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What does Destiny look like after 3 months?

Master Patch List

Despite its universally praised shooting mechanics, many players will agree that much of Destiny has left a lot to be desired. Today marks the release of its first DLC "The Dark Below", which attempts to deliver some of the things players have asked. Howveer, you don't need to shell out more cash to take advantage of the changes Bungie has made to the game since its launch.

Do I still have to Grind?

The grind from 1-20 is as real as it ever was, and in some ways the grind thereafter has been extended; however, some things were streamlined and are now considerably simpler after that point.

Destiny's farm was shut down for health code violations. The December 1st Patch lets players purchase "destination materials" such as Spinmetal and Relic Iron from tower vendors - 10 Vanguard or Crucible marks exchanges for 20 materials. Patrol bounties and daily missions also award the player with materials from the respective planet.

Changes were also made to the way weapons are upgraded. You no longer need Ascendent Energy to upgrade Exotics, but the final upgrade bubble will require an Exotic Shard. These new items are purchased from the weekend vendor Xur for 7 Strange Coins or converted from dismantling an Exotic.

Starting today, players will be able to increase the damage on their old exotics by trading it in for an upgraded version from Xur. Doing so will reset the upgrades, but it should be easier to level up the weapon thereafter.

Vanguard and Crucible factions now award Commendations when you level up a faction. These are then used to purchase items, instead of spending X amount of marks.

Okay, maybe it's not considerably simpler.

Is Iron Banner still a Bummer?

Bungie acknowledged the feedback and made significant changes to the way the special PvP event works. Your level and gear matters more and so does winning the match. Upon losing, players earn a medallion that will contribute reputation the next time you win. There are also 12 hour experience buffs and additional buffs for the duration of the event. Lastly, Iron Banner provides players with more armor that allows them to reach level 30. Iron Banner returns once again on the 16th of this month and will also include a path to reach level 31.

Personally, it was an enjoyable event and brought some much needed competition to the multiplayer. If you don't go in with a few friends though, you probably wont find much success.

Does RNGesus still screw me over?

Destiny's loot system has been tweaked several times. After repeated scoldings, the Cryptarch is a bit more generous. You'll see more rare and legendary items drop during strikes and out in the wild.


The new raid "Crota's End" should also be more generous with loot drops; however, if you're still raiding the Vault of Glass for an item or armor piece, bite the pillow.

You don't need to rely on RNG to reach level 29. Check out the leveling guides in the OT: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=939901.

Is the Story still absent?

I could tell you, but I don't have time to explain.

But they're supposedly doing things different now on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6saWAcGizxU

If you're interested in the lore, check out this grimoire website: http://www.destinygrimoire.com/grimoire-cards.html

Do my high-tier weapons still suck?

Exotic Weapons have undergone significant changes, including the long-awaited changes to Thorn, Bad Juju and the Mythoclast. There's a healthy variety of weapons in play now, but some have been broken or made too good. Bungie has stated that weapon balance is an on-going endeavor, so expect to see additional tweaks.

Is PvP still unbalanced?

Weapon Balance was addressed in October. Hand Cannons and Scout Rifles are noticeable more viable, whereas ARs and Shotguns have been somewhat toned down.

The mars map Blind Watch features new geometry to change some lines of sight, as well as relocated Control Zone placements. It plays much fairer than before, although these changes do not tremendously offset its fundamental problems.

Bastion and First Light, Destiny's larger maps featuring vehicles, have been removed from Control and Clash and are now the sole maps in Combined Arms, a vehicle-exclusive playlist that has been on a weekly rotation (and soon may become permanent).

"Slaughter Rules" prevent unbalanced teams from matching each other again.

Class-wide balance is still in the oven

Are bosses still bullet sponges?

Well, yes (if you don't have a Gjallarhorn).

Strikes have been made more difficult solo, but are a bit easier now with more players.

