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Voltron: Legendary Defender |OT| Season 3 now up, Season 4 (cough) in Oct

Just finished the first hour long episode....


watching it with my teenager and we both LOVED it.

They seriously knocked it out of the park and I totally didn't know that Rhys Darby was in this!

For context, I'm a 33 year old man who, while I grew up in the 80s, never actually watched the original. So yeah, nostalgia has no factor into this as I wasn't ever attached.

Show is just legit guuuuud (^____^)


Just finished watching it. It was a fun ride. There were somethings like the old music were kept. Aside from that it was ok. The story is way different from the original.

It felt like the Thundercats reboot.


Gold Member
Also, just to note if anyone didn't catch it in episode 5 during the flashback it lists Shiro's full name as Takashi Shirogane.


I really enjoyed it. Although I didn't like Coran in this version, and I felt there was way too much joking and goofing around -- It could've done with about a third of that.

The best aspects are the animation and music.

Here some of my favorites from the original, these are two parters.

The Captive Comet
The Little Prince

(Voltron Force has a near-death experience before being revived and re-energized, pretty cool!)

Also worth watching:

The Sincerest Form of Flattery
A Transplant For The Blue Lion

[removed links, episodes are easy enough to find]

FYI, don't post links to non-official/pirate streaming in this forum, it's ban-worthy. I'd suggest you remove them and link to official sites to get the show. Clips are ok, full episodes can get you banned. Just because it's in youtube it doesn't mean it's ok, unless it's the official youtube site.


FYI, don't post links to non-official/pirate streaming in this forum, it's ban-worthy. I'd suggest you remove them and link to official sites to get the show. Clips are ok, full episodes can get you banned. Just because it's in youtube it doesn't mean it's ok, unless it's the official youtube site.

I see, will take out the links.


Just finished watching the first five chapters and plan to continue watching it after Db Super, and so far it has been good. The music is the biggest downside, together with the lack of narrated intro, you really feel like something is missing at the start of the episodes. The show gad been really interesting, and the humor tone has been somewhat hit or miss. I really hope that for a new season they go with the classic Voltron theme, and also we hear the classic "from days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend....."


I was really looking forward to this, but for whatever reason it's not available in Japan yet.
When I asked Netflix Japan about it on Twitter, they said that there's curently no date for it.
There was one electronica song in the show I loved, everything else was subpar. Where Korra has this beat is in action scenes and in music. This wins in writing though.

Nah Korra had better writing too. I love this show but that had a lot more depth to some of its characters. Closest this got was a little with pidge but it was such a small amount.

Im really enjoying this though. If they improve with the second season then that will be damn great.
Overall, this was a good start to the show. I find it funny how a uncomplicated evil empire is an anomaly in recent animation, though this perceived boringness might be alleviated if we get a look a their everyday citizens. Like others said, Keith is underused, apart from getting the biggest battle scenes.

I think that the showrunners don't have much control over how the episodes are split up and released, and those bemoaning a wait for a "season two" might be surprised if the wait is only a few months (as the case was with Peabody & Sherman.) Still, this kind of show isn't the perfect fit for Netflix's dump delivery method, though it is still quite serialized.
About half way through the first season. Feels like a pretty good kids show, but hasn't transcended that, Avatar eventually did so this may in later seasons. Despite the nostalgia throwback, the show feels very much targeted at the younger generation. This isn't Voltron for people that grew up on Voltron, it's Voltron for their kids, and I think that's the right move.


sword debut
in episode 3 was too badass.
Getter lines into iai slash? Daaaamn.

Soundtrack is indeed too weak for a mecha show (so far, at least).


Finished the episodes, im hooked!

It's interesting that this is not being handle as a traditional mecha show but instead as a space opera sort of thing
Seeing they don't even form Voltron every episode and there is a lot of pilot daring do
which is not bad, im really enjoying what im seeing i just expected
way more actual Voltron.

Can't wait for season 2. That's the bad thing about Netflix shows, long wait for a one day consumption.

Holy shit, Allura stronk as fuck!!
I finished the last episode earlier today and really enjoyed the season. It felt like the episodes gradually improved as the season progressed.

Now to hope for news about a second season.


The original Voltron is obsolete now. I loved the hell out of this, and never really had nostalgia for the original. Hunk and Coran were the best but all the characters were well-defined and fun.


Haven't watched it yet (got it queued up, though), but do you think we'll get Vehicle Voltron, too, maybe next season?

Funny, I wasn't a Vehicle Voltron fan when they first introduced us to him. When I was a kid, not knowing the history of the Japanese versions of the characters, it seems like Toei just flipped the script in us one day and gave this, what I then thought was, boring Voltron.

I later grew to like VV (though not nearly as much as I did Lion Voltron) and dug the fact that Toei connected both Voltrons together. Be cool if they brought back VV for this series.

And know that I've heard that Pidge is a girl in this series, I wonder if they do VV, will they make her sibling on the VV team a girl, too?


Just watched the first episode and that was painful. The constant shitty jokes, the over the top anime-y-ness, flat characters, bad writing, and the paint by numbers story.

