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Vestaria Saga |OT| From the ______ of Fire Emblem



Developer: S_Kaga and Vestaria Project
Platform: PC
Genre: Strategy RPG
Release dates:
  • Japan: 5th September 2016
  • Everywhere else: Officially, probably never
Price: Free
Size: Approx. 400 MB


Vestaria Saga I: The Exiled Knight and the Star Maiden is a free indie (in the loosest sense) strategy RPG for PCs developed by S_Kaga and Vestaria Project. The game is inspired by S_Kaga's previous works and plays a LOT like the Fire Emblem series (for, er, reasons). It was created using the SRPG Studio software, essentially the strategy RPG version of RPG Maker.

First announced back in May 2015, the game--or the first part (hence the "I" in the title) at least--was released during 5th September 2016. Originally, it was envisioned as one title, but due to various limitations and complications, it was split into two standalone, but deeply connected games. Development of the second part is expected, but has not been formally announced.

Before continuing, keep in mind that the game was developed by one man and a group of volunteers and friends, with nary a budget. So do not expect much presentation-wise. However, their passion and love of the strategy RPG genre has created a very unique game experience, which potentially has the makings of a genre masterpiece.


Before you get your hopes up, the game is completely in Japanese. Since it's essentially a pet project, the developers simply do not have the capacity to create an English translation. As for a fan translation, well, it's complicated (see the "Download" section later on)...

Now, it is possible to play the game without knowledge of Japanese, especially if you're familiar with strategy RPGs (and especially Fire Emblem). However, the game is pretty dang tough, so you may have difficulty progressing if you don't understand the menus or what's going on.

Additionally, in his blog, the game's creator states this:
It's fine to introduce the game, but please refrain from mentioning my name or spreading topics about me.
What this means is that he doesn't want his real name to be used, nor does he wish to be the subject of any discussions. So if you want to discuss in this topic or want to share this game to others, please bear this in mind and do not stir up any drama. Basically, try not to make a big deal out of it and just enjoy the game : )


As mentioned, Vestaria Saga I is a strategy RPG. If you've never played one, it's a bit like chess, except during each turn, you move all of your units in any order you wish. Units can move as far as their movement stat allows. Once a unit has an enemy unit in their attack range, they can attack the enemy unit, reducing their HP and potentially KOing them, removing them from the map.

The RPG bit should be pretty obvious. As you probably expect, there's a grandiose story, with tons of dialogue and a colourful cast of characters. In fact, each unit under your command is a unique character with their own distinct personality, stats and skills that can gain experience and level up to become stronger.

The key part of a strategy RPG is using your units effectively to complete maps with the least amount of casualties. This is very important because like the Fire Emblem series, Vestaria Saga I features permanent character death. So if one of your characters kicks the bucket, they're gone for good. Better watch your units and keep that reset button handy...


What separates Vestaria Saga I from other strategy RPGs is the large variety of mid-stage events, which makes each battlefield feel alive and keeps you on your toes. The game could very well be the first "puzzle strategy RPG" since many missions require an element of puzzle-solving to complete or get the most out of.

Here's an example. During Chapter 5, the sixth mission, you need to thwart a coup d'etat, but the rebels have closed off the city gates and there's no way in. However, during the chaos, a ship owner has lost his daughter and if you bring her back, he'll ferry up to four of your characters to the other side.

From here, you can fight your way around the backstreets to reach the lever that opens the city gates, allowing your main force to proceed. ...And that's just the one third of the mission, which also involves figuring out how to deal with a pair of super-powerful mercenaries and how to rescue the political hostages on the far side of the map.

In addition, the game is difficult; the creator even asserts that anyone who's less than an expert at Strategy RPGs will be unable to beat it. This isn't an empty boast either, as people who have played the game can attest to its difficulty. Players will need to carefully strategise and use all of the resources available to them to reach the end.


Rescue Mode: For those concerned about the difficulty or who need a helping hand, you can make the game slightly easier by picking "Rescue Mode" (the option on the right) when starting a new game. In this mode, characters will gain more experience and, so long as Atol is fielded, characters will receive a minor stat boost.


The story in Vestaria Saga I is your classic heroic war story set in a medieval fantasy world. But since it's a S_Kaga game, the story is very well thought out with lots of nuances.

