.
Yep. What i'm wondering is those people who pledged 100+$.

I understand the $5 and $10 ones. The art copy is like... okay, why would I like artwork that looks bad?


I find this kickstarter just like someone who wants to know how many copies he will have already sold to have a fair price for the CD printing. It just exceeded the mark 10x times for unknown reasons.
Haha! So it uses RPG Maker or something and is a kickstarter about being unemployed from what appears to be the perspective of a privileged white collar kid? I don't know how much more my contempt can take.


You have thousands of people making games out of custom engines and assets, or even with RPG maker, for free out of their own passion and love, yet this guy needs $10,000 to supply said "passion".

Kickstarter is going to basically become a reverse appstore where there is a sea of garbage asking for money with nothing to show for it, possibly ever, versus something that already exists asking for a purchase, even if it's crap. There are gems on both sides of course, but the difference is for one of them you can basically ask for money with literally nothing more than a webcam video to show for it. If it's not in this state yet, kickstarters like these are going to inspire handout geniuses to jump aboard the free money train with their napkin drawing ideas.

He doesn't need $10,000, he needs $1000. Whether he gets more to fund his game is up to the people who want to donate or not.


Came into thread expect something cool.
Clicked link, sees all stock images and the default battle system. As a creator of several RPG maker made games, I smh. 1k for such effort? Man.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. RPG Maker? And he didn't even put in the effort to create custom content for it?

Damn, I need to get back into RPG Maker haha


You've got to be fucking kidding me. RPG Maker? And he didn't even put in the effort to create custom content for it?

Damn, I need to get back into RPG Maker haha

Was't RPG gamer supposed to help people create games ?

He didn't ask for 100k just 1k. Looks ok to me.

His 10k is also ok. I'm curious about it (concept of game)
Man, makes me working my own stuff on iOS, rolling my own framework ontop of cocos2d look like chump work.

Was't RPG gamer supposed to help people create games
Sure, but don't just fill in the templates and move along.

An unemployment RPG Quest? I expect themed stuff appropriately for the topic at hand. Not you fighting in a field, you fighting in a lava dungeon, you in an ice castle. This is basically a poor excuse of using RPG Maker and calling it a day.
Was't RPG gamer supposed to help people create games ?

He didn't ask for 100k just 1k. Looks ok to me.

His 10k is also ok. I'm curious about it (concept of game)

Dude, I used to run an RPG Maker website back in its hayday. I used to create games 100 times better than this shit for free, FOR FUN. I know people who go all out, creating custom sprites, battle systems, etc, etc.

This dude just got some pre-made assets and slapped them down into his "game." This is lazy as hell, and not worth $10, let alone $1,000.
Dude, I used to run an RPG Maker website back in its hayday. I used to create games 100 times better than this shit for free, FOR FUN. I know people who go all out, creating custom sprites, battle systems, etc, etc.

This dude just got some pre-made assets and slapped them down into his "game." This is lazy as hell, and not worth $10, let alone $1,000.

This thing would not even cost 99cents in the appstore, I dont know why the fuck he needed 1000$ to print some CDs with some shitty art, and worst of all I dont understand why people are giving him 10000 dollars for one of the most lazy projects I have ever seen, when theres so many good things in kickstarter which are not getting funded.

Its not about using RPG Maker, there are great things done in RPG Maker I would gladly pay 10 dollars for them
Its not about kickstarter, as Im of the thought the page is a really great idea to get many awesome things that would not see the light of day otherwise.
Its about a lazy ass fuck wanting 1000$ for free and some people that are not seeing how really lazy he is.

Too bad people will use this guy to talk shit about kickstarter when its really helping some people that are really creating some great things.


This thing would not even cost 99cents in the appstore, I dont know why the fuck he needed 1000$ to print some CDs with some shitty art, and worst of all I dont understand why people are giving him 10000 dollars for one of the most lazy projects I have ever seen, when theres so many good things in kickstarter which are not getting funded.

Its not about using RPG Maker, there are great things done in RPG Maker I would gladly pay 10 dollars for them
Its not about kickstarter, as Im of the thought the page is a really great idea to get many awesome things that would not see the light of day otherwise.
Its about a lazy ass fuck wanting 1000$ for free and some people that are not seeing how really lazy he is.

Too bad people will use this guy to talk shit about kickstarter when its really helping some people that are really creating some great things.

Not everyone is aware of RPG maker. People SHOULD be contributing to Legend of the Time Star. That actually looks like an RPG worth funding...and its got a soundtrack by none other than Virt.


This thing would not even cost 99cents in the appstore, I dont know why the fuck he needed 1000$ to print some CDs with some shitty art, and worst of all I dont understand why people are giving him 10000 dollars for one of the most lazy projects I have ever seen, when theres so many good things in kickstarter which are not getting funded.

Its not about using RPG Maker, there are great things done in RPG Maker I would gladly pay 10 dollars for them
Its not about kickstarter, as Im of the thought the page is a really great idea to get many awesome things that would not see the light of day otherwise.
Its about a lazy ass fuck wanting 1000$ for free and some people that are not seeing how really lazy he is.

