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What do we expect of lifetime sales from PS4/Xbone/Wii U?


Junior Member
In order to get to those numbers Xbox would have to massively outsell PS4 in North America again. Like, by a LOT. Do you honestly see that happening?

The cloud would have kicked in by then.On a PowerPoint blunder, Sony accidentally increases price to $599 USD during E3. Everyone is too afraid to tell them they messed up.

This in combination with the a MS price drop allows Xbox to take the lead. After a year of a huge price increase, SCEA CEO Shawn Layden realizes the mistake they made at E3 and announces a price drop to undercut MS again.

This allows Sony to take the final lead in the console war.
Alright. So I'm totally predicting like anyone else in this thread, and I already said I have high expectations because I'm optimistic about the growth of the gaming industry. By the end of each respective consoles life (I'm assuming 2019 is when they'll stop being produced and pushed, so a 6 year life span), I believe each console will do well.

The Xbox One, my choice for the "winner" is because I believe the Xbox One has shown that it is a desirable product and a successful one. The biggest barrier for the Xbox One right now seems to be the price tag, $499 just isn't a viable price tag to be purchased by anyone other than an enthusiast. I believe as the Xbox One ends it's life span, it'll probably be around $199, and Microsoft may even try the $99 subsided plan again. I believe as time goes on and it's price lowers, it will sell in the 80M-90M range, doing slightly better than it's predecessor, the Xbox 360.

The Playstation 4 is set to be sucessful already, and it's already launched at a more easily accessible price tag for many to swallow. That's a great thing because Sony already received purchases from those who won't even consider purchasing the Xbox One until it receives a price cut. The Playstation 4 will probably continue to ride it's waves of success and sell just as well as the Playstation 3 did, it's guaranteed too at this point.

I also believe the Wii U will be price cut to hell and back, maybe even going as low as $99 early into 2016, and Nintendo will just ride the generation out with a mini-success. I think if they do get it down to the $99 range and continue to release games for it, it will sell over time. This is assuming the technology and parts for the Wii U get cheap enough to allow this massive price cut.

What's it like in the future? I wish I could go accurately see what's going to happen in 5 years like you can. :(

There is more likely to be an alien invasion in the next 5 years than Wii U selling 40 million consoles. The Gamecube was tracking better and a $99 price drop barely dragged it to like 22 million sold. Nintendo likely won't even produce 22 million Wii U's, let alone sell that many.


The console generation wont end till maybe 2025. That's a looooooooong time to sell consoles. Even then, I bet third parties still wont stop supporting these systems just like how PS3/360 are far from dead.

I predict:

PS4: 150 million+
XBO: 100 million (it all depends on whether they do away with bundled kinect or not)
Wii U: 10 - 15 million.

PS3/360 manage to sell 160 million units despite having some horrible marketing (i.e RROD and $599). PS4/XBO marketing easily destroy their last gen efforts. It's not unrealistic they can get more consoles in people's hands if they try.


is now taking requests
I don't think the gap will close at all, that's not how it works. Of course anything is still possible, but MS would have to dig really deep to ensure that the xb1 don't go the way of the wii-u. Sony did it with the PS3, so it's clearly possible. I just think it unlikely.

People that aren't early adopters will mostly buy the console that 'everyone else' is buying, because that's the safe choice - and currently that safe choice is the PS4. Just like Samsung is the safe choice when it comes to android smartphones. And when you add that multiplats will look better on the ps4, the ps4 is cheaper, the ps4 has more power... i think things are looking really fucking bleak for the xb1.


I don't think so.

And I do think an officially announced $400 price drop will pick up sales quite a bit.


In March deals were widely available, and advertised within retail, that put the XBone's effective price below $400. It was the month of the shooter EA/MS were banking everything on. It sold less per week than it did in February. I don't see a price cut doing anything whatsoever even one that's much larger than they can likely afford to make.
PS4 - 49million
XB1 - 28million

I expect this gen to fall flat. A few big reasons:

1. Poor hardware value. This gen is the first ever where this close to launch one can pick up a PC that outperforms consoles for a console comparable price.

