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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


I hope so, and I hope it works. I want to see that smug "I have dragons" look that Dany is always wearing get wiped off her face. And I hope they bind Drogon, not one of the other two piddly shits that she doesn't actually care about.

Wow did Drogon eat your family's prized sheep or something? :p
Personality wise? I'm not seeing it. Though I'm sure they'll magically have chemistry when they inevitably meet in the show.
Dany is madd entitled to things while Jon is the complete opposite; has greatness and leadership thrusted upon him without ever demanding or expecting it. they're opposites, and opposites attract
Ned was Robert's #1 man in the Rebellion. Will Danny hold a grudge against the Starks as a whole. Will Jon have to pay for Ned's role in the rebellion.
Robert went after Rhaegar, who took Ned's sister. Ned's brother and father were killed by order of Dany's father. So family ties wise Dany's doesn't have a benign history there.

Ned also refused to assist Rob in killing her when news of her marriage to Khal Drogo reached King's Landing. Varys knew this, as he was on the small council at the time, so he could and should vouch for Jon.


Ned also refused to assist Rob in killing her when news of her marriage to Khal Drogo reached King's Landing. Varys knew this, as he was on the small council at the time, so he could and should vouch for Jon.

Yeah, 100% this will happen at some point. Too bad the show wasted Barriston, or he would vouch for the Starks too.


Neo Member
The episode was not that bad, but not that great either. Some things I liked:

+Jon/Sansa tension during their debate and Littlefinger lurking in the background
+The first shot of the WW was amazing
+Arya disguised as Walder Frey. It kind of surprised me since I though it was a scene prior to Arya killing Walder Frey
+The Hounds character developement is awesome.
+Brien/Tormund :)

-I'm tired of seeing so many episodes concluding with Danaerys.
-Sam getting so much screentime. I know he's very important to gather all the information for fighting the WW, but don't show me all the dirty work he has to put up with to became a maester.
-Ed Sheeran cameo. I couldn't take the scene seriously anymore as soon as I saw him.

After seeing the giants being revived by the Night King I would be pretty much surprised at this point if one of the dragons won't be controlled as well. Dany with her dragons is overpowered at the moment, so either at least one of them will die during the battle with Cersei's Army or a giant will bring a dragon down.

Also I hope we get more information about the Night King. We saw that the children of the forrest created him but that was it. I want to know more from the guy who obviously is the endgame boss.
Can the night king talk?

In the show the White Walkers at least have some sort of communication, as shown in the final episode of season 2, even if it's just screeches & shouts.

In the books their language is described as sounding like cracking ice and they laugh at Waymar Royce in the prologue to Game of Thrones so they're fully capable of communicating, but then they're a fair bit different in the books.


Just got caught up and thought it was a great episode and paced perfectly. I loved Sam's montage, it was hilarious. I do genuinely think Sansa will diverge from Jon on a major decision sometime soon and it won't be because of Littlefinger. She seems to have copped onto him. Thought it was the best opening scene of the series too.

Edit: fuck I posted in the wrong thread.


Neo Member
Can the night king talk?
I guess they have their own language but in the show it was never mentioned.

This is what Weiss said in an interview
In some ways, he’s just death, coming for everyone in the story, coming for all of us. In some ways, it’s appropriate he doesn’t speak. Whati’s death going to say? Anything would diminish him. He’s just a force of destruction. I don’t think we’ve ever been tempted to write dialogue for the Night King. Anything he said would be anticlimactic."

I think the NK speaking a few words in his language with subtitles would be nice. But more importantly - for me at least - giving more background information is necessary.

I can imagine Sam telling us more about the NK and the WW when he gets access to the relevant books.


Maybe he left some notes

I'm assuming he just acted it out or something with movements. So when he said he wanted Craster's male babies he would:
- first indicate fucking is about to happen. Either using pelvic thrusts or the always handy index finger through pinch. He'd point at Craster first so that Craster knows it's him and not someone else.

- then show off a pregnant belly by arching back and rubbing his belly

- then show off a baby by imitating he's cradling one in his arms.

