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Want into the PlayStation Home Closed Beta test? Here’s How to Apply

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I hope I get invited...have not done betas in awhile :(

Random question...I was invited to GAP like 4-5 years ago but didnt respond and cant access the invite now :( Do you think Ill get another invite ever again? lol


Corran Horn said:
Random question...I was invited to GAP like 4-5 years ago but didnt respond and cant access the invite now :( Do you think Ill get another invite ever again? lol

the same thing happened to me!!!!


tha_con said:
Visiting my mother for a few weeks, she had knee surgery. She killed my PS3, slid it against the wall of a bookshelf while cleaning. I was doing yard work for an hour, had uncharted paused.

Now it'll turn on, no image, no sound, no DS3 response, nothing. It's in a coma, i suppose.

My condolences.
Bleh, there's no way I'm getting in then... I don't play CoD4...

DAMN YOU SONY! Why don't you make me defending HOME on NeoGAF one of the criterias??


Has anyone heard of Canadian Home testers at all?

I've done several betas for Sony, so I'm kinda surprised I was never asked. Will download theme and hope for the best I guess...


Pick me, Sony!
I'm a girl!

I've bought a fair bit off of the store, but I don't play online games. Hope that won't count against me :(



Home Beta details/update
Resistance 2 Beta details/update
SOCOM: Confrontation details/update

all in one day?

Sony on a roll?

LBP and KZ2 beta details/update next plz
tha_con said:
Visiting my mother for a few weeks, she had knee surgery. She killed my PS3, slid it against the wall of a bookshelf while cleaning. I was doing yard work for an hour, had uncharted paused.

Now it'll turn on, no image, no sound, no DS3 response, nothing. It's in a coma, i suppose.

Sorry to hear that con.


Firewire said:
My condolences.

Gonna call Sony today and see what they'll do for me. This is the replacement unit they sent me after my first one broke.

The huge downside is the 320GB HDD I have in this one, and like a genius, I sold my 60GB.

Epic fail.


Im euro and trough a good friend on GAF i buy usa content with an US account, ive bought like $150 rockband DLC, 1 year subscription of qore, and a shitload of PSN games. But because im Euro i probably wont get in. Lame.

Cant buy shit on euro store since i dont have a creditcard, and no PSN cards planned, stupid move sony, stupid move.


Nice! We need a whole lot more people in the beta, it's usually a ghost town when there isn't some special event or something.:D


tha_con said:
Gonna call Sony today and see what they'll do for me. This is the replacement unit they sent me after my first one broke.

The huge downside is the 320GB HDD I have in this one, and like a genius, I sold my 60GB.

Epic fail.

Dude, I just added you to my friend's list! We had matching monkey avatars... :(

G'luck getting another 60GB disk and getting it fixed...

Ploid 3.0

I got every Qore ep since launch, individually! I also bought a lot of psn games, and have a lot of munney in my wallet for Bionic Cmmando: R, Flower, etc. Pick me.


Suckin' dicks since '66
____ said:

Home Beta details/update
Resistance 2 Beta details/update
SOCOM: Confrontation details/update

all in one day?

Sony on a roll?

LBP and KZ2 beta details/update next plz

Wait what? What about the resistance 2 beta details?~!?!?!?


h3ro said:
Dude, I just added you to my friend's list! We had matching monkey avatars... :(

G'luck getting another 60GB disk and getting it fixed...

I'm contemplating getting an 80GB, swapping the drives, sending this back to Sony, and then...uhh...having a spare system?

EktorPR - Gamer Advisory Panel.
EktorPR said:
Stupid question: What does "GAP" stands for? And how can I apply to be in?

Gamer Advisory Panel. And Sony just emails you if you're signed up to their website. So there's no real way to definitely get in.


Elbrain said:
Wait what? What about the resistance 2 beta details?~!?!?!?

Well, nothing major...just that the beta codes are going to be distributed thru today's Qore. (even though pre-ordering will supposedly be quicker like the SOCOM beta)


bryehn said:
Has anyone heard of Canadian Home testers at all?

I've done several betas for Sony, so I'm kinda surprised I was never asked. Will download theme and hope for the best I guess...

I'm pretty sure I know of one in the beta.


bryehn said:
Has anyone heard of Canadian Home testers at all?

I've done several betas for Sony, so I'm kinda surprised I was never asked. Will download theme and hope for the best I guess...
Yep, there's quite a few of us. We're all grouped into one beta group for North America.


Zoe said:
Huh? I thought support would take care of your HDD.

I don't know, last time I got a refurb, fresh, nothing on the HDD. Good thing I backed up all my old data off of my HDD on the first unit. This one...well, the last time I backed up was pre-HDD install, which kinda sucks, but at least I have the majority of my save data (none for eden, which blows hard!).

But, if I get another system, i'll swap the drives and back up teh save files, and see how it pans out.
im really baffled as to how this thing is taking so long to get out. i mean...im NOT but at the same time, this better be the absolute bees knees to warrant how much time its taken. that being said IM GETTIN THAT DAMN THEME!


Ha! I own 30 PSN games with all the dlc and 11 disc games. I'm also a trophy whore with way too much free time in the day. If that doesn't qualify me for the beta, then they can cram it. The beta is currently full of people who really don't care. The way I see it, they owe me a slot. :lol PEACE.


Dot Hacked
We will be using a variety of criteria including activity on the PLAYSTATION Network to determine eligibility

I've spent 1% of my time logged into PSN (if even), never bought anything from the store and never played a game online. Oh and I think that theme is ugly! So theres no chance for me! :lol

Cool to see the raffle thing appear outside of Japan PSN though, its about time!
ScrabbleBanshee said:
So you guys posting that you like the theme are really being serious?

From the screen in the OP, it looks pretty awesome to me. Simple lines, not many colors, good looking icons... very nice.


In Europe, SCEE is also beginning their expanded closed beta, directly targeting consumers who have been most active on PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Store. SCEE will be in email contact with their PSN audience very shortly.

well, I even bought crappy pain characters so they have to choose me. The only games I do not own from the store are MK2 and toy racer.

Also, I downloaded every fucking demo in there, that should count as well. Do you hear me Sony!! *shakes fist*

Well, probably they won't choose me but instead my retarded neighbor that only plays neez for speez and splinter cell :(
Assembly Required said:
So.. I assume said theme will be up later tonight?

And early downloaders will never make it to the application list because as with most things they do with the store, things are sure to be out of sync everywhere and the downloads probably won't trigger applications until midday tomorrow... worst part is, you'll never know it.
angelfly said:
I've bought PSN games
I play games on PSN
I've linked my account to playstation.com
I'm in G.A.P

I'd better get in this time.

Same here, and I have been a Playstation Underground Member since 1996 :lol

Plus, I wonder if the people that beta tested Warhawk will get in. Hell, I finished 12th overall in the beta in points and that alone took a bazillion hours.


I'm a member of lots of PS related things. But all with stupid different email addresses.

I only ever play WH online (+a bit of Burnout!).

Despite that I have a trump card. I purchased Qbert. And a crapload of other stuff. Pick me Sony!

The theme is pretty nice IMO. Hope it comes on the Euro store regardless of Home lottery or not.

Ranger X

Cool. I will download.

But our activities on PSN sure doesn't give them a fucking clue why guy1 or guy2 should be good at beta testing there or not.

I mean i have 5 years of experience in quality assurance, i should be priorised in their selection really.
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