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Watch_Dogs E3 Trailer Leaks


MRW reading the title:

MFW seeing its CG in the 2nd post:

lol. Indeed.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
Woah, I like the premise of standing up to human trafficking.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
That was a good CG trailer. As long as I get gameplay along it of course. You guys act as if this was the complete conference of Ubisoft.

This was definitely better than the last two AC CG trailers.


hide your water-based mammals
If it's CG then I don't really care all that much. It looks good but I want to see meat and potatoes game play.


Junior Member
That was a good CG trailer. As long as I get gameplay along it of course. You guys act as if this was the complete conference of Ubisoft.

This was definitely better than the last two AC CG trailers.

Yea, I agree.
Man, Lighting was so good in that trailer, you could fool someone into thinking it was live action with some of the shots.
That bald woman was slick too.


Uploaded by Aiden Pearce on vimeo 12 hours ago. lol.

The trailer nicely shows the concept behind the game I guess.


It was difficult to tell if it was real or CGI, some was obvious, but some was just really life-like. I'm hoping they'll start to reveal more core features at E3, like how multiplayer will work, etc.


Looks cool. I was trying to figure out if this was going to be live action, and there were certain places it looked live action.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game I'm waiting for, and this trailer gave me similar vibes. Though Cyberpunk seems like it has an even darker tone.


Is it realistic hope that--by the end of the next-gen--games will come close to looking like this CG trailer?

Like watch_dogs 4 or something.


I love that he stood up against Human Trafficking. Shit sickens me. Though I suppose that's the exact response Ubisoft is looking for.


Nork unification denier
I know it's a power fantasy, but I wish the player character was a little more human. Perfect one handed head shot while sliding across the table in a room where the sprinklers are on. Had to roll my eyes a bit.


Yeah, killing everyone is such a perfect method of dealing with issues.

:D . From the little I know if this game the theme seems to be revenge. That's always cool if it doesn't completely define the character.

So we have a vengeful,voyeuristic,paranoid man who doesn't mind causing innocent men,women and children to die in a traffic accident and by the crossfire in a following shootout.

I don't think Aidan Pierce is a very nice man, but he'll sure as hell be fun to play as.


I expect the story in GTA V to start out really light hearted, and then escalate to the point where each protagonist feels like they're all involved in a chaotic mess with no way out.

What gets me in this new Watch Dogs trailer is the main character kills a bunch of goons, and then decides the ring leader deserves prison time because prison is worst than death or whatever. Why didn't he do the human trafficking display trick from the start? Why didn't he approach the situation in a less violent way? Why spare cops? What double lives could they be living where they could be just as bad as the criminals?

At least in GTA you are always a sociopath driven by the seedy and organized crime in the United States. Watch Dogs is already having huge identity issues or just weird marketing.
To be clear i have no problems with taking yourself seriously, if you *can*, i'm looking forward to Last of Us, for example and i enjoyed Spec Ops, for the most part.
I do have a problem if you come off as just someone trying every cheap trick in the book to be manipulative and appear cool and deeper than you actually are.

Unfortunately Ubisoft games, as of late, come off so fucking cynical, that it's even hard to give them the benefit of the doubt, everything seems meticulously calculated as a branding opportunity and nothing beyond that.
This trailer doesn't really seem to move away from that.
As for GTAV, i too think it won't be a goof fest start to finish, but hopefully it won't try to make a big moral point about it, and it will be more of a character driven, personal drama; which I find easier to tolerate.

Its a video game. I admire what it symbolizes, not exactly how they go about resolving it necessarily.
What it symbolizes? It symbolizes cheap sense of empowerment through vigilantism, by using shallow manipulation.
Power fantasies are at the basis of 99% of videogames, so that's alright, but at least God of War isn't trying to appear like it's making a larger point.
Was finally able to watch the whole thing, whoo! Great stuff. The fact that it's CG doesn't bother me considering I've seen a generous helping of gameplay footage already, so it's all good. That trailer sucked me in big time though; this game can't come out sooner.


This is so badass.
I really hope this game lives up to its expectations, it looks so ambitious I'm afraid it won't deliver all of what they trying to sell us.

Also I would love to see some kind of multi integrated in a smart way. Like having a couple of other players playing in your session, but without knowing it at first, something like that. The first trailer they showed made me believe it was the case (the last scene where you see that other players are actually chasing the main player apparently etc...)
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