I must not be the market they are looking for, I watched the original as a kid, and this fell short for me. I've recently watxhed the original on Amazon and this had too much "anime" for me. I'm probably out of the loop on anime TV shows too, but this just felt way too corney.

Two things about the dialogue :
Why did Alura tell them the Lions pick the pilot and then tell them which one they would pilot?
Why did Zarkon say he will get voltron back? He already had voltron but lost it?

I'll try watching the next two but if it doesn't capture me I'm done. Which is too bad since I have a friend that worked on this and she was really excited about it.
Show doesn't really come into its own until episode 4 fwiw.
That's a really, really long wait to get good considering the extra long first episode and that there are 11 episodes total. Episode 4 is nearly halfway through.

I chuckled a bit at episode 2, but I spent a lot of time just rolling my eyes at the show (just finished episode 3). It's keeping me entertained, but only just.
That's a really, really long wait to get good considering the extra long first episode and that there are 11 episodes total. Episode 4 is nearly halfway through.

I chuckled a bit at episode 2, but I spent a lot of time just rolling my eyes at the show (just finished episode 3). It's keeping me entertained, but only just.

the thing is the show doesn't really leave the first planet for a bit. And after that it has some pretty fun science fiction episodes.
I have watched 3 episode and so far I like it. I like how it does not take its self so seriously. Also how every episode is not them killing a Row beast with the shining sword.


Just watched the 1st ep. I really liked it- though was surprised how much humor was in it considering the original was way dark.
I like how they're telling their own story, with just enough names & characters to feed some nostalgia.

- was Allura an "elf" in the original? I don't remember that. A friend was watching with me and he was instantly like "who's Princess Zelda?" Lol


This isn't Voltron for people that grew up on Voltron, it's Voltron for their kids, and I think that's the right move.

I have to disagree. I remember rushing home to watch Voltron when I was a kid and this is better than I could possibly ever have imagined. Really excellent update that stays true to the original, basically (Sven is no loss).

Funny, too.


Just watched the first episode and that was painful. The constant shitty jokes, the over the top anime-y-ness, flat characters, bad writing, and the paint by numbers story.

I must not be the market they are looking for, I watched the original as a kid, and this fell short for me. I've recently watxhed the original on Amazon and this had too much "anime" for me. I'm probably out of the loop on anime TV shows too, but this just felt way too corney.

Two things about the dialogue :
Why did Alura tell them the Lions pick the pilot and then tell them which one they would pilot?
Why did Zarkon say he will get voltron back? He already had voltron but lost it?

I'll try watching the next two but if it doesn't capture me I'm done. Which is too bad since I have a friend that worked on this and she was really excited about it.

point 1:
It was kind of give or take type of thing.

Point 2:
Zarkon already had black lions switch/blade thing in the last episode when he was battling Keith in red lion. I thought that was really interesting.


Why did Alura tell them the Lions pick the pilot and then tell them which one they would pilot?

Yeah. You can't control the Lions, they choose their own pilots... but I'm sure all the rest of you will be picked and I also know which ones will pick you.


Just watched the first episode and that was painful. The constant shitty jokes, the over the top anime-y-ness, flat characters, bad writing, and the paint by numbers story.

I must not be the market they are looking for, I watched the original as a kid, and this fell short for me. I've recently watxhed the original on Amazon and this had too much "anime" for me. I'm probably out of the loop on anime TV shows too, but this just felt way too corney.

I have to agree with all of that.

I will say this, the last episode pays some major homage to episode 6 of the original series titled "The Right Arm of Voltron".


where the witch Haggar traps Sven, creates illusions of herself that spin around him only one of them is the real witch. Sven nearly dies and is MIA for many episodes and Allura takes over piloting Blue Lion
So general thoughts on the series.

Good art, CG looks good in motion. Animation is a bit awkward.
Mixed on the characters. They're very flat archetypal characters, and none of them ever really escape from being that. The dark mostly serious leader, the big eater with a big heart, the dorky nerd who loves computers, the overconfident flirty showoff, the brash soldier....Keith really doesn't have much does he? The drama presented in the show is pretty predictable.The character interactions are decent, but undermined by some seriously groan worthy humor. Nice to see a pretty diverse cast.
I do feel like the series improved as it went along. The first episode is pretty awkward.
Good final battle. Like the action both in and out of Voltron.
That ending is not okay. That is not a stopping point. There's a difference between ending on a cliffhanger, and shoving the audience into a cliffhanger.

6/7 out of 10.


I have to disagree. I remember rushing home to watch Voltron when I was a kid and this is better than I could possibly ever have imagined. Really excellent update that stays true to the original, basically (Sven is no loss).

Funny, too.

I think they actually took more cues from Golion than the original Voltron. It's cool that Zarkon's dudes are named the Galra Empire as a way of paying some tribute to the original of the original.


I'm up to Episode 6, as I've been watching this series at a leisure pace since it debut earlier this week. As someone who didn't watch the original series, let alone knew of it's existence, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It helps that the crew for this production consists of not only the people who have worked on ATLA/LOK, but in addition to several writers and directors that had worked on the awesome Wonder Woman animated movie that was released a few years back.