Long ago, the island of Vestaria was liberated from the clutches of the Dark Lord, Magul. Thereafter, the heroic warriors who saved Vestaria created their own nations and strove to forge an era of everlasting peace. Centuries later, that peace threatens to be shattered as the nations of Vestaria begin lining up for war.

While visiting the Kingdom of Meleda, an imperial ship from the mainland continent of Celeron was set ablaze. Believing this to be an act of aggression, the Celeron Empire declared war on Meleda. While repelling the imperial invasion, Meleda was dealt a devastating defeat after its allies pulled out or turned coat, and its king was slain in battle.

Zeid, the game's hero, is a nobleman from the Meledan Duchy of Redessa. Moments before the empire reaches his homeland, he is ordered by his elder brother Zechs to flee with Atolfis, the princess of Meleda and also the Star Maiden in the service of the Vesta Shrinedom. So begins the story of the exiled knight and the star maiden...

You can find more details about Vestaria island and the various nations here.



Zeid (Zeidreese): A nobleman from the Duchy of Redessa, a territory of the Kingdom of Meleda. With the Lord Asral entrusted to him by his late father, he must confront a terrible fate. The hero of this story.

Atol (Atolfis): The Princess of Meleda and the Star Maiden of Vesta. Has the Princess’s Charisma and Maiden’s Blessing skills and can heal allies with sacred staves. The heroine of this story.

Zechs (Zechsrias): Zeid’s brother, a hero to the Meledans. Serves as the acting commander of the Meledan military in place of his late father. He was engaged to Princess Atol by orders of the king.

Garland: An earl from the Duchy of Redessa with a tactical acumen. Although he was his brother’s right-hand man, after their defeat, he journeys with Zeid as his assistant. As a tactician, he makes cool-headed judgements, but he’s a complex person who sometimes shows an emotional side.

Alicia: A neat and tidy cleric who’s staying in Lucca Village. Perhaps because of some deep reason, she hardly talks about herself. She’s a kind-hearted girl who’s admired by the village for her healing abilities. Definitely not one of the seven maidens of the Shrinedom in disguise.

Caesar: A nobleman from Fral, a territory of Meleda, and Zeid’s best friend since childhood. He studied at the Vesta Shrinedom to assist the mage knights. In addition, he can protect himself from attacks with his Magic Shield.

Lytton: The governor of the Republic of Venecia and Zeid’s brother-in-law. He has a great understanding of Zeid and supports him both openly and secretly. He aims to reform the corrupt republic, which has created many enemies for himself. At home, he’s a good husband and father.

Valerius: The Archmage responsible for the Empire’s acts of conspiracy. He invaded Vestaria ahead of the imperial invasion and is working to prevent an alliance between the 7 nations. The movements of the Garakia Bandits are also a part of his plot.

You can find more profiles here.



You can download the game from the download button(s) provided from the official download page. At the time of writing, there are 2 buttons. The first button is always the official download link, while the other buttons are temporary mirrors.

Version 1.02 is the latest version of the game (with several bug fixes).

Before downloading the game, please read the (simplified) terms and conditions below.
1. Content: Property rights and copyright belong to Vestaria Project.

2. Copyright: The software is freeware and for public use only. Users are not permitted to copy, edit or redistribute the software in any manner without permission. If a user infringes on the copyright, the author has the right to seek compensation.

3. Disclaimer: Those who use or download the software do so at their own risk. The author cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the software.

4. Support: Since this is a free "fan game", no user support is offered. On occasions, information may be posted on the official website.

After downloading Vestaria.zip, simply extract the files using your favourite program. Then double click the Vestaria.exe file.

Be careful that there may be a long delay between clicking the file and loading the game, so if nothing seems to be happening, don't bother clicking again unless you want the game open multiple times.

Keyboard controls

Z (Enter): Confirm command/advance text
X (Ctrl): Cancel command/speed up text
Space: Skip dialogue and battle scenes
F4: Toggle full screen and windowed mode
F12: Reset game
A: Move cursor to previous character
S: Move cursor to next character

You can find the other useful information from this page.


Q. Is this just Fire Emblem?

A. Pretty much.

Q. Translation when?

A. I dunno.

Q. Why does the creator not want to be named or talked about? What's the history behind this?

After the fifth Fire Emblem was released, the creator of the Fire Emblem series left to make his own company and create his own Fire Emblem-like game. However, his company was hit with a lawsuit from Nintendo, which failed, but eventually Nintendo won a second lawsuit. Later, he developed a sequel, but his involvement was kept a secret. Finally, he retired afterwards and it's thought he created this game in his spare time with some ideas he still had.

