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Videogame facts that blow your mind (SuperMarioBros. SHOCKING SECRET INSIDE p #70)


Composers back in the day had limited time and budget on the soundtracks they could make. A lot of them were avid music lovers, so it's not surprising that they weren't re-inventing the wheel when it came to making music for their games. They took what sounded good, and out of that came new sounds. It's how all music works, and game music is no exception.
Well...maybe Shimomura did borrow some from good ol' T-Square. :p I still don't consider the Guile theme to be a ripoff. The MGS theme is more along those lines, where they entire melody and structure was stolen.
Yeah I don't wanna call it a ripoff - I love the Guile theme, prefer it to the T-Square tune and it has many original elements to set it apart (the awesome bassline for example). I was fully expecting someone to reply on here saying 'oh yeah, Shimomura talked about these influences years ago', but instead people are saying these are wild coincidences...
Don't know how much this relates to the topic, but the Japanese version of The Punisher arcade game has a different ending, showing two photos.


I'm guessing the text is the same as in the US version, saying that the police were searching through the rubble and found 99 criminals but couldn't find Kingpin's body. I'd love to know if that's actually the case or if the Japanese text says something different.

Taken from this site:

Also regarding The Punisher, there's also a totally unused level on an airplane.
Yeah I don't wanna call it a ripoff - I love the Guile theme, prefer it to the T-Square tune and it has many original elements to set it apart (the awesome bassline for example). I was fully expecting someone to reply on here saying 'oh yeah, Shimomura talked about these influences years ago', but instead people are saying these are wild coincidences...

What's the source of the MGS theme?


I'm guessing the text is the same as in the US version, saying that the police were searching through the rubble and found 99 criminals but couldn't find Kingpin's body. I'd love to know if that's actually the case or if the Japanese text says something different.
It says something different. Something about how a great evil has been defeated, giving the Punisher a short break, but his crusade will never end as long as there's injustice in the streets (no, in the world!), and if evil is part of man's nature, then maybe the Punisher is fated to keep fighting.
It says something different. Something about how a great evil has been defeated, giving the Punisher a short break, but his crusade will never end as long as there's injustice in the streets (no, in the world!), and if evil is part of man's nature, then maybe the Punisher is fated to keep fighting.

Great, thanks! I guess they censored the photos for the US version for being a bit too "problematic". I'd love to know what's the source of the photos, that would be an interesting bit of info.
Yoko Kanno stole? Do tell.

Yoko Kanno stole a LOT. I cant remember the name off the top of my head (on my phone on the train) but there's a whole site dedicated to it, I'm pretty sure.

The Guile theme is definitely plagiarized, though. The music from Paperboy is also lifted straight from a little known James Brown song. Atari was sampling the man before hip hop got around to it.
You can check up that video first: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOy3AuB5PtI
There are parts 2 and 3 in recommandations on your right if you wanna check other stuff about her.

There are also long forum flame wars about that fact. I wouldn't be able to give you a link though, it's been so long.


Why are her fans so defensive of her? Sure, a few of the examples given in those videos seem more like intentional covers than anything else, but her "inspirations" are as clear cut as they are here I don't know how anyone can just chalk this up to innocent coincidence. I consider myself somewhat of a fan of her Cowboy Bebop score so I was relieved to find that only a relative few CB songs are rip-offs.


Doesn't one of the characters have a move called napalm death as well?

Edit: yea it's Sol's instant kill.

Also Ken and Guile's themes are blowing my mind. Both have obviously taken inspiration directly from those songs.


Neo Member
This shit is boring. Music posts blow. Who the fuck cares that one c# from Zelda almost sounds like a crescendo from Final Fantasy or some dumb fuck shit?
I bought BMX XXX recently for the Gamecube (just for laughs), and the disc didn't work - the Gamecube recognizes it if you go into the system cube menu, but when you launch the game the screen goes black and stays that way forever.

Irritated, I got a replacement and it did the same thing - on my 3 different Gamecubes and my Wii (cue naked girls on my Wii jokes). My friend figured it out:

This game is somehow not properly compatible with component cables. It does work with them, but it won't launch with them plugged in. You have to unplug them, let it boot, and then you can plug them back in and play.

