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Videogame facts that blow your mind (SuperMarioBros. SHOCKING SECRET INSIDE p #70)


Did you know that Sonic's first ever appearance was on the side of a band's tour bus?

When Masato Nakamura was hired by Sega to write music for the first Sonic the Hedgehog, he had just made it onto the scene with his band called "Dreams Come True". Sega offered to promote the band's tour while also revealing the upcoming game's characters on the sides of the band's tour busses. This was the first time Sonic was ever seen by the public or media. At the concerts, flyers were also handed out promoting the upcoming game.

> > Read for yourself

Did you know that the ending theme to Sonic 2 is based off a real song with lyrics?

When Sonic 2 rolled around, Nakamura's band has become wildly popular and the band's sound would influence the game's music even more. This time, the ending song for the game would be the song "Sweet Sweet Dreams" on the band's latest album title "The Swinging Star" released the same year. This album would go on to be the most popular selling album in Japanese music history for the next several years.

> > Download and listen for yourself!


Dont know, if this is common knowledge here, but I think its mind-blowing, that it is possible to play virtua tennis on dreamcast waggle-style with bassfishing controller.

Years before Wiisports.


I don't know if anyone cares, or how obvious this is, but it blew my mind when I realized that Leo, Terra, and Celes's sprites all had the same armor paces, as they were all important imperial soldiers.


Prime Blue said:
You can't?

Don't even try to escape to the "acceptable quality" statement.
I remember what Nintendo Power said about this game...

"If Square had this compression technology, the PlayStation would be a relic right now!"




i dont think i need to said anything else, do i?



Don't remember if it has been posted before in this amazing thread but...
Yoot Saito (the brilliant mind behind Seaman and Odama) is responsible for the speaker built in the Wiimote.

Straight from Miyamoto's mouth:

"During the development of the controller, we heard from a lot of different people offering a lot of different ideas about what to add. And there were ideas about cameras and microphones and more, and we tried many of them out. But the sound teams in particular were very passionate about having a speaker in the controller that could make noise. You are probably familiar with Yoot Saito, who developed Seaman and recently Odama for the GameCube - he made mention that if it had a speaker you could have it ring like a phone...that sort of thing. And a lot of the development teams were excited about it, too. So after debating its cost and function, we decided to include it."


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
lexdysia said:
MGS series theme is plagiarism (debated).

I can't get to Youtube from work, but I know for a fact that the MGS theme (from MGS on the PSX) was "slightly inspired" by the theme from the movie Speed.


Kccitystar said:
Nintendo found out in Sony's contract that they would have complete control over anything released on this new SNES-CD format, so they got pissed and sent I think it was Howard Lincoln and someone else, I forget his name, to Europe to strike a deal with Phillips.

In a sense it was a big FUCK YOU to Sony.
You guys still aren't doing the whole story. I'll re-start it.

Nintendo got Sony/Kutaragi to design the SNES sound chip. Kutaragi later said that he had intentions on improving videogames that went far beyond audio. Kutaragi (or somebody) got a clause put into Sony/Nintendo's contract saying that as a SNES design partner, Sony had the exclusive right to make Sony-branded Super Nintendoes and their own variants of the system. Nintendo at the time probably didn't recognize that CD's could replace carts as a game storage medium, and thought having more SNES hardware out there could only be a good thing. Sony/Kutaragi designed the original SNES-based Play Station without asking or telling Nintendo, and Nintendo only found out about it when Sony started going after third parties, telling them to make their cames on cheaper CD's (and pay Sony) rather than making them on carts (and paying Nintendo). Square even made one or two games for Sony's system.

Nintendo told Sony to stop it, or at least cut them in on some of the action, but Sony refused. Nintendo went to Phillips and had them make a CD-i based add-on, so the SNES could play CD-i games. Sony found out about this deal the day before announcing the Play Station at CES, but they didn't back down, and specifically announced that they would get and keep 100% of the money on their CD's. Nintendo made good on their threat by unveiling their own competing SNES CD hours later. Sony said this was a betrayal and a stab in the back, and sued Nintendo, saying that they had the "exclusive" rights to make SNES variants. The courts said that Sony's right extended to other parties, not to Nintendo themselves.

After a year of bickering, Sony agreed to join Nintendo's side in exchange for the rights to nongames, but pulled out a month later saying it was impossible to work with inferior CD-i technology. Nintendo kept the system alive as vaporware for yet another year, until they finally gave up on it. Kutaragi called his next system the "PlayStation-X" because he still liked the name and wanted to take a cheap shot at Nintendo, but later tried to wipe this dark story from history by renaming the system the "PSone". When another division of Sony tried to take the "PSX" name and put it on a PS2 variant, citing that Kutaragi wasn't using it anymore, Kutaragi (at the time president of all things Sony) became very upset and blasted them verbally.
I have a few more, hopefully it's worthy of a bump:

1 - Another one related to Majora's Mask: the skullkid that gets possessed by Majora's Mask is the same skull kid who played Saria's Song with you in the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time. That blows my mind simply because he was such an obscure character in OoT.

