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Watch Dogs delayed until the Spring of 2014 (after April 1st)


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I couldn't help but feel a bit happy at this news. Watching everyone all excited for it, and I'm thinking to myself the whole time what exactly is the big deal.

Spring is looking fantastic, and hopefully the added dev time gives Ubisoft time to polish it up and make an awesome game. As it stands now Ubisoft needs to slow down. I'm actually excited for Watch Dogs now because I know the odds of it being a rushed piece of shit have dwindled substantially. Look at what the delay did for Grand Theft Auto V. Technical issues aside which were the fault of the hardware, that game was proof that open world games benefit a lot from this kind of thing.

Launch is already fantastic for either system. Unless you really dislike (console) shooters chances are you're excited for BF4, Ghosts, Killzone, or any combination of the three. These are fully realized AAA shooters. At launch.


Ugh, this really sucks. I was very much looking forward to playing this in a few weeks.

I saw a demo of this at NYCC this past weekend. The looks really fun, the "next-gen" visuals look fantastic (they were showing the PC version), and I love the themes presented in the game.

Oh well, I can't blame them if they want to put some distance between themselves and GTAV (or whatever the reason might be).
I might actually buy this now. Gives me time to get used to PS4 and get bored of Ghosts.

E3 reveal had me hyped for the game but that's fallen off now in favour of other games.

Games I know will be decent.

After i've burned through the games I pick up at launch I'll be sure to pick this up, as it will likely be a quiet period for next-gen.


This actually increases the chances of me ever buying this game. Wasn't going to play this at launch alongside KZ, Driveclub and Resogun. Might be a post-launch lull next year that this could fit into.
Why? Because of the exclusive DLC?

I seriously hate that crap and developers should not make such deals.

There are PS4 Watch Dogs bundles available from Amazon. As of right now I don't think Amazon has made any comments on what will happen to those pre-orders. If this causes any hiccups in their pre-orders Sony won't be too happy.


Well that sucks ass, because Watch_Dogs was one of the few games I wanted for the PS4 launch. Oh well, more time to spend on GTA Online I guess.


Amazon just commented on the situation.

For those of you who pre-order the Watch Dogs PlayStation 4 bundle—don’t worry—you will still be getting your Playstation 4 (without Watch Dogs) based on your current delivery estimate. We are adjusting the orders now and will update you once we know more.
Really? They announce this a month before release? Now the only launch window games I'm interested on in PS4 are FPSs. Well retail at least. Fuck, and 2014 is already stacked anyway so it's not like it's needed there. Then again if the delay means no pop in and a stable framerate I guess that's good, but if I handled GTA V I think I'll be fine on that front.

i had Watch_Dogs, BF4, and KZ:SF ordered. now I'm looking at two shooters and nothing to break them up. I had a deal on them too, $40 each. the PS+ benefits are the saving grace here with DriveClub, Resogun, Ponchos and others.

and there is no way im going to pay $60 for an Assassins Creed game, it will probably be $40 by christmas


Wowza, Watch Dogs was my second-most anticipated game to play on my new PS4. Guess I'll be spending more time on BF4 and Knack.
If you're getting Infamous which releases in February, why cancel and possibly not have the system available? It's not like it's going to go down in price for quite some time (1 1/2 to 2 years probably). By then you'll be done with Assassin's Creed, and there are the PS+ games like Drive Club and Outlast to fool around with.

Just seems kind of silly to cancel when you're going to want to pick it up almost right off the bat again.

Yeah - that's a totally fair point and something I've considered.

Unfortunately, I don't have too much money to spend right now anyway. So losing the launch game I was anticipating most makes it hard for me to justify spending $400 right now. I hope to have a bit more expendable income come Feb/March.

Outlast looks awesome, but I'm not really interested in Drive Club. I'll probably get Outlast for PC soon. I actually probably also won't be getting PS+ anytime soon. I'm not into playing many multiplayer games. And while the free games are sweet, I usually just go ahead and buy the games I want. So there are rarely PS+ games that interest me.

The other benefit of waiting is just in case there are some hardware launch issues. Sony is usually pretty reliable, but you never know. I don't think there will be supply issues by that time.


I think this has the potential to have more consequences that it might initially seem.

Here are my reasoning:

1. Sony had this as a packaged bundle, and while the Sony exclusives at launch are good they are a bit thin on the ground, so in effect you might argue it weakens Sony launch perhaps more than Microsoft.

2. You might reasonably question Sony on why they agreed to a launch package on a game that wasnt ready, there must be a contract here that has been impacted in a non trivial way

3. This game will now take a credibility hit, and will need to really hit the mark when it does come out or they may wish on reflection it *had* come out as a launch bundle. i.e if they do not get it right second time, the lost opportunity will be hard for them to ever get back.

4. There is perhaps some understanding at least that launch titles might have some quirks that get subsequently patched up,, this positive good will is completely lost to them now.

I think when you consider all these points and the sheer lateness of the news, there is even more to this decision than "we need a bit more time to improve the quality.."


I never understand this mindset.

Gaming is such an art form to you that you're only interested in a game if it comes in a window to most optimally waste your time? Purchase a game on merit – if Watch_Dogs isn't worth your time, it will never be. If it is, buy it anyway. Who cares what the release date is?

