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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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What's the significance of Sansa's gem, am I forgetting something? I also don't remember the books hinting at Tyrell's matriarch involvement at all.


I thought Stoneheart had issues speaking, like she was gurgling the words out because there's a freaking hole in her throat. I can't picture her screaming.


I for one got the impression that she was in love with him.

Yup from the scenario in the bath house I got the impression she had fell for him.

" The bathhouse had been thick with the steam rising off the water, and Jaime had come walking through that mist naked as his name day, looking half a corpse and half a god. He climbed into the tub with me, she remembered, blushing."
I really thought the Cersei/Brienne scene was great, Brienne seemed to not realize she was in love with Jaime until Cersei pointed it out - her reaction was perfect. Gwendoline did a really nice job conveying a lot without actually saying anything. Confusion, embarrassment, fear, all at once.
I really thought the Cersei/Brienne scene was great, Brienne seemed to not realize she was in love with Jaime until Cersei pointed it out - her reaction was perfect. Gwendoline did a really nice job conveying a lot without actually saying anything. Confusion, embarrassment, fear, all at once.

Yeah. ‎Gwendoline Christie is really a fantastic actress. This scene and the Bath scene last season are prime examples where you see her convey alot of emotions without saying a word.


I don't know if Brienne loves people in the usual sense. She has spent her entire life dealing with men that aren't particularly pleasant towards her.

She was/is in love with Renly and Jaime. Two men who accepted her for what she is. Although both men are objectively very good looking and charismatic, I think a huge part of it is just not feeling inadequate or like a freak.


Kills Photobucket
Nostalgia Chick and Todd in the Dhadows have been going a v-log for the season. She has never read the books, he has. Fun 15 minutes to burn.




They're falling like flies in the non-spoiler thread, like 2 or 3 per page it feels like. Beginning to think people just write that for laughs now.

Edit: I was referencing people posting "damn, went into wrong thread!" etc.


They're falling like flies in the non-spoiler thread, like 2 or 3 per page it feels like. Beginning to think people just write that for laughs now.

Did anyone post "Weddings have become more perilous than battles, it would seem" in the No Book thread? It's too late to post that right? Because I wanna.
I was sort of hoping the show would show more of the BWB, it was kind of interesting how they made the transition from being about justice and optimism and protecting the poor and so on into being the instruments of Stoneheart's vengeance, "the wolves will gnaw your bones" etc.

That's something the show could have looked at but I guess they can't without spoiling the Stoneheart reveal, which I really hope they do with the hanging of Merrett Frey. (Or some other Frey the show viewers will be able to remember.)



I think it was in the asoiaf community thread a week or two ago I posted my baseless hunch that Bloodraven's cave was below or very near to the Fist of the First Men. This image though... mountainous background, high up, with standing stone stuff around...

I'm now really thinking it could be.


Did anyone post "Weddings have become more perilous than battles, it would seem" in the No Book thread? It's too late to post that right? Because I wanna.

That is a Stannis line from a future episode, you'd be banned for posting it in the other thread.


interesting post in the unsullied thread:

so uh guys, when is winter actually coming? its been 4 seasons and i'm itching for some snow

they haven't really shown the harsh winter in the north have they? it's all sunny king landing, dusty essos or the wall/north of the wall where it's always snowy.


Gonna be a loooooooong walk for Cersei.

I got the feeling she is not gonna make the walk, and if she does, she will be fully dressed and will last 5 seconds of screen time.

I just can't see that particular event happening in the way the books describe, don't ask me why.


or you know.. read. the first two words are UNMARKED SPOILERS. the titles are also clearly differently written. only thing left now is a different colour for the thread title, which is unlikely.
I got the feeling she is not gonna make the walk, and if she does, she will be fully dressed and will last 5 seconds of screen time.

I just can't see that particular event happening in the way the books describe, don't ask me why.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Lena said in an interview that she's really psyched to do that whole scene.


Unsullied don't read. It is known.

Haha, that's harsh though, I really feel bad for the ones that get spoiled, hate spoilers with a passion myself. I can see though that in the excitement that is Game of Thrones, some people just see the name, and click the thread.

I mean, that's how our eyes/mind work, we sort out "unnecessary" information, maybe changing thread title to GoT or something, so that's people don't just click Game of Thrones on pure instinct?
or you know.. read. the first two words are UNMARKED SPOILERS. the titles are also clearly differently written. only thing left now is a different colour for the thread title, which is unlikely.

If the people in the other thread were reading, we wouldn't be in this scenario to begin with.


Well, let's just nip this in the bud. No war, no harassment of the other thread, and no more trolling in there. In fact, if you're in here, you probably shouldn't be in there at all. If you let something slip -- and you will -- we will ban you, then play the Sigur Ros version of Rains of Castamere over your dead avatar.


