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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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get some go again
eh just pretend you are in an office environment and post in that way. of course there will always be assholes but they are also the ones that usually end up getting perma'd.
is there anyone who has been here for 4+ years that's never been banned?

I've been here since day one of NeoGAF, but didn't post a lot in the beginning. But still, that's almost nine years. Go me? If you want more things I brag about of dubious merit, next I'll tell the tale of the time I almost bowled a perfect game.
I got banned for 3 weeks once (my one and only ban in 4 years) because I typed lol in a thread about a sexual harassment. I wasn't laughing at the sexual harassment, the circumstances leading to it were strange and surreal. Had the situation not escalated to that point, I'm sure it would have been an odd story about a creepy dude the girl could laugh off with her friends. I even added that it was terrible, I was glad for the girls safety and I hoped that the perpetrator was caught.

Anyway, don't type lol in a thread about a sex crime.
Just be who you are and if you get banned for it then you probably weren't in the right environment to begin with.

Also keep an eye out for when Evil is in a bad mood about certain things that have become a norm :D


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Pay tribute, a weekly sacrifice of cheetos and mountain dew to be placed at the front door of the mods.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Pay tribute, a weekly sacrifice of cheetos and mountain dew to be placed at the front door of the mods.

Doritos man, Doritos.

Pay tribute, a weekly sacrifice of cheetos and mountain dew to be placed at the front door of the mods.
Cheetos will get you banned. Doritos will not.

Anyway, I've been banned 3 times. First time and last time while being too combative and rigorous in debating a position, and once was just fucking lame. I had posted some images (can't remember what) and walked away from the computer. I refreshed the page and they were gone. I scanned and scanned and there was simply no trace. I thought maybe I really didn't hit submit, or maybe there was some sort of glitch, so I posted them again and went about my business.

...then I got banned because apparently a mod had deleted them and not left either a PM or note in the thread about it or anything to mention what happened or why. I thought that was pretty damn bogus, as either a PM or a quick comment in said thread would have prevented the events that lead to that ban. The note left on the ban was pretty infuriating, as it supposed that I somehow *knew* that a mod had removed the post and had intentionally side-stepped their effort to spite them when such a conclusion couldn't have been farther from the truth. It's one thing to earn a ban; it's quite another to feel the victim of actions secondary to a lack of communication by the empowered.

My advice would be to debate and argue, but at some point simply accept that you may disagree with someone and move on. If you feel yourself getting upset in real life, it's time to visit a new thread for awhile because you may put too much of that frustration in a post and get sent on vaca for a few days or weeks. Oh, and if a post disappears without a trace, assume a mod did it.


How can someone be like-minded and yet un-like-minded? If I thought the same as everyone else then I wouldn't have been called brainless for the opinion I expressed, to which I would not have passively-aggressively replied (and to the mods, this is somehow worse than being outright insult and dismissive of other people's opinions).

Super late to responding to someone but I just wanted to clear this up. I said like-minded people having unlike-minded ideas. When you post in gaming side, everyone is a gamer of some sort. When you post in sportsGAF, poliGAF, lgbtGAF, etc. You are posting with like-minded people but everyone has different experieces, thus they would have different ideas about things.
Dont be a racist, homophobe, islamophobe, sexist or Mysoginist. If you opinion is extremely in the minority, do not push it further because the thread will inevitably become about you. Dont call others names and be dicks. Trolling is tolerated. Thats all.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also try to keep your emotions in check, and breathe calmly.

I'm very indifferent about video games but I have strong opinions on animated shows (see: Paperman), but I always breathe :3


I avoid a lot of threads. If it's on a particular subject that I may like, but has way more pages than it should, it's usually devolved into people calling other people out on things that no longer relate to the original topic of the thread. That's why I don't post a lot. I miss the beginning of a bunch of good threads that eventually go bad.
Whenever I see "banned" under someones name, I read the last few posts they made and I take notes. I've been able to get a feel for what is cool and what isn't that way.

I, uh, just discovered this thread by doing this. Specifically, this post:
If you only read one post in this thread, this is the one to read.

Anyway, I've never been banned yet, although I've typed out some replies and then closed the tab. Taking a moment to think about what you're writing is good, and remember that sarcasm and text don't mix well.


