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Video: Gamestop manager threatens to release angry customer's details over GTA V spat


It is not like there is a law mandating photo ID. On a night like that, might as well just accept any ID. A debit card, credit card, whatever. Make things easier on everyone.

It's the rules of Gamestop, you need an ID to pick up M rated games. It's their whole deal about keeping up with the rating system. If you get familiar with the staff and they know you they can be more lenient but the company hires secret shoppers to test if you're doing it overall.
Maybe I worked in retail too long, but I definitely sympathize more so with the manager than the customer here. The customer came across as whiny and clueless on how if a rule or policy is put in place, it has to be followed, and then acts all snarky even when he gets his way. The manager didn't handle it very well, but if the YT comment is true, it sucks that once again, an asshole customer gets their way, even if they were in the wrong, and the retail employee loses their job over it.

I've also had arguments with customers over the whole last name thing. In retail, regardless of how nice you treat customers, they're still going to hold you responsible if they don't get their way (even if you're just following policies set in place at a higher level), and it always comes down to 'give me your name and your manager's name' or 'I'll never shop here again.' I always refused to give out my last name, and instead would give my department, which would make the customers angrier, since once again they weren't getting their way. Luckily my managers would back me up though. There's no reason the customer needs to know that, especially given how easy it is to find people online.
She made a mistake and handled the situation poorly but if I had to punch somebody in the face it will definitely be the guy in the video for holding up the line and causing a stirr over nothing. I'm glad this got recorded and uploaded to YT so that he will forever be ridiculed.
You sound like a real peach yourself, talking about punching people in the face over being inconvenienced in a line.


It's the rules of Gamestop, you need an ID to pick up M rated games. It's their whole deal about keeping up with the rating system. If you get familiar with the staff and they know you they can be more lenient but the company hires secret shoppers to test if you're doing it overall.

On gta v release night? Come on...


Pretty weird stuff. She should never have let him pick the game up without proper ID in the first place. I'm sure he was making a stink about it, but too bad. If that's store policy, then that's store policy, next customer in line please.

It's obvious she was making a very poor joke about giving this guy's email away, so the way he reacted is pathetic and sad. Really, this guy must have very little opportunity to assert control over any part of his life, so much that he has to do it by antagonizing a manager at gamestop, where shitty experiences are all but assured.

That is not a defense for her actions, however. Both parties behaved like complete assholes, but only one of them had anything to lose, assuming she really did get fired. I actually hope she didn't, since she seems like a model fucking employee by gamestop standards, and anything that will drive customers away from that pit of despair is a win in my book. I'm only half joking about this.
It's the rules of Gamestop, you need an ID to pick up M rated games. It's their whole deal about keeping up with the rating system. If you get familiar with the staff and they know you they can be more lenient but the company hires secret shoppers to test if you're doing it overall.
If the customer wasn't 18, GameStop shouldn't have sold the pre-order in the first place.

Can someone confirm their policy? Will they take money from you on a pre-order for an M-rated game if you aren't old enough?
The real joke of this video is some arrogant prick standing in line at a midnight launch of a video game filming an argument to then essentially call the other guy a nerd. What a hypocrite.


On gta v release night? Come on...

Especially on GTA V release night. That's like, THE game you have to check ID on. That's like saying "Man, it's the Super Bowl. Do you really have to check my ID to buy this beer?" Yes, yes we do.

If the customer wasn't 18, GameStop shouldn't have sold the pre-order in the first place.

Can someone confirm their policy? Will they take money from you on a pre-order for an M-rated game if you aren't old enough?

"Trust, but verify" is a rule I like to live by. Someone, somewhere else could have screwed up and it takes 10 extra seconds to save your job.


Gold Member
Customer was a complete idiot and twat here, but the lucky thing was that he stumbled upon what according to the accounts here is a horrible manager and got her fired


I feel for people working retail. The customer is always right and you have to deal with rude and unruly customers while remaining calm and collected. That can be tough but it is part of the job. A district manager should certainly know better than to act the way this DM did.