Q. Are we sure S_Kaga is who we think he is?

A. There's no way to know for sure, but S_Kaga has been managing a blog since at least 2008 and many of his posts contain a lot of in-depth (and often previously unknown) details about the games he's worked on. Plus Vestaria Saga could be considered the ultimate proof of his identity. The other possibilities are simply too crazy.

Q. Is this connected, story-wise, to any of S_Kaga's previous games?

A. As far as I can tell, not really. The general world view is very similar and I wouldn't be surprised if there were some throwbacks sneaked in somewhere.

(More to be added once people actually ask questions.)






(You can use these to link to the game's official website.)

Note: This is my first OT, so feedback is welcome.


Nice OT! Will play this when I have the time. (Still have several games to finish before this).

It would be nice if someone could make a menu guide. Not a patch, just some screenshots indicating what each command means.


Oh good to post? Thanks Aveyn. Started prologue a little while ago, but until I'm done with my Fates Revelation run I won't be focusing on this.

I will say that this plays alright. Things are simple enough to comprehend with prior knowledge of menu and battle prep (or I could just look up what I don't understand). Making sense of stats and skills and how they work too. Adept proc seemed silly for example (Speed x 3)%. Like I said, I'll get back to it soon.


Will try to play it soon. Authentic Fire Emblem on PC without otaku bait sounds amazing, lol.
Nice OT! Will play this when I have the time. (Still have several games to finish before this).

It would be nice if someone could make a menu guide. Not a patch, just some screenshots indicating what each command means.

Been busy lately, so I only had time to work on the OT, but I can probably do that as well once I have some more spare time.

Silly me, I was pondering reserving the second post, but I'm sure I can fit it all in...


The portraits look much better than the ones I had seen months ago, they must have been placeholders.

I would love to try this game out one day, I'll have to see if people are planning on translating it, and who they are. I'm unfortunately picky about fan translations.
Is there a list of mission objectives anywhere yet? That's the main issue, my Japanese/Fire Emblem skills are good enough to do menus and gameplay I think but I'm not sure they'll be good enough that I'll understand the more complicated mini objectives or weapon/item effects.


Unconfirmed Member
So we will probably never see this in English then? That's a shame, I was hoping to play the easier version someday.


But since it's a S_Kaga game, the story is very well thought out with lots of nuances.
Fire Emblem could really use him these days...


Anyways, it is times like these that I wish I knew Japanese. I can't really learn it at the moment either; to busy getting Attic Greek down for my (potential) future.
There seem to be a lot of events in each chapter, which is totally tripping up people on reddit and Serenes cause they can't actually read Japanese lmao and neither can we


Wow had no idea Nintendo had done him dirty like that.

He got sued because he game was very conspicuously just Fire Emblem with the names changed. It sucks that his career had to end that way but it's hard to understand why he thought he could so blatantly copy his old game without repercussions.


Gonna keep an eye on this thread, hopefully an english fan translation pops up eventually.

Been dying to play a good old Fire Emblem for years now.
He got sued because he game was very conspicuously just Fire Emblem with the names changed. It sucks that his career had to end that way but it's hard to understand why he thought he could so blatantly copy his old game without repercussions.

I really don't find Tear Ring too much like FE really, the focus on Turn Counts lends an interesting identity beyond the superficial. I think he did get his name needlessly splotched.

I don't have the same level of sympathy for his occasionally rabid fanbase. Then Again, I dislike much of the FE Fanbase because of Overbearing Cynicism.

Game is solid though the UI isn't nearly as neat or smooth as the FE games, it's not terribly likely that I will return to play this game so that's alright. The Focus on Constant Events is certainly exciting however and makes up for it. There are quite the number of interesting scenarios.

I think I ought to PM QuixoticNeutral about this game.
Excellent. I can't play until a translation happens, but I know the internet will come through for us.

This dude needs to put up a patreon or paypal tip jar or something though...
I've been waithing for this!

Too bad about the unlikely to happen English version though.

Is it possible for them to crowdfund the translation?


I really don't find Tear Ring too much like FE really, the focus on Turn Counts lends an interesting identity beyond the superficial. I think he did get his name needlessly splotched. .

