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Well, looks like I have cancer.

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Oni Jazar

Just hope to be one among a bunch of replies that will stand by you. Hold on. I hope life gives you some fucking joy soon.
You have a battle ahead of you, but don't give up man.
Its not unbeatable, do everything you can do on your end, eat healthy and if your doctor recommends it and you're able, some light exercise would probably be great too.
It's 2016 man, there are great doctors and amazing treatments out there, but you'll only beat this if you go into this with the right mindset.

3 1/2 years ago my mother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer (an extremely large tumor). Her odds were not great, to say the least, but she fought like hell and now she's been cancer free for more than two years.

Stay strong, man. We're always here for you.


Wait, who told you you had only 5 years to live ?

And why ?

And what about surgery, can't they take off a part of your intestine ? My mom did this and it saved her.

Colo-rectal cancer is one of the most treatable cancer if you don't wait until it's too late.

You are 26, I can't think how it could be in untreatable phase, especially if you had been checked out within a year.

Anyway I'm sorry and i hope you can find a solution.

I don't know what else to say. Just live your life as best you can and try to avoid those shitty feelings. I know it's hard but you don't want to spend the rest of your time upset at the card you've been dealt.

We're here for you, dude.


Oh my God dude, so sorry to hear what you've had to go through. Please stay positive. Hopefully you will beat this thing. GAF will always be with you.

Also, what book? Are you writing one?
Stay strong OP. Cancer is so horrible. My mom went through the same horrible cancer. It was tough, and it was just heart wrenching to watch somebody you love go through so much suffering, day in and day out. Thankfully, she got through it... and she's now doing better than ever.

You can do this OP! You can beat this "trash" known as cancer. We're all here with you. We're all here thinking about you. You can get through this. I hope you keep fighting, even if it's hard.
Sorry to hear man. That's awful. It always happens to the good ones.

I know and hate cancer very much, because it took my Mom from me after a several year long fight that I invested all of myself in as well. Hopefully you're as much of a fighter as she was.


I'm really really sorry to hear that man, cancer sucks and I know your family's pain all too well, thoughts and prayers to you all :(

I'm rooting for you brother, rooting for you to finish that novel of yours and rooting for you to fight off the cancer. Stay strong.
Don't stop fighting go through the Chemo and do whatever it takes that's what my Mom did when she had a rare form of cancer and she beat it and is cancer free now. Just don't give up even though I know its easy to doubt yourself, my Mom almost did but I kept reassuring her to fight, fight with everything you got!


Damn. Don't know what else to say.

Found out today my uncle has cancer for the third time (three different things too, lost a kidney, then prostate, now myeloma, a blood cancer). This fiend just lurches in without warning.


I'm sorry dude, please fight. Fuck cancer bro. Fight. Do everything possible from this point on.

I don't now if you can eat properly but try to get some green apples and eat them with the skin every damn day. That and do your best to do whatever treatments are possible.

I honestly don't know what to say in a situation like this, simply because it sucks. I really want that book of yours taking off OP, and that you can see its success. Stay strong, stay connected to us. You have all of us backing you up.
Goddamn...dude. I don't know what to say, except fuck cancer and hopefully things turn out okay. :(

Holy fuck man, I'm so sorry.

I have no advice but I will be thinking of you and hope everything will be ok in the end

Holy shit man.

So sorry :(

Damn man, I can't imagine getting that news :(

Someone has to beat the statistics - you're young, you should fight with all you have to persevere and come out on the other side.

Shit bro I hope you fight it and win. Cancer is the worst thing on Earth.

I don't even know how to respond to this because it is incredibly tragic and I wish there were words that I could give to comfort you, please know at the very least GAF is here for you.

Stay strong.

Damn, I'm so sorry. I hope you beat this thing. Doctors have been wrong many times before.

What's your book?

It's a science fiction lovecrafitian cyberpunk detective novel, The Tartarus Syndrome. Hopefully coming this year if I can get myself to finish and edit it.

