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Was Lost planet 2 ahead of it's time?

One of the game that I've miss the most is Lost planet 2.
(my ps3 was stolen a while back :( )

For some reason the game (at least to my knowledge) never developed a fan base as strong as other capcom games, even Dead Rising is more popular.

Was online game play scarce back then?
Were players confused in how to coop and tackle the stages together?
What exactly went wrong? Why was this game not as popular as HALO or COD?

Every time I go on Youtube looking for lost planet 2 runs,
I come across a new Mecha or some new dual team up attack that I've never seen.
The game has some really powerful 4 player coop moves and you can discover different way to approach a boss or stage by working together, you could even combine mechas and make stronger ones.
The game even has a grappling hook for crying out loud!
What more could we possibly want?

Some of the coop campaigns were very detailed , like the train stage had some players loading the bullets , operating the engine room and one player shooting the rail gun from on top of the train to defeat a shadow of the colossus type flying boss.

The lost planet series deserves much better than the way it ended with LP3 imo.

nail in the coffin was when I tried (And loved ) E.x Troopers LP
just to find out it was never coming to the west :(

Hey Capcom,
release E.X troopers in the West for PS4 , have some faith in LP

(I'll leave you guys with some screenies )




One of the game that I've miss the most is Lost planet 2.

Lost Planet 2 is great, but the PS3 version is pretty messy compared to the 360 version or the excellent PC version. If you have access to even an entry level gaming PC I'd recommend picking it up (should be super cheap).

Anyway, it's one of my favourite co-op games ever and totally misunderstood. Mind you, it didn't really help its own cause because some of the mechanics and controls are downright eccentric (in a good way for me).

Wasn't there a leak (not sure if verified) of upcoming Capcom games, and one of them sounded suspiciously like Lost Planet? Let us hope that pans out!
I remember playing the demo on Xbox Live when it was new and hated it at first, but I believe a friend and I got good at it and really liked it and eventually had a full team that beat it a few times. Never got the whole game... might need to change that, 360 is still hooked up though I remember hating the first game when I had it.


Unconfirmed Member
One of the most disappointing sequels for me. I was sorely disappointed it was a primarily coop game and even with friends none of us ended up enjoying it very much.

I absolutely adore Lost Planet 1 and 3 though, especially 3. It is kinda Capcoms fault for going in different directions for 3 games so it was never really a consistent series but 2 is definitely a game I don't really like very much tbh.

I do wish EX Troopers had been localised though.


Not ahead, but it has probably some of the best co-op scenarios of last gen. It was a big departure from LP1's single player focus though, which alienated those fans, and then new players struggled with the game's intricacies like getting stunlocked and stagger animations.

It's one of Capcom's most creative titles, big in scope and ideas but a bit awkward in execution for mass appeal.
I remember playing the demo on Xbox Live when it was new and hated it at first, but I believe a friend and I got good at it and really liked it and eventually had a full team that beat it a few times. Never got the whole game... might need to change that, 360 is still hooked up though I remember hating the first game when I had it.

The first game had great competitive multiplayer, and a good campaign. I got a 360 with Gear of War but ended up spending more time playing the Lost Planet multiplayer demo!


My favorite co-op game of all time. Wish we could get HD ports of LP1 and 2.

They definitely deserve the remaster treatment. I'm surprised Dragon's Dogma has gained much better treatment over LP given the popularity of shooters. The quality is up there on both franchises.


Junior Member
I thought OP was gonna talk about how so many publishers are focusing on persistent co-op action games and Capcom is trying to follow that trend with Monster Hunter World. Lost Planet 2 was kind of trying to do the same thing after the Monster Hunter trend hit in Japan.


I'm just here to vouch for EX Troopers. It was clichéd in a lot of places but I actually thoroughly enjoyed the game. It was such a shame it never really picked up, online lobbies were always dead even from the very start apart from perhaps a 2-4 hour period once a week and I think if it got off to a good start, with some good updates it could have turned into a really fun multiplayer section but with sales so low they didn't even end up releasing the co-op missions they announced beforehand for the first few weeks. Plus it had such a damn good soundtrack, easily one of my favourites from that gen.


It didn't review spectacularly-well, and as an unfortunate side-effect, the game was patched to appease reviewers concerns that it was "too hard."

In reality, it wasn't that the game itself was too difficult - it was that reviewers were ignoring basic gameplay mechanics and reviewing the game poorly as a result. If I recall correctly, IGN's review made it particularly obvious that the individual set to review it was particularly oblivious to anything other than aiming and shooting.

