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What someone in VR looks like when legit SHOOK.


I think the person in the video is like that when a spider crawls across the floor.

Either that or she is playing it up for the camera a bit.

She did look like she's used the VR before.


It's a fake. You can tell by her reactions, if she was really scared even 10 % as much as she pretends to be she would've had the natural reaction to run away. Flight is the most basic instinct when you're scared to death, yet it never happens.

I don't see how that makes it fake. It just isn't 'true' fear.

It's your brain reacting to something, then you consciously realizing it isn't real, probably.

"AH SHIT! Wait ... it isn't rea- AH FUCK ... it's just a game".

That kind of fear happens all the time in games, it would just be heightened by VR.

That said I don't know that the video in the OP isn't an exaggerated reaction.
It's a fake. You can tell by her reactions, if she was really scared even 10 % as much as she pretends to be she would've had the natural reaction to run away. Flight is the most basic instinct when you're scared to death, yet it never happens.

By your reasoning, anyone playing a scary videogame or watching a horror movie aren't really scared and are faking any screams if they aren't also running away. I hope you realize how utterly stupid that is.

My first thought as well. They get an A for effort though. Decent marketing.


It's pretty funny when you look back on the Wii & Kinect years and how many people bitched about having to get up and move to play videogames, and now those same people are doing just that with a VR headet.

Find some specific people. I'm betting you can't!

Either way, I was largely against Wiimote gyro and Kinect use, but the issue was always the quality of execution, not the concept. I'm sure that many feel the same.


I would certainly expect so. No reason not to port it. These developers all need to be about maximizing their $$$ which should mean everything available to both major headsets, minimum. I'd expect a PSVR port as well if the roomscale support is sufficient on it.

Pretty surprised anyone thinks this is fake. I guess they need a few more examples:

So here's this guy's first run in Brookhaven - https://youtu.be/prcwH2A4uhE?t=914 (start @ 15:30 or so)


^ Yep, that's a grown ass man, shaking and sweating hard. Closing his eyes because the zombies are jumping on his ass unexpectedly.

Or this guy's girlfriend - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIf2oceP2IY

It wasn't even her first time and she still panics the hell out. If the guy wasn't there talking to her and breaking her immersion, I'm sure people can imagine how much more anxious and panicked she would have been.

And here are IGN staffers playing Paranormal Activity in VR - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsna1ChGt0E


^ Yep, it left this woman in a fetal position. Most of the staffers had a similar reaction. Real fear, ladies and gentlemen.

Hell, I admit I've jumped a few times playing Holopoint. Having the warriors walk up behind you without you noticing can momentarily freak you the fuck out when you turn around and they're about to thrust a sword in your chest.

The doubters will understand one day when they try it for themselves.

Haha, the IGN video is great. Naomi is a sweetie, I want to hug her. Bearded guy in blue t-shirt...well, let's say you don't want someone like this in your platoon watching your back ;P Whom am I fooling...I can see myself screaming like a 13 year old girl for sure.
I'll be totally honest with you, trying horror games in VR, for me, is like trying finest heroin. There's a huge barrier made of fear that will keep me away from this....


I'll turn the accusation around and say that the "she's faking it" people have never tried VR.

Games and movies don't scare me. Period. Ever. A hard bass thump can make me jump but that's about it. I also don't get motion sick or dizzy. Ever. Period. But 15 seconds in EVE Valkyrie and I was dizzy as fuck, and had to look down at my virtual pilot body, at which point my brain went "Oh there I am, cool" and everything was fine. A few solid hits on my fighter and I got legitimately jumpy. And that's not even a horror game.

In a good VR experience, to quote Morpheus, "Your brain makes it real." Games aren't scary because they're not happening to you. VR is very different. It's not about being a wuss or whatever, it's about the method of the experience tapping into primal instincts and reflexes that something on a screen in front of you simply doesn't outside of very specific circumstances.


Seeing stuff like this really makes me want to try vr.

Never played a "horror" game where I've been legit scared.

If only I had the money for it. May have to jump into psvr next year.

Showed the wife and was expecting backlash but she got excited and sounded really interested. Something she has never done with anything gaming related before.
You were all hurr hurr never tried VR and when that fell through you got all specific. I have tried a bunch of trippy VR shit and reckon she's putting it on. You know what you should do? Not care. Done VR on more than one occasion and I'm not convinced. There.