Considering that all Ubisoft open world games to date follow the same formula of filling the world with pointless bullshit, yeah I did want it to be a good time waster for the PS4 launch. I'll play The Last of Us if I want to enjoy a game for it's masterful craftsmanship. It's not that I won't get Watch_Dogs now, because I am somewhat interested, but it went from a day one buy at PS4 launch to bargain bin for sure.


I never understood why Ubisoft was hell bent on releasing AC and Watch Dogs so close to one another and in the same storm of games including CoD, BF, FIFA and the rest.

The game will get far more attention come spring, when people will be hungry for more. They also cannot fuck up Watch Dogs, because they are banking on this being a huge franchise. So starting off with a dud with a meta critic of 70 is not the best way to do that.


Considering that all Ubisoft open world games to date follow the same formula of filling the world with pointless bullshit, yeah I did want it to be a good time waster for the PS4 launch. I'll play The Last of Us if I want to enjoy a game for it's masterful craftsmanship. It's not that I won't get Watch_Dogs now, because I am somewhat interested, but it went from a day one buy at PS4 launch to bargain bin for sure.


Console launches have 2 windows of opportunity for "lesser" titles. Launch, where the buyer NEEDS something to play, so you end up buying anything and everything (in my case, COD/AC4/initially watchdogs). And the second is after that first lull in game releases. Where you've become so desperate for something new you will again buy something you maybe otherwise wouldn't or something that isn't really wowing you (again, in my case, "thief" in february). Watchdogs is now missing both of those opportunities.

I'll either never play it, rent it, or bargain bin it.


I never understand this mindset.

Gaming is such an art form to you that you're only interested in a game if it comes in a window to most optimally waste your time? Purchase a game on merit – if Watch_Dogs isn't worth your time, it will never be. If it is, buy it anyway. Who cares what the release date is?


Person A has a limited amount of money to spend and is interested in game B and game C. B and C are pretty spaced out in terms of release.

Game B gets delayed, it is now close to release to game C.

Person A finds game C more interesting than game B. Person A will now be getting game C instead of game B as A has an specific amount of money that can be spend on games.

Person A will probably still get Game B later down the line.

Not that hard to understand really.


Guess that means I will have to choose another game to buy at PS 4 launch.

Or I'll simply go with the PS+ game and F2P offerings until it is Yakuza Ishin time in Feb...
I'm disappointed I can't get this at launch but on the plus side it will probably be released at a barren time for PS4 releases so I will gladly pick it up then.
well it makes sense, after all both Assassin's Creed 4 & Watch Dogs were sent to ruins if they were to be released so close, now there is room for AC4 ((still not buying it)), and a bigger room for Watch Dogs ((may get it))


I guess not.

Nice one.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
I don't mind the delay but I kinda wish if they felt the way they did, they should have done it sooner. Getting some of these people all riled up to play some next gen Watch Dogs in little under a month, just to delay it 5-6 months is a little unsettling. I can only imagine the painful sting to those who got bundles.


This is a marketing scheme and some sort of Watch Dogs 4th wall hack thing will make the game release November 21st.

Would be cool.
Damn it..just pre-ordered 2 days ago, if I only knew..

Delaying games this close to release dates are fucking outrageous. Learn to delay your fucking games in time ubi.

Man, one of the most interesting launch titles delayed. I just don't see the appeal of buying either console at launch. I am going to wait for some good exclusives to hit before dropping any money on either console. The PS4 and Xbox One launches may be worse than the Wii U's launch.
I’m kind of happy with this announcement. I just finished the SP of GTA V last week and am feeling a bit tired of the modern open world genre right now. I’ll definitely enjoy Watch Dogs that much more now with more time take a breather (although Infamous might get in the way too).

If more time also means that it will look even better on PS4 , then even better!


This actually increases the chances of me ever buying this game. Wasn't going to play this at launch alongside KZ, Driveclub and Resogun. Might be a post-launch lull next year that this could fit into.
Same here.

A polished Watchdog's is far more appealing next Spring, coming just after Infamous. Seems a great time to launch.


This is absolutely shocking and means the game must be total trash. Ubishit would put out a game that required you to physically defibrillate your console three times an hour if they had to to make a holiday season.

Aren't they already going to do that with the next Assassin's Creed release? Gotta keep those various platforms in the ICU for as long as possible with staggered launches!


It makes me wonder if those boxes ship as is sans game, if they will become collectors items due to the "delay".
I'm so behind on my gaming, I can't possibly see this as anything other than good news. Unfortunately it also means we'll have what... just Assassin's Creed IV to really judge next gen performance differences with??

This is also bad news for Sony because they have less AAA launch titles.


Leaves almost no reason to go next gen this holiday. I was counting on this and Killzone but now I don't think one game is much of an incentive to be on board this early.
I take it you haven't seen Killzone? It looks fantastic.

Looks are only one part of a game. The last couple of Killzone games have looked fantastic. But they have been boring as hell. From the videos I've seen of the new KZ, it looks like more of the same, but prettier.

If there was a new Resistance game coming then I could be interested.
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