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Watch_Dogs E3 Trailer Leaks

CG trailers aren't as intriguing as gameplay, but I don't understand some people's preference of not watching any CG trailers. Often CG trailers are very good at creating a short and effective trailer capable of relaying the concepts of the game without splicing together bits of story from the game itself. If Ubisoft does this like Assassin's Creed, it may very well be followed up in their press conference with a gameplay demo, and that's great way of having it both ways that I would prefer.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
As other people have said, Ubisoft has done CG trailers for plenty of their games and most of the time they are done quite well.

It is funny at least because we have seen so much in game footage but it shows the mood and vibe of the world.


Well, now that I've seen the entire thing I think it was pretty awesome.

Really? This game went from preorder to D1, to "maybe later" for me.
This trailer solidifies that.

I'm not one to put a lot of weight on videogame shitty stories or writing, but after AC3, i'm just not sure anymore, that game was beyond grating and Ubisoft seems to be sooo up their own asses, and not afraid to always play it straight up to the credits, that i don't know if i can get past it, this time.

Thank god GTAV seem to go in the lighter direction (since they were hitting some similar, terrible notes, with GTA IV) otherwise i'd be fucked.


Really? This game went from preorder to D1, to "maybe later" for me.
This trailer solidifies that.

I'm not one to put a lot of weight on videogame shitty stories or writing, but after AC3, i'm just not sure anymore, that game was beyond grating and Ubisoft seems to be sooo up their own asses, and not afraid to always play it straight up to the credits, that i don't know if i can get past it, this time.

Thank god GTAV seem to go in the lighter direction (since they were hitting some similar, terrible notes, with GTA IV) otherwise i'd be fucked.
I'm expecting this game to be mediocre, but I enjoyed that CG trailer.


I'm expecting this game to be mediocre, but I enjoyed that CG trailer.

I thought this trailer exemplified their problems with the writing quite well.
I mean it was visually amazing of course, but everything else was pretty eye-rolling.

So even if the game is a masterpiece (and i doubt it, since they seem to be getting more and more formulaic) i think it could be a pain in the ass to get through the story.


I thought this trailer exemplified their problems with the writing quite well.
I mean it was visually amazing of course, but everything else was pretty eye-rolling.

So even if the game is a masterpiece (and i doubt it, since they seem to be getting more and more formulaic) i think it could be a pain in the ass to get through the story.
I think it's the fact that this game comes out right around the same time as GTA 5 that will cause this game to look extremely poor by comparison.

I mean, I only have so much open-world love in me at one time. The last open-world game I played was Sleeping Dogs a year ago, and now with Watch_Dogs and GTA 5 right at the same time (2 months apart) I'm going to get open-world'd the fuck out.


I don't mind CG announcement trailers for something that's established. Like, if Metal Gear Solid or The Legend of Zelda were two plus years off and they put together a trailer just to announce it and create buzz - I'm good with that.

In any other situation, it's worthless. What a waste of money that Watch_Dogs trailer was.

And Live action? Always cringe-worthy.


I think it's the fact that this game comes out right around the same time as GTA 5 that will cause this game to look extremely poor by comparison.
Are they really such similar titles? I'm personally quite interested in Watch_Dogs but really couldn't care less about GTA 5. Admittedly, that's mostly because of the setting.


Are they really such similar titles? I'm personally quite interested in Watch_Dogs but really couldn't care less about GTA 5. Admittedly, that's mostly because of the setting.
I think it's mostly my own personal patience.

I'll be playing GTA 5 in September and that will last dozens of hours and probably the better part of the month following the game's release.

After that going DIRECTLY into Watch_Dogs in November feels like it's going to be too much open-world gameplay in such a short time.

Of course I could always wait to play Watch_Dogs, but that's not my style, I like to play everything I'm interested in at release to be a part of the launch experience. I find it more enjoyable to play games when everyone is talking about them and the hype is at full capacity.

I'm definitely expecting to experience some serious genre fatigue when Watch_Dogs comes out. Whichever one you may be more excited for, if you're interested in playing them both I think that's definitely a legitimate concern.

This game will be compared to GTA 5, it's inevitable. And it probably won't be good for Watch_Dogs.

EDIT: Oh ya, I just remembered Saint's Row IV comes out in a few months, right before GTA 5. Ya... genre fatigue for sure.

Except I didn't use greentext like you did.



Featuring the worst password device ever. Bet it's going to be motion-control related.