On the other hand I don't agree with the people criticizing the manager for requesting an ID. It's an M rated game. Regardless of how old/young someone looks they have every right to card customers both to verify age and identity. I'm sure it's part of corporate policy anyway. I see no problem with her refusing to hand over the game but it certainly needed to be handled differently. A tough situation, but if that comment about the DMs past actions are true then it's for the best that they are gone.


He wasn't acting like an arsehole though was he? He was definitely in the wrong when it came to not having ID but that doesn't give gamestop employees permission to act in the way she did does it? She actively encouraged other customers to take part in a dispute that had nothing to do with them. She acted unprofessional and a bit mental to be frank.

You're right she should've done her job and not give it him instead she kicked up a fuss and then gave him the game. So unprofessional on all accounts.

He was raising a stink about not getting his game due to having no ID, and she went ahead and bent the rules and let him use a business card instead. She shouldn't have exploded, no, but there's a line full of people he's holding up and pissing off, as evidenced by the guy shooting the video, and it's a midnight launch, so she had most likely been at work for an extended period of time. I can't imagine a much more volatile situation for something like this to potentially happen in, to be honest.


What's hilariously ironic is that Mr. High-Five taping the incident actually got her fired with his video. More likely than not without that video she still has her job, abusing nerds for the foreseeable future!


I feel for people working retail. The customer is always right and you have to deal with rude and unruly customers while remaining calm and collected. That can be tough but it is part of the job. A district manager should certainly know better than to act the way this DM did.

On the other hand I don't agree with the people criticizing the manager for requesting an ID. It's an M rated game. Regardless of how old/young someone looks they have every right to card customers both to verify age and identity. I'm sure it's part of corporate policy anyway. I see no problem with her refusing to hand over the game but it certainly needed to be handled differently. A tough situation, but if that comment about the DMs past actions are true then it's for the best that they are gone.

That's my thoughts. The guy was obviously being an asshole because he didn't bring an ID with him and they were just following policy. However even if she was joking she shouldn't have threatened to release his information to everyone. I'm not going to base anything off possible allegations that some random person on youtube throws at her. I'm going to base it off the video. In the case of the video she was wrong but so was the customer. Would I have fired her for that? probably not. I would have certainly written her ass up though and warned her that if it happened again she was gone.
Gamestop employees have also been nothing but respectful and fun to talk to when it comes to my experiences. I despise the company, however, and I really don't don't understand how they work there. The whole pushing power cards and pre orders line of bullshit the company pushes is disgusting.


Especially on GTA V release night. That's like, THE game you have to check ID on. That's like saying "Man, it's the Super Bowl. Do you really have to check my ID to buy this beer?" Yes, yes we do.

"Trust, but verify" is a rule I like to live by. Someone, somewhere else could have screwed up and it takes 10 extra seconds to save your job.

I'm talking about secret shoppers. I have a hard time believing secret shoppers are monitoring midnight release of games. Either way, I hardly see how sticking to your guns on this helps anyone. I'm guessing you need photo Id to preorder the game anyway. So if someone shows up with their receipt and a debit card, might as well make it easy for everyone.
He was raising a stink about not getting his game due to having no ID, and she went ahead and bent the rules and let him use a business card instead. She shouldn't have exploded, no, but there's a line full of people he's holding up and pissing off, as evidenced by the guy shooting the video, and it's a midnight launch, so she had most likely been at work for an extended period of time. I can't imagine a much more volatile situation for something like this to potentially happen in, to be honest.

It's her job, she's not doing it out of the kindness of her heart.

She should've acted professional and not given him the game. She can't act like an idiot to then give him the game as if that cancels it out.

That's 2 acts of unprofessionalism. Anyway I have no horse in this race, he's an idiot, she's an idiot the guy filming it is a moron and a hypocrite.
If the customer wasn't 18, GameStop shouldn't have sold the pre-order in the first place.