Sorry it's not really in keeping with the thread's normal subject matter, but it does blow my mind that this glitch is even possible. I could understand it not supporting component out - though no other Gamecube game that I know of doesn't - but not working only to launch is weird.


Finding out about Yoko Kanno ultimately taught me I don't really care about plagiarism for soundtracks to whole products.


The controllers packed in with the SNES Mini redesign from 1997 even has "Super Famicom" and the 4-button insignia molded on the back along with "Super Nintendo". Same molds save money, and the SNES Mini was definitely a cost-cutting machine.

What? No way. I've got my old SNES Mini right next to me...

Well shit.

Just one more reason the SNS-101 is the coolest version of the SNES ever.

At least, that's what I've been telling myself since '97 because we were too poor to get a Super Nintendo before that.


This game is somehow not properly compatible with component cables. It does work with them, but it won't launch with them plugged in. You have to unplug them, let it boot, and then you can plug them back in and play.

I don't want to sidetrack the thread, but I think this also happens with Agent Under Fire's FMV clips other than the opening.

I tried playing multiple copies on my Wii and someone tipped me off it may be because of component. Never had a chance to validate.

Anyway, as you were everyone...
I had a bizarre thing pop into my head as I woke up. In Borderlands 2's Campaign of Carnage, Mr. Torgue sends you on a mission to kill a reviewer who slams a game he likes (Diamond Mercenaries 2).

After murdering the reviewer and several of his co-workers, the surviving reviewers ask that you leave them alone, pointing out that you got Torgue's revenge by killing the offending reviewer. Torgue agrees and recalls you to check in for your reward.

On your way out of the area, one of the survivors quips that all this violence was a pointless as the stealth sections in Triangle Quest 9. Torgue flips out, saysing that the stealth sections in Triangle Quest 9 were a nice change of pace from the regular gameplay. He changes his mind, and orders you to kill the rest of the reviewers.

Triangle Quest 9 is.....

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The 9th game in the series. In which stealth sections exist. And you quest for triangles.

No idea what Diamond Mercenaries 2 is. Hey, I just woke up, gimme some time, here.

ETA: Link to the mission in question.


Neo Member
You must be a hit with the ladies.

I'm as good with the ladies as I am derailing video game music sound-a-like circle jerks. So call me Ron Jeremy.

You could always tell us a mindblowing fact to steer the thread back into the right direction.

Sure, but I have no proof. I had a Pokemon Blue in which my MissingNo evolved into a Nidoking and had a dangerously large health bar that went up into the hexajillions (something like 10000000F and spanned across two lines in-game). Back in 1998 we had no way to take a pic and put it online and then I lost the game. So, I'd much rather sit here and tell those damn kids to knock off the music non-sense so I can enjoy when people post real content.


Neo Member
You probably don't realize it, but everyone in this thread are rolling their eyes so hard at you.

Do as you wish. Point is, people stopped posting about stupid song similarities and are slowing transitioning back into videogame facts that blow your mind. I got what I wanted.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Do as you wish. Point is, people stopped posting about stupid song similarities and are slowing transitioning back into videogame facts that blow your mind. I got what I wanted.

You've got a weird illusion of grandeur.

The conversation about it was basically already over. All you did was make yourself look like a selfish child. "Guys I don't wanna talk about this so no one should !"

Get over yourself.


That's not his point. He's saying that Wind Waker was the 9th Zelda game and people complained about its stealth section, and inferring that Triangle Quest 9 is referring to Wind Waker.

Any idea what Diamond Mercenaries 2 is referencing? I haven't played BL2 so I don't know if the game was being self-referential.


Any idea what Diamond Mercenaries 2 is referencing? I haven't played BL2 so I don't know if the game was being self-referential.

I think it is a pretty safe assumption it is referencing itself. Vault Hunter = Treasure Adventure Person = Diamond Mercenaries. The 2 is pretty self explanatory.
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