Is this the default assumption if someone doesn't hold the same opinion about something VR related as everyone else in awe?

Yeah, it's hard not to assume that you the skeptical posts are from people who haven't tried VR. Maybe you, anecdotally, really have played a lot of horror games in VR and found it to be entirely chill. It's just not the norm.

I'm super desensitized to horror. I love horror films, and nothing spooks me anymore. The last time I felt even slightly uncomfortable was with The Borderlands, and that's only because I personally have a fear of confined spaces. I haven't been scared by a game since I was a kid. But playing even the worst low budget horror game in VR was terrifying to me. When I had a DK1, I could only handle 5-10 minutes with Among the Sleep before I had to take the headset off and try to relax for a bit. Other games were even worse. The sense of isolation alone, provided by only being able to see the game and wearing over ear headphones, was incredibly overwhelming.

So when people say shit like "Oh they're probably faking it", yeah, it's hard to believe.


...lacks reading comprehension.
By your reasoning, anyone playing a scary videogame or watching a horror movie aren't really scared and are faking any screams if they aren't also running away. I hope you realize how utterly stupid that is.

That's a very weird assumption. Watch the video in the OP, watch the IGN video of Paranormal Activity. One of them is showing believable human reactions, one is not.
If Outlast 2 is in VR or if Silent Hills somehow gets made and is compatible with VR, people will literally die from heart attacks and/or get PTSD.


If Outlast 2 is in VR or if Silent Hills somehow gets made and is compatible with VR, people will literally die from heart attacks and/or get PTSD.

Yup and it's only a matter of time too. Maybe not for those games, but a legit fully featured horror game in VR with the scope and breadth of those titles.
i hope the P.T demo is compatible w/ PSVR... should be a grrrrrrreat party game! XD

you stop it. that's not funny at all.

but yea it doesn't work like that. games really have to be designed for VR in mind unless it's something that can be easily adapted like cockpit games (racing, flying). I'd only expect existing PS4 games to be given the standard issue "big screen theater" option to play on the PSVR. That will be cool, depending on how the resolution feels.

I do think 3rd person action games would be good for the medium based on Lucky's Tale and could probably be done with many titles with just some revisions to the camera. I personally would love to see a Ninja Gaiden game in the configuration of a Lucky's Tale. Though this is a bit off the topic.
I trickled a few drops when I played Dreadhalls.

Seriously, VR is a totally different level. I can get through Slender and Amnesia fine, but I noped out of Dread halls the second I turned a corner and saw a skeletal face staring back at me just at the edge of darkness. Literally didn't last 5 minutes.


I was hoping she'd throw the gun at the monsters when they got close and she ran out of ammo. That would have been hilarioy.
What was wrong with saying legit shook. She was.

To reiterate what another poster said

Screaming at the top of your lungs for 3 minutes....so legit, I was buying it at first but constantly yelling is just putting on a show for the camera.

But this is derailing the discussion... for what its worth I look forward to horror games in VR, this would definitely get the blood pumping, can you imagine five nights at freddys!!


Seriously, VR is a totally different level. I can get through Slender and Amnesia fine, but I noped out of Dread halls the second I turned a corner and saw a skeletal face staring back at me just at the edge of darkness. Literally didn't last 5 minutes.

Having stuff to scale and invading your personal space is what fucks people up. It's why Valve got all that feedback about TheBlu demo on the Vive being too scary. When they aren't looking the direction designers expect and turn around and some shit is right up in their shit suddenly your brain has a very strong response that has nothing to do with your conscious mind.

I let my brother and his family play around with my DK2 last week, and more than once my brother (who had never used VR before) couldn't really stop himself from letting go of the controller with at least one hand so he could make a fist while playing Dreadhalls. When some shit is just suddenly in your immediate space you react, it isn't some kind of measured decision.

I've owned my DK2 for a while now and while I have a pretty large horror collection (on PC & consoles), I probably won't buy much of it in VR. It is genuinely stressful in a way horror games really aren't, and I've actually found that I don't enjoy it much to be honest. It's good to demo to people or just kind of experience, but not something I'd sit and play for entertainment by myself.
I genuinely couldnt ever play a scary game on this. I cant play one on a normal screen cause I find it too intense right now. No way I am every doing it in VR.


