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What Is Wrong With Me? A Zelda BotW Thread


The controls feel archaic. It's been hard to get used to. The weapon breaking I absolutely can't stand. But I'm going to take the suggestion of many people on here and to give it time. I'm just reminding myself that it's not a typical linear Zelda and that the series was never really built around strong characters outside of the main ones. I also need to keep in mind that I should just slow down and don't worry so much about getting to the next point... Go where I want and see what I find. The next hurdle I need to clear is that of my time restraint but having the switch helps.
This was incredibly annoying at first too. Every korok seed I through towards weapon slots. Eventually you'll have so many incredible weapons you won't want to use them.


So I ask, what is wrong with me? Am I spoiled from The Witcher 3 and Horizon? Have I out grown Zelda? Am I just now so used to playing games on the PS4 and lost the touch of playing with Nintendo controller scheme?

Only thing wrong with you is you're questioning how you feel. Not liking BotW requires no explanation.


game is simplely for you and it's totally ok
I can't enjoy any witcher gta fallout game which a lot of gaffer love


Junior Member
I do think having played those other games means you have certain expectations. Having not played Zelda in a few years means you might just need the give it time before you dive into BotW.

All of these responses assume they just want to play it to fit in. How about actually paying attention to the OP wherein he is a longtime Zelda fan and has played nearly every entry? That might help you form an actual response.

Dunno why you included my reply in there. If they can't get into because is certain reason then the game might not do anything for them simple as that. I personally wouldn't continue to play a game I couldn't get into even if it's a series I really like, plus this has happen to me for one particular series. So yea.
Neither does grouping people up just because they don't like the game or certain aspects of the game. The first month or so of release you would get swarmed for any criticism because LUL 97 meta. In the end, there will always be discussion of if people liked or didn't like a game in a thread where OP is having trouble enjoying the game and asking GAF their opinion.

Why would you go into the Official Thread and say you don't like the game? I think that's grounds for banning iirc.


Why would you go into the Official Thread and say you don't like the game? I think that's grounds for banning iirc.

Well yeah if you're just going to post "I don't like this game" and leave it at that sure. If someone writes in detail what they had problems with and what could have been improved I don't see how that would be a problem in the official thread. I personally enjoyed the game but was burnt out by the end and disappointed with the story and lack of dungeons.
It's ok not to be enamored with the direction they took. It hasn't gelled for me at all either, once the initial wow-factor wore off (which it seems you haven't been experiencing). I much prefer previous 3d zeldas. I played Horizon beforehand as well and i found myself much more engaged by it, even if it falls into more traditional open world rpg trappings. The exciting, varied combat encounters due to the great enemy variety made it much more exciting for me to explore the world. I legit loved actively seeking out enemy encounters.

BoTW's combat is clunky and a chore in comparison and i have found myself actively avoiding it. That being said, i don't approach Zelda games for their amazing combat. I love them for their dungeons and puzzles, which is the main source of my disappointment with BoTW. Traversing vast landscape to discover such bite-sized, mostly simplistic puzzle rooms didn't bring me much sense of satisfaction. Then there's the actual dungeons which were massively disappointing.

The freedom with which you can explore the world is nice, i guess, but it comes at the expense of any real narrative momentum. There's a lack of urgency to everything. I understand how others would love the direction, however, and i give props to Nintendo for trying something new.


I play BOTW for like 15-30 minutes every few days, usually either randomly explore or do a shrine, then I feel it's enough and I put it down and play something else. I sort of still like the game, in a peculiar way, but at this rate I'm not sure I'll ever finish it (activity log says I've played 10 hours).

I do not hold this game in the same regard as my favorite Zelda games (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, and LttP). It's not nearly as good of a ZELDA GAME as any of those. But for a wilderness simulator it's quite good.
I get that, but I bolded the "souless Link" part.

oh, hes just kind of staring vacantly in the most important cutscenes including the ending
people seem to justify it with "hes a soldier!" but thats not good enough for me. Big Boss was the ultimate soldier and he had a lot more emotion.

Like, ok its cool he reacts to hot/cold temperatures and such, but thats been around since 1998


Tarred Town is legit my favorite side quest ever. Such a friggin joy to see unfold.

Agreed. It was such fun to have all that happen after I thought I had exhausted the game's content.*

*Other than armor upgrades, which for some reason I'm doing exhaustively now. I should just start a new game.


Zelda has always been a silly franchise, even within narrative contexts that demand investment in high-stakes outcomes. To take it seriously like The Witcher is completely missing the point.