Too bad people will use this guy to talk shit about kickstarter when its really helping some people that are really creating some great things.

You havent seen alot of 99 cent games on the appstore dude.


Pretty much this. Selling a game like this for money is crazy. Asking for donations in advance is beyond shameless. Actually succeeding and getting close to 10k is sad

That's what I thought too when they started charging 99 cents for free flash games on the app store. Times change I guess
Wasn't there already a free NEET RPG that was basically the same thing? I never played it I admit, but I heard a fair bit about it.

16 BACKERS • Limited Reward (9 of 25 remaining)
Get your name into the game! If you pledge at this level, I will put your name for players to find by searching the bookshelves in the town library! You also get all the previous rewards!

I had hoped I might be able to Kickstart one of my own projects some day, but people like this are really going to screw it up for everybody before I have a chance.
He doesn't need $10,000, he needs $1000. Whether he gets more to fund his game is up to the people who want to donate or not.

No, he "needs" (wants) as much as people are willing to throw at him. If all he needed was $1,000, the funding would have closed by now. At this point it's practically a scam using pre-baked assets, using an off-the shelf retail game, and letting the funding eclipse itself 10x over, not to mention becoming a shining example to others of how little effort required to get 10 grand handed to you for having some half-quirky idea.

I think I'll start a kickstarter fund to make a level in Little Big Planet 2.


If a game looks like something you want to fund, then that's that. On that same note, using the default graphics is crutch but something necessary if you can't make your own.

It doesn't matter if he used the default graphics or not, and there shouldn't be (too much) shame in using RPG Maker. You can't say "he used Unreal Engine 3" to dismiss the game as a whole, but you can use it to dismiss poor hair rendering, physics or those samey lighting effects in UE3 games.

I think I'll start a kickstarter fund to make a level in Little Big Planet 2.
That'd be like starting a kickstarter to fund one dungeon in an RPG Maker game.
"Let me share some of the music with you." *holds DS up to camera*


Your DS has a speaker jack, Your PC almost undoubtedly has a line in or microphone input. Go to Radio Shack, get a 99 cent cord, and edit in in properly. Maybe then would also be a great time to show screenshots of those scenes, so you set the mood better?

...Damn it this site is going to be ruined before I get on there, because I want to be prepared before I post a project, instead of BSing something up in five seconds.


Me and a friend saw this the day it went up and couldn't help but laugh at it. He started making his own RPG maker game as a joke and it's insane how easy it is to recreate what this guy has done. It's actually saddening that he's got this much money so far.


Junior Member
Using default art from RPG Maker is pretty shameless. He should also hire a composer with all of that money because the music is pretty terrible. Maybe a little harsh but I can't believe he is requesting that much money for a game that many people just make for fun.


No, he "needs" (wants) as much as people are willing to throw at him. If all he needed was $1,000, the funding would have closed by now. At this point it's practically a scam using pre-baked assets, using an off-the shelf retail game, and letting the funding eclipse itself 10x over, not to mention becoming a shining example to others of how little effort required to get 10 grand handed to you for having some half-quirky idea.

I think I'll start a kickstarter fund to make a level in Little Big Planet 2.

Need and want are two different things. Like I said if people are willing to donate then that's their problem. If no one wanted the game then no one would donate. Don't get why people are getting so bothered by this. He asked for very little and wasn't asking for 100k+

And when you start your own kickstarter make a thread. I'd like to see how easy it is.


He still has a DS Phat.


Is it wrong that I felt genuinely bad for him still having a DS phat? I had a launch DS phat and finally replaced it last year with a 3DS, after the price cut.


Dunno about this project though in all seriousness. On one hand it's kinda lame that he is using default art but on the other hand being in his exact same situation I wouldn't really mind any of that if the story/character interactions were interesting enough, depending on how far he dives into that hole I know I'd personally like to play the game.

I actually got interested in it from the video.


Maturity, bitches.
I wish I got paid to make an RPG Maker game. Also his map making skills are terrible even if VX is shit for maps.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Hey, at least now he doesn't need to worry about money while being unemployed! It's nice to know people don't want to pay tax for welfare, but it's ok as long as it's on a commercial level.



provides useful feedback
Well default RPG Maker art assets is a sham, but sometimes the best written games in the RM Community use default stuff. However as someone else pointed out, they were almost all free and created by people with busy lifestyles (such as the creator of A Blurred Line was) so it's not impossible to do as long as you don't have some insane self-inflicted schedule to keep to. No deal from me here I'm afraid.

I should do a Kickstarter for Idunn Ymiraldor! :D
This is shifty, shady and somewhat ridiculous ; I can't figure out how people are donating to this. There's a place for Kickstarter in my opinion, but allowing people to get away with stuff like this really turns me off to the idea completely.


This is almost as bad as that millionaire fruitcake who tried to Kickstart a MMORPG even though he'd never had anything remotely to do with video games outside maybe the odd Sonic the Hedgehog slashfic.

Except this got funded by actual people. The majority of which are probably on some kind of federal list.
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