Can someone confirm their policy? Will they take money from you on a pre-order for an M-rated game if you aren't old enough?

When I preordered the game, the woman who was setting me up was a brand new worker and a more experienced worker was walking her through. The more experienced worker told her she didn't have to check my ID until I picked up the game.

Not sure if that's policy though.


Extremely unprofessional. The customer was unprofessional too, but guess what; that isn't his profession, it's hers. He has no obligation to act professionally, she has.

She deserved to be fired.


If the customer wasn't 18, GameStop shouldn't have sold the pre-order in the first place.

Can someone confirm their policy? Will they take money from you on a pre-order for an M-rated game if you aren't old enough?

When I worked there over Xmas holiday some time ago you needed an ID for both times in case things happen like the first employee missed getting it from him. We don't keep a record of your ID. I've even had to turn away angry customers and made them go get their ID.


dude has a business card too? haha, his job is better too. prolly a network engineer at a big medical company, and shes somewhere browsing craigslist, a lesson in humility


Watching and hearing stuff like this is so weird to me personally. Every GameStop I have EVER been to have been nice and respectful to me since I was little.

One Incident that sticks out to me is when I wanted to buy Majora's Mask. The man asked if I had the expansion pack, and I said no, so he basically gave me one for free when I bought my copy of Zelda MM. This was in 2002. I was 8.

Also my local GameStop that I go to the most have the nicest dudes around. They actually let customers know when they won't get much for their trade-ins and recommend Craigslist or Ebay if the person really needs the money. Very nice.

So it's sad to see when others are having such bad experiences with GameStop only because I haven't. :(


Makes me wonder what the actual policy in Canada is. I've never been asked for photo id when buying an M rated game in ebgames (owned by gamestop) or any other shop.
I can tell just from the little bit of footage we have of the guy talking he came in being a full on dick. Hopefully GTAV helped loosen that stick up his ass.
Both people in that situation were in the wrong. The guy should have known to bring an ID, but the lady was a condescending asshole about the whole situation and acted very rudely to a customer. She could have handled that situation in a far better manner and deserves to be fired for her behavior.

E92 M3

Gamestop employees have also been nothing but respectful and fun to talk to when it comes to my experiences. I despise the company, however, and I really don't don't understand how they work there. The whole pushing power cards and pre orders line of bullshit the company pushes is disgusting.


I laughed at the camera man trying to act cool and trying to tell him to go steal when he's buying the very same game.


In what conceivable way?
She asked for photo ID and he wouldn't provide it.

Rules are rules. You have a pre-order, you need ID to pick it up.

Her sass was poor judgement, but I've seen worse from people. She made a joke about his email, which she didn't give out, then he went ape shit. He wanted to prove a point. The guy is sad and can't take a joke, especially for something so minor.

E92 M3

When you buy a car do you expect the doors never to have been opened?

A car's worth - for the most part - is determined by the milage. Respectively, a game's worth (sold as 'new or 'used) is fully dependant on the shrinkwrap, not how long the disc was played for.
When you buy a car do you expect the doors never to have been opened?
Way to compare two completely different things. People test drive cars, you dont test drive a new video game, and if you do, its called renting it and the game is then seen as used.


When you buy a car do you expect the doors never to have been opened?

I agree though, new games when being sold to customers as new should not be opened. At times GS allows employees to take some of those games home and play them so they can get familiar with the game so they can talk about them to customers.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
A car's worth - for the most part - is determined by the milage. Respectively, a game's worth (sold as 'new or 'used) is fully dependant on the shrinkwrap, not how long the disc was played for.

Except the part where about a couple thousand is knocked off a car's value after it leaves the lot.


I can understand why so many posters on this forum are keen to continue buying their games on discs from retail stores!

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
It would have been nice to see someone at the store say: "Yeah that customer was a bit of an asshole, but you know what Gamestop Manager person? You come off as the bigger asshole. High fives all round!"