Do you remember the pre-Tear Ring "Emblem Saga" version of the game? That shit was shameless.

Is it possible for them to crowdfund the translation?

I hear there are technical issues related to SRPG Maker that'd make this tough but even if they're able to do it, how could anyone crowdfund a translation if they can't use Kaga's involvement as a promotional angle? Without that, it's just "a doujin SRPG" and no-one will have any reason to care.
Wow, thanks for bringing attention to this. I'm really curious about the japanese indie game scene, real cool to see such a big project come from such an unexpected source (presumably). The game looks really interesting, I guess I'll cross my fingers for a fan translation, but it doesn't seem like the devs really want that to happen.


I really don't find Tear Ring too much like FE really, the focus on Turn Counts lends an interesting identity beyond the superficial. I think he did get his name needlessly splotched.

I don't have the same level of sympathy for his occasionally rabid fanbase. Then Again, I dislike much of the FE Fanbase because of Overbearing Cynicism.

Game is solid though the UI isn't nearly as neat or smooth as the FE games, it's not terribly likely that I will return to play this game so that's alright. The Focus on Constant Events is certainly exciting however and makes up for it. There are quite the number of interesting scenarios.

I think I ought to PM QuixoticNeutral about this game.

I don't think there are as many of his legions of fans because they quit after 6/7/8, which were all pretty samey games (one thing he did really really well is that he changed the games up a ton Gaiden/3/4/5 are all very different games). That being sad, I think there are new fans of 6-10 in the states which are overly negative.

Two biggest reasons he got sued was the name, Emblem Saga and the fact that he took Hirota with him.


I'm in Chapter 2 now but I think I've royally fucked myself. I totally forgot about weapons having limited usage, and I'm close to breaking all my best weapons. :/


I guess someone will write a guide for those who can't read Japanese in lieu of a fan translation?

Honestly don't care about the story so the basics like weapons and stuff involving what's gonna happen on the battlefield is all I need.


I don't think there are as many of his legions of fans because they quit after 6/7/8, which were all pretty samey games, That being sad, I think there are new fans of 6-10 in the states which are overly negative.

Two biggest reasons he got sued was the name, Emblem Saga and the fact that he took Hirota with him.

Not to derail this thread too much, as I said I haven't tried the game due to waiting on story translation, but I just want to point out that seeing a steaming pile of crap like Awakening and calling it such and being disappointed in it and then angry that it has legions of non-discerning fans or just people who think that is the most FE can be...is not overly negative. Refusing to see what Fates corrects from Awakening in terms of gameplay is overly negative, but calling it out on its thoughtless story execution, weak characters, and tastelessly pandering art is not overly negative. The series currently has massive flaws that there's no need to paper over.

Massive flaws that make this game interesting to me. The OP talks of a nuanced and fleshed out story. The art is subdued like FE art used to be. There is no Avatar. When this gets a significant translation, I'll be very happy to check it out and if it lives up to its billing it will make me cry over what FE has become. Perhaps quite literally.


Acting like, say, 7 is the greatest Fire Emblem ever is, indeed, crazy talk. It's weaker than 6, which is already a step back from the Jugdral games towards the original Marth games but still a very competent game. 8 has a better story but a weaker cast, monsters, etc. The GBA games are still all better than Awakening and have better stories, characters, and art than Fates. Tellius is where the post-Kaga series gets truly interesting with PoR having a tight, ambitious yet constrained narrative, unusually fleshed out character drama for the series, Jugdral-like world building, and strong maps with more variety than the GBA games had. RD pushes that even further but sort of falls on its face in many ways, mostly relating to story and the RPG aspect of the game. Map design is superior to PoR.

Acting like FE didn't use to be perverted is also crazy talk. The games are laden with incestuous overtones, from Kaga days through at least FE8. The games also have long had romantically or sexually charged relationships with child-like dragon women or even straight up female children. The female characters tended to have extremely long and exposed legs. Swordmasters are the obvious paragon of this design. They often wear breastplates that are evocative more of a metal bra than clearly armor like and have their tunics tight to their bodies until turning into a skirt low-slung on their hips, i.e. suggestive of their midriff without showing it. Pegasus knights are the obvious paragon of this design.

Acting like FE, a series with deep reverence for its own archetypes (well that is dying), was never tropey in its own way or that support was never silly is also crazy talk.

