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What improvements do you want to see in Borderlands 3?


So now that Battleborn is a cadaver, I'm sure that Gearbox will start work on Borderlands 3 soon, if they aren't already doing so.

I always thought the series had potential to achieve excellence, but there are so many missteps made in both games, and I'm hoping Gearbox gets the chance to improve upon those flaws and really knock it out of the park this time.

Personally, I feel that the biggest problem is the writing.

The "humor" in both games have been the very definition of hit-and-miss. Many of the side-quest contain the comedic writing that really lands, like that encounter with the robot who wants to be human or Claptrap's Birthday Party.

When the jokes do miss, which is about fifty percent of the time, they can be absolutely awful and overly-long, made worse by the inability to skip dialogue or cut-scenes (another major issue), a problem that only intensifies in a game built around replays.

Hearing that the lead writer on Battleborn left the studio is somewhat comforting, but I doubt he was the sole person responsible for the series' worst moments.

The series' problem of having to return to quest givers in order to turn in quests is also a tedious experience. Were there a fast travel option available from the in-game map, this would not be a huge problem, but it has been far too common to end up in a zone without a fast travel point, meaning a long trek back to that particular NPC was necessary.

Shared Loot online is another problem online. Games like Destiny and The Division have already rectified this issue, and I'm hoping Gearbox is wise enough to include, as online play with randoms is unplayable when drops are shared.

This might be bad luck in my own personal experiences with the games, but I have found the drop rate in both games to be unfair. In the 100 or so hours I've played in BL2, I've only ended up with one legendary weapon. For comparison, I had my first legendary drop within the first hour of Diablo 3 on PS4. Why brag about how rad the guns in the game are when ninety percent of them are common garbage?

Including Armor drops, as in Destiny, could be an interesting addition to the series, and could provide a layer of character of customization that isn't there at the moment

Improving the audio feedback on combat seems like an obvious choice. Both games lack the proper audio and visual feedback in combat that Destiny and The Division now provide. The weapon in Battleborn also felt and sounded weak, which is worrying. Gearbox really needs to beef up the guns this time. Oh, and hit-markers please!

How would the rest of ya'll go about improving the series?


More abilities that are independent of your gun. In the age of the "hero" and class shooters some of the BL formula in the moment to moment gameplay can feel stiff. Gives more ways to make characters unique rather than their special and some +stats in their skill trees. Give me a character that's a lot more mobile (they can refine the moon stuff from Presequel), that sort of thing.
Seriously, rip-off Diablo 3.

Randomized events, adventure mode with bounties, rifts, greater rifts, auto-scaling of levels so that levels don't ever stand in the way of friends grouping up, armor as loot, set items and set dungeons.

New story mode DLC would not only add new gear, classes and zones as normal but also add to the tileset, events and monster selection available in events, rifts, etc.

And some kind of limited tweaking to items. Maybe re-rolls of certain stats, or some kind of mod/attachment system, or both.

Do what works.


Everything the previous posters mentioned. Since they will do a Season Pass. I want it to be to the quality of General Knoxx and Tiny Tina's. It should also all be included under one pass, don't split it into season 1 and 2 (also don't hide the level cap increases as DLC).


Seriously, rip-off Diablo 3.

Randomized events, adventure mode with bounties, rifts, greater rifts, auto-scaling of levels so that levels don't ever stand in the way of friends grouping up, armor as loot, set items and set dungeons.

New story mode DLC would not only add new gear, classes and zones as normal but also add to the tileset, events and monster selection available in events, rifts, etc.

And some kind of limited tweaking to items. Maybe re-rolls of certain stats, or some kind of mod/attachment system, or both.

Do what works.

Absolutely. Keep all the stuff they have, iterate on that, but also include this type of content.

Have whoever wrote Tales of the Borderlands write it

God yes, I don't think Gearbox can come close to that alone. Tales is amazing and they should definitely see if they can leverage that into the next game somehow.
Make it more like Pre-Sequel and I'm in. It is, after all, the best mainline Borderlands game. I don't think it's a coincidence that the two best (Pre-Sequel and Tales) Borderlands games were made by people other than Gearbox. Though Battleborn is pretty good so they're definitely improving.