Bungie also addressed exploits in the Vault of Glass. A while ago, some platforms that existed outside of the intentded playable space were blocked off. Bosses that kept being pushed out of their cribs were given baby bumpers. Some of the glitches during the final encounters have been patched.

Is Destiny still anti-social?

Voice Chat was implemented last month. Players can opt into a separate voice channel in matchmade strikes and multiplayer games.

Bungie currently has no plans to add matchmaking for raids. Nightfall and Weekly Strike matchmaking is also requested, although no official confirmation exists.
This is also mentioned in this IGN video: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2014/12/08...-of-story-the-new-raid-and-destiny-2-psx-2014

There's been no official word yet on an in-game clan roster.


Beyond the changes you see above, general improvements have been made to the servers and the HUD.

It's no question that Bungie has a great deal to learn in their communication with their fanbase. Players shouldn't be expected to hear about important information on Twitter 3 days after it becomes relevant. That aside, our contributions have made a difference, be it a great or small one, and I'd like to believe they will continue to make the game much better for the next 3 months and beyond.

What changes do you think are necessary in that time frame? How should Bungie differ in their approach and philosophy?
Huh, the OP actually outlines some interesting stuff.

I was gonna pick up the white PS4 and sell the game off, but now I might just keep it
I stopped playing for about a month and plan to jump back in when the DLC hits later today. I like the sound of a lot of the new changes.
Thanks for the informative post!

Strikes have been made more difficult solo, but are a bit easier now with more players.
combined with this
Bungie currently has no plans to add matchmaking for raids. Nightfall and Weekly Strike matchmaking is also requested, although no official confirmation exists.
really annoys me.
They said that they heard that the players wanted more story so they made Eris. My question is: Is Eris simply the new Dinklebot or is there really a story improvement?


As a 34 year old, in New Zealand, who doesn't know anyone else with a PS4. I found that the lack of voice chat meant that I never made friends with anyone who I did a match made strike with, so the the later content the requires a fireteam (or two) was basically out of reach for me. I understand that's changed now, but it might be too little, too late.

I bought the Digital Guardian Edition, so I've got the new DLC, but I doubt I'll go back as I've moved on to other things now.
Still have Day one raid glitches ? Yes
Did they still haven't adress inventory limit that we ask for since day one ? They only adressed this this week end.


They said that they heard that the players wanted more story so they made Eris. My question is: Is Eris simply the new Dinklebot or is there really a story improvement?

She is just a new Dinklebot voice over at the moment but there's a clearer plot in the first two DLC missions alone than most of the base game.


Thank you for this great post! :)
I sold the game a few weeks ago after playing for ~50h but I still enjoy watching the game on Twitch. Watching people figure out the raids is really fun.


Social patch should have been implemented way earlier and the lack of matchmaking for other modes is still bizarre. I feel like they are being stubborn about it.

Now that there are actually a ton of other games to play I don't know that I'll ever go back. Dlc sounds like it is essentially a map pack and no actual new features to the game.
Bungie indeed improved the game a lot. Hope they keep expending it at a higher pace though. There is simply not enough content and still a lot to fix.

It's a great game though. Can't wait to play it again once the DLC is up today.


( ≖‿≖)
Is the grinding and drop rate actually that bad when compared to a normal MMO or is it just too much for an 'fps mmo'


Sadly one of the main weekly draws of this game, nightfall, is restricted from players who have not yet purchased the dlc.

I understand the business side of it, but it sucks and literally turned me off the game after playing near daily since launch. I'll finally see if a week+ away from the game breaks the addiction.
I played for about 3 weeks until I lost interest in the game. The combat is good but with very limited number maps that you revisit over and over gain will strain you and makes you bored.

The art direction is great but the lore isn't interesting or explored enough to give it an edge to make me want to stay in this world, so many missed opportunities in this game makes me feel sad.
Sadly one of the main weekly draws of this game, nightfall, is restricted from players who have not yet purchased the dlc.