It's a fake. You can tell by her reactions, if she was really scared even 10 % as much as she pretends to be she would've had the natural reaction to run away. Flight is the most basic instinct when you're scared to death, yet it never happens.

You mean that they're now lying in that response messofanego got.

I even asked them on your behalf, here you go:

Here's other videos of people trying the Brookhaven Experiment with HTC Vive and freaking out similarly. Are they all fake, too? :p

For people still thinking she's faking it or this reaction is about promoting their channel (this is reaching conspiracy levels now), she gave a lengthy response in the comments:

Renate Meyer 5 hours ago (edited)
"Hi! Renate here. VERY long explanation incoming: I can say for sure, that this is 100% real. I have never ever been this scared my entire life. What people might not see or understand, from what I have read in comments, is that it does not look scary and what is the fuzz about and that I am exadurating. I truly understand where they are coming from, seing the whole thing from the outside and I was laughing until I cried cause it was so silly. I will try and explain every detail to my reaction. I am the kind of person who really reacts and freak on everything. I am a chicken and a scardypie. When it comes to games, I dont play them, I LIVE THEM. I have always been super immersed in everything I do and one could say I never really grew out of my childhood hehe. I used to buy horror games when I was younger, and have my pals play them for me, cause I did not dare to do so myself. I would be so agitated and tense I would jump and scream at the most random things, wich made them more scared of ME than the game itself. I managed to have my neightbour almost call the police when I was a teenager cause she heard me scream across the street, having met T-rex for the first time in the very first Tomb Raider game. I am en extremely lively person who really do immerse myself into everything I do. Anyone who knows me can confirm this.

So with this being said, Ill try and explain what is going on in my head during this movie. As I said I am a scardypie, so all I knew was that it would envolve shooting. This alone made me nervous, cause I am a terrible aimer and shooter. And the second the game started I was not sure what to expect, I kinda thought things would come running towards me in high speed so I started turning frantically around trying to find anyone ramming me, but when nothing happened I had time to really take in the whole situation and I really started to freak. So when I then finally HEARD the first monster, I got scared but braced myself and was gonna take it down, and when I started shooting, I kept missing, and it came closer.. that was when I started realising I was not gonna be able to make it.. so I started shaking. And the more my hands were vibrating, the harder it was to aim, and hit.. hence it came closer, and then I heard something behind me. And this is one of the things that might be hard to understand watching the video. But the sounds.. oh the horrible sounds of something wet and slimy creeping nearer behind me, knowing I still had one in front of me I could not kill... insert coin for panic mode here

Well bascially I completely freaked, and I forgot it was a game. People think it's weird that I just stand there and not take off the VR, but as I said earlier, I dont play a game.. I live it. I was there and it was so real. Poor graphics and fake monsters or not, it felt real, my brain thought it was real and I just lost it. They came closer and closer and there was more and more of them, and I keep missing and go out of ammo, and the reloading was soooo slow, I freaked and the fight or flight mode activated for real and I start screaming and I seriously throught I was goiung to die. Even if I knew somewhere in the back of my mind it was just a game. It might sound weird to some, but I just started blasting as much as I could in pure panic turning and twisting, not thinking rationally or logic (not that I ever do anyway) I just shoot, for my dear life, hope Ill hit SOMETHING. And one of them get close, and I shoot it, I see it die, and I am soooo scared now, that when I turn shoot something else, turn back, and the body is still in my sight I freak out even more, cause I JUST KILLED IT WHY IS IT STILL HERE OMG OMG Omg omg.. yeah you know the phrase by now. And when I fnally managed to get through it I was so dissapointed I had survived, because I could NOT go through that again. Another thing that does not show on the video, but, I was so stressed, my body was so warm I was steaming. My back was moist and sadly (well thankfully :p) I had a white shirt on, so it does not show, but my pits were soaked and my heart was coming out of my mouth. And I was so relieved to get out of it. (If I had been faking, or acting, I would most likely be living in Hollywood in a mansion, having hundreds of Oscars by now, but alas.. I was lucky to afford a Vive ) Some will probably still find it fake, and I am Ok with it. Everyone is different. Some people might just shrug and go eh.. while otehrs, maybe not to the same extreme as myself, will freak out. I find the whole discussion very interesting cause I do understand both sides here, but hope that everyone can agree that we are all different and react in different ways =) And I want to conclude with thanking everyone who called me brave!"