2. Poor software value. Consoles are still in the $60+DLC+DLC+DLC+DLC mode. Although now you can also add a few +microtransactions to it as well. The entire rest of the game industry has moved onto to far more consumer friendly pricing models. You're paying $400+ for hardware that locks you into a terribly unfavorable pricing model.

3. No innovation. Last gen we had games like Oblivion touting features like their Radiant AI system and exhibiting interesting situations that could happen completely unscripted in worlds full of people following their own schedule with their own motivations. Stuff we take for granted now, but at the time it was unprecedented on consoles. This gen Sony/MS aren't even trying to claim any sort of innovation. I think a big part of the reason people were so anxious to hop into the next gen is that they were sick of last gen. It lasted too long and by the end was ending up a mess of derivative mush. Now we have this gen which is continuing on with the same sort of derivative mush except in higher res [sometimes] or with better textures.

4. Virtual Reality. Most people who play around with VR realize it's going to be the future of gaming. I'm one of them. I think this is going to be the wildcard. We already know Sony is developing their own VR solution and it's all but a complete certainty that Microsoft is as well. But Sony/Microsoft's hardware will suffer due to both hardware and software limitations and restrictions. But it's also a wildcard. Kinect+VR is an absolutely perfect fit. If Microsoft can somehow bring VR to life on their system then it could be a complete game changer.

1. You're not building a gaming pc with equivalent power, ram, and a controller for anywhere near $399. Secondly, prices will drop over time, putting the value equation further into console's favor.

2. The pricing model isn't unfavorable when factoring in the ability to trade games, or the fact that prices on PC for new releases aren't much if any different.

3. This gen will never have any innovation? You're from the future?...

4. PS4 is plenty powerful enough for VR, and Sony's first party is one of the only few hopes of having anything big budget developed for VR to push it as a platform

Those numbers are hilariously low given that we're just six months into the gen and Sony has sold nearly 1/5th of your prediction


Microsoft's main problem is I don't think they properly know how to advertise the console.

Ever considered the possibility that if your product still gets greatly outsold by the competition even after a billion-dollar marketing budget, that maybe the product itself may simply not be as good in the eyes of potential customers as the value proposition offered by the competing product?
Just a thought.


I don't think so.

And I do think an officially announced $400 price drop will pick up sales quite a bit.

In the US/UK? Maybe for 2 months it'll get close to the PS4. I really don't think price matching the PS4 will do anything substantial. It would need to severely undercut the PS4 to make an actual impact in my opinion. When picking a console most people are still going to pick PS4 because, for a large multitude of reasons, it is a more desireable product in the eyes of the consumer. Price matching them won't move the needle all that much in the Xone's favour.
Now undercutting the PS4 could shift more people on board, but if MS do try and undercut the PS4 I really think Sony will respond.

Those numbers are hilariously low given that we're just six months into the gen and Sony has sold nearly 1/5th of your prediction

That's some wonky math. I think his numbers are too low too, but even if PS4 hits 8 million by the end of May, that's still less than 1/6th, let alone 1/5th.


Wii U has a money problem. They've apparently made ~12 million consoles, and they've shut down the factories. And at the rate they're selling, they've got enough consoles to limp through the rest of the generation.

If they cut the price to boost sales, they won't restart the factories, because it won't be worth it at that point. It's not worth it now. Even a sudden surge of popularity won't save the Wii U. The Wii U cost way too much to make.


Ok maybe even is being generous, but I don't expect a lead of more than 25%. US and UK market will keep XBox going, plus there's a potential new market in China (assuming they are willing to support an American console versus a Japanese console)

LOL, China.


The only thing I can see MS doing to try and combat such a gap would be price drops as game development is a staggered 3 year process at least. With the XB1 being as expensive hardware wise as it is I'm not convinced they're willing to drop it enough to effectively gain anything near a lead in the US to be competitive WW

I could see them at least matching the PS4, but throwing in a game with every console. I don't know how much traction it would get them since I can't see them going >$350 unless they drop the kinect, which I doubt they will. But I think they might just match the price and get really aggressive with their games.