The control scheme is weird, and this is coming from someone who doesn't play enough of other series to get used to whatever the modern conventions are. But within a few hours I was doing all of the basic running, attack, and menu navigation actions accurately, but again I'm someone who doesn't play enough of other series to get used to modern conventions.


Neither does grouping people up just because they don't like the game or certain aspects of the game. The first month or so of release you would get swarmed for any criticism because LUL 97 meta. In the end, there will always be discussion of if people liked or didn't like a game in a thread where OP is having trouble enjoying the game and asking GAF their opinion.

I don't think you understand. The game should have been 98. The fact that it is 97 now gives evil dissenters like you ammo.


It's a huge concern.
You are not alone. I bought a Switch to play Zelda and between the controls which for whatever reason I can never quite get down and the vastness of it my interest wanes very rapidly every time I pick up the controller to play. As it is I've put three times as much playtime into Mario Kart single player as I have into Zelda.

Ive played every single Zelda game and adored most of them (my favorite ones are the GBA Oracle games) and yet for whatever reason I just cannot get into this one at all. There are just so many things I find incredibly frustrating (unintuitive controls, extremely harsh durability, terrible voice acting, extremely slow/cumbersome climbing, incredibly small stock space for weapons/shields, frustrating inventory/UI) that I just find myself not wanting to play it. With the way people were talking about the game and the way it was being exalted it really feels like I'm missing something.


OP You're at the point in the game where the game opens everything up. I mean, the world was open for you once you got off the Great Plateau, but now
after getting to Hateno Village
the game is now telling you "Okay, thats it! Hyrule is yours, go out and have an adventure!"

Honestly, its about picking a direction and exploring. The worst thing you can do is stick to that direction. If, while you're traveling to that giant volcano/mountain/bird of death/etc., something catches your eye, go there! The game rewards those who go off exploring.

As for the weapson system, my advice is not to fight it. There's a chaotic, frantic flow to combat, and the game encourages you to use everything (everything! Dont forget about the runes!) while you engage with enemies.

Hope you can get back into it and enjoy it. Just throw the numbers and expectstions away and dive in deep. Im rooting for ya!


Those are some weird ass complaints OP has. Even more suspicious is the silly "has Witcher spoiled me" line, lmao.

• Complaining about controls 🤔
• Complaining about too many characters 🤔
• Complaining about goofy dialogue 🤔

But whatever, of you don't like it, head to GameStop and sell it. You might get some cash back.


BotW is the least Zelda-like game of the series. It's not going to scratch that Zelda itch if you want to play interesting dungeons, fight fun bosses, or listen to Zelda music. The characters are goofy, as you say, and the story lacks appeal even compared to other games in the series. If you're not enjoying the game for the exploration, puzzles, and diverse combat situations, then it's just not for you. Personally, I thought the game was a disappointment as a "Zelda" game, but still found it to be a fun and good game. However, not as great as some others praise it to be.


With a wink and smile of course. I just love that post in general. Almost as good as "Square just shot themselves in the foot" in terms of how nuts it is.
Those kinds of posts are in every review thread. It's just so weird to me to see so much community push back over BotW getting a good score. TLOU never had threads like this, and most folks are too scared to even mention if they don't like the game. I'm sure there were people mad about some mediocre review score, but I don't see people bringing up those reviews the way Sterling is being praised for being "right." It seems the new meta is to talk about why you saw the game wasn't "perfect" like the "fanboys."
Those kinds of posts are in every review thread. It's just so weird to me to see so much community push back over BotW getting a good score. TLOU never had threads like this, and most folks are to scared to even mention if they don't like the game. I'm sure there were people mad about some mediocre review score, but I don't see people bringing up those reviews the way Sterling is being praised for being "right."

TLOU was the most listed game in a recent "which masterpiece did you not like" thread
theres most definitely not a unanimous agreement

Red Devil

oh, hes just kind of staring vacantly in the most important cutscenes including the ending
people seem to justify it with "hes a soldier!" but thats not good enough for me. Big Boss was the ultimate soldier and he had a lot more emotion.

Like, ok its cool he reacts to hot/cold temperatures and such, but thats been around since 1998

What you say is true, but I didn't find him particularly souless, not more so than any of his other incarnations, sure I'll give you he wasn't the most expressive either.


