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Unseen 64: Metroid Series Development Insights (Prime Hunters, Metroid Dread)


Not a fan of La Mulana?

To be fair I've never played that one. But I have played (and bought) enough mediocre 'me too' bandwagon-jumping Indie Metroidvanias to be left with little faith in anyone pursuing dreams of competing in the genre due to too many of them concentrating on things like 'atmosphere' and 'isolation' at the expense of solid design.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Those games are still friendly, though. Nintendo simply isn't concerned with a large demographic of the gaming populace, the type of audience that would buy a Metroid game if the game was good enough and they marketed it well enough. The problem is that they don't see much value in it because it doesn't line up with their core vision as a company. Until that vision changes, until those core values shift, Metroid is going to wither and die.

I just can't validate your thesis on why Nintendo is abstaining from developing Metroid. If your reason was accurate, why would they fund Bayonetta 2, Fatal Frame, or Devil's Third? Much more niche games that cost a pretty penny.


To be fair I've never played that one. But I have played (and bought) enough mediocre 'me too' bandwagon-jumping Indie Metroidvanias to be left with little faith in anyone pursuing dreams of competing in the genre due to too many of them concentrating on things like 'atmosphere' and 'isolation' at the expense of solid design.
You need to play La Mulana. It's tough, but nails that feeling of exploration as you collect clues to solve puzzles incorporated into the level design. Make sure to keep a journal to write down anything you see, because you'll be consulting it often.


So they cancelled a 2D Metroid in an era where 2D metroidvanias are super popular and instead make a spin-off which no one wants.

Only Nintendo.


So they cancelled a 2D Metroid in an era where 2D metroidvanias are super popular and instead make a spin-off which no one wants.

Only Nintendo.

We don't know why it was cancelled or even if it was in active development. I'm not sure if I would ever describe metroidvanias as super popular either.


Really? Now I want a source.

It's right in the IA:

Iwata: Creatively, restraints aren't necessarily a bad thing. A lot of new attractive features come out of that.

Tanabe: That's right. At first, we were making a lot of individual allies as in a regular RPG, but when we decided to focus on stickers, in order to make a clear change with previous games in the series, it was like we started all over again by throwing out the system—including those characters—that we had made up to that point.

Iwata: You purposefully threw out the basic RPG structure.

Tanabe: Yes. We decided to make it so that players would face stronger opponents by throwing out the whole concept of experience points and levels in favor of gradually gathering stronger stickers.

I had actually been thinking for a long time that I wanted to get rid of the RPG experience points. In the Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland game, which Kudo-san and I worked on together, the player-character didn't develop at all. We adopted a system whereby they solved everything with money.

This time, we decided to do everything with stickers. We decided on a system whereby in battle, instead of attack commands, you fight by using the stickers you have gathered in the field or bought in town.


I just can't validate your thesis on why Nintendo is abstaining from developing Metroid. If your reason was accurate, why would they fund Bayonetta 2, Fatal Frame, or Devil's Third? Much more niche games that cost a pretty penny.

They'd rather have someone else make games like those for them than do it themselves. That's what I'm getting at, and that Metroid is like those games you mentioned. But because Metroid is associated with Nintendo, like Other M showed us, if something goes wrong, it will blow up in their face, not the other company.


We don't know why it was cancelled or even if it was in active development. I'm not sure if I would ever describe metroidvanias as super popular either.

The video states that it was in development for at least a short period of time. And yes, we don't know why it was cancelled, so I'm hoping they at least tried to do a lot to salvage the project. Not sure why their next choice would be to make a random spin-off though.

As for the popularity of metroidvanias, they're pretty huge in the indie scene right now, and as far as I'm aware they're doing quite well. Maybe that's not the best indicator of their popularity on Nintendo consoles though.

First, they didn't do that. Second, we know nothing more about this games' development aside from it being 2d and cancelled.


They didn't do it, but all we know is that they did it...?


Good video like normal. It really is sad to see how far the Metroid franchise has fallen. It was right up there with Halo for me as far as my favorite games goes. Maybe someday it will find it's way again and come back to greatness.
The video states that it was in development for at least a short period of time. And yes, we don't know why it was cancelled, so I'm hoping they at least tried to do a lot to salvage the project. Not sure why their next choice would be to make a random spin-off though.

As for the popularity of metroidvanias, they're pretty huge in the indie scene right now, and as far as I'm aware they're doing quite well. Maybe that's not the best indicator of their popularity on Nintendo consoles though.


They didn't do it, but all we know is that they did it...?
I thought you were implying that they cancelled it for federation force.