I don't really have anything else to say other than fuck cancer. I'll send my best positivity your way.

Fuck cancer, and I hope you are able to remain strong and fight through this.

Fuck, that's rough. Sorry to hear it, OP. Stay strong and fight this thing.

I cannot fathom the terror and pain of what you are going through. I only can, through my mom's cancer. Life is a bitch, but we are all here, and we are here for you.

You can fight this. And you can beat this. You are very young. You can't give up.

It would be wrong of me to say I understand how you feel, but I'm with you OP. Fuck cancer. What's the name of your book?

The Tartarus Syndrome, an existential tale set in the not too distant future.

Think Alien+Bladerunner+The Thing+ Traditional Lovecraft and you have my book.

Really sorry to hear that. Pulling for you bro.

Just had an endoscopy today. Sending prayers to you and your family. I want you to finish that book. I'll buy it.

Thank you. :)

Oh man, that's terrible. I really hope you'll be able to pull through. What's the name of your book? If you do end up publishing it I'll buy it.

Thank you so much.

Jesus I thought this thread was going to be about 'The Room'

sorry to hear that man. Rooting for you.

Terribly sorry for your situation. I found something similar at age 22 and hav had to go in for colonoscopies every two years since (im turning 37 soon) . I think its manageable and hope you come back to update us with the biopsy reports and let us know for sure how dire your situation is. I wish you nothing but the best but please try and remain calm until results come in.

That's a tough hand you've been dealt. But on the plus side you should really finish your book! Make a thread about your progress. I'll read it!

Edit: Also where do you live? Maybe we can schedule a GAF meetup to cheer you up.

I live in Greeley, Colorado. Evans to be exact.

Hi. I'm some internet nobody but I want you to know that we'll remember you because you'll tell us about how your recovery process goes. It's tough and it's ugly right now, but knowing you have a problem means knowing about a solution.

So keep us filled in on how your recovery is going. You'll get through it.

It's a deep dark pit of despair right now, but things will get better. It's a useless thing to say right now, but I'll say it anyway, stay positive.

Recover and be well in utter spite of the cards you were dealt, just to show the universe you're better than what it throws you.

I'm really sorry to hear that and hope somehow that something can be done, that's a shitty hand to be dealt.

Aw man that's awful. You got a raw deal. Intelligent design my ass. Sorry to hear what you're going through.

What's SRA OP?

I'm really sorry man.

Sorry to hear ;(

We GAFfers are a family (I think so), if it affects one us, it affects us all
Hope you get treatment and fucking beat Cancer

Keep posting!

Dude...I'm so, so sorry. Stay strong and keep fighting. If you need anything, let me know.

What's your book?

Holy shit, dude. My sympathies. Sounds like you're in a really bad place both physically and mentally right now but you clearly have passions in life, like the book you mentioned. It might not seem like you'll get there or that living is worth it but it is and you can beat this. Set yourself small goals and don't give up.

Fuck cancer man :(

I'm not gonna bullshit you by saying everything's just gonna work out fine in the end, but I promise you that I will buy your book once it's released.

I'm so sorry about what is happening to you. You are in my thoughts and heart. I will be thinking of you, a fellow human being.

I will buy your book too.

I'm sorry to hear that OP. No matter what happens I'll be sure to buy your book once it comes out!

I don't know what else to say other than I'm rooting for you. It seems like you're due a best case scenario.

Im very sorry to hear that op.

Hang in there, we're all here for you.

Sending my love and best wishes to you and your family.

Goddamn. I cannot imagine what you are going through. To be 26 and getting news you have only 5 years to live must be devastating.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, hope you beat this awful disease.

I'm so fucking sorry, man. Cancer is one of the toughest things you can deal with and I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. I'm hoping by some miracle you can be helped, and know that there are people who genuinely care about you enough to want that to happen. Try your best to fight this thing, and enjoy everyday as much as you can in the process. You have my prayers and my thoughts through this situation.

