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Warren, Mich. Mayor calls Blacks "chimps", women "dried up c**ts" in secret recording

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I know it's fun to insult the dude's looks, but that detracts from his absolutely vile character, which should be judged foremost.


Those soundcloud snips in that article are something else.. damn

This is all just locker room talk though, everyone does it right Trump?


Has he resorted to the usual "whaaaaa? I didn't even know it was racist to compare black people to monkeys, I swear!" yet?

I remember that excuse being used quite often every time someone got called out for posting crap about the Obamas.



Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Looking like a chimp would be a step up for that guy.
lol indeed


I know it's fun to insult the dude's looks, but that detracts from his absolutely vile character, which should be judged foremost.
His vile character doesn't need detraction, it's painfully obvious. At this point might as well point out the hypocrisy of his sense of superiority in humorous ways. -)


The Autumn Wind
There is no infiltration. It's always been this way. History is a struggle to defeat those who embody the more vile parts of human nature.

People like this simply become more vocal and open when they feel emboldened. Trump's America threatens to be such an era. The one upside is that they expose themselves to everyone. But don't give up just because you have seen the truth. Everything that people consider progress has been made in spite of people like this existing and having a measure of power and influence in society.
I think we're on the same thought path here. I don't mean this is something new. People with these views have been in power for a long time now. Just look at the history of the KKK's efforts to gain ranks among our police forces. Unfortunately, I feel like we've actually been moving backwards lately. It's been seen as more acceptable to not only hold, but espouse these opinions. We just elected Donald Trump, after all.
This dude genuinely looks like an ape. And, given he apparently likes to indulge the most apelike parts of his psyche, he's more akin to one than any black person he's ever interacted with or seen and judged as lesser in that backward, disused lump of neurons he calls a brain.

I cannot wait until these idiots realize that America's not different today than it was 10 years ago, and the average person is going to hate them and their ignorance as much as they always have.

Can we just cordon off one barren state (maybe Wyoming?), evacuate the populace, and open it up to the racists so they can fuck off there, run their society into the ground, and leave the rest of us alone?


Residents have called for Mayor Fouts to resign after he said disabled people “aren’t even human beings.” He suggested the media had “a pretty brutal negative agenda” against him.

But have we considered not taking his words literally and looking into his heart instead!?
lmao get fucked


Didn't this guy get the memo? You just need to straight out call this FAKE NEWS. By the time someone does the work to show it's not fake, people will move on to the next story.
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