That is a Stannis line from a future episode, you'd be banned for posting it in the other thread.
More like a Mel line that Stannis just nods to in agreement AM I RIGHT BOOK READERS?

Anyone have a shot of each of Bran's visions? I couldn't make out the icy one with a White Walker's reflection.


Well, let's just nip this in the bud. No war, no harassment of the other thread, and no more trolling in there. In fact, if you're in here, you probably shouldn't be in there at all. If you let something slip -- and you will -- we will ban you, then play the Sigur Ros version of Rains of Castamere over your dead avatar.

This show is tearing OT apart.
From the no book spoilers thread. You can't convince me that this guy hasn't read the books. :/


"Who else would use the drunk guy as a patsy to cover his/her tracks and want Sansa to escape as well?"

...was there any indication in the episode that Tyrion was any more drunk than anyone else? It was a big deal in the book that he'd been drinking all day, but they left that out of the show.

"Who else would use the drunk guy as a patsy to cover his/her tracks and want Sansa to escape as well?"

...was there any indication in the episode that Tyrion was any more drunk than anyone else? It was a big deal in the book that he'd been drinking all day, but they left that out of the show.

Not that I noticed. Or at the very least, Dinklage didn't ham it up like he did at his wedding feast.

"Who else would use the drunk guy as a patsy to cover his/her tracks and want Sansa to escape as well?"

...was there any indication in the episode that Tyrion was any more drunk than anyone else? It was a big deal in the book that he'd been drinking all day, but they left that out of the show.

And he guesses that Margaery marries Tommen. And he guesses that Margaery's power will grow. And he guesses that he'll keep Sansa hidden for a while.

Yeah, definitely sounds like this guy has read a few wikis or the books. What is the point of posting these spoilers as your own theories? To say, "look guys I was right! I called this ages ago!"

Just because someone figures LF is involved does not mean they read the books. It's not as complicated as we like to believe, fellas. I've seen many people arguing LF would do it to avenge Cat, which isn't 100% right but in the ballpark.

Now if someone starts saying "LF killed Joffery, I wonder what he'll do next...kill Lysa?" then we might have a problem. But if we go in there accusing people of posting spoilers, we spoil it for everyone. Right now "Littlefinger" did it is unconfirmed speculation - once it turns out to be true people won't say "oh man I was spoiled!" they'll say "oh shit, such and such called it! Whoa."

I saw this happen on another forum (The Coli), where a poster guessed LF did it and book readers accused him of spoiling things. Which thus spoiled everyone in the thread.
Tyrion not being drunk in the show is actually one of the things that whats-his-name and Linda (GRRM's book purist buddies) were bitching about in their weekly column that compares the episode to the books.

Despite the fact that they're consistently against any deviation from the source material, I do like reading it every week. It's fun to see the exact chapters each scene was from, and what was completely new:

I think they've missed the opportunity to show her body as well. Nymeria would have been perfect for that moment in the final episode of Season 3.

At the very least they had Sansa mention in episode 1 that the Freys dumped Cat's body in the river. So I guess if they want to expand the warg dreams to Arya and Jon this year, they could still do something with Nymeria and Arya.

they haven't really shown the harsh winter in the north have they? it's all sunny king landing, dusty essos or the wall/north of the wall where it's always snowy.

Yeah, its only fall but still, don't we start to get a some occasional snow in King's Landing sooner or later?


Okay, so after speaking to another mod, I want to make it clear that I'm not saying you can't be in the other thread. I'm like you, someone who read the books as they came out. And I know how incredibly difficult it is to be in that other thread and not make a misstep. So my warning is mostly about not wanting to see you guys catch a ban because you say the wrong word, dig?

Also, let's just generally quit talking about the other thread, since it's off-topic. Talk about the show, let us sort the rest of it out. As always, feel free to PM.


I love this post in the non-book thread.

"I'm hoping Jamie and maybe tywin rescues Tyrion. They're blood after all"

To be so right and so wrong all in one sentence. Beautiful.


Tyrion not being drunk in the show is actually one of the things that whats-his-name and Linda (GRRM's book purist buddies) were bitching about in their weekly column that compares the episode to the books.

Despite the fact that they're consistently against any deviation from the source material, I do like reading it every week. It's fun to see the exact chapters each scene was from, and what was completely new:


I can't stand to listen to those two whiners normally but I might make an exception for episode 2. How have they reacted to Episodes written by GRRM in the past?
Well, let's just nip this in the bud. No war, no harassment of the other thread, and no more trolling in there. In fact, if you're in here, you probably shouldn't be in there at all. If you let something slip -- and you will -- we will ban you, then play the Sigur Ros version of Rains of Castamere over your dead avatar.

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