Ever considered the possibility that if your product still gets greatly outsold by the competition even after a billion-dollar marketing budget, that maybe the product itself may simply not be as good in the eyes of potential customers as the value proposition offered by the competing product? Just a thought.

Have we seen the effects of a billion dollar marketing budget in 6 months? But I really doubt consumers that don't frequent GAF, GB, Kotaku, etc. really care or even know about the hardware differences between the two. Microsoft might have had a problem before launch with the TV stuff before E3 and Sony's shots during which were both in the eyes of casuals thanks to twitter and whatnot, but to most people, price is the main factor.



In March deals were widely available, and advertised within retail, that put the XBone's effective price below $400. It was the month of the shooter EA/MS were banking everything on. It sold less per week than it did in February. I don't see a price cut doing anything whatsoever even one that's much larger than they can likely afford to make.
We'll see.


I don't think the gap will close at all, that's not how it works. Of course anything is still possible, but MS would have to dig really deep to ensure that the xb1 don't go the way of the wii-u. Sony did it with the PS3, so it's clearly possible. I just think it unlikely.

People that aren't early adopters will mostly buy the console that 'everyone else' is buying, because that's the safe choice - and currently that safe choice is the PS4. Just like Samsung is the safe choice when it comes to android smartphones. And when you add that multiplats will look better on the ps4, the ps4 is cheaper, the ps4 has more power... i think things are looking really fucking bleak for the xb1.

The PS4 will easily stay on top, but no way in hell does the XB1 end up dropping off like the Wii U. A price drop is coming, it has all of the third party support and it's not doing that bad anyway.
I could see them at least matching the PS4, but throwing in a game with every console. I don't know how much traction it would get them since I can't see them going >$350 unless they drop the kinect, which I doubt they will. But I think they might just match the price and get really aggressive with their games.

Let's put it this way if MS matches Sony blow for blow in the US

Then assuming we have the same sales between Xbox and PS this gen as last

Approximately 41.3M + 26M = 67.3M

Then each get 33.65M sales from the US. Sony gains ~8M over last gen, MS loses ~8M from last gen and a 16M gap between the two is formed just in the US

I have a hard time imagining the XB1 is going to sell 39.7M consoles outside the US from the sales we've seen thus far. The rest of the world is far less receptive to the XB1 than the 360 from what I can see

The PS4 will easily stay on top, but no way in hell does the XB1 end up dropping off like the Wii U. A price drop is coming, it has all of the third party support and it's not doing that bad anyway.

The Wii U will end up around 15M methinks. I cannot imagine any scenario where the XB1 doesn't at least double that, most likely will quadruple it but conservatively will triple it

The XB1 is not the Wii U

Mory Dunz

What will be the most interesting battles LTD though?
I think most can agree that PS4 > XB1 > Wii U and 3DS > Vita.

So, for the most interesting sales fights, I'll go with

- Wii U vs Vita (Wii U winning)
- 3DS vs PS4 (PS4 winning)
- 3DS vs XB1 (3DS winning)

Game on.
I'll come back to this post in 3 years to laugh or cry.


1. You're not building a gaming pc with equivalent power, ram, and a controller for anywhere near $399. Secondly, prices will drop over time, putting the value equation further into console's favor...

This is the first gen ever to my knowledge that yes indeed you can build a PC comparable system for a comparable price: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=804621 Drop tax/$70 windows off the first build in that link as you could do easily with a bit of net shopping and you're at $405 for a PC that outperforms the PS4. You could actually shave a bit off that price as well. They do things like add a 7200RPM HDD vs the 5400RPM HDD in the PS4 for no apparent reason. That price is also almost certainly going to drop a lot faster than the price of the PS4 will.

Not gonna nitpick the other points since I think they're less based in reality. Find me a PC gamer who routinely pays $60 for games, and I'll find you a two headed fish. Both exist, both are freaks of nature.