Would not be surprised to have it be an MMO-lite/social game a la Destiny/The Division though. Seems like a natural progression.


More abilities that are independent of your gun. In the age of the "hero" and class shooters some of the BL formula in the moment to moment gameplay can feel stiff. Gives more ways to make characters unique rather than their special and some +stats in their skill trees. Give me a character that's a lot more mobile (they can refine the moon stuff from Presequel), that sort of thing.

Seriously, rip-off Diablo 3.

Randomized events, adventure mode with bounties, rifts, greater rifts, auto-scaling of levels so that levels don't ever stand in the way of friends grouping up, armor as loot, set items and set dungeons.

New story mode DLC would not only add new gear, classes and zones as normal but also add to the tileset, events and monster selection available in events, rifts, etc.

And some kind of limited tweaking to items. Maybe re-rolls of certain stats, or some kind of mod/attachment system, or both.

Do what works.

Forgot both of these in the OP, but yeah going back to BL2 reminds me of just how sluggish those games were.

Level Scaling is also a necessity. Earning two xp per kill shouldn't be a thing anymore.

I'm in total agreement here. TPS was consistently funnier than either of the main entries.

The problem with that one is the level design in the latter half was a disaster.
For a game that's entire about guns, the guns kinda just feel...bad? There's a stiffness to the shooting in that game that kinda ruins it. If they can tune that I'll be a lot happier.
Less gimmick guns. You know, sometimes I'd like a gun that just fucking shoots straight. Not a gun that shoots bouncy bombs in an arc or a gun that shoots faster the longer you hold the trigger. I can't count the number of times I get a gun with seemingly amazing stats, way better in every category. Damage out the wazoo. But surprise surprise, it handles like utter garbage or only has 2 bullets per mag.
Tighten up the shooting and feed back, less bullet sponge enemies, more boss mechanics. I don't mind the writing and humour but less reliance on memes would be nice. Try to make the single player more fun, maybe with an AI partner or something that can assist in getting you up.

I would also like to make my own character and choose abilities/trees.


Elden Member
My wife a I have put well over 300 combined hours into Borderlands 2 and the prequel. I want this for 3:

1. Better writing. Already covered by the OP, but id add that it's not the humor that needs a lot of work, rather the story as a whole. Give us something to talk about beyond the cliche tripe that is the base story.

2. Shared loot. Lots of evil looks have been shared between us when one person grabbed the Orange weapon that shot out from a boss. Not a good feeling, detrimental to my marriage.

3. Destructible environments. In a game about overpowered guns and insane level design, I want to see destructible environments to make battles more dynamic and interesting. I don't live far from the Gearbox office here in Dallas, I wish I could just run over and show them some ideas for this and how it could be implemented.

4. Get rid of the level caps, and stop tieing the increased ones to DLC. Everytime we've stopped playing it's because we hit the level cap and had no reason to do anything else. No worse feeling in this game then finishing a huge battle and realizing you didn't get a lick of experience for it.

5. Seasons, like Diablo 3, give vets something to do every few months. Keeping us interested and tied to your game.


Stat/level scaling needs to be closer to Borderlands 1 than Borderlands 2. BL1 had a bit of a problem where you could be using the same (very good) gun for 10 levels. In BL2 any gun that isn't legendary is trash in about 4 levels or less (and so are most legendaries).

The game DESPERATELY needs a way to just sync your level and gear to the game host/team average/something. I should not have to roll a new character just to play with someone who has played less than me, or edit my save to play with someone who has played more. Even if there's some sort of loot/XP penalty for playing in this mode it'll be worth it.

It'd be nice if it had something akin to Destiny's "free roam" mode or whatever that was, where you have little random missions to waste time withi nstead of being forced to redo the story/sidequests all over.

Elements/DOT need to be handled properly. DOT starts sucking in Playthrough 2 and then Slag is basically required in Playthrough 3. That sucks. My absolute favorite thing in Borderlands is the elemental guns and the strategies they enable, so that part of BL2 really bugged me.

Manufacturer personality is one of the best parts of BL2 and I hope it's expanded on/new manufacturers for BL3. E-tech guns only suck slightly less than eridian weapons from BL1, so that could still be worked on more.