-then to finally indicate it's a male baby, just point to imaginary baby's crotch area, then point to Craster's crotch area, and then pull back the baby towards himself to indicate that he wants it alive.

At least that's how I like to imagine it went down.


The Night King not talking would be extremely lame. One of the biggest mysteries is WHY the white walkers are attacking now after all this time. Why not ten years ago? Or a hundred? Are they merely just there to drown in dragon fire and a hailstorm of obsidian? I want them to be something more than just a zombie army.


Also remember how in the books the three-eyed crow turned out to be Bloodraven, a century old Targaryen whose very existence challenges your expectations for what is yet to come but in the show he was Captain Tree? REMEMBER?


The Night King not talking would be extremely lame. One of the biggest mysteries is WHY the white walkers are attacking now after all this time. Why not ten years ago? Or a hundred? Are they merely just there to drown in dragon fire and a hailstorm of obsidian? I want them to be something more than just a zombie army.


Yeah. Every scene of the Night King and his army is a great scene to me. Their story, their motivation, the land of always winter, where they come from etc. is to me ASOIAFs biggest mystery and interest.


So not worth it
So I am watching A Lego Brickumentary, which is a pretty cool doc, and then BAM smack in the middle of it they have Ed Sheeran and it totally took me out of the documentary, they even mention him by name. Ridiculous.


The Night King not talking would be extremely lame. One of the biggest mysteries is WHY the white walkers are attacking now after all this time. Why not ten years ago? Or a hundred? Are they merely just there to drown in dragon fire and a hailstorm of obsidian? I want them to be something more than just a zombie army.


Also remember how in the books the three-eyed crow turned out to be Bloodraven, a century old Targaryen whose very existence challenges your expectations for what is yet to come but in the show he was Captain Tree? REMEMBER?

Bloodraven is easily one of the most disappointing things in the show compared to the books. The book describes this dude who literally has a tree growing through him, and that's the best you can do? Really?


The Night King not talking would be extremely lame. One of the biggest mysteries is WHY the white walkers are attacking now after all this time. Why not ten years ago? Or a hundred? Are they merely just there to drown in dragon fire and a hailstorm of obsidian? I want them to be something more than just a zombie army.


Also remember how in the books the three-eyed crow turned out to be Bloodraven, a century old Targaryen whose very existence challenges your expectations for what is yet to come but in the show he was Captain Tree? REMEMBER?

Bran could see a flashback of the white walkers or something. Or not. I don't expect to see anything.
But Tyrion is almost definitely going to be alongside Dany in TWOW, maybe GRRM was going to kill off Selmy anyways but it still doesn't change the fact that he went out like a chump.

Barristan is going to die in TWOW, I'm 99% sure of that. The difference is he's an actual character in the books. In the show he was just sort of hanging around Dany for 3 seasons and then he starts Walking Dead-ing (that is, he's starts exhibiting personality traits and talking about his past) and then goes out for a walk and gets killed in a street brawl.
Barristan is going to die in TWOW, I'm 99% sure of that. The difference is he's an actual character in the books. In the show he was just sort of hanging around Dany for 3 seasons and then he starts Walking Dead-ing (that is, he's starts exhibiting personality traits and talking about his past) and then goes out for a walk and gets killed in a street brawl.

Yep. Given how unceremoniously he was dispatched with, I can't help but wonder why they even brought him back in S3. After his reappearance in the East, the only purpose he served was giving Dany counsel, which she completely ignored 100% of the time.

His "other job" was to be at her side for personal protection. Wound up never protecting her. Not once.

If someone told me that D&D hated Barristan's character and thought he was a useless, old fuckstick, I don't know how or why they would have written him any differently than they did.


Yep. I forgot that. Ned had resigned as Hand over Robert's desire to kill the 2 Targaryans.

Well, Ned really only cared about one Targaryan getting killed. Dany's assassination order is why he resigned.

Euron's going to get that dragon horn, right?

So he'll take his fleet past Dragonstone to go to King's Landing and then past Dragonstone again to grab the horn from where ever?