Hope you enjoy Chibi Space Soccer featuring Metroid™ things from the infamous Metroid™ series.

LOL. It's like Nintendo thinks we're a bunch of mature, open-minded gamers. Get outta here with that crap, Ninty! It's Super Metroid re-imaginings or nothing for this big boy.


So they cancelled a 2D Metroid in an era where 2D metroidvanias are super popular and instead make a spin-off which no one wants.

Only Nintendo.
Federation Force is a really boring take on a really interesting idea and that's more of a bummer than it not being a new 2D game.


So they cancelled a 2D Metroid in an era where 2D metroidvanias are super popular and instead make a spin-off which no one wants.

Only Nintendo.

For what it's worth, what really does Metroid have to offer as a 2D series that everyone else isn't already doing?
Metroid prime hunters was the first metroid game i ever played and i loved both the singer player and the multiplayer. Years later i played the gamecube metroids and saw what i was missing. I still wish multiplayer like mph would return to the series


That's a loaded question. When else has Nintendo waited with a gap of 5+ years between games in a series, just to release a spin off?

Well, there was a 5 year gap between Star Fox Command and the next Star Fox title, and said title was just a 64 remake...

Not exactly a spin-off, but I'd consider it only being a remake of a game that already exists a bit worse.
If they put out a good Metroid game I'd buy it. I just don't think they ever, ever will. If Sakamoto is involved it'll be shitty, and he cares too much to not be involved. A good Metroid game will require people in charge who understand Metroid and why fans loved it -- with no influence from Sakamoto. I don't see that ever happening.

Dude made Super Metroid lol


I thought you were implying that they cancelled it for federation force.

It's less them cancelling one project for another and more me being confused about what possibly made them think federation force without a mainline game (2d or 3d) alongside it was a good idea.

For what it's
worth, what really does Metroid have to offer as a 2D series that everyone else isn't already doing?

I don't know, I'm not a game designer. That's for Nintendo to figure out. Indie devs seem to be able to find lots of different things to do in the metroidvania genre, I'm sure Nintendo can too.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.

Metroid Dread still stings


Batteries the CRISIS!
So Nintendo basically thinks NST is shit these days, not even telling them Federation Force was in development. I guess that's unsurprising, as they've been put on C-tier projects for ages now.

That's because the talent left in disgust once Project H.A.M.M.E.R. (aka MachineX) stayed in development hell for too long. That game should have been out around the Wii's launch if not a year later, but as the execs kept shooting down the devs' ideas, time stretched on and people started leaving.

That's why they're on C-tier projects now. They have C-tier talent left, apparently.
He made Super Metroid over twenty years ago.

And Fusion and Zero Mission after that. Other M is rather an exception rather than proof of a trend

It's not even a bad game by general standards, I think some take that game as a personal offense
Wario Ware?

Launched the same year as wario world and only 2 years after wario land 4. They then went crazy and started releasing Warioware in rapid succession.

I don't think starfox command is a real example either, granted, it's bloody weird, but if you took away the touch screen controls which Nintendo was forcing in to several DS games even when it wasn't a good idea, then the thought of it as a spin off probably wouldn't even cross your mind.


Dude made Super Metroid lol

He was involved, but so? It was a different time. Lucas was involved in Empire Strikes Back. He got access to more modern technology and put ridiculous cartoon CG into the old movies and then made the prequels.

Sakamoto got modern tech and made Other M. Anyone capable of making Other M is not capable of making a good Metroid game. It's definitive. He does not get it.


And Fusion and Zero Mission after that. Other M is rather an exception rather than proof of a trend

Well...he had sole control over Other M. That tells you how out of touch with the series since he was Director, Producer and Sole Writer of the game. There are several other "great" ideas too, all of which sucked in the end because he was a dictator and couldn't handle that much power. Ambiance instead of Metroid-like music? Check. Chose the English Voice Actress for Samus. Check. Forced Wii Remote controls and First Person Segments. You betcha. Glowing Gravity Suit because it didn't look right in his serious cutscenes? Yup.

You can't say it was an exception when he had that much control and that much influence over a project, because it was the culmination of everything he was working towards. He said it himself. Other M was his Ultimate Metroid game. The Metroid game that finally surpassed Super Metroid. The series standard bearer henceforth, the game every other one in the series would be held up against.

