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Watch_Dogs is one of the truer “Fuck The Haters” games


Look how good that still looks. We will never get another like this




Story still grim and serious as fuck. Gunplay still amazing and feels so good. Weighty driving, but you never drive in this.

Unless you’re riding a bike and roaring down the streets Inception style.


Watch_Dogs 2 is one of the most disappointing sequels of all time. All of the steps backwards they took from the lighthearted good feel millennial attitude to the removal of the Focus/Bullet Time and emphasis on gadgets. You never truly felt like a badass motherfucker like the series was totally predicated upon.

I really hope Legion will be more in the vein of the original, but it’s looking doubtful.

Remember the goodness.

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It is a good looking game. But it is also one of the few games I returned through Steam. It did not run very well on my old computer and it is not very fun in the first few hours.


WD fell flat for me , it's hard to make open world games with any real serious tone. Consequences are not heavy enough to have any real gravity.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Definitely liked and thought the original Watch Dogs was a great game. Watch Dogs 2 was good but not great. Hoping Legion follows the original more than the sequel but I highly doubt that it will.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Watch_Dogs 2 is the AC2 to Watch_Dogs AC1. It was better in almost every single way. Watch_Dogs was a bland, forgettable game that only had a few unique gimmicks sold on false promises.
Look how good that still looks. We will never get another like this




Story still grim and serious as fuck. Gunplay still amazing and feels so good. Weighty driving, but you never drive in this.

Unless you’re riding a bike and roaring down the streets Inception style.


Watch_Dogs 2 is one of the most disappointing sequels of all time. All of the steps backwards they took from the lighthearted good feel millennial attitude to the removal of the Focus/Bullet Time and emphasis on gadgets. You never truly felt like a badass motherfucker like the series was totally predicated upon.

I really hope Legion will be more in the vein of the original, but it’s looking doubtful.

Remember the goodness.

So honestly i feel the exact same way. I understand the downgrade in visuals compared to the e3 demo but i absolutely loved this game and thought it was easily underrated. The story was serious in tone and i really enjoyed it. It was to the point and had me engaged from the beginning. The gameplay was so fun and aiden as a character was one i was able to immerse myself into. Now i know the majority opinion is opposite of mine and i truly do not see their side but respect their right to differ. Also cant stand the sequel as far as tone goes . Feels like a satirical hipster horror show of a vibe. Gameplay remains solid though but i was unable to get immersed.
So honestly i feel the exact same way. I understand the downgrade in visuals compared to the e3 demo but i absolutely loved playing the game and thought it was easily underrated. The story was serious in tone and i really enjoyed it. It was to the point and had me engaged from the beginning. The gameplay was so fun and aiden as a rather reserved character who wasnt too animated really convinced me as the off the grid type and i was able to immerse myself into that role. And i also must say the game had a truly underrated unique multiplayer that me and my friends loved taking turns playing at the time. Now i know the majority opinion is opposite of mine and i truly do not see their side but respect their right to differ. Also cant stand the sequel as far as tone goes . Feels like a satirical hipster horror show of a vibe. Gameplay remains solid though but i was unable to get immersed.
Also want to say i didnt think the game was a perfect ten by any stretch lol but id go as far as to give it an 8 or 8.5 . Really enjoyed it.
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I really liked Watch Dogs 1, to me it felt like everyone just hated it because of the "downgrade" buzz around it, but it still looked great on pc, and even better with some mods that restored some missing effects.

I tried Watch Dogs 2 and hated it. The atmosphere was so much better in Watch Dogs 1 for me, it really had a special atmosphere.
I also hated how Watch Dogs 2 was just tutorials over tutorials for hours without ever letting you play by yourself, there's just too much useless stuff everywhere and it feels too "overwhelming" in a very bad way, too much informations and things going on for no reason.


I chip away at my Wii U copy little bits at a time. There’s so much so mission stuff to do, and the online invasion feature gives me genuine stress.


I found Aiden to be pretty generic and uninteresting. The game was taking itself too seriously than the writing quality could handle. WD 2 said fuck that and just had fun with the story and cast and then when shit actually got real I actually cared more as a result. Had way more fun with the sequel. Looking forward to Legion.
WD fell flat for me , it's hard to make open world games with any real serious tone. Consequences are not heavy enough to have any real gravity.