TLOU was the most listed game in a recent "which masterpiece did you not like" thread
theres most definitely not a unanimous agreement
Yes, but it's in a particular thread about disliking all games. BotW "hate" is all over the place, even in twitch chat in PUBG channels, and has had at least a couple threads on GAF dedicated to just that. And that goes to my point, that folks are far less likely to voice it than over zelda.
This game is a bit of a departure from previous zelda titles in both good and bad ways depending on your expectations. Personally while I enjoyed the game a lot it was for any of the reasons i enjoyed previous titles.

This game goes for a wide flat experience with very little highs and lows except for those "created" by the player where previous titles ramp up to great heights at the end of dungeons and etc.
You are not alone. I bought a Switch to play Zelda and between the controls which for whatever reason I can never quite get down and the vastness of it my interest wanes very rapidly every time I pick up the controller to play. As it is I've put three times as much playtime into Mario Kart single player as I have into Zelda.

Ive played every single Zelda game and adored most of them (my favorite ones are the GBA Oracle games) and yet for whatever reason I just cannot get into this one at all. There are just so many things I find incredibly frustrating (unintuitive controls, extremely harsh durability, terrible voice acting, extremely slow/cumbersome climbing, incredibly small stock space for weapons/shields, frustrating inventory/UI) that I just find myself not wanting to play it. With the way people were talking about the game and the way it was being exalted it really feels like I'm missing something.

This pretty much hits it on the head for me with the exception of the climbing, which I like. I'm still not going to give up on it like I said, I'm going to try to take a different approach.
Yes, but it's in a particular thread about disliking all games. BotW "hate" is all over the place, even in twitch chat in PUBG channels, and has had at least a couple threads on GAF dedicated to just that. And that goes to my point, that food are far less likely to voice it than over zelda.

Thats because its the new hotness. When TLOU was out you can bet there were more vocal haters.


Those kinds of posts are in every review thread. It's just so weird to me to see so much community push back over BotW getting a good score. TLOU never had threads like this, and most folks are too scared to even mention if they don't like the game. I'm sure there were people mad about some mediocre review score, but I don't see people bringing up those reviews the way Sterling is being praised for being "right." It seems the new meta is to talk about why you saw the game wasn't "perfect" like the "fanboys."

Probably the Zelda effect. A large budget game once every generation. 2 if you are extra lucky. So the wait and hype seems like forever. Naughty Dog games come by pretty quick (various franchises) so even if it will have been some 4/5 years since the last Last of Us it probably won't have to deal with the Mt. Everest level of anticipation and hype like the typical home console Zelda cycle.


Why do so many people on neogaf want to be convinced to like games they can't like on their own?

It's just a video game. If you play it and aren't enjoying it, not sure what revelation someone can give to you that would make you realize you like it. At most "stick with it and see if you end up liking it" but there's nothing wrong with not liking a game that most others like.

Is it really that hard to figure out?

1. Not wasting your money
2. Having actual games to play on the Switch (If they're playing on the Switch)
3. Fan of the older games so want to continue to be a fan of the series
4. A game like BOTW is LOVED all over the Internet, especially here in GAF, who wouldn't want to join in that celebration and talk to others about the game?
5. Wanting to experience the game with as much happiness and enjoyment as others
6. A combination of all the options

It's like that for any game, you'd have to be the biggest jaded asshole or fanboy to NOT want to like a game.
Those are some weird ass complaints OP has. Even more suspicious is the silly "has Witcher spoiled me" line, lmao.

• Complaining about controls 🤔
• Complaining about too many characters 🤔
• Complaining about goofy dialogue 🤔

But whatever, of you don't like it, head to GameStop and sell it. You might get some cash back.

This is unfair. I liked the crap out of this game (and will likely when all is said and done be 300-400 hours into it by this time next year if the DLC is good enough), but it's not beyond reproach. I can't tell you how many times Link got on his knees while I was running around fighting a boss because of it being mapped to the L-stick's button feature. That's very arguably a terrible design decision with respect to controls.

(that said, I personally think the "jump" button placement is fine and that most folk who complain about it simply got too used to it being a specific button in too many games -- just putting that out there as I see it as a common, if curious, complaint)

As for the other two points, OP was saying that both "so many character" and "dialogue" were goofy. That is, there weren't too many characters but too many goofy characters. I don't agree, but I wanted to clarify that point.

That said... jeez, don't cast suspicion on people who don't like games that you like. That's bad form. Just say "I don't agree with you, and here's why...".