I'm so sorry to hear this OP. Keeping you in my thoughts - positive thinking, fight it as best you can!

Life is so fucking unfair.

GAF is with you dude, don't give up hope just yet.

Ok buddy, good luck. I'll buy your book once you're finished.

Keep the positive thoughts going, dude. As a cancer survivor, keeping the positive thoughts will help. You can do this.

Shit man, I'm really sorry to read that. Do you have a title for your book? I'll keep an eye out for it.

Prayers out to you OP. Hope you beat this

So sorry OP. Thinking of you.

26!? Same age as me. That's crazy you are way too young to be dealing with this shit. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Thank you so much everyone for the good wishes.

Thank you. I'm crying right now. I'll keep everyone updated on my illness in this thread, I'll make a thread about my book some other day or just keep posting to the writing thread.

For now, if you guys want a sample of my writing I wrote a short story for one of the neogaf creative writing challenges.

Prelude to a Salamander I really need to do some more editing on it but that is the most up to date version. It's effectively a prequel to Fahrenheit 451 with seasonings of Orwell's 1984 as well.

I love science fiction, Lovecraft was my biggest influence ever since I read his stuff at 7 years of age. I related to his works because I was a lot like him(the non racist side). we were born a 100 years apart, and I was born a day earlier than him, he died of colon and bowel cancer at the age of 43. His whole life he had been a sickly person, I have been the same way.

I mean who gets viral spinal meningitis 4 times.

With an aunt who survived breast cancer and a grandmother who has surpassed her terminal brain cancer for two years now (since diagnosis and treatment), FIGHT IT. Look at every option, debate with your doctor and just work through it any way you can. You never know if that treatment is there unless you look for it.

Regardless of outcome, short-term or long-term, just LIVE, FIGHT and DO YOU (not to sound like a Mountain Dew ad, but you know what I mean). Just go for it in everything, and don't shut-in or -up.

I have no-idea who you are, but I'm with YOU. And I'll always be with you, regardless of how translucent that may come across over the Internet. Because I know what this is, and I know how hard it is. And I know that you can get through it.
I'm very sorry OP. Random question since you said you like science fiction: What are some of your favorite shows/movies? Did you like Stranger Things? You have a lot of life to live and there are some very cool things coming out very soon!


Shit, man, I am so sorry that you are going through this horrible situation. cancer fucking sucks, we all have experienced the loss of a loved one due to this horrible sickness, and I pray you do get better if possible, and if not, I hope you spend these last few years to the fullest.

I hope you finish your book, I am a huge nerd for the genres and I would be interested.

Lastly, I noticed you have a Big Boss avatar so I find this obligatory :) Thank you for your service on this forums and I hope to see you around here more!


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I'm really sorry OP :(

Hoping you beat the odds man, cancer is a cruel bitch
Shitty, shitty situation, man.

I'm 39. I was 8 when my mom got cancer for the first time. Breast cancer. They removed her lymph nodes and she kept her breasts. I was 18 when she got colon cancer. They removed 2 feet of her colon (or large intestine? I can't remember). It wasn't until I was 32 that the leukemia showed up. That was awful. She was confined to a hospital for months. Fortunately, a stem-cell bone marrow transplant worked and she pulled through (a blood test will now show her as "male"). The nipple cancer (some weird rare form) came a few years ago and she lost her breasts. But she's in remission and her breasts are larger than ever with the implants (I try not to hug her anymore)!

Not to give you any unrealistic expectations, but I do believe our attitudes have some small bearing on our body's ability to help the chemicals' and surgeries' abilities to fight the cancer. Chin up? Hoping for the best for you.


He wasn't alone.
Welcome to the club man. I joined when I was 22.
And of course people will remember you, even if you just filter them to the nurses and staff with you when you go through chemo. A lot of attachments will be made, 100%. You wont be able to go back to the place a year later without getting hugged.

Yeah it sucks, and I'm sorry another person has to deal with this.