I agree. I literally just got the platinum in Watch Dogs 2 like 20 minutes ago and I feel the sequel is a much better game and more entertaining to play because it was much more light hearted in tone compared to the first.

The first was cringe for all the wrong reasons, the sequel was cringe for all the right reasons.


Amazing that the one if not only good open world game to release this gen ends up getting slaughtered by audiences and critics. Fools the lot them.

As a huge stealth gameplay fan I freaking loved this game. Probably the closet thing to an open world Splinter Cell we'll get.
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B D Joe

I really enjoyed the Watch dogs, maybe it helped i never saw any of the E3 trailers so went in blind.

I liked Aiden, Jordi and T-bone miles better than those San Fran hipster lot, the darker atmosphere and setting suited what they were trying to achieve and the sequel felt like it was made by completely different people.

The digital trips are still some of the best mini games within a game, and even the car handling especially in first person mode was fine once you got used to it.

While the sequel was technically better graphically, handling etc it didn't stick with me in the same way as the original. And as of for the third one, well, oh boy that looks 'interesting' to say the least. Can't wait for ubisoft to bore us all about Brexit Britain!!!
I think I'm being paranoid but such a thorough and insistent blindness to the manifold archivesd faults of this title and the huge betrayal of previews it was deemed to be looks for all the world like some kind of marketing post. This forum is on lists of most popular ones, i just can't help thinking that you're a plant and not a very convincing one at that (aside from the fact that I've never been convinced by game hype of this sort)

Even if you're just a regular gamer,i would only be able to assume that you played this game in a vacuum and convinced yourself it was all okay, like me with Enter the Matrix~
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Watchdogs 1 is sleep-inducingly bad. It's like they forgot to animate Auden's face. He just didn't emote to anything that happened. The story was silly, not serious. The whole vigilante thing was laughable, where Aiden would viciously beat a handbag thief, then walk around the corner and steal $2000 from some random pedestrians's bank account with his phone. Driving sucked. Walking animation was janky.

At least 2 had some mildly charismatic characters and remote controlled cars and whatever.


It is legit one of the best Ubi games ever made. The atmosphere and gameplay are delicious. Story is ok. But god damn did I love walking through Chicago and enjoying the ambience. The stealth was super fun as well. I even played and finished the DLCs, T-Bone had pretty good campaign as well.
I still enjoyed the sequel but it is true its hipster millenial vibe was trash and it was nowhere near as atmospheric as the first game.

The downgrade was so fucking overblown. Yes few effects were lessened and some geometry simplified, but the game still looked fucking awesome and does so even today 6 years later:

While the sequel was technically better graphically, handling

It actually wasn't, graphics was worse in WD2 and so was car handling, even more arcadezided.
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Gold Member
Need to replay this with the first person mod at some point:

Theres an amazing amount of detail they packed into this world. Watch dogs 2 was generic millennial trash whereas the original had a distinct atmosphere.

The whole downgrade thing was so overblown, but then it came at a time when gamer Outrage was at an all time high. You literally couldn't have a reasonable discussion about this game on here around the time of launch because of all the cretins who were never going to buy the game shitting up all the threads ranting about "Ubisoft's lies" .


Mods sure changed that game a lot anyway. So if we talking how it looks with mods that very different story from some console version.


Not sure if OP is serious or not, but i legit think the screenshot posted looks like a early ps3 game, something comparable to GTA4. At the best looks like Infamous, again on ps3. Pretty bland and ugly game, and not only in the graphic compartment.


Gold Member
Not sure if OP is serious or not, but i legit think the screenshot posted looks like a early ps3 game, something comparable to GTA4. At the best looks like Infamous, again on ps3. Pretty bland and ugly game, and not only in the graphic compartment.
Lets not get carried away eh.


This has to be a parody post. Game is one of the most boring games I ever played. I tried to give it a chance all the way till chapter i believe but enough was enough and i sent it back.

I even tried to give 2 a chance and that shit went back even faster. All ubi was good for was SC, R6, and GR.... oh and the earlier AC games.


Neo Member
Watch Dogs was alright but Watch Dogs 2 is where they stepped up. 2 definitely was a good good game
2 was pretty nice in that it improved and added a lot of gameplay mechanics but the hipster vibe really killed it for me.
Also didn't help that they removed my favorite vigilante side missions from the first game.
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