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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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I would bang a hot farmer!
Oh is it? How clever of you. You'll forgive me if I tire of reading the pissing and moaning of doomsayers at NeoGAF of Thrones going on about about character assassination and other such absurdities when they can't separate the show from the source material that it is being adapted from.
I keep having to see the same shit over and over about adapting AFFC/ADWD for the show, you can suffer through this.


I wonder if we'll ever see Ice Spiders.
I guess zombie horses are cheaper budget wise, but it would be awesome to see some IS.
I would love to see giant spiders :D
And the Others smelled the hot blood in him and came silent on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as hounds
The horn blew thrice long, three long blasts means Others. The white walkers of the wood, the cold shadows, the monsters of the tales that made him squeak and tremble as a boy, riding their giant ice-spiders, hungry for blood . . .


If you think that people have a problem with the scene merely because it's different from the books... I don't know what the fuck to tell you. But in any case, you're coming across as a thread whiner, just FYI.

That's the common denominator for the dislike for this scene, overall, from what I have read. There's plenty of rape and other atrocities going on in this show over the years, so it's nothing new.

..and since when is stating an opinion "thread whining"? Or are you just trying to further troll me into some kind of pointless back and forth a la your "the rest of the forum is this way --->" line..

Are New-Daario critics satisfied with this Daario now?

He's got that Swagger

I don't mind him at all. I find him to be a better actor than the other dude, as well.


Would you guys be happy if Cersei came to despise Jaime precisely because he couldn't control himself?

I don't recall this show ever setting up a series of events and then just abandoning them. Have they ever done that?


Would you guys be happy if Cersei came to despise Jaime precisely because he couldn't control himself?

I don't recall this show ever setting up a series of events and then just abandoning them. Have they ever done that?

Dany getting raped by Khal Drogo was also dropped.
Dany getting raped by Khal Drogo was also dropped.

Well, not really.

Again, rape is just another facet of life in Westerosi/Essos society - it doesn't have the same implications it has in our own modern society.
In their world, a man is entitled to having sex with his wife - rape simply isn't a concept in that scenario.


Man, I don't think what Jaime did is necessarily out of character — he's completely sick in the head when it comes to Cersei and is so wrapped up in the idea of the significance and purity of their relationship, that I could see him failing to even grasp the idea that she could not want him — but from a meta perspective of what it does to the narrative, it's awful. I mean, first off there are a significant number if viewers who will just never forgive rape, and regardless of what the director or Nikolaj says, that was rape. Say what you will about how pushing Bran out the window was worse, this is just going to hit some people harder. And now this is just going to loom over everything in Cersei and Jaime's relationship. When he finds out about how unfaithful she's been, it's no longer a loyal man being betrayed, it's a rapist slut-shaming his victim. When he burns Cersei's letter, it's not longer breaking off a toxic relationship, it's a rapist discarding his victim. It completely changes the power dynamic in their relationship from one where he is the victim of her constant manipulation and is always dragged down by her, to one where, no matter what she does, we always know that Jaime can ultimately seize power if he wants it.

I kind of hope that the scene was filmed more closely to the books and then made rapier in the editing room, just so that I don't have to reeeeeaaally worry about those comments from the director saying this was consensual by the end.

Rest of the episode was excellent though.

Yeah I agree with this. Reading the No Spoilers thread and seeing how many people who were starting to like Jaime now hate him again makes me cringe. Jaime's story is my favorite example of character change and redemption so far in the books (and his chapters were my favorite thing about AFFC by far), and they just completely fucked it up. I thought it was a pretty great episode besides that, but that's a pretty big blight on it for me.


Dany getting raped by Khal Drogo was also dropped.

I think consenting to have the man who set up the whole series of events killed is a pretty dramatic conclusion.

Viserys said he'd let Khal Drogo and all his men rape Dany. Dany made the best of her circumstances and took that power from her brother. She took the power from those who would dominate her.


The thing that's more disturbing than that scene is seeing so many people on the internet saying it wasn't rape.

Maybe they think it was rape-rape.

Yeah I don't remember either. Personally speaking, I like a third person narration to be reliable. I think it is for GOT, but I can't say that I've looked into it deeply enough to know one way or the other.

Who doesn't understand?

People in the thread that should not be named, arguing that it's purple because of the wine(wat) or because purple is the color of kings.


What I like about Jaime is that he does bad things only for his family or to save other people. Killing the Mad King and breaking his oath saved millions of lives and consequently subjected Jaime to years of ridicule as the Kingslayer. Pushing Bran out the window was necessary because if Bran talked the whole Lannister house is pretty much destroyed.

He really is like a reverse Walter White, where with Walter he initially does bad things for his family and then we eventually find he's just doing it for himself, with Jaime we initially think he's just this cocky villain until we find out every dishonorable thing he's done comes from a desire to protect other people.

I dislike the show portraying him as raping his sister, who at this point he is still 100% devoted to, in order to appease his own lust. It doesn't fit in with his book character at all and doesn't even make sense with how his character was portrayed in the show, since he saved Brienne from rape and even lost a hand for it. I really do wonder where they'll take his character now that book Jaime and show Jaime seem different. What more terrible things can they make Jaime do to poor Cercei?


Should have just splurged a bit and have a dragon swoop down and eat the dude.

I was very impressed with him after doubting the casting choice.