I've been here three years and haven't got a single ban on me yet. I try not to be an asshole, if the point of your post is only to rustle peoples' jimmies then you might not want to post it. I wouldn't.

I read my posts multiple times before I post them. Around 1/4 of the I delete the post as it doesn't anything to the discussion (almost deleted this post too). And I try to never post one-word-posts like "lol". They add nothing but bloat to the thread. Though, when E3's or Eurovision's going on I am bit more lax about my posts as the points of those topics are reactions to what happening.

I try not to be mean. People rarely like mean people, unless they are hilarious and mean. When you critique someone's post don't go all ad hominem on them...


Don't be afraid to challenge mods, just remember to be civil and not turn into a raging strawmen as mods don't tolerate that kind of shit. Treating mods as different then users is a quick way to get banned or on their watch list. Mods are users too, so why treat them differently just because they are in charge of keeping the forum clean?

Tag fishing will get you at the least juniored like me or banned. Repeat attempts also come with the added shame of everyone knowing what you did and never letting you live it down.

Used to be a mod myself before moving here so I can relate to that. There were no less than four members over there who were constantly sucking it up to me by calling me their "friend" even though I had never asked for their friendship and would have disliked them big time if we had met IRL. I wasn't sure why they were doing that at first, but I had eventually come to understand their intentions more by the time.

First one was doing it to rally me to his cause for some drama shit.

Second one was doing it in the expectation I would have given him special treatment in terms of moderation. He got to figure out I wasn't really the kind of moderator to grant tenure when I exposed his multi-account.

Last two ones fell into the following category.

Mods that think people like them for their personality: If you're a mod and you really think that everybody is quoting your post and laughing at your wit or agreeing with you because you're actually that witty or smart, get a fucking clue. They're doing that because they think being nice to the mod will in turn increase their chances of being a mod where they can eventually live out the digital version of the jock-bagging-their-groceries fantasy from above.

Ironically, one of them took my place when I got revoked.
Dont be a racist, homophobe, islamophobe, sexist or Mysoginist. If you opinion is extremely in the minority, do not push it further because the thread will inevitably become about you. Dont call others names and be dicks. Trolling is tolerated. Thats all.

That's fine actually. LOTS of people make fun of the middle east, islam or anything to do with Muslims. It happens so often its just not funny anymore. I live in the Middle East and showed this forum to a few friends - they were disgusted by some of the posts referring to Saudis/Arabs as "Barbarians" and much worse.

Its odd because we have just gotten IGN middle east so the video game scene is really growing here (So much so that Justin Wong and Daigo were flown to Kuwait for a tournament) - however my mates browsed the off topic section and instantly said there would be no chance they would join if these are the type of people who post. (i agree with them - i had to tell them not all members are like that but there were enough posts to make them feel unwelcome).


Gold Member
The only way to not get permbanned is to not go into controversial discussions. I've given up on it. Been banned 3 or 4 times so far. It's no use. Even if you're not straight out mods seem to go out and find a reason to bann you if your opinion is somehow not in line. I've been banned once for a month for writing "cool story bro", which was kind of extreme IMO. I would have understood it if this was all I've written in this one comment. But it was just sentence in a whole paragraph. This really what drew the line for me. I just largely stick to gaming discussions now. Not worth it as this is the only gaming site I can actually access from work.
The only way to not get permbanned is to not go into controversial discussions. I've given up on it. Been banned 3 or 4 times so far. It's no use. Even if you're not straight out mods seem to go out and find a reason to bann you if your opinion is somehow not in line. I've been banned once for a month for writing "cool story bro", which was kind of extreme IMO. I would have understood it if this was all I've written in this one comment. But it was just sentence in a whole paragraph. This really what drew the line for me. I just largely stick to gaming discussions now. Not worth it as this is the only gaming site I can actually access from work.

i also stay out of ANY threads about transgendered people. Even using the wrong name can get you banned. its way to risky to say anything so i stay out of them now.


erotic butter maelstrom
i also stay out of ANY threads about transgendered people. Even using the wrong name can get you banned. its way to risky to say anything so i stay out of them now.