Legendary rarity is garbage in BL2, bring it back to BL1. I shouldn't be killing the final boss 50 times to get a single drop of a not very good legendary. I think they did finally adjust this after I stopped playing but I'm not sure how much. But sub 1% droprate from the best source of a Legendary gun is just unacceptable.

The added mobility in TPS was great, the nerf to Fire in zero O2 environments was not.

Unlike some people I really don't think the writing or "gunplay" are problems but if they change those enough that I stop having to hear about it (while still keeping the game really funny) I'm fine with that. Borderlands absolutely cannot become a humorless series though.


I would like to not have to go to a vendor anytime I want to sell junk weapons. Let me sell in the field. Or at stations.


Take a note form the Tales From The Borderlands writing. You can still have humour and silliness but maybe don't go full into the whole "annoying character is annoying and that is so funny right!?" thing. Claptrap can still be obnoxious and stupid, that's fine, but don't add a bunch more characters who are just like it with a different voice.

Also maybe make some of the weirder, silly guns, unique guns a bit more common. Like the kind you usually find in the golden chest, the purple/pink named ones that have weird fire modes.
make your jokes for adults and not teenagers

make the endgame something more than "do the campaign again but this time it's bullet-sponge city so you have to use slag for everything"

nix the shared loot like every other game like borderlands does now

make the legendaries useful again instead of largely gimmicky trash

get rid of all of the characters and start fresh

all of them

bring back S&S Munitions

learn how to make jokes and not take jokes

bring back weapon proficiencies instead of the grindy badass rank shit

let prefab weapon parts not be stuck to one manufacturer like in the first game so there's more weapon variety

realize you're making an M-rated game and stop bleeping shit as if that would somehow make your lousy jokes better

pay Ben Hibon royalties

have a larger ratio of creatures over human enemies

give SEGA their fucking money back

promise that they'll never let anthony burch near another one of these games for as long as he lives

don't let the numbers get out of fucking control so quickly as you level up this time

make sure to actually include all of the DLC in the inevitable season pass


I would like to not have to go to a vendor anytime I want to sell junk weapons. Let me sell in the field. Or at stations.

Oh right, this. if there was a button to just not spawn white guns at all, even if I don't get paid for them, I would check that button so hard. Even green guns in playthrough 3 are basically not worth looking at.
Speaking of levels, the Borderlands game proper and DLC always confused me with what levels were appropriate for what content, made worse when new game+ got into the mix. I'd have to look up wikis or forum posts or faqs with sometimes contradictory information. And it always sucked to buy some new DLC and find out you're 10 levels underleveled for it.

Auto-scale that shit. Strict level based gating has to go, especially for games with co-op.


Keep the humour, even Claptrap's (intentionally) bad jokes add a lot of personality to the game. The series would be incredibly stale without it.

Make sure Legendaries are good and worth using for a good few levels. Even the worst Legendary should have a cool gimmick that separates it from purple and lower weapons. Make them pop up often enough so you don't feel bad replacing your unique Legendary weapon- but not too often, of course. I loved BL1's droprates, and BL2's improved droprates are almost there.

There needs to be a big dumb boss with the same droprates as Crawmerax. It's incredibly satisfying to see him pop into more than a handful of Legendaries. It's still fun to occasionally boot up BL1 and kill him just because of the crazy drops he gives.

Please- nothing like Master Gee the Invincible.


Get all Battleborns heroes in as playable characters and obviously tweaked so they are suitable for borderlands.


Yeah, the writing is the worst thing ever.
I don't think it'll ever get any better.
I mean, they wouldn't have made the first few games with it if they had any idea that it was atrocious.



1. here come dat boi meme featuring claptrap

o shit whaddup!!!!!!!!!!!!

No but seriously more interesting active abilities instead of just one and more build paths. It takes too long to level up just to choose between +1.45% fire rate or +3% more health. Also make the game less reliant on levels too, eliminate the invisible armor and attack values that levels change. No more slag either.
More abilities that are independent of your gun. In the age of the "hero" and class shooters some of the BL formula in the moment to moment gameplay can feel stiff. Gives more ways to make characters unique rather than their special and some +stats in their skill trees. Give me a character that's a lot more mobile (they can refine the moon stuff from Presequel), that sort of thing.
Yeah, having only one special ability is silly when the game goes so long. Surely players can figure out having more than one special ability buttons after a dozen hours of play. I also really liked the low gravity stuff in Pre-sequel, made the combat sandbox a lot more interesting than it was previously.