Acting like difficulty is the only important thing in FE is silly when you have 776 before all GBA games and Awakening has challenging modes. There is more to good gameplay and balance than being hard and it doesn't paint the picture such fans want to paint.

That this is all so, doesn't get Awakening or Fates off the hook. The series has gone from internally inspired, often cheesy, melodramatic, and cliche to a series that tries to pander to a new audience it desperately needs and just throws out all its old self and hastily grabs at what is catchy without actually filling it in with anything. It has become less-subdued in art, more overtly perverted. It has become less concerned with telling its cliche war stories and just sort of throws crap at the wall, having clueless, barebones execution of story and world. The characters are more skin flint than ever and given otaku bait personalities. The waifu game has killed what charm there was in support and bends the story and gameplay systems to its will. It is not the child building system of SnK, which actually had a respectable place in the story.

Basically, Fates and Awakening are incredibly crass, whereas Fire Emblem used to have this nerdy earnesty to its execution and while people's totalizing language is over the top, there is a marked difference in how old FE was perverted and how it was tropey, etc. from how current FE is. That difference is to old FE's credit and new FE's discredit.

The silver lining is Fates Conquest's combat, which presents a new and creative FE challenge. It's a valuable silver lining but it doesn't falsify the above.


Errr, even fans of Awakening and Fates will admit to some of their flaws, and there's people who aren't fans of the games but who haven't screamed at the top of the lungs that this game sucks. There is being critical and there is being a wet towel (and trust me it's not so bad here as it is compared to reddit), from the days me and Neoleo were talking about there were was a lot of bad blood around FE6's release, albeit the international fire emblem community was much much smaller at that point. I'm just saying there's not as many of us k***tards left.

That being said bringing it on topic, can anybody confirm the artist was Hirota?
Added a menu guide.

Let me know if I missed anything. About to rush to do some last-minute grocery shopping...

I'm in Chapter 2 now but I think I've royally fucked myself. I totally forgot about weapons having limited usage, and I'm close to breaking all my best weapons. :/

Oops. Yeah, I'd probably consider starting over. Or maybe keep going and see how far you get, then use your experience for your second run.

I've heard the resource management gets pretty crazy later on.

That being said bringing it on topic, can anybody confirm the artist was Hirota?

S_Kaga probably won't ever admit to anything, although that said, he did admit to the identity of the game's composer.

My suspicion is that Hirota was too busy or didn't get the memo. The ones that look like her style are probably unused portraits from TRS. Pretty sure I've seen Zechs and Valerius a decade ago, but my memory sucks...


Errr, even fans of Awakening and Fates will admit to some of their flaws, and there's people who aren't fans of the games but who haven't screamed at the top of the lungs that this game sucks. There is being critical and there is being a wet towel (and trust me it's not so bad here as it is compared to reddit), from the days me and Neoleo were talking about there were was a lot of bad blood around FE6's release, albeit the international fire emblem community was much much smaller at that point. I'm just saying there's not as many of us k***tards left.

That being said bringing it on topic, can anybody confirm the artist was Hirota?
I don't see that very often. Mostly just see denial, false equivalency, and get-over-your-old-games talk, but I also avoid the community for that very reason. So perhaps it has hidden redeeming qualities.

But sorry for the wall of text. Just saw too much one-sided anti-fans-are
-unreasonable talk and it is something I care about.


I don't see that very often. Mostly just see denial, false equivalency, and get-over-your-old-games talk, but I also avoid the community for that very reason. So perhaps it has hidden redeeming qualities.

But sorry for the wall of text. Just saw too much one-sided anti-fans-are
-unreasonable talk and it is something I care about.

I mean, each sides of fans exist lol. There had been super obnoxious Fates and Awakening fans and then there is the extreme other sides where they only consider 7-10 is the best and another one which Kaga fanboy where only 1-5 is the best.

I myself is more of 6 fans lol.^_^ But i do agree that nowadays it is really difficult to talk about FE without facing all those complain about how the old times is sooo good, no fanservice and perfect story lol. When many of the new series also had its pros vs cons.T_T

Anyway back on the game,....... does the first mission allow us to save more ship or what? As 2 ship left me lol.T_T
I don't see that very often. Mostly just see denial, false equivalency, and get-over-your-old-games talk, but I also avoid the community for that very reason. So perhaps it has hidden redeeming qualities.