Really? Because I've seen transgender threads that generated hundreds if not thousands of posts, and the vast majority of the posters who participated weren't banned. Seems like you should only stay out of those threads if you're gonna throw around terms like tranny or express disgust towards a lifestyle you don't approve of.
That's fine actually. LOTS of people make fun of the middle east, islam or anything to do with Muslims. It happens so often its just not funny anymore. I live in the Middle East and showed this forum to a few friends - they were disgusted by some of the posts referring to Saudis/Arabs as "Barbarians" and much worse.

Its odd because we have just gotten IGN middle east so the video game scene is really growing here (So much so that Justin Wong and Daigo were flown to Kuwait for a tournament) - however my mates browsed the off topic section and instantly said there would be no chance they would join if these are the type of people who post. (i agree with them - i had to tell them not all members are like that but there were enough posts to make them feel unwelcome).

they probably weren't banned because they gave rational reasons why Saudi Arabia is an awful place if you're not a rich male citizen of a particular religion.
they probably weren't banned because they gave rational reasons why Saudi Arabia is an awful place if you're not a rich male citizen of a particular religion.
Yeah. I've gone out of my way to call people out on Islamiphobia, but I bet most negative statements about Saudi Arabia were calling a spade a spade.
Been here for over one and a half years now, haven't been banned thus far.
I don't have a tag either, so I don't know if that means that I'm a good person or that I'm just not cool enough to get a tag.
Probably the latter though.
Really? Because I've seen transgender threads that generated hundreds if not thousands of posts, and the vast majority of the posters who participated weren't banned. Seems like you should only stay out of those threads if you're gonna throw around terms like tranny or express disgust towards a lifestyle you don't approve of.

I would have said this flippantly before perusing a thread with mass bannings. I didn't realize it was a derogative word for 22 years of my life...


erotic butter maelstrom
I would have said this flippantly before perusing a thread with mass bannings. I didn't realize it was a derogative word for 22 years of my life...

Yeah, I wouldn't have thought so either until a few years back, but I was pretty ignorant to anything transgender related. I'm no expert on the subject, but from what I understand it's not the worst word you could use, but it's best to avoid it.

But the context it's being used in is obviously more important than anything else. There's a pretty clear line between using a word because you're not aware it's offensive to some, and using it to intentionally be derogatory towards a group of people. This may not always be the case, especially in those mass banning threads where the mods sometimes "mow" down people indiscriminately, but ideally if it's used without malice you shouldn't get a time out for it.


Gabriel Knight
I've been here since day one of NeoGAF, but didn't post a lot in the beginning. But still, that's almost nine years. Go me? If you want more things I brag about of dubious merit, next I'll tell the tale of the time I almost bowled a perfect game.
I've been here over 7 years with only two minor bans and I don't even think they were really warranted
My best advice is to not fall into other posters traps - many gaffers are skilled at baiting
I also think our current mod crew is much better than past mods
You should never enter heated discussions against Gay Gaf or Atheist Gaf. If you are Republican be careful what you write also.

Also just be careful with meme's some will get you an instant ban.


i also stay out of ANY threads about transgendered people. Even using the wrong name can get you banned. its way to risky to say anything so i stay out of them now.

I think people get overly scared of trans-related threads, which is a shame, because I've see people learn about the issue - and trans people in general - thanks to those threads.

Typically the people just don't think about how their words before they post, and how those words will make somebody who is trans feel. There sometimes seems to be this attitude that it's okay to say negative things about those who are trans, because they're weirdos or whatever. That, or it's one of those topics where some feel like it's okay to insult others for their lifestyle.

If you go into those threads keeping in mind that you're taking about human beings, and what they're going through - and use that knowledge to keep some level of respect in your comments - you aren't going to be banned. And sure, terminology can be a little tricky for those who aren't familiar with the topic, but in general if it's obvious that you aren't trying to be insulating in what you're saying, usually other members will correct you and that'll be it.

It's like any thread here: just remember that there are living beings with feelings and emotions on the other side of those typed-out words.
I agree with the trans gaf fear. If you don't agree with it or find it unnatural or whatever just leave the topic, you will be murdered.
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