There was one electronica song in the show I loved, everything else was subpar. Where Korra has this beat is in action scenes and in music. This wins in writing though.

Was it during the pilot docking sequence, right? That tune was one tasty jam, and I hope we can get either a SoundCloud upload from the composer somewhere down the line.


Questions for those that have finished it...

Do they bring back the sweet music that plays during the transformation scene? Do they ever bring back the dialogue? "And I'll form..the head!"


First episode down, not bad. What really irked me was the music that played during voltron's formation bore no resemblance at all to the original, iconic theme.
Just watched the first episode and that was painful. The constant shitty jokes, the over the top anime-y-ness, flat characters, bad writing, and the paint by numbers story.

I must not be the market they are looking for, I watched the original as a kid, and this fell short for me. I've recently watxhed the original on Amazon and this had too much "anime" for me. I'm probably out of the loop on anime TV shows too, but this just felt way too corney.

Two things about the dialogue :
Why did Alura tell them the Lions pick the pilot and then tell them which one they would pilot?
Why did Zarkon say he will get voltron back? He already had voltron but lost it?

I'll try watching the next two but if it doesn't capture me I'm done. Which is too bad since I have a friend that worked on this and she was really excited about it.
Why does everyone magically speak English
Why can certain alien races breath in a vacuum
Why does every pilot in the team have to be the best or one of the best at what they do to the point they can do shit no student could possibly do irl unless they were genius levels

Just suspend disbelief. I admit that her knowing exactly what the personality of each person is immediately after meeting them was a bit funny but they had to get the plot moving, they already spend a lot of time on the first planet training and becoming better team members did you really want them spending another episode or two discovering which lion was meant for them?

I'd just rewrite it in my head that she explains what the personality of each lion is and thag knowing themselves and the group they'd pick which person was right


Sketchbook Picasso
I took Allura knowing the personalities of each Pilot, after saying "The Lions Choose you" to show that she has a connection with the Lions. They helped lead these 5 through destiny, they arrived, Allura told them why it was them.

They mention that the reason she knows where they are, is because she's got a special link to them. And we saw Lance "talk" with the blue Lion all the way from Discovery to down on Arus. It's not subtle or hidden that these Lions communicate with people in a major way, and she has the strongest connection of anyone alive, which also seems bolstered by her father increasing that connection.


On the idea of the characters being flat Archetypical recreations... I actually don't agree there. They're all easily more dependable and serious than the shows initial presentation would lead you to think. I expected Shiro to pull rank more, and be less understanding; I expected Keith to have no sense of humor, and to stay much further way from understanding Lance; I expected Pidge to shift a lot more after his family history was revealed. I was also pleasantly surprised when Allura showed how well she understood her own actions while trying to train the group in Ep 2. And so on.

I think they did a good job of presenting the usual suspects, but then diverging in their own way. It's a series that sets itself up to be a long-form work, and I think we saw a decent amount of bonding between the cast, within this first part.

I'm sure the more serious, divergent development will happen once everyone gets to make smaller, more focused groupings with each other. But I'm actually glad to not see the writers try too hard to make the characters original, in ways that would lose their defining traits. It's more groan-worthy, in the end, to push difference for the sake of difference, because then the shifts have no basis to exist, and no buildup to their decisions.


I saw someone compare this to the Thundercats reboot, and I can say the writing already feels better than that, to me. I spent a lot of time frustrated with how utterly stupid the characters ended up being in that show; They lacked in maturity that seemed to be earned, or that you'd wish was just a part of them from the get-go. Voltron skips a lot of the Melodrama that can come from a team trying to bond, and has characters that are actively looking for solutions, rather than reasons to stay mad at each other. The biggest clashes or disagreements only lasted a few scenes, before moving on to possible solutions.

I actually find that pretty refreshing.
What I'm curious about is their decision on Allura. With (major show spoilers on revelation)
Pidge being the woman of the group
and their interviews, it seems they want to keep Allura
on a political/leadership role instead of being a leg

Which would also mean that Keith
never becomes the leader and remains as the ace pilot

Regardless looking forward to the next season, especially on some episodes to expand the characters on the two, Lance and Keith, that were largely support cast this season and didn't get much development.


Junior Member
Thoroughly enjoyed the show. Watched Voltron religiously as a child, and loved everything about this reboot.

Hope the show is successful and we get more episodes. Also, I want the toys!
Just saw the first two episodes. Really enjoying the show.

Small theory but it seems like Pidge
is the girl in the picture right, and the guy is her brother? She's pretending to be a boy for some reason
Even though they don't get much focus in the first season, I do appreciate how Lance gradually becomes less of a jackass to Keith and how they start to get on friendlier terms as the season progresses. There's no specific episode dedicated to it, but that growth is visible in the background for a number of episodes. Especially by the time they team up in the Balmera. When Lance is being snarky with Keith later on in the series, there's a bit more of a friendly nature to it when compared to the pure jealousy Lance has early on. Even though this development is never in the forefront, the way it's presented makes it feel pretty natural.
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