I am having so much trouble getting into Zelda: BotW. From getting used to the controls again to trying to wrap my head around how I should be looking at the game. I know what the tone of the Zelda series is but I'm having such a hard time reconciling with it. I want to take it seriously but so many characters and dialogue are so goofy. Should I take a lot of it as just tongue in cheek? I'm not new to Zelda but I admit it's been a while since I played one. I have been playing the series since the NES and never skipped a major release in other than Skyward Sword. I still get chills and feelings of nostalgia when I here the Zelda music. ALttP was my favorite and I loved Ocarina of Time. I also really enjoyed Twilight Princess.

So I ask, what is wrong with me? Am I spoiled from The Witcher 3 and Horizon? Have I out grown Zelda? Am I just now so used to playing games on the PS4 and lost the touch of playing with Nintendo controller scheme?

Help me GAF cause I want to enjoy this game!

I think this might be the "issue".

Zelda BotW is a great game, however, he excels at things that aren't commonly present on Zelda games, especially the ones you said you love (ALttP being the exception, to a degree). In the other hand, he falls short on other things that were series staples.

BotW focus on exploration. The main draw of the game is playing with your curiosity so that you, eventually, see the whole of Hyrule. You can go anywhere and what you may or may not find is what moves the player in this game.

However, the Zelda games that you liked (especially OoT and TP) have a bigger focus on story and create a more linear curated experience. The dungeons, bosses and item variety that you probably loved in those take a back seat in BotW.

So it's more of a case that this is a different Zelda (much more in common with the NES original) so it might not go along with your tastes. Also, if you already have open world fatigue, play it later. This is a game that playing at a very relaxed pace helps the experience.


Hmmm... I think the problem is that you're trying to enjoy the game. Games, movies and books we don't "try" to enjoy just because people usually like it, we just happen to appreciate it or not.

Maybe you should just relax and play it without worrying on getting a specific opinion that you may not really have. Let your opinion come naturally... do not fabricate it just for the sake of fitting in a majority group. If you happen to appreciate it more later, that's good for you... if not, just move on and look for something else that fits your current tastes better.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I dont know what to tell you OP. I instantly got hooked on BotW and am currently 40 hours in.

For me this is the first Zelda game Ive actually played. I have like 5 other Zelda games which I never played more than an hour or two.


As others have already brought up, I do find it fascinating on how a game with such an immense spotlight/pedestal can change how we view or even enjoy a game.

It's no secret how BotW has had numerous (some would say an over abundance!) threads singing its praises. But more interesting is the amount of threads ready to scrutinize and/or critique. Besides the numerous Jim threads (that eventually had to be locked because we kept getting the same talking points from both sides), we actually had a legitimate developer (of a great game I may add) come on site just to offer his criticisms of the game. When does that happen?! Well, I guess for a game like this.

Getting such a high score (and even grabbing the most perfect scores) earns cheers from many, and also raises eyebrows for some. And thats fine, but its just been fascinating to watch the eb and flow of discussion.


As others have already brought up, I do find it fascinating on how a game with such an immense spotlight/pedestal can change how we view or even enjoy a game.

It's no secret how BotW has had numerous (some would say an over abundance!) threads singing its praises. But more interesting is the amount of threads ready to scrutinize and/or critique. Besides the numerous Jim threads (that eventually had to be locked because we kept getting the same talking points from both sides), we actually had a legitimate developer (of a great game I may add) come on site just to offer his criticisms of the game. When does that happen?! Well, I guess for a game like this.

Getting such a high score (and even grabbing the most perfect scores) earns cheers from many, and also raises eyebrows for some. And thats fine, but its just been fascinating to watch the eb and flow of discussion.

Have you tried the golden goose yourself?
As others have already brought up, I do find it fascinating on how a game with such an immense spotlight/pedestal can change how we view or even enjoy a game.

It's no secret how BotW has had numerous (some would say an over abundance!) threads singing its praises. But more interesting is the amount of threads ready to scrutinize and/or critique. Besides the numerous Jim threads (that eventually had to be locked because we kept getting the same talking points from both sides), we actually had a legitimate developer (of a great game I may add) come on site just to offer his criticisms of the game. When does that happen?! Well, I guess for a game like this.

Getting such a high score (and even grabbing the most perfect scores) earns cheers from many, and also raises eyebrows for some. And thats fine, but its just been fascinating to watch the eb and flow of discussion.

Can you link the thread where the dev posted? If love to read it.


Fine to not like the game, though "goofy dialogue" is an odd complaint considering the, um, nature of the series.

There's definitely a lot to improve on, but man, I'm always taken aback when people say they prefer previous Zeldas. Maybe previous 2D ones are worth going back to, but the older 3D Zeldas feel so slow and restrictive compared to BotW.
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