My biggest problem with the series is pacing. Having to trek from questgiver to questgiver simply doesn't belong in a fast-paced action co-op RPG. I'm hoping Gearbox developers have spent some serious time with Guild Wars 2 and seen how pacing in a game like this should work. It needs to flow better.


- Keep the jetpack gameplay and cryo and laser guns from TPS. They're fun and add variety to the formula.

- Make guns handle better. My gold standard for this sort of thing is well-rolled Atlas assault rifles from BL1, which were rock solid in every regard and felt great to use. Nothing in BL2 comes close, even among the rarities that aren't crap. Everything is designed to have some notable flaw in the best case example, which results in every gun being in some way unsatisfying. This is especially egregious when you start talking about E-tech weapons, which are designed to be inherently cool but nobody uses the damn things because they're all fundamentally fucked somehow because nothing is allowed to be good.

- Stop tying legendary drops to specific mobs. Boss runs are awful and completely put me off of the long term loot hunt. Yes, there's some nonzero chance for anything to drop anything, but it's still terrible even after they went through all that rigamarole about buffing drop rates a while back. In high end Diablo 3 gameplay I've got maybe a 1 in 4 chance of seeing a legendary drop from a garden variety chest in a rift. Doesn't mean the legendary itself rolled well enough to be any good, but at least I see the damn things.

- Don't go on and on and on about how badass the player is. It's tiresome, especially when it comes at the cost of degrading the old player characters. I spent a lot of time with those people. Stop telling me how much they suck. Actually, just grab the TftB writers like everyone else wants, they're aces.

- Melee weapons. They're fun. Add them to the loot model. Nobody likes having the cool default melee weapons overwritten by janky-ass gunblades.

Chris R

New Game + with ANY class after beating it with one.

I'll play the game twice or more, but always kinda burn out on a single class, and the early game stuff is just boring doing it over and over at very low levels.
I'd like more weapon fire variety. even tho there are so many guns in that game they all still fall into a few archetypes. I'd like to see that stuff blown wide open

also a more reserved approach to the humour. i think tales set a pretty good tone for how the humour should be handled in that universe, so i hope the next game follows suit


I also think BL3 would benefit greatly by taking notes from The Presequel. The humor was much better compared to the other games, and I also found the art design, gameplay, and level design to be better.

Hopefully they don't pull a Bethesda and ignore the good changes that another developer made to their series.

I think it was the first game where I wanted to change the audio files just so I couldn't hear a npc talk. I found claptrap irritating, wish I could delete the sound files. I had this blank stare when the game tried to be funny.
One thing that bothered me of this series is how it deals with leveling up, it's all higher % on most of your skills, felt it was uninteresting. Conclusion writing and progression.


Neighbours from Hell
IMO, the whole Borderlands formula just got stale by the time TPS rolled around. I didn't enjoy that game very much. If I'm going to be into another Borderlands, they would have to scrap their main formula and change a lot of it from the ground up.

No more "hub area" style maps. I'd want an open world more the style of the Far Cry series. Less total weapons, but more unique weapons. Even though the series has a ton of weapons, most are minor variations and most I had no interest in using. It would be better IMO if they cut down on the total number, but made more and better weapons and interesting new variations.

I'd like the game to "feel" and play differently. Different setting, areas that invite exploration rather than just large arena-type areas where the purpose is fighting enemies. Also different style visuals, and less humorous, maybe more serious this time.

Yes, I know all these changes would no longer make the game feel like Borderlands, but to me that is what I want. Borderlands is just old and stale at this point IMO. It needs a major shakeup.
No more annoying shit loser characters like Tiny Tina.

Create dialog that feels like it's natural in the Borderlands universe. Internet memes have got to go.

That's kind of all really. Everything else being the same would still drag me back to a new Borderlands game.
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