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Well, looks like I have cancer.

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I am so entirely sorry - please know you have only support and love from me and I will keep you in my prayers so you can kick this cancers ass!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
RoyaleDuke, I will remember you. If you want to talk, feel free to PM me. I can't offer advice, but I can offer friendship.

I look forward to your book.

I will remember you. :(

Ric Flair

Even in cases where it's 90 percent odds against you, there's a ten percent of the population that managed to beat it. Don't ever give up hope, no matter how grim it looks. The human body is one hell of a machine when you give it modern tools to fight cancer with. I'm pulling for you man, if anyone can pull through cancer it's a Gaffer with a ten inch (at least, going off averages here) package and heart of gold.


All I can try to tell you is the advice I live by, which is to say to try to swim with life with the currents as it is. Those currents aren't always a plus, but at the same time, one cannot escape the stream, so one must flow with it.

I wish you well with this situation, and hope things can ride in an optimal manner.
OP, you're going to beat this. You're not a weak person because a weak person would've succumbed long long ago to the shit you've endured, you can do this and you have the love and support of hundreds and hundreds here.

Reading some of your book now, it's very promising material. The influence of your idols is oozing in a good way.

Prelude to a Salamander isn't my book. :p But thank you for reading. one day I might expand that 2500 word story into a book though, I had some ideas I had to cut down on to try to make it fit to the Neogaf Creative Writing Challenge word limit(it was the "heartless" theme, the limit was 2100 words).

Thank you for the well wishes. <3

Or are you reading the little bit I posted in the writing thread?

Either way, my novel is about 55kish words and about 3/4 of the way finished. I really want to release it on Amazon Kindle this year!

And to the other GAFfer whose Grandma beat terminal brain cancer, all I can say is what a badass, is she Lemmy Kilmeister?(RIP)


While I know from your previous posts (on the Mental Health topic in the Off-Topic forum) that life had given you a crappy hand, from the bottom of my heart, I hope you'll be able to pull through.
Sorry everything sucks. I've known a few people with colon cancer and they've all pulled through. You'll kick cancer in it's stupid fucking face. Don't give up hope.

Astral Dog

Life can be a hideous dream, im sad this was so suddendly op. hope you finish your book and do something yhat makes you happy before leaving us.
keeps us updated on your novel, please.
Even in cases where it's 90 percent odds against you, there's a ten percent of the population that managed to beat it. Don't ever give up hope, no matter how grim it looks. The human body is one hell of a machine when you give it modern tools to fight cancer with. I'm pulling for you man, if anyone can pull through cancer it's a Gaffer with a ten inch (at least, going off averages here) package and heart of gold.

Sadly I only have a 7-8 inch penis.

Heart of Gold? Man thank you, lol you are too nice.

WOOOOOOOO! Love your avatar.

I will probably beat this or die trying, like 50 cent.


I posted earlier this year or late last year that I had a stomach cancer scare, which turned out to be nothing.

Well, for the last four-8 months I've pretty much barely been able to eat anything, vomiting pretty much incessantly.

Long story short, I got Eiffel towered by technology today(endoscopy and colonoscopy) and they found that my esophagus was partially eroded, and I had a huge ginormous fucking polyp in my colon which looked horrible and basically cancerous.

Waiting on the biopsy, but the doctor basically said I would have to go through chemo and I basically have cancer. They are shocked because the way my bowels looked is pretty much what they would expect for someone 50-70 years of age instead of 26.

This isn't a surprise really, my RA doctor last year said my SRA was getting worse that I only had 5 years left(now 4 since I am 26) to live.

You know I'm not mad at my genes, or my family.

But boy am I pissed with God or whatever being decided to give me consciousness and make my life so goddamn shitty, and my parents lives.

Life is cruel, it is barely a reward and in my experience it feels more like a curse.

Some part of me can't wait to die, just so it is all over.

I've been so miserable and unhappy most of my fucked up life, I think I am ready to take a long permanent nap.

So I just want to say if I don't make it, try to remember me GAF because I doubt anyone else will or will even care. I'm gonna try and get my science fiction novel done and hopefully published.

My only request is that if you see my book, please buy it. Not for me, but for my family, odds are I won't be around to see the success or failure of my book.

Lastly, I want to thank Evilore and the Neogaf community. It's been wonderful.

I apologize for asking this, but did you have stomach problems that preceded this? Any symptoms or re-occurring issues?

I'm asking this because I have gut issues and they've been getting worst in the past 2 years. Like you, I'm in my mid-twenties. It seems no matter what I do or what I eat in the morning, my body desperately tries its best to clear it all out.


Fuck cancer, you take that Shit around the corner and kick it's ass. Ya dig? Good.

Also great taste, those three are great imo.

My dad outlived his cancer with five years, beat it but it came back. Still he had those five extra years that the doctors didn't believe he had in him and those years where great. Met 4 new grandkids, my siblings, and traveled around the world to meet old buddies.


Damn dude, I am so sorry.

I just went through a scare of my own, but it wasn't for me - it was for my mom. The anxiety levels were through the roof for me, I've not been able to sleep for the past week until today. We found out that the tumor is benign.

If it were malignant this would have been the 3rd cancer battle for my mom. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. The only thing I can say is... hang in there. Until you get the definitive results (and take this chance to ask your oncologist to show you the slides and ask what type of stains they did), don't give up.

Did you have a CT scan? Ultrasound? Are your lymph nodes clear? It's very easy for your mind to start wandering into some dark places, but man, try to not let it do that to you.