Sorry to hear that op, but try to fight as hard as you can. Don't give in. Finish that book and set it out there to the wild. That you're already planning to do this shows considerable strength.
Wow. Inspiring!

They really are. And she really is (my grandmother). When I was told about her condition, the estimate was 6-months or-so (in 2014). I talked to her last Saturday, and she's just as she always is. Sharp, spry and my grandmother, heh.

The point is, don't just assume that one diagnosis is IT. There's always a second-opinion, and there's always a treatment that one doctor didn't think of. This shit is scary, I can attest, but if you can fight it, go for it.


You've shared this thread and the pain that you are going through, so you're already immortal in the eyes of GAF. Keep posting and talking to everyone on here and share your experiences, good luck to you OP and I really hope you beat the shit out of the cancer.
Man I know we had our issues in that death note thread but this is truly terrible and I don't even know what to say. But I hope you make your last few years worth experiencing and I wish you and your family the best.
I'm very sorry OP. Random question since you said you like science fiction: What are some of your favorite shows/movies? Did you like Stranger Things? You have a lot of life to live and there are some very cool things coming out very soon!

Oh Strange Things was the shit! That is the first time I've ever seen Lovecraft done right on the screen, and for once it didn't suck. It felt like watching Peak Era Spielberg make a TV series... on fucking NETFLIX! What a wondrous world we live in.

As for science fiction I've read pretty much everything.

Clark Ashton Smith, Robert Bloch, Isaac Asimov, Lovecraft, Bradbury, Dick, Aldous Huxley.

As for semi modern Science fiction I suppose William Gibson and Jeff Somers are my biggest influences there.

For movies I love what I call the Big Trifecta, movies I consider to convey science fiction ideas while also being marvelous films.

Those three movies are:

The Thing

Ironically, The Thing and Bladerunner are based on some incredibly good science fiction short stories, so they kind of have a pedigree to pull from.

Of those two movies, Bladerunner is the loosest adaptation of its source material but it achieves a lot on its own to be considered truly great in my opinion.

The Thing is the perfect adaptation, it takes the source material and remains true to the themes, ideas, and story. In fact, this movie is really a reinterpretation of Who Goes There as much as a loveletter to that story. Carpenter and Rob Bottin made one of the most incredible films I have ever seen and I watch it at least three times a year, every year.

Alien posits my favorite question, is there life on other planets and if it there is what is it like? What if we stumbled upon it?

That's not even adding in the layers of scary corporate intrigue, and the pervasive sense of fear, escalation, and hopelessness.

Alien subtly posits that science is dangerous, something that Lovecraft believed in wholeheartedly and shows in his work. He was a man of science, but he feared it and many other things greatly and it is that fear that drives and makes his work so great. I mean imagine, if we did find something and it looked like what the nostromo crew found?
I mean damn, the thought is too scary and strange.
I'm truly sorry about your situation, OP.

Even if you say you're ready to die, I really hope you end defeating the damn cancer.

My best wishes for you, dude!!
OP I'm looking forward to your review of Death Stranding--noting your avatar. You got this fight bro.

Also was this your first Eiffel tower?

Keep sharing with GAF. Look forward to giving us positive updates.
Oh Strange Things was the shit! That is the first time I've ever seen Lovecraft done right on the screen, and for once it didn't suck. It felt like watching Peak Era Spielberg make a TV series... on fucking NETFLIX! What a wondrous world we live in.

Oh I'm so glad you liked it! I'm assuming you saw that Season 2 debuts next year.

And I just read The Illustrated Man last year.
Dude that sucks just does not cut. but it sucks.

I have lost some amazing friends to cancer and to just life being nasty, but I always remember them with a smile. I am sure loved ones will always remember you.

Finish that book it sounds cool and I look forward to reading and sharing it.


OP, you're going to beat this. You're not a weak person because a weak person would've succumbed long long ago to the shit you've endured, you can do this and you have the love and support of hundreds and hundreds here.

Reading some of your book now, it's very promising material. The influence of your idols is oozing in a good way.
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