Of course, why would you want it any other way? make it more realistic? I'd fall asleep playing the game. lol

No, just smarter. Watch Dogs pitched itself as something different from a generic third person shooter with a gimmick...it pitched itself as a game where using your brain to hack and interact with things as a big element to solving a scenario. Up until the last few minutes of the FIRST trailer they showed, was brilliant. This entire trailer was the last few minutes of the first trailer that I thought was the weakest part of the entire concept. Bang bang kill everyone leave no man standing...


Trailer was cool. The first minute or so of the trailer I thought it was live action; Ubisoft's CG trailers are always top notch
Cool trail, but as others have said I wish it wasn't CG. The game already looks great on a high end PC so why not just make an in-engine trailer?

But, if I have the ability to steal money from very wealthy individuals in this game and transfer some of it to people with large student loan debt then it will guarantee a purchase.


I think it's the fact that this game comes out right around the same time as GTA 5 that will cause this game to look extremely poor by comparison.

I mean, I only have so much open-world love in me at one time. The last open-world game I played was Sleeping Dogs a year ago, and now with Watch_Dogs and GTA 5 right at the same time (2 months apart) I'm going to get open-world'd the fuck out.

Eh, i'm buying all the open world i can get, it's just that Ubi's writing holds no punches when it comes to taking itself seriously (while being awful).
But i get your point.

Saint's Row IV --> GTAV --> Batman Arkham Origins --> Assassin's Creed IV --> Watch Dogs, one right after the other, plus whatever Avalanche is cooking for 2013.


I thought this game was supposed to look so good they wouldn't have to stoop to a CGI trailer!! Seriously, with all the talk of how powerful these machines are (and how actually powerful modern PCs are), can we PLEASE have a goddamn real in-engine trailer at least???


Eh, i'm buying all the open world i can get, it's just that Ubi's writing holds no punches when it comes to taking itself seriously (while being awful).
But i get your point.

Saint's Row IV --> GTAV --> Batman Arkham Origins --> Assassin's Creed IV --> Watch Dogs, one right after the other, plus whatever Avalanche is cooking for 2013.
Better be JC3!
I'm thinking this will be the intro video.. then someone from Ubi will come out to do some more live demo for it since this isn't an initial announcement.


Really? This game went from preorder to D1, to "maybe later" for me.
This trailer solidifies that.

I'm not one to put a lot of weight on videogame shitty stories or writing, but after AC3, i'm just not sure anymore, that game was beyond grating and Ubisoft seems to be sooo up their own asses, and not afraid to always play it straight up to the credits, that i don't know if i can get past it, this time.

Thank god GTAV seem to go in the lighter direction (since they were hitting some similar, terrible notes, with GTA IV) otherwise i'd be fucked.

I expect the story in GTA V to start out really light hearted, and then escalate to the point where each protagonist feels like they're all involved in a chaotic mess with no way out.

What gets me in this new Watch Dogs trailer is the main character kills a bunch of goons, and then decides the ring leader deserves prison time because prison is worst than death or whatever. Why didn't he do the human trafficking display trick from the start? Why didn't he approach the situation in a less violent way? Why spare cops? What double lives could they be living where they could be just as bad as the criminals?

At least in GTA you are always a sociopath driven by the seedy and organized crime in the United States. Watch Dogs is already having huge identity issues or just weird marketing.


At least in GTA you are always a sociopath driven by the seedy and organized crime in the United States. Watch Dogs is already having huge identity issues or just weird marketing.
I would go with the latter. Ubisoft is doing a very poor job at showing us what the fuck Watch_Dogs is supposed to be about.

And not in an entertaining, cryptic way, but more in a confusing, frustrating way.

I feel like I've seen enough trailers and promotional material over the last 12 months that I should have a much better idea about this game than I do.


I would go with the latter. Ubisoft is doing a very poor job at showing us what the fuck Watch_Dogs is supposed to be about.

And not in an entertaining, cryptic way, but more in a confusing, frustrating way.

I'd agree to that. From what I've seen you can peak into plenty of people's lives, but that's only useful for the side activity fluff or during a main mission. Why would knowing who pretends to smoke cigarettes and who likes bondage porn make atmosphere or gameplay better?

I also have a feeling a lot of the disabling and manipulating features via phone will be trickled down to the player slowly or through doing side activities.

Seeing this trailer made me realize why Rockstar trailers are on a different tier. Rockstar uses in game cutscenes and small bits of gameplay, along with superb music choice and camera angles. Rockstar doesn't like to be misleading with the mood they want to set with their games, either on purpose or on accident.


I thought it looked good. Would have been nice to see some more gameplay though.
My only concern is I'm not a very judgemental person and it just seems that the protagonist is and that would grate with me after a while.
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