And it was terrible.
And Fusion and Zero Mission after that. Other M is rather an exception rather than proof of a trend

It's not even a bad game by general standards, I think some take that game as a personal offense
The gameplay was enjoyable for the most part. The story and way samus was presented was such an affront that it completely overshadows any positive that could be brung up


And Fusion and Zero Mission after that. Other M is rather an exception rather than proof of a trend

It's not even a bad game by general standards, I think some take that game as a personal offense

Sakamoto readily admitted that he wasn't any good at 3D games. He gets lost too easily and can't ever navigate the space well. Kind of a funny thing for someone known as the head of a series based on exploration.

He's a 2D game designer. His staff didn't do Metroid on a home console after Super because they had no 3D experience- they stuck with 2D long after everyone else moved to polygons. That's why Retro took over on console while Sakamoto's staff stuck to the handhelds, where 2D was still considered appropriate (things are obviously different now with 2D games enjoying a huge resurgence).

That's also why they partnered with Team Ninja, to help them build a game in 3D and hit the ground running instead of wasting months figuring out the basics.

So yes, Other M was a bit of an anomaly in the sense that it was Sakamoto leaving his comfort zone and attempting to overcome his big weakness with polygonal game design. There's no reason to think a 2D Metroid made by his staff at this point would be anything less than a first rate game, as that's what Sakamoto is natural with. I personally would be more skeptical of a 2D Metroid if Sakamoto weren't involved.
And Fusion and Zero Mission after that. Other M is rather an exception rather than proof of a trend

It's not even a bad game by general standards, I think some take that game as a personal offense

And at one point, Nick cage was considered worthy of an award for best actor, for a romantic drama no less. Peoples talents and skillsets change with time.
Sakamoto readily admitted that he wasn't any good at 3D games. He gets lost too easily and can't ever navigate the space well. Kind of a funny thing for someone known as the head of a series based on exploration.

He's a 2D game designer. His staff didn't do Metroid on a home console after Super because they had no 3D experience- they stuck with 2D long after everyone else moved to polygons. That's why Retro took over on console while Sakamoto's staff stuck to the handhelds, where 2D was still considered appropriate (things are obviously different now).

That's also why they partnered with Team Ninja, to help them build a game in 3D and hit the ground running instead of wasting months figuring out the basics.

So yes, Other M was a bit of an anomaly in the sense that it was Sakamoto leaving his comfort zone and attempting to overcome his big weakness with polygonal game design. There's no reason to think a 2D Metroid made by his staff at this point would be anything less than a first rate game, as that's what Sakamoto is natural with.

False. Sakamoto wanted the game to be 2D movement in a 3D world in the vein of Pandemonium!/Klonoa. It was Team Ninja that insisted the game be fully in 3D.


Sakamoto readily admitted that he wasn't any good at 3D games. He gets lost too easily and can't ever navigate the space well. Kind of a funny thing for someone known as the head of a series based on exploration.

He's a 2D game designer. His staff didn't do Metroid on a home console after Super because they had no 3D experience- they stuck with 2D long after everyone else moved to polygons. That's why Retro took over on console while Sakamoto's staff stuck to the handhelds, where 2D was still considered appropriate (things are obviously different now with 2D games enjoying a huge resurgence).

That's also why they partnered with Team Ninja, to help them build a game in 3D and hit the ground running instead of wasting months figuring out the basics.

So yes, Other M was a bit of an anomaly in the sense that it was Sakamoto leaving his comfort zone and attempting to overcome his big weakness with polygonal game design. There's no reason to think a 2D Metroid made by his staff at this point would be anything less than a first rate game, as that's what Sakamoto is natural with. I personally would be more skeptical of a 2D Metroid if Sakamoto weren't involved.

And the story?


The fact that nobody's talking about the Hunters part of the video shows how little people care about Hunters. Even the people who don't like it more just don't care for what it is.

With the multiplayer dead, the game might as well not exist.


The fact that nobody's talking about the Hunters part of the video shows how little people care about Hunters. Even the people who don't like it more just don't care for what it is.

Cuz it wasn't very good or memorable. For me, the game was unplayable. I could never play it right and always got hand cramps after 2-3 minutes. Oh, and instant Game Over pits. What the hell?


He was involved, but so? It was a different time. Lucas was involved in Empire Strikes Back. He got access to more modern technology and put ridiculous cartoon CG into the old movies and then made the prequels.

Sakamoto got modern tech and made Other M. Anyone capable of making Other M is not capable of making a good Metroid game. It's definitive. He does not get it.

He also did Fusion and Zero Mission which both got critical acclaim and he also worked on other franchises such as Tomodatchi Life, Rhythm Heaven, and WarioWare. The idea that he's some sort of hack that stumbled his way into success doesn't make any sense. It's likely he's a very talented game designer in the business for thirty years who made a bad game. It happens.
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