That said, when it was current, the game was actually quite active on Xbox Live. You could practically always find people to play with online, even in the game's abysmal PvP modes (the game was not built for PvP - it's only marginally better than RE5 in that aspect). As a co-op game, it's probably one of the better co-op games to ever be released, and especially one of the better ones of its generation.

My only significant complaints about the game are the PvP not being good (drags down the average of what's otherwise a pretty universally-great game) and the fact that some things can be potentially impossible to get (namely, there are titles that require getting to the top place on a leaderboard - and these leaderboards have never been reset - and acquiring all titles is required for two achievements).
Favorite way to spectate was to host a death match with the maximum players with the smallest map and then restrict it to explosive weapons only and a sprinkle of mechs/vehicles. The hilarity that ensued has since been unrivaled in any game I came across since.


The nicest person on this forum
I personally enjoyed original Lost Planet the best. I didn't liked LP2 because it was very Co-op focus game and I don't care for any MP or co-op and third game just went completely different direction. I heard it has good story but One I really love was the gameplay of original LP which LP 3 was seriously lacking.


I was so into the online too, hated to see the servers close. It was great being able to play against people across the entire world, and most the maps were very well designed. There were a lot of people near launch, but later on it was really quiet.

That's just the online multiplayer tho, I could go on and on about the Campaign. Really felt like a full package game.


It didn't review spectacularly-well, and as an unfortunate side-effect, the game was patched to appease reviewers concerns that it was "too hard."

Got a summary of the changes they made? I think I remember they altered the life pool, which was unfortunate as it forced you to play carefully, improving the overall community skill.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I'd love to see a remastered trilogy ala Resident Evil and Dead Rising. I played the Lost Planet 2 demo a lot, but totally missed out on the series otherwise.


Man I never did checked out EX Troopers for the PS3, despite enjoying the demo, and I don't think the language barrier would have been that bad.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
If anyone here has 3-4 friends who don't mind getting Lost Planet 2 on Steam or something when it's cheap, going through Games For Windows Live, and playing the whole campaign of Lost Planet 2 with you, Lost Planet 2 is seriously up there as one of the best co-op campaign games I've ever played.


Only played 1 and 2 and I'd say the main reasons why we haven't seen the series continue are

no memorable characters, incoherent scenario (2 was particularly bad here) and high barrier to entry - even more complex than Monster Hunter but lacking the amount of playtime or content for one to master the systems.
I loved LP1 but I hated LP2, it dropped a lot of what made the first one and it's hard to explain exactly, but the forced co-op feel also ruined it.


I think Lost Planet 2 was a case of being ahead of its time. While still kind of being very distinctly Japanese. Which is what I think ended up hurting it for the masses.

That's not to say that's a bad thing. Some of the best games are just that (Nier Automata is a recent example). But there was a lot of concepts and mechanics which were around that.

Lost Planet 2 is a lot of Resident Evil Outbreak. Which falls into a similar boat. Regardless of that it's a shame they didn't try that style again with a bit more finesse for the masses. Since even now it'd be a pretty unique experience for a lot of people. However I did like LP3 for what it was though.


How much knowledge of Japanese is needed for EX troopers? Is there a lot of menus and text or is the game more linear like the first?


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Lost Planet 1 was certainly ahead of its time - it looked amazing, had great and skillful controls and it was a challenge to get 100% Achievements with. Getting that 100% back then was quite a feat since it was so rare but I love difficult challenges.

I don't think I even bought Lost Planet 2 though.
Yeah, that train level man... just so cool. I absolutely loved this game. I've been dying for more coop games like this, and I was really disappointed by its negative reception.
Hands donwn my favorite co-op experience in last 2 generations so far. It was ahead of its time.. it was like a monster hunter game wrapped up in a 3rd person acrobatic shooter
Lost Planet 2 was amazing.

Capcom definitely had a knack for designing cooperative games, and this title was one of their best. The only disappointing aspect was the rather messy final area. Everything else was gold though.

Too bad there's no chance of a GFWL-less version. Another amazing PC port that'll never get the attention it deserves.


Put hundreds of hours into that game for some strange reason, well other than the fact that it was fun and the cosmetics were interesting enough for me to keep on playing. The co-op was good but it definitely had it's shortcomings like those bugs at that crazy train level...Thank whoever/whatever the hell was responsible for patching things up. Oh yeah and the impossible achievements the gsme had, did they ever patch things up?
All in all, a very enjoyable game for me, don't know if I would like to revisit it again as I just stopped playing it one day without any clear reason.