But Tyrion is almost definitely going to be alongside Dany in TWOW, maybe GRRM was going to kill off Selmy anyways but it still doesn't change the fact that he went out like a chump.

Selmy and Jamie have reversed arcs in the books. Jamie has shit for honor and then becomes knightly. Selmy is the most honorable man in Westeros before he wrongly imprisons the king of Marreen. Love their opposing stores.
Is Nymeria still alive in the books?

If they decide to bring her back on the show, I really really hope they do NOT redesign her. She was the cutest direwolf by FAR


Is Nymeria still alive in the books?

If they decide to bring her back on the show, I really really hope they do NOT redesign her. She was the cutest direwolf by FAR

Nymeria is currently roaming the Riverlands, attacking Freys with a huge pack of wild wolves as of the most recent book.
i think it leads a pack in the riverlands.

Nymeria is currently roaming the Riverlands, attacking Freys with a huge pack of wild wolves as of the most recent book.
The Riverlands? Isn't that where Arya is on the show???
Bran IS the Night King (in the show), write it down bank on it etc. It's hard not to notice how much the Night's King looks like Bran visually.

I'm afraid I don't see a resemblance, buddy.
1) Yes.
The preview to the episode has her seeing a wolf, it could be Nymeria.

2) Yea, Bran is not the Night King.

scenes from next episode's preview
I don't think that was Nymeria. Perhaps if the wolf pack is still a thing, maybe that one wolf growling and barking at Arya, will take her to Nymeria.


scenes from next episode's preview
I don't think that was Nymeria. Perhaps if the wolf pack is still a thing, maybe that one wolf growling and barking at Arya, will take her to Nymeria.
In the books, Bran isn't the only Stark warg, both Jon and Arya are wargs and she has been fairly constantly warging into Nymeria, so it's a different situation.
Anyway I'm so used to binging on Thrones, this is the first time I've watched the show as each episode comes out... The wait is unpleasant. lol

I'm in the same boat as you, this is madness lol

Yeah, me too dudes. I think I'm going to catch up on older episodes while I wait. Watched Hardhome yesterday - I think that's my very favourite episode overall. I love how hopeless the battle is, and how frightening the White Walkers are.
In the books, Bran isn't the only Stark warg, both Jon and Arya are wargs and she has been fairly constantly warging into Nymeria, so it's a different situation.
it would be nice if eventually we see Jon & Arya start warging but I'm guessing so far, they have not because of budget constraints.


it would be nice if eventually we see Jon & Arya start warging but I'm guessing so far, they have not because of budget constraints.

Nah. Like LSH, it's more to do with what D&D think works better for the TV adaptation.

IMO it's better having Bran as the sole warg in the Stark family.


Nah. Like LSH, it's more to do with what D&D think works better for the TV adaptation.

IMO it's better having Bran as the sole warg in the Stark family.
Yeah I think they dropped Arya and Jon's warging from the show because they wanted Bran to stand out as special more.


Nah. Like LSH, it's more to do with what D&D think works better for the TV adaptation.

IMO it's better having Bran as the sole warg in the Stark family.

Yeah that way each Stark has their own super power.

Bran - warging, time travel
Jon - chosen one, good fighter, resurrection
Arya - face magic, stealth murders
Sansa - mad sewing skills
1) Yes.
The preview to the episode has her seeing a wolf, it could be Nymeria.

2) Yea, Bran is not the Night King.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see the books take the angle that the world *literally* operates on cyclical time, but that still wouldn't provide a way for Bran to be the Night's King (and there's even less possibility of that for the very different vision that the show has for the Night King).


Yeah that way each Stark has their own super power.

Bran - warging, time travel
Jon - chosen one, good fighter, resurrection
Arya - face magic, stealth murders
Sansa - mad sewing skills


That dress she made at the end of Season 6 literally overnight... lol.
Is Nymeria still alive in the books?

If they decide to bring her back on the show, I really really hope they do NOT redesign her. She was the cutest direwolf by FAR



If we see her (pls!), she will probably be different. The wolves in season 1 were just dogs they had on set, now they film a wolf on a green screen and then size them up and impose them into scenes.
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