PS4 - 100m
XBO - 70m
Wii U - 15m

3DS - 60m
Vita - 10m

I expect PS4 to completely dominate this gen. Xbox One will do really good but won't do nearly as good as PS4 and won't live up to 360 numbers either. I'll be shocked if Wii U can go above 15m. 3DS will do pretty good at 60m but will by far be the lowest selling handheld when comparing GB/GBA/DS/PSP. Vita will continue to completely flounder in every region aside from Japan.
Not good with numbers, but I'll give it a shot...

PlayStation 4: 90M
Xbox One: 65M
Wii U: 15M
Nintendo 3DS: 60M
PlayStation Vita: 69

I love the Vita, but damn. I don't think anything can save it! :-(
What will be the most interesting battles LTD though?
I think most can agree that PS4 > XB1 > Wii U and 3DS > Vita.

So, for the most interesting sales fights, I'll go with

- Wii U vs Vita (Wii U winning)
- 3DS vs PS4 (PS4 winning)
- 3DS vs XB1 (3DS winning)

Game on.
I'll come back to this post in 3 years to laugh or cry.

Now these are interesting :)

I actually agree with all your votes though, Wii U over Vita, PS4 over 3DS, 3DS over XB1


Let's put it this way if MS matches Sony blow for blow in the US

Then assuming we have the same sales between Xbox and PS this gen as last

Approximately 41.3M + 26M = 67.3M

Then each get 33.65M sales from the US. Sony gains ~8M over last gen, MS loses ~8M from last gen and a 16M gap between the two is formed just in the US

I have a hard time imagining the XB1 is going to sell 39.7M consoles outside the US from the sales we've seen thus far. The rest of the world is far less receptive to the XB1 than the 360 from what I can see

I guess that's the downfall of having a lot of America themed features in a console, they don't really translate well to other countries. I still think it depends on their push to these countries, MS has a lot more money than their competitors so can be as fierce as they want in some areas. It wouldn't truly surprise me to see them have a lot of Japanese devs have exclusives or for them to have Chinese devs make MMOs for China. It wouldn't propel them into the lead, but it could steady them out for the gen.


Graphical leap doesn't have to be, but third party multiplats are already going next gen only. Most of my friends who own Xbox Ones know nothing about inferior multiplats and so forth, not everyone is informed as us. Steam Box's? Really? Once again PS4 is selling great and on pace to do 15M this year, what stops it from selling? I'd understand if this was your stance pre-release but the hard data and history makes your opinion illogical.
Microsoft is going to be competitive to Sony, and every gen has an inevitable price cut when sales slow, do you honestly expect MSFT and Sony to shit their pants, while Steam Box's take over?

No. They will advertise, they will bring more games, pricecuts, and newer models to avoid poor sales, and once again, what is stopping the PS4's current momentum, with it's current library being barebones?
It has nothing to do with inaction, as Xbone has arguably a better selection of games than the PS4 at the moment, but is still getting flogged. I think once the supply actually meets the demand, by the end of Summer according to Sony, I don't see anything raising that again.

Last gens software sales were driven by third party and Nintendo, but also by innovation in the form of motion control. The Kinect is MSFT's response to the Wii, and it got them the sales they enjoy today. Which is why they went whole hog with it, for the Xbone. Even GTAV was arguably initially advertised as almost a generational leap over IV, especially the multiplayer, which looked like Skyrim with guns. The industry needs change, and the PS4 is not the console that brings that, unless Morpheus becomes a reality.

And if a $500 box can outstripe both systems, gets the best multiplats, and brings VR, why would any enthusiast turn it down? For 'free' indie games?

I just don't see where the PS4 gets +60 M In 4 years.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
PS4: 90 million
Xbox: 55 million
Wii U: 12 million

And if a $500 box can outstripe both systems, gets the best multiplats, and brings VR, why would any enthusiast turn it down? For 'free' indie games?

