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What improvements do you want to see in Borderlands 3?

For a game that's entire about guns, the guns kinda just feel...bad? There's a stiffness to the shooting in that game that kinda ruins it. If they can tune that I'll be a lot happier.

This. I enjoy the Borderlands games, but at the end of the day the gunplay isn't exactly the best. I don't necessarily expect Destiny or Halo 5 or something, but there's plenty of room for improvement.
Instanced loot. I don't want to compete with my friends when a nice gun drops. Everyone should get their own loot.

More active abilities and interesting talent trees. I don't know if this is possible since it has to work on a controller, but so many of the things in the talent trees are just passives. I want more abilities to use.

Better shooting.
Include a public apology in the Intro screen for:
  • Canceling the Interceptor remake of Duke Nukem 3D.
  • Taking financial entitlements from the coder for the Duke 3D Megaton port
  • Aliens: Colonial Marines


Diablo 3's adventure mode/ rifts.

Give me a podium at every boss where I can spend eridum to make them harder and have them drop better loot when defeated.


^ Nuke the concept of having to farm spawn a boss like this fucker

Red Hood

I can't say I was too bothered with the writing, but then again it's been almost three years since I last played (and loved) Borderlands 2. A legit open world would be great instead of several levels.
Give every class something as interesting as Anarchy from the Mechromancer. That skill is perhaps one of my favorite in any video game.

Besides that, just look at how DOOM and Overwatch have improved the genre, and copy some of those concepts.
Other than the obvious stuff like less memes/bad writing and improved gunplay:

The UI in both games is ridiculously awful on PC. They seriously need to rethink that shit, it's not designed for mouse/kb controls at all. Even towards the end of BL2 it still felt like I was wrestling with the UI just to equip a new gun or mod.


-Not have half the classes action skill being a pet.

-rework the loot to be like bl1, where there is much more potential for stat variances within the guns, in b2 basically every manufactures weapon type is identical, once you've fired a maliwan pistol youve basically fired them all.

-dont tie certain drops to bosses

-environment variety, 1 and the pre sequel suck at this.

-hardcore permadeath mode

-gore, tons of it

-stop spending so much effort on vehicles, its better spent else where


I loved a lot of the humor, and definitely liked Tiny Tina.

And that's the crux of it -- you say 50% of the jokes fall flat, but that's how jokes work. Even if 100% of the jokes hit you in the face, then I might find only 10% funny.

Comedy is -hard-. Comedy that appeals to everyone is nearly impossible -- while you might get away with a funny 30 second clip on youtube that appeals to hundreds of millions, trying to maintain that for an entire game [or film] isn't easy.

I say, keep doing what they did in B2. It worked. It was funny. It had soul [which is more than I can say for B1, which felt dead inside].
Instanced loot. I don't want to compete with my friends when a nice gun drops. Everyone should get their own loot.

More active abilities and interesting talent trees. I don't know if this is possible since it has to work on a controller, but so many of the things in the talent trees are just passives. I want more abilities to use.

Better shooting.
This , i hope they put more abilities for each characters


This might be a bit selfish, but I like not having shared loot. When I'm playing with friends we decide beforehand what types of weapons each person's gonna go with and we trade shit as we go on.

Unlike Destiny Borderlands actually has loot trading, so plus minuses.


Seriously, rip-off Diablo 3.

Randomized events, adventure mode with bounties, rifts, greater rifts, auto-scaling of levels so that levels don't ever stand in the way of friends grouping up, armor as loot, set items and set dungeons.

New story mode DLC would not only add new gear, classes and zones as normal but also add to the tileset, events and monster selection available in events, rifts, etc.

And some kind of limited tweaking to items. Maybe re-rolls of certain stats, or some kind of mod/attachment system, or both.

Do what works.

Yup. To add to it, customizable and/or armor pieces other than shield that changes appearance.

Loot that is independent to each player, no more someone stealing your loot or having faster fingers than you in getting the loot you want.

Rework the traits so that shot types are just weirdly cool but also useful.

Better shooting. Guns just don't have that powerful kick or feeling to it most of the time.

Some other traversal mechanic other than vehicles. They were always underutilized and given no real incentive to use outside of getting to X faster.

The world to be more dense, no long expansions of nothing to give an illusion of a big world.
I hope some elements of TPS do make it into the next Borderlands game - having vertical traversal over huge areas with Oz Kits was refreshing, and it lead to some far more interesting level design. Cryo >>>>> slag. Having the player character interact with the world was fantastic, too, and was something that only started in the later BL2 DLCs.

I see this on Reddit all the time, too (which is ironic, because the reason I got into BL2 was because Reddit was going loony over it, and spamming r/gaming to death with BL2 moments), what abundance of memes are there in BL2 outside of the double rainbow? There were pop-culture references in the side-quests, but I'm eternally baffled at the meme-meme-meme circle jerk that surrounds the game.

Have whoever wrote Tales of the Borderlands write it

Well, Anthony Burch did write for Tales from the Borderlands-! Seriously, though, I'm assuming it'll be Mikey Neumann, who wrote Borderlands 1 and voices Scooter?

New Game + with ANY class after beating it with one.

I'll play the game twice or more, but always kinda burn out on a single class, and the early game stuff is just boring doing it over and over at very low levels.

Urrrgh, absolutely this. Slowly levelling up a character again is really tedious. You just want to get in there and tear shit up.
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