2 - Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy VII are in the same universe.

3 - Every Final Fantasy since VII - save Squall - has been blonde.

Lightning in the upcoming XIII

Even Ramza from Tactics was blond.
Chris Michael said:
I have a few more, hopefully it's worthy of a bump:

1 - Another one related to Majora's Mask: the skullkid that gets possessed by Majora's Mask is the same skull kid who played Saria's Song with you in the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time. That blows my mind simply because he was such an obscure character in OoT.

What? It's a skullkid. That's like saying the Octoroks you fight on one screen in LoZ are the same Octoroks you fight on another.
Son of Godzilla said:
What? It's a skullkid. That's like saying the Octoroks you fight on one screen in LoZ are the same Octoroks you fight on another.

He said something (at the end I believe) that was basically proof that he's the same skullkid. I played the game eons ago though so I don't remember at all what he said.


Why did I click this thread and promptly view the 70th post. The happy memories of my child have been utterly ruined, and shitted on for good measure.

I know Miyamoto supposedly loves to garden on the side, but seriously!? Bushes=Clouds=Bushes!!!?!? Come the fuck on Shigeru.


I'm sure a number of people here already know this one, but some might not.

Conker's Bad Fur Day was originally going to be a completely cute and innocent platformer named Conker Twelve Tales.

Here's a video of the beta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNuIKBgZMcw

I think the market was saturated with cute platformers at the time, so Rare decided to take a different approach. I'm glad they did, Conker's BFD was awesome.


ruby_onix said:
Kutaragi called his next system the "PlayStation-X" because he still liked the name and wanted to take a cheap shot at Nintendo, but later tried to wipe this dark story from history by renaming the system the "PSone". When another division of Sony tried to take the "PSX" name and put it on a PS2 variant, citing that Kutaragi wasn't using it anymore, Kutaragi (at the time president of all things Sony) became very upset and blasted them verbally.

I was wondering why it's called the PSX. Even I don't like abbreviating it as PS1.

Chris Michael said:
2 - Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy VII are in the same universe.

No. I mean, I know why its said, and where it was evident, but I don't give a fuck, NO! Square-Enix themselves don't know what they say.
Son of Godzilla said:
What? It's a skullkid. That's like saying the Octoroks you fight on one screen in LoZ are the same Octoroks you fight on another.

No, at the end of MM, the skull kid sniffs at Link and says something like "You smell like that kid in the forest with the flute" or whatever.
Defuser said:

How the hell is that not blond? Are you telling me it's pink? :lol

FoxHimself said:
No, at the end of MM, the skull kid sniffs at Link and says something like "You smell like that kid in the forest with the flute" or whatever.

Yes!!! That's what he said. Oh, the memories...
Chris Michael said:
2 - Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy VII are in the same universe.

I'm pretty sure that this is just conjecture based on Shinra's
mention of being able to use the power of the planet or something to power machines
. I would take this as an off the cuff remark thrown in to an already jokey jokenheimer game.
(That I loved.)

I don't think there's any proof they're in the same universe though.

TJ Spyke

ruby_onix said:
You guys still aren't doing the whole story. I'll re-start it.

Nintendo got Sony/Kutaragi to design the SNES sound chip. Kutaragi later said that he had intentions on improving videogames that went far beyond audio. Kutaragi (or somebody) got a clause put into Sony/Nintendo's contract saying that as a SNES design partner, Sony had the exclusive right to make Sony-branded Super Nintendoes and their own variants of the system. Nintendo at the time probably didn't recognize that CD's could replace carts as a game storage medium, and thought having more SNES hardware out there could only be a good thing. Sony/Kutaragi designed the original SNES-based Play Station without asking or telling Nintendo, and Nintendo only found out about it when Sony started going after third parties, telling them to make their cames on cheaper CD's (and pay Sony) rather than making them on carts (and paying Nintendo). Square even made one or two games for Sony's system.

Nintendo told Sony to stop it, or at least cut them in on some of the action, but Sony refused. Nintendo went to Phillips and had them make a CD-i based add-on, so the SNES could play CD-i games. Sony found out about this deal the day before announcing the Play Station at CES, but they didn't back down, and specifically announced that they would get and keep 100% of the money on their CD's. Nintendo made good on their threat by unveiling their own competing SNES CD hours later. Sony said this was a betrayal and a stab in the back, and sued Nintendo, saying that they had the "exclusive" rights to make SNES variants. The courts said that Sony's right extended to other parties, not to Nintendo themselves.