Steam Box/Steam OS are a joke. Who wants to buy a PC only to severely gimp its library?
Will tank harder than Wii U. (the purpose-built boxes, at least) Mark it.
PS4: 110M
Xbox One: 98M
Wii U: 16M
3DS: 90M
Vita: 30M

I think people Underestimate a lot. First off people are way ahead of themselves on the PS4 v Xbox One.

Second, the last gen has a big problem with sales due to high cost of consoles. Still to date. 8 years in and they are really expensive. The architecture used in the new generation will allow all three consoles to be scaled down and be made cheaper much faster, and I bet we will see console prices go down faster than previous years. This will help give the generation legs, and increase sales. especially for Xbox One.

Also the 3DS will do great. It already is, and I doubt it's anything more than maybe halfway through it's life cycle. It's got quite a few good years left, once prices go down again, we will see sales continue to rise. Sales have been very good to it, and I don't expect DS like sales, but I wouldn't be shocked if it hit 100M even.

The Vita won't do as bad as some people are claiming, especially with price drops, PS4 adoption and the connectivity features. Many PS4 purchasers will pick up a Vita just for remote play.

Wii U is in huge trouble. They're only 18 months in but they have a big uphill battle. Cost is tough because of the controller. So unless they have some breakthrough software that makes it must have like Wii Sports was for the Wiimote, I see bad things in it's future. The controller forces the console to be far more expensive than it needs.

Wii U can probably only turn this around by putting out some breakthrough game, or having a controller less sku. Otherwise, I predict the console will see it's successor by 2016, 2017 at the latest. I won't be surprised if it never breaks 20M.


Numbers from my ass:

PS4 - 60 Million
XBONE - 40 Million
Wii U - 20 Million

3DS - 70 Million
Vita - 13 Million
You're nuts if you think that PS4 and Xbox One gap won't close up by the end of the generation. It'll be less than 20M difference.
Im really curious to see these results. Right now PS4 is getting a few more games, plus most multiplatform games look better on PS4,and its cheaper than xbo. The only thing to recommend XBO is a few exclusives. It will be interesting.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Im really curious to see these results. Right now PS4 is getting a few more games, plus most multiplatform games look better on PS4,and its cheaper than xbo. The only thing to recommend XBO is a few exclusives. It will be interesting.

MS will basically stop trying when it come to exclusives within a few years, anyway. It's what they do. To be fair, OG Xbox was done in a few years anyway. (Because it had to be. Thanks, nVidia.) I miss J Allard, though.


Dat analyst projections.


That was made in 2008? I don't get why it undersells the Xbox especially when that was the same year as the FFXIII meltdown.

Though I could understand the end sales limping because we never heard of Kinect (at that time). Expectations would have been Microsoft dropping the 360 early and releasing another console ahead of everyone else again.
Under 60 million from Xbox One and PS4. Both companies will resort to fluffing their sales numbers before the end of the console life cycle.

20 million for the Wii U if Nintendo is lucky.


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
I expect the PS4 to do 100+ million because it has a chance of becoming the default console the same way the PS2 was. Competition shooting themselves in the foot, lots of titles, wide appeal etc, asynchronous computing to offer a bit of longevity. And unlike the ever-so-expensive Cell, PS4's APU will see steady price decline.

It really depends on MS doing something drastic but with things as they are I doubt the XBO will do more than 40 million.

In other words, I expect the present gap to only get wider: During the PS3 - 360 era you had for all intents and purposes a tie, both systems pushed 80 million units into the market. That was because you could not really pick a clear winner at any point. Both had clear advantages; PS3 had brand strength, Cell's power, a blu ray etc. 360 had more exclusive game deals, was dev friendly, less pricey etc. People were swinging back and forth. Right now the PS4 has a clear advantage on every single one of those categories. And let's be honest, historically the PS is a better marathon runner. The wider audience doesn't care about brand loyalty that much. They wanna bet on the more likely winner, because that's the console that get the more long time support and longevity is essentially what consoles offer.

The WiiU will struggle to pass 10 mil.