New Daario is also muuuuuch better than horseface from last season.

Old vs New Daario will be a subject of eternal debate.
Old Daario had that untouchable swagger.
His face exuded exotic swagger, and the way he spoke just made you hate-love him.

New Daario looks like generic sellsword #3.
So to add to the murkiness of the rape/she was totally into it (sigh) issue:

Another quote from Alex Graves explaining that it was supposed to be consensual.

He goes into detail as to why:

Alex Graves said:
"Following initial interviews done with "Game of Thrones" director Alex Graves about the controversial sex scene in Season 4, episode 3 "Breaker of Chains," Vulture followed up with him to allow him to have a chance to explain himself. Many fans and critics viewed the Jaime/Cersei scene in question as non-consensual rape, but Graves stands by his initial stance that the sex scene is supposed to end with Cersei wanting the sex."


"It's my cut of the scene," he says. "The consensual part of it was that she wraps her legs around him, and she's holding on to the table, clearly not to escape but to get some grounding in what's going on. And also, the other thing that I think is clear before they hit the ground is she starts to make out with him. The big things to us that were so important, and that hopefully were not missed, is that before he rips her undergarment, she's way into kissing him back. She's kissing him aplenty."

Yeah, nope. Graves screwed up BIGTIME. It comes off as rape, D&D even talk about it as such. At least they got the disturbing part of it right, I guess? Good lord, what was he thinking?
Old vs New Daario will be a subject of eternal debate.
Old Daario had that untouchable swagger.
His face exuded exotic swagger, and the way he spoke just made you hate-love him.

New Daario looks like generic sellsword #3.

Not anymore. Now he is the dude that nailed a horse in the head with a boobie dagger at 50 yards, and winked kaleesi (Shes the dragon chick)
Not anymore. Now he is the dude that nailed a horse in the head with a boobie dagger at 50 yards, and winked kaleesi (The the dragon chick)

He's getting there, he need a couple of more deeds like that.
Don't forget that Old Daario snuck right into Khaleesi's tent undetected, dropped his ex-bosses' heads on teh ground like a boss, and got himself a nice glimpse of her highness in the nude.


SO too add to the murkiness of the rape/she was totally into it (sigh) issue:

Another quote from graves explaining that it was supposed to be consensual.

He goes into detail as to why:

Yeah, nope Graves screwed up BIGTIME. It comes off as rape, D&D even talk about it as such. At least they got the disturbing part of it right, I guess? Good lord, what was he thinking?
Well there you go. It's probably tough, especially with a production like this, in that you are making this thing in a vacuum essentially. So they conceived, blocked and shot the scene with a certain intent in mind, and likely they saw that intent communicated clearly every time they watched the scene, because they had the knowledge of what they were trying to see, what each physical movement meant, what the motivations were, that they just didn't realize they weren't communicating it as clearly as they could have.


I would bang a hot farmer!
It's obvious that Coldhands is Strong Belwas and once Strong Belwas was cut from the show they had to do the same for Coldhands.


I still don't know where I come down on the nu-Daario. Old Daario had the weird look that I kind of took as the show's way of doing "exotic" without resorting to ridiculous blue tri-beards. He also had a certain smugness that rubbed me the wrong way just like Daario should. Daario 2.0 kind of looks like he could be one of Ned's brothers or something, but I feel like the way he handled the duel this week won me over a bit.
My problem with new Daario is that he's just not that charming. With the old Daario, one could see where Dany would be taken in by his good looks/charisma. I can't imagine the new Daario seducing her in any way.
Can we talk about how awesome the Thenns are?

Coldblooded the way the Thenn leader told that little brat he was going to eat his mama and papa. Rest of the wildlings be like

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
My problem with new Daario is that he's just not that charming. With the old Daario, one could see where Dany would be taken in by his good looks/charisma. I can't imagine the new Daario seducing her in any way.
Completely the other way around for me. I can't imagine ever being attracted to someone like doucheface Daario but the new one is at least cute. And yes, dat wink ^
I think I like new Daario better. I didn't really have much of an impression of old Daario other than he was kind of annoying (which Daario is) and that bald guy he was with and who he killed was pretty awesome. New guy seems kind of generic, but someone I could tolerate.


Can we talk about how awesome the Thenns are?

Coldblooded the way the Thenn leader told that little brat he was going to eat his mama and papa. Rest of the wildlings be like

Awesome? They're like a Nordic-themed wrestling stable with Star Trek makeup.

I half expect the main one to cut a promo in every episode.
Well there you go. It's probably tough, especially with a production like this, in that you are making this thing in a vacuum essentially. So they conceived, blocked and shot the scene with a certain intent in mind, and likely they saw that intent communicated clearly every time they watched the scene, because they had the knowledge of what they were trying to see, what each physical movement meant, what the motivations were, that they just didn't realize they weren't communicating it as clearly as they could have.

Yeah, it's a shame, if that was their actually intent. Sounds like it would have just taken an insert shot or two of her pulling herself onto him/her legs wrapping around him to add least add a good measure of ambiguity.

They really should have just had her keep her dialogue from the book. That's as clear cut as you can get.


I think I like the new Daario, I'm not sure if that's a good thing though since I was supposed to hate him. The old one had a smug douche looking face, but that's all I remember. His scenes were bad and cheesy
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