And yes, we need E.X. Troopers translated on the PS4 or whatever they want to release it on.
Part of the bad reception I think was the hard turn in to a co-op focused game. In hindsight, I'm not entirely sure why I never played it though. I think it got pretty bad impressions from previews and then didn't review all too well. It's one of my biggest gaming regrets because thinking back on it, I'd totally be down for that type of game. Still would actually.
It took everything original about the shooting mechanics and made it like every other TPS. I would have gladly taken more of the LP1 approach with added coop. It wasn't terrible but not very memorable.


A significant reduction in preparers because the reviews were very bad.

Look at the IGN one, I remember it vividly. They complained that you were guaranteed to be hit. They didn't know about the invincibility frames on the dodges. Basically, the west hated Monster Hunter then, and they old to understand Lost Planet either. It says in a review, that you had to have a certain about of lives for the boss otherwise it wasn't possible.

I love the game. MP was a step down though.

What the fuck game are those screenshots from


the first Lost Planet was my most played MP game last gen and seemed pretty popular for the first year or so, I had a huge group of friends that played it religiously too, almost all of them were disappointed with the MP and shooting mechanics in the sequel. The co-op campaign was fun but the it seemed like the online community that loved the original all gave up on the sequel within a few weeks after it launched.
Ahead of its time? I don't think so, but it was a fantastic game. Still hoping for backwards compatibility for both 1 and 2 on the Xbone.


No, it was not. It was very much a post-Monster Hunter release, so the concept isn't new, and isn't new even for Capcom. The reason why it failed it because it took a brand known for one thing, and tried to make it something else. People who didn't like Lost Planet 1 might not have bothered to check out Lost Planet 2, and people who loved Lost Planet 1 might be turned off by what Lost Planet 2 became. Lose-lose. The segment of fans who liked Lost Planet 2 for what it was were small and unable to sustain what it wanted to be. Another craptastic decision by Capcom which ended up pleasing no one.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
No, it was not. It was very much a post-Monster Hunter release, so the concept isn't new, and isn't new even for Capcom. The reason why it failed it because it took a brand known for one thing, and tried to make it something else. People who didn't like Lost Planet 1 might not have bothered to check out Lost Planet 2, and people who loved Lost Planet 1 might be turned off by what Lost Planet 2 became. Lose-lose. The segment of fans who liked Lost Planet 2 for what it was were small and unable to sustain what it wanted to be. Another craptastic decision by Capcom which ended up pleasing no one.

Not just Monster Hunter, Lost Planet 2 to me seemed like if you took the first Lost Planet, Resident Evil 5, and Monster Hunter and put it into a blender.

Resident Evil 5 not just because it's a Capcom co-op game, but it has some of RE5's mechanics in it in its co-op design and it has Resident Evil 5 assets and stuff in it.

It wasn't ahead of its time like this topic is saying, and it suffered from trying to be something drastically different than the first LP game and going against what the series presented itself as at first (though the series would go on where all four entries are drastically different), but I think it was a really good co-op game.


Not just Monster Hunter, Lost Planet 2 to me seemed like if you took the first Lost Planet, Resident Evil 5, and Monster Hunter and put it into a blender.

Resident Evil 5 not just because it's a Capcom co-op game, but it has some of RE5's mechanics in it in its co-op design and it has Resident Evil 5 assets and stuff in it.

It wasn't ahead of its time like this topic is saying, but I think it was a really good co-op game.

I'm saying whether it was a good game or not doesn't matter. Branding is important in entertainment. Nevermind the specific mechanics in the game, but when you make a game that revolves entirely around a 4-player-ish co-op campaign where you fight giant monster bosses, it's going after the Monster Hunter crowd rather than Lost Planet or Resident Evil. The main appeal is obvious.
I heard the reason EX Troopers never made it to the West was because all the dialogue boxes were hand drawn, meaning it would be too much effort to localise. It's a shame because I'd definitely have liked to play it.


Guess I'm the odd one out here. Although it's kind of my own fault, playing it mostly as a SP game.

Ended up disliking it immensely and felt the enemies just took too many hits to bring down. I was glad when LP3 turned out as well as it did and went back to being a SP experience like the first.

I still think about LP2's scope though from time to time. Can't say the game wasn't trying to be "big".
Have such great memories from Lost Planet 2. I remember teaming up with another PSN player from Greece and we just met up every night to play through the campaign. It just had this huge sense of scale, a variety of mechanics, great enemies, and varied level design. Walking underwater with a mech was just awesome.

For some reason reviews trashed it and they ditched that entire blueprint and came up with the lackluster LP3.
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