I expect MS will go phone/tablet route with yearly hardware iteration, hit that big generation reset button.
So, none of the numbers matter anymore. We get OS market share number instead.
Wow, I didn't realize so many people are expecting:

a) PS4 sales to pass PS3 sales and
b) PS4 to trounce Xbox One

My prediction:
PS4: 72 million
XB1: 60 million

I think sales are going to slow down for both consoles in 2015 and beyond.


I predict that PS4 will a lot more than 100 m sales. XB1 around 60-70 m, Wii U around 25, 3DS around 80 m and VITA around 20 m.
BUT, i also believe that Sony will not introduce another handheld for next gen as VITA is already overpowered in comparison to 3DS.

PS4 has sold 7 million compared to a generous estimate of 4.5 million Xbones. Xbone = 65% of PS4 sales.

In their first fiscal year PS3 sold 3.6 million compared to 5.8 million Wii's.
PS3 = 62% of Wii's sales through a similar period. PS3 ended the generation with 80% of Wii's sales (80 million to 100 million).

Say PS4 sells 90 million when all is said and done. If Xbone ends up with 80% of that number, it would sell 72 million

and probably wrong
maths, but fun to think about!
PS4 - 80M + (More than PS3)
XB1 - 30-50M (Way less than X360)
WiiU - Below 20M (Less than Gamecube)
3DS - 75-85M (PSPish sales)
Vita - 20M + (More than Wii U)

So what the heck is up with Wii U beating Vita overall? Yeah Vita is doing even worse than Wii U in NA, but its doing better in everywhere else.

The difference between WiiU and Vita LTD in USA is smaller than 1M, but in Japan, Vita has over 1M lead. (If wrong numbers, then do tell)

So this should mean that its mostly about Vita and WiiU LTD sales in EU. And we do know which one of them got negative shipments, sooooooooooooooo...

I just think Wii U cant beat Vita overall.
PS4 - 80 million
Xbox One - 75 million
Wii U - 20 million

There is no way Wii U won't hit 20 million with Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Zelda yet to be released as well as 2 more holiday seasons left in it with these 3 software juggernauts to drive sales. Doubt it'll go much higher than 20 though. Been too low for too long.
As for PS4 and Xbox One, there's no doubt PS4 will come out on top although the gap will definitely shrink.
It really seems like a lot of people underestimate how much software actually drives hardware demand/sales. Mario Kart Wii was one of the best selling video games in history and has sold magnitudes more than the Wii Us entire lifetime sales (isn't it something ridiculous like 37 million?). There's no doubt SOME of those buyers will shell out to play the new copy. Same deal with Xbox and Halo. Xbox One will be a Halo machine for many and that'll help Xbox One catch up slightly. People are holding out until these huge franchises hit next gen before they buy a shiny new console.


The console market is decreasing since 2008 and this gen won't last 7-8 years.

75 Mio PS4
60 Mio Xbox One
20 Mio WiiU


Te only thing confirmed is that there will be a gap of at least 30 million. Xbox will lose all those 30 million players that they had last en outside the us. Then with them being tied in us, that could lose them another 10 million. They will sell around 50 million. Ps4 will we 100+ million. I tally don't see many ps3 fans switching. so 80 million current owners plus 30 million 360 owners.


We already know people won't choose Xbone over PS4 in US even at price parity. How can it win US? Or put up much of a fight WW? Most people already know ps3 had better exclusives. I expect PS4 to extend the current lead (which is now 160% of the Xbone) by the end of this gen. Current WW sales are around double the Xbone these days too.

PS4 80 million
X1 43 million
Wii U 20 million
People predicting 75 million + for Xbone....

Can you please explain.

They had the perfect storm last generation. This time they dun goofed. Plus, Halo is barely relevant these days. And they're facing much stronger competition out the gate. Honestly, Xbone is is as dead as Wii U in mainland Europe (Titanfall not present in Germany top 50 chart), where 360 was at least healthy.

What is your reasoning for thinking they are getting anywhere NEAR 360 sales this go around?
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