But sorry for the wall of text. Just saw too much one-sided anti-fans-are
-unreasonable talk and it is something I care about.

There's great analysis on the community at times (Arguably some of the best of any Fandom) but it's just shrouded in a terrible veil of cynicism.

Anyway back to this game, Yeah... If you're not an SRPG expert or dislike Trial and Error, you're not beating the game, it's even harsher than Thracia in that regard. This is a game for the upper 10% skill level of the Fire Emblem fan base I'd say.


There's great analysis on the community at times (Arguably some of the best of any Fandom) but it's just shrouded in a terrible veil of cynicism.

Anyway back to this game, Yeah... If you're not an SRPG expert or dislike Trial and Error, you're not beating the game, it's even harsher than Thracia in that regard. This is a game for the upper 10% skill level of the Fire Emblem fan base I'd say.

I really want to see a Mekkah/Dondon playthough of this game.

I don't see that very often. Mostly just see denial, false equivalency, and get-over-your-old-games talk, but I also avoid the community for that very reason. So perhaps it has hidden redeeming qualities.

But sorry for the wall of text. Just saw too much one-sided anti-fans-are
-unreasonable talk and it is something I care about.

The fanbase is just tired of each other atm. The community thread is just me and Chrom posting Cipher cards right now. Personally, I got really tired of the FE fanbase here when they denied that the Marth scene from #FE was not a deliberate callback to the famous commerical, and were just animuing to be animuing.


There's great analysis on the community at times (Arguably some of the best of any Fandom) but it's just shrouded in a terrible veil of cynicism.

Anyway back to this game, Yeah... If you're not an SRPG expert or dislike Trial and Error, you're not beating the game, it's even harsher than Thracia in that regard. This is a game for the upper 10% skill level of the Fire Emblem fan base I'd say.

I don't have any problem with the strategy part lol. But i sure as hell is very confused on how to maintain my weapon consumption lol. Need to use my inner RNG abuse skill again lol.

And OMG. RNG Goddess is having such fun time screwing my character growth right now lol. Only HP and Luck increase. What a great growth.T_T

Hot take: the majority of games in every major era (Kaga, FE6-FE10, 3DS) are bad.

This is the only wrong view lol. Average quality then i agree.^_^

FE1 nice
2 bad
3 great
4 great
5 nice
6 my favorite
7 great
8 okay
9 nice
10 nice
11 (Shadow Dragon) okay
12 (New Mystery of Emblem) Great
13 good
14 great.

THat is my own opinion lol.^_^
Hot take: the majority of games in every major era (Kaga, FE6-FE10, 3DS) are bad.

Every game ever made is shit and irredeemable. /s

I like to think that There's a lot of good everywhere and there's a lot of poor things everywhere, it's important that as many people as possible recognize both to gain a balanced perspective. That applies to videogames, people and society. Admittedly, while I grew sour on the Fanbase, that was the lesson I took from that experience. I was amused to find that same lesson pop up in Pokemon Black and White.

Cynicism holds the world back, Optimism pushes it forward at least according to basic Macroeconomic theory.


Oh FE12, you were filled with Trial and Error silliness, but I love you still.

Lol. Thats what makes FE great lol. I had one of the best team lol. I even can fight on par with all those crazy RNG abuser from Japan.^_^( I am abuser myself lol. I even make sure that none of the status reach max as that can make the character growth next time be more difficult lol. Thats how dedicated i am for that game.^_^)
Might be worth providing translations for the shop and stock menus too but I think you covered it well enough.

Fatal attack/dodge though? Pretty sure the kana just translates to critical in place of fatal.

Stock is covered, although it's subtle. Was thinking of shops, but forgot to squeeze it in.

"Fatal" was just a spur of the moment translation. I can say the kanji is different though. Critical is generally hissatsu, while the term here is literally "Fatal". I think Berwick Saga used the same term as well.

As far as I can tell, Fatal Attacks are exactly the same as Critical Hits, but I feel like I should differentiate them, maybe make it more exotic-sounding XD
People who complain about other parts of the fanbase are automatically worse than people who complain only about other games.


















is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Puzzle SRPG sounds interesting but I think Wild Arms XF already can lay claim to being the first one of those... also this looks neat, never knew there was an SRPG Maker tool. But the difficulty scares me, I'm terrible at the genre :(
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