After a year of bickering, Sony agreed to join Nintendo's side in exchange for the rights to nongames, but pulled out a month later saying it was impossible to work with inferior CD-i technology. Nintendo kept the system alive as vaporware for yet another year, until they finally gave up on it. Kutaragi called his next system the "PlayStation-X" because he still liked the name and wanted to take a cheap shot at Nintendo, but later tried to wipe this dark story from history by renaming the system the "PSone". When another division of Sony tried to take the "PSX" name and put it on a PS2 variant, citing that Kutaragi wasn't using it anymore, Kutaragi (at the time president of all things Sony) became very upset and blasted them verbally.

That story is almost all wrong based on every reliable account of the story i've read on the issue.


Bourbon Cowboy said:
I'm pretty sure that this is just conjecture based on Shinra's
mention of being able to use the power of the planet or something to power machines
. I would take this as an off the cuff remark thrown in to an already jokey jokenheimer game.
(That I loved.)

I don't think there's any proof they're in the same universe though.

Square-Enix actually mention it in one of their many Ultimanias for FFVII or FFX-2 I believe, which just proves they have one of those brain parasites from Futurama.


In No More Heroes, you can play with the 'ninja star' design on loading screens by tapping 'B'. The more you tap the higher the "star" will go and eventually begin to change colors. If you let go it will bounce back to its original position. Its kept me entertained many times between loading sequences.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
mrekim said:
Surprised noone posted this recent tidbit:


Note which letters have a shiny orange sparkle.


M°°nblade said:
Everybody will probably still remember the super mario galaxy 'UR GAY' boxcover, but it deserves to be in this thread.
Alaluef said:
U R MR GAY, show some respect, will you.

Also, i'd host that picture on tinypic.com or somewhere else.


MiamiWesker said:
Never knew about this, good god Wolverine's voice. No wonder it was canceled.

Except for Wolverine apparently being from Australia, the '89 pilot was superior to the 90's show in every way.
Mario's overall/shirt colors switched configurations between Mario 2 and Mario 3:

Mario 2: Red overalls and blue shirt.

Mario 3: Blue overalls and red shirt.

Mario's overall/shirt configuration would remain the same from Mario 3 onward.


Will QA for food.
Suburban Cowboy said:
In Super Mario RPG, when you use the Inn of a certain town (believe it is Rose Town) you awake in a room with a sleeping link.

I remember in middle school i went to see a high school rendition of Phantom of the Opera. In that production I noticed the exact same music as the theme to Rose Town. Not sure if one ripped off from the other, and have not heard the same song in higher tier renditions of the opera.



Thanks to TMK for the captures.


Miniboss1232 said:
Mario's overall/shirt colors switched configurations between Mario 2 and Mario 3:

Mario 2: Red overalls and blue shirt.

Mario 3: Blue overalls and red shirt.

Mario's overall/shirt configuration would remain the same from Mario 3 onward.
The Brothers seemed to have a fashion crisis in the 80's. Neither of them could settle on an outfit for more than one game in a row. :lol

For some reason it went:

Donkey Kong: Red overalls, blue shirt, red hat, blue shoes

Mario Bros: Blue overalls, red shirt, blue hat, red shoes (Mario) Green overalls, white shirt, white hat, white shoes (Luigi)

Wrecking Crew: Red overalls, NO SHIRT, red hard hat, blue shoes (Mario) Pinker overalls, NO SHIRT, pinker hard hat, blue shoes (Luigi)

Super Mario Bros: Red overalls, brown shirt, red hat (Mario) White overalls, green shirt, white hat (Luigi's outfit was reversed from his Mario Bros one.)

Super Mario Bros 2: Blue overalls, red shirt, red hat (Mario) Blue overalls, green shirt, green hat (Luigi) - Even though the box had red overalls, he wore blue as did Luigi in the game. Weird.

Super Mario Bros 3: Black overalls, red shirt, red hat (Mario) Black overalls, green shirt, green hat (Luigi) - Even though the cover for the game had Mario in blue, he wore black in the actual game. Even weirder.

Amazingly it appears Super Mario Bros 2 was the most accurate portrayal of both characters that would become commonplace with Mario World. Until then the uniform changed every game. And oddly enough, only SMB2 had more than a simple palette change for Luigi's sprites.

Therefore, SMB2 is the ultimate Mario game‽‽‽‽‽

Side note 1: Is it just me or are Mario's black SMB3 overalls really cool?

Side note 2: SMB2 did also establish Luigi's higher jumping ability. In both the US and Japanese games. More evidence.

Side note 3: Also, I have a trophy from the SMB1 era and Mario's overalls are red but his shirt is blue. Though the Bullet Bill is yellow, so maybe they were high or something?

Presenting the Politically Correct Super Mario Bros 2 and 3 box covers!



Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3, Yager, Eurofighter Typhoon and several other games all contain these 2 music tracks that are exactly the same as each other. probably some royalty-free generic atmospheric music.
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