I understand the business side of it, but it sucks and literally turned me off the game after playing near daily since launch. I'll finally see if a week+ away from the game breaks the addiction.

i'd wait for official confirmation on this, but that would be really sour if that's the route they're going.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I find it amazing that bungie is so resistant to matchmaking, a tool to help people to play multi-player games, which is what destiny is all about.

I mean, don't they want people to play their bloody game? What is this all about?
Played a total of 270 hours, the game is okay.
jk, I love it even though the endgame is grindy and the mission design is amateur stuff.


Thanks for the info, OP. I'm loving the game despite its flaws, but I just don't understand why no matchmaking for raids or the weeklys. I'm an adult and I work more than 50 hours M-F. I have one person I know irl who I play this game with and as much we love teaming up and playing the game together, it sucks we can't just jump in a raid or weekly without spending precious gaming time scrounging forums doing the LFG thing. Now that they've added voice chat it's not impossible for strangers to finish a raid. Hell, they could allow a team to vote to boot someone that doesn't have a mic ala left for dead.
Does anyone else find it funny that they never did a Queens Guard event again after the first one? Like, haven't even hinted at it?

Maybe they realized it was an abject failure...?


I have the expansion pass so I guess I'll boot this up again after this week. Never was able to do the raid, I'd like to do those sometime as well. Hope the new story is good, although I doubt it'll be much different than before.

edit: ahhh ps+ runs out this month, not sure i'll have as much time to play then as I thought. They really need to hurry up and add matchmaking to raids.


nah, im probably not returning for anything thats not Crucible.

im gonna wait and see what they do with Destiny 2 and if i like what i see then im back on, but no pre-ordering for this game anymore.


so whenever the new expansion strike becomes the weekly heroic and nightfall..players who havent bought the expansion cant earn coins or get the bonus for a week..not good.


I will still play this game daily, but they need to grab 3 people from OT11/OT12 and get real input or guidance

Because though I'm enjoying the expansion but they already screwed up and let me down again
If the game play wasn't crack
And the addiction to get more loot wasn't crack
And I didn't have fun playing with others

I would be mad


I can't believe this game came out 3 months ago, it already feels like a distant memory

Yeah, and not exactly a pleasant one either. The improvements outlined in the OP are welcome, but they're mostly crap that should have been addressed within the first 2-3 weeks of the game's release, not three months after. And they still don't address Destiny's most glaring flaws. What the hell am I doing? Who are all these different factions and why are they at war with one another? Why is everything so barren and lifeless? Why am I staring at my ship hovering in space for minutes at a time instead of actually flying it? Why are the bosses just larger versions of existing enemies with retarded HP? Where's all the content? Why... fuck it, I'll be here all day if I list all my grievances with Destiny. I guess the point I'm trying to get across is that Bungie already burnt that bridge with me, and there's nothing they can do to entice me back.


i have been playing since release and i don't have an exotic weapon:(
I got an exotic scout rifle during during a patrol at level 22 lol, but didn't bother to grind past 25.

If it makes you feel better, I have awful RNG in other MP games: ME3, DA:I, Hearthstone, and D3.


Nice op

But imma hafta jump in here. 1 to 20 was/is a breeze. In fact I was worried I was leveling too fast. The key is to mix in crucible early and then play hard missions only.

I was 19 midway through Venus. So I don't feel like the grind starts until 20.

Otherwise great OP I picked up the game over BF for PS3 for $35 and have already gotten my money out of it.

I would only like a couple of things and that is a matchmaking opt in for the weekly and daily.
And I want a cooperative/competitive horde mode. They have two enemy classes designed perfectly for horde modes, I would love to see a cooperative mode and a competitive one where your success makes it harde for your opponents.


Dayam Zoba. Putting in some major work into that OP. I'm ready for the the Raid tonight. I don't think we'll be completing it tonight tho lol
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