Her sass was poor judgement, but I've seen worse from people. She made a joke about his email, which she didn't give out, then he went ape shit. He wanted to prove a point. The guy is sad and can't take a joke, especially for something so minor.

You honestly think that 'joke' was appropriate and that anyone would have found it funny? Shit, the last thing you want to do is antagonize the guy any further with stupid remarks like that.


Exactly. Dead on exactly.

It seems people defending that asshole have never worked retail and have never been on the other side of that counter when countless, and I mean COUNTLESS of douchebags like him walk in and decide that just because they're paying for something, they are entitled to be jerks. In reality, he's holding up the line, and it needs to keep moving. Get a proper ID next time, get your game, and gtfo.Especially on a launch date. Jesus H...

It does not matter what the customers behaviour is like. In a retail, customer-focused environment you always maintain professionalism. If you don't want customers treating you like shit then find another job, which is precisely why the manager got fired.


could never
It would have been nice to see someone at the store say: "Yeah that customer was a bit of an asshole, but you know what Gamestop Manager person? You come off as the bigger asshole. High fives all round!"

"Oh and you too Mr cameraman!"


Junior, please.
No, it's not. I worked retail for over 8 years and you are expected to take every single barb and ounce of disrespect thrown at you. I saw people fired for losing their cool.

Yup. It fucking sucks, and it's not the way things should be, but unfortunately it's true.

I'm glad this woman got fired. She handled herself appallingly, you can tell she's a total bitch.


Absolutely deserved to be fired. The customer said it best - "you wanted a pissing contest, well now you've got one."

You have two choices as a professional customer service employee. Politely help the customer, or politely refuse service and ask them to leave. Anything else is asking to be fired. If you are defending this woman you have a lot to learn about real - world business practices.


Dunno if that YT comment is even legit. But GS policies with how they deal with customers are the worst. I like when employees and managers avoid doing the preorder/trade-in question shit.

I haven't been back to retail stores except when I need to return online purchases.


I believe both parties were wrong in this sitiution, but why the hell did this dude us a business card? It is a Gamestop policy that you show your ID for pre-orders

Speaking of Gamestop managers, why do they always do this kind of stuff and try to get away with it?

E92 M3

Except the part where about a couple thousand is knocked off a car's value after it leaves the lot.

I don't want to derail this thread anymore, but it was specified that mileage isn't the end all be all.

Back on topic...

If was this case came on my desk for review; the first thing looked over would be her numbers and if she is profitable for the company. If she was, then a slap on the wrist would ensue. Obviously, as mentioned in the OP she fudged some numbers and I'm sure an in-depth review led to her getting fired.

Inversely, if she was a strong manager, I believe GS would have turned a blind eye to this and ride out the "outcry" for justice.
I believe both parties were wrong in this sitiution, but why the hell did this dude us a business card? It is a Gamestop policy that you show your ID for pre-orders

Speaking of Gamestop managers, why do they always do this kind of stuff and try to get away with it?

The situation is iffy. I mean, my Gamestop said to me 'You don't even need an ID to pick it[Pokemon Y] up, it'd make it easier but all you need is your phone number an email since you paid it off already.]

So it's not an issue of needing ID(Unless my GS is great). So is she in the wrong? Yeah. I mean, I work in retail. If I want to make it hard for the customer, I can make them jump through every loop there is if I damn well pleased. She was probably on a power trip. Especially with the stupid ass comments of 'HEY EVERYONE I GOT HIS BUSINESS CARD WANNA SEE?'.

Him coming back and asking for her info really isn't him being an asshole. You'd do it too.


This is complete bullshit.

It's not really your paid to be a organized team leader who sets a example. Remaining professional and keeping your cool is part of it. That usually involves having to deal with irate customers so the comment is correct as management she is paid to deal with the BS she should have done it better. Small mistakes can cost you.
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