Felium Defensor
I genuinely couldnt ever play a scary game on this. I cant play one on a normal screen cause I find it too intense right now. No way I am every doing it in VR.
At least you are self aware which is excellent. IF you are a type of person that can't handle horror games or even intense scenes in video games on a flat TV screen, then you are almost guaranteed to have a stroke/heart attack playing some of this shit in VR. I just fear for the unsuspecting souls that will try something like this at a family/friend's house for the first time hahah.

I'm personally beyond excited to almost get a stroke/heart attack because of this shit. That sense of real danger/fear does something to my brain and my primordial instincts kick in. The intensity of the experience(s) and how far devs push that intensity excites me. And I'm not talking just lazy jump-scare development(there will be a ton of this garbage). I'm talking real mythological mindfucks that build up to the point you can't/don't want to continue any further. Something like a fully fleshed out P.T. if you will. :)


People think this is fake?

I have friends who scream like this while watching movies! So much that I don't even ask them to join me anymore. Lol


People think this is fake?

I have friends who scream like this while watching movies! So much that I don't even ask them to join me anymore. Lol

I think some folks are calling into question VR necessarily making it scarier.

She would probably react in a similar matter if she were playing the game on a television with headphones.

Edit: Or heck, even a standard HMD.
People think this is fake?

I have friends who scream like this while watching movies! So much that I don't even ask them to join me anymore. Lol

People here have been conditioned to believe everything on Youtube is fake because they've been burned before on thinking some piece of content was true and their judgment turned out to be bad so it's an uninformed lash-out at all content. I'm pretty sure shira is trolling here with this garbage fear diagnosis using freakin' wikipedia lol.

Ok let's look at flight or flight responses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fight-or-flight_response

Acceleration of heart and lung action
Paling or flushing, or alternating between both
Inhibition of stomach and upper-intestinal action to the point where digestion slows down or stops
General effect on the sphincters of the body
Constriction of blood vessels in many parts of the body
Liberation of metabolic energy sources (particularly fat and glycogen) for muscular action
Dilation of blood vessels for muscles
Inhibition of the lacrimal gland (responsible for tear production) and salivation
Dilation of pupil (mydriasis)
Relaxation of bladder
Inhibition of erection
Auditory exclusion (loss of hearing)
Tunnel vision (loss of peripheral vision)
Disinhibition of spinal reflexes

- A lot of this stuff is internal or would require a device like HR monitor
- She's shaking and VR forces tunnel vision.
- She still seems to be very aware that the VR cords exist.
- Did she pee or poop herself. No.
- I can see her taking shorter faster breaths and of course screaming

She is having a mild reaction but she's actively making it worse by breathing faster and screaming.
So she has more blood in the muscles ready to run or fight (which she isn't using btw) and less oxygen from the breathing and screaming - overall less O2 to the brain leading to panic.

Is that a genuine fear reaction?

Also, they can't believe how much VR heightens the experience compared to regular headset and TV.


She was proper shaking!

If it really is that realistic, then the hype is real this time?

This and budget cuts both seem to get people going (budget cuts probably more through slow build tension than big scary zombies). This channel had a few videos of the same woman playing budget cuts which are very entertaining. Likewise tribalinstincts had his daughter play both this game and budget cuts on his launch stream and she was freaking out too.


For people still thinking she's faking it or this reaction is about promoting their channel (this is reaching conspiracy levels now), she gave a lengthy response in the comments:

*sigh, I'm gonna be a stick in the mud but all that read like a lot of nonsense...

"I don't play games, I live it"

...should have just not said anything, this makes me even further skeptical....

I'm just going to leave now, I'm a cranky old fart and I haven't had my dinner yet

The Lamp

*sigh, I'm gonna be a stick in the mud but all that read like a lot of nonsense...

"I don't play games, I live it"

...should have just not said anything, this makes me even further skeptical....

I'm just going to leave now, I'm a cranky old fart and I haven't had my dinner yet

She wasn't speaking English in the video. English is clearly not her first language (see: scardypie). The example sentence structure you gave is common for non-native English speakers.


I think we're reaching the point where gaming has gone to far. This is not fun people, why cant we just go back to the safe place of rainbow platformers.

And what idiots think she's faking, you dont see reactions like that in horror movies, not even genuine actors are that good at faking fear.
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