Again, just don't give up. Even if does turn out to be cancer, don't give it the satisfaction of it breaking you.


Gold Member
I'm so sorry to read about anything like this happening to anyone. I hope you can find some kind of peace and happiness in whatever time you have left which I truly hope is many years. You never know man. Good luck with finishing your book. Hugs your way.


Huge Nickleback Fan
I am very sorry to hear that.
I wish you the best of luck and i hope you pull through. Don't give up, and i hope you finish your book.
I apologize for asking this, but did you have stomach problems that preceded this? Any symptoms or re-occurring issues?

I'm asking this because I have gut issues and they've been getting worst in the past 2 years. Like you, I'm in my mid-twenties. It seems no matter what I do or what I eat in the morning, my body desperately tries its best to clear it all out.

I've had issues with GERD/Acid reflux my whole life and a couple run ins with diverticulitis.

As far as things go, it basically just started out just not being able to keep anything down, occasional diarrhea, and abdominal pain.


Prelude to a Salamander isn't my book. :p But thank you for reading. one day I might expand that 2500 word story into a book though, I had some ideas I had to cut down on to try to make it fit to the Neogaf Creative Writing Challenge word limit(it was the "heartless" theme, the limit was 2100 words).

Thank you for the well wishes. <3

Or are you reading the little bit I posted in the writing thread?

Either way, my novel is about 55kish words and about 3/4 of the way finished. I really want to release it on Amazon Kindle this year!

Wait, thats only the short story?! Fucking hell mate lol, if you think even with something like this isn't even your magnum opus then keep going with the full thing and keep striving towards that. Reading more and more of the short story theres this really pervasive atmosphere, Lovecraft had in-depth observation yet still retained this constant rhythm of mystique and intrigue and I think you're nailing it, I'll try and hunt down the writing thread after this as well.

I also want to say that from what I've read, the most crucial and respectable part is that it isn't mere emulation, theres a real essence here of what makes your writing, yours.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Again thank you for all the inspiring stories and well wishes you guys.

I love this community. I really do.

Wait theres a Season 2?




Please take care of yourself brother. I know you're probably thinking of the end, but you can make the most of the time you have left, and who knows, that could be brief or you might still have a much longer time ahead of you then you thought.

Think in the present!


Hold on man as long as you can. Cure could come at anytime (I hope)

We're working on it, but a definitive cure won't be around for a while. :\

Having said that, we have come a loooooooong way with treatments. Cancer isn't the death sentence it used to be. We have a bunch of tools available to fight it and detect it as early as possible.

It's possible to survive even stage IV, even if the prognosis is still incredibly low. It's possible.
We're working on it, but a definitive cure won't be around for a while. :\

Having said that, we have come a loooooooong way with treatments. Cancer isn't the death sentence it used to be. We have a bunch of tools available to fight it and detect it as early as possible.

It's possible to survive even stage IV, even if the prognosis is still incredibly low. It's possible.

Yep. Lady I work with was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer 4 years ago. Still coming in every day. You'd never know anything was wrong with her.
Fucking awful news OP, but you can beat this. My grandfather got hit with cancer a few times--slippery fucker liked to come back--but it certainly wasn't the thing that did him in. That was being in his 80's.

And he continued to drink and eat bacon and all the other shit the doctors told him he should stop!

So yeah. You can do this. Just gotta keep chuggin' along. Also, finish that book! Those influences make me want to read the hell out of it. Plus, writing is the shit. You gotta stick around so you can finish your book and then write like twenty more.


Sorry to hear it OP. Cancer treatments have come a long way, and there are promising treatments currently available. Hopefully the cancer doesn't metastasize, if it stays in one spot it's much better for you.


That sucks. Don't really know what else to say. I had a bit of a cancer scare 3 years ago when I was around your age but that fortunately didn't turn out to be anything serious (a cyst).
If you need someone to talk to, I'm available via PMs. If I don't speak to you in the near future, kick cancer's ass buddy. Stay strong.


I don't know what to say OP, but my thoughts go out to you and your family in this difficult time. Hopefully some kind of miracle happens for you, or that you make the most of your time left. Sending a lot of positivity your way man
Very sorry to hear, OP.

My Dad had three different types of cancer (thyroid, prostate, and cancer on his kidney) and beat all three. Stay strong and fight!


I apologize for asking this, but did you have stomach problems that preceded this? Any symptoms or re-occurring issues?

I'm asking this because I have gut issues and they've been getting worst in the past 2 years. Like you, I'm in my mid-twenties. It seems no matter what I do or what I eat in the morning, my body desperately tries its best to clear it all out.

Get yourself checked out Kieli, ASAP, even if its nothing serious you'll be glad you did.
The odds for you are better than you think. For example 90% die of some sort of cancer. However people 20 to 30 only 25% die and ages 80-90 is 99% death rate. Plus those statistics are based in the past new methods have been developed what are the number for the past 5 years etc. Really look into the stats you have a better shot than you think.

Also maybe look into anti-neoplastons.
Go travel man. Open up some credit cards and do some shit.

I know that's going to get some negative reaction but who gives a fuck? Not like they can make your family take it on after you die.

Feel sorry for yourself for a bit, but if you only have 5 years anyway put off chemo and just live it up.

That's what I would do.

Edit: this is entirely because you mention only having 5 years because of your SRA. If it were truly just cancer you can totally beat that. My mom beat stage 4 ovarian cancer. If she can do that anyone has a shot.


You're always an outlier if you get stomach cancer so young as mortality rate is skewed by older people who have a range of other medical issues. Don't give up yet, man.
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