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What were your favorite UMS maps from the Brood War/Warcraft 3 era of Bnet?



Brood War is one of those games that I find myself returning to at some point almost every year. Sure, the player base has shrunken considerably since its glory days, but there are still some people on there trying to preserve the custom maps legacy that Starcraft 2 failed to carry on with its poorly designed Arcade. I personally don't believe that we'll ever see anything quite like the UMS mapmaking communities that kept Battle.net thriving from Starcraft's release all the way through the day SC2 came along and shit all over everything. For over a decade, one could log onto Battle.net and be greeted with an embarrassment of choices when it came to UMS maps of all different types. It was such a long, sustained outpouring of creativity from the community, and really it was a testament to the ease-of-use of Blizzard's editors at the time. That and how easy it was to test and distribute new maps on Battle.net 1.0, especially compared to how they mishandled it with Bnet 2.0.

So anyway, I'm getting back into Brood War UMS maps again and I thought it'd be fun to hear from everyone who was part of the "scene" when it thrived. What were your favorite types of UMS maps to play?

My favorite types of maps to play in Brood War were RPG maps. Stuff like Kyprion Pact, Legends Open RPG, Aracahn's Call, Fate and Destiny, Legend of Mana, Keys of Enlightenment... etc. The list goes on and on, and my RPG maps folder on my HDD is absolutely packed with choices. What's crazy is how complex these maps got as mapmakers' collective skills grew over time. To this day there are dedicated individuals on sites like StarEdit Network cranking out RPG maps with complete dialog tree systems, skills, inventory with consumable items, mini-games, fully-faceted stat progression and management... etc. It's freakin' nuts.

Other than RPG maps, I really enjoyed golem maps, sniper paintball maps, and SCV football. Lots of great memories from playing in SCV and Sniper leagues.

I'll quote an old post of mine on this subject to help jog your memory of the kinds of maps that came out of the UMS boom of the early 2000's:

  • Custom mapping was so hugely popular in SC1 that it spawned several genres and game types. Long after non-hardcore competitors tired of the game's core RTS gameplay, they were able to log onto Bnet and sample arguably the widest variety of user-made content in the history of PC gaming. The support for UMS maps was huge and lasted for years, so the selection available today is astronomical and packed to the gills with quality, unique experiences.
  • As the years rolled on, mapmakers' third-party tools and methods were refined, resulting in game types that were increasingly more sophisticated and distant from the RTS base of the game. Even though mapmaking for SC1 is upheld by only a few talented people today, the output from them is incredibly rich and deep. RPG maps made in recent years tend to have full inventory systems, usable items and spells, customizable character stats and abilities... etc.
  • To help jog your memory, here's a brief list of some classic game types that exist in the world of UMS in Brood War:

    - Madness: EVOLVES, Blood, Golems, Rancher maps, Bunker Warz
    - Conquest: World War, LoTR, War for Hyrule, Civilization, Diplomacy
    - Survival: Zombie Hotel/Raccoon City, Starship Troopers, Protect Bob, Test of Survival, Protect the Queen
    - Assault: Heaven and Hell, Helm's Deep, Braveheart, Dynasty Warriors, Normandy
    - Warrior: DBZ maps, Aeon of Strife, DotA, Dynasty Warriors, Hero Arena, Hero Wars
    - RPG: Kyprion Pact, A Day at School, Legends Open RPG, Padorath's Return, Final Fantasy maps, Metal Gear Solid, Diablo, RP maps, Crash RPG, DragonLance, Winterglades, Spellsword, Morrowind, Elements, and too many others to list.
    - Paintball: Sniper Elite, Team Fortress, Commando Wars, Assassinate the President, Laster Tag, V-TEC Paintball, 007 Arena, Counter-Strike
    - Bound Maps: Thousands of variations on the same concept
    - Obstacle Courses: Race maps, Jail Break, Red Light Green Light, Follow the Leader, Run Zergling Run, Dodge the Rapist
    - Games: SCV Football, SCV Hockey, Chess, Minesweeper, Pac Man, Puzzle Aventure, Mario Party
The list goes on and on, and all of these are still as much fun today as they were then. Since SC2 failed to draw the same kind of support from the community, you sadly won't be able to find these experiences anywhere else.


Okay, so you want to get back into UMS in Brood War but no longer have your vast collection of maps from your glory days with the game. No problem. Here are some resources that will help fill out your map collection in no time:

  • Starcraft | Nibbits - If it's individual maps that you're looking for, Nibbits is a great place to start. They have thousands of UMS maps that can all be sorted by date and/or genre, and their database is easily searchable as well.
  • StarEdit Network - One of the longest-running sites of its kind and still home to the most dedicated mapmakers out there. Their site houses years worth of UMS maps in an searchable database, complete with descriptions, comments, and reviews.
  • Scmaps.net Archive Collection - This site houses over 18000 UMS maps that can all be downloaded at once via their archive or selectively from the site. The person who compiled this archive has done the great service of eliminating duplicates and filtering out junk. While this collection by no means has every map that you'd want to play, it's still a fantastic preservation of the UMS legacy that Brood War will eventually have left behind.
  • Renaka's SC Maps Collection - For you collectors out there who just want it all, this is the place to go. Renaka's site provides map packs separated by category with sub-categories therein. All maps have been renamed to simply list alphabetically, eliminating all of the little tricks that mapmakers used to use to make their maps appear at the top of your list. A tremendous amount of work had to have been put into compiling this massive, organized collection. You simply can't go wrong by downloading all of these map packs to cover all bases.
Basically all of the time I spent playing Warcraft 3 online was spent playing custom games. There are too many to name, but Wintermaul Wars was one of my favorites, and I was always on the lookout for a game of Waugriff's Curse of Time RPG. I liked Night of the Dead too. I was never too big on Footman Frenzy though. I liked DOTA well enough until everybody started taking it so seriously.

Edit: How could I forget Skibi's Tower Defense? It had a bunch of minigames between rounds, some of which were glorious fun (and some of which drove me crazy).
Wintermaul and its many variants in WC3/TFT. A landmark in the emergence of the tower defence genre and one that never survived the transition into Flash/mobile that served other TDs so well, partly as the entire core concept revolved around cooperative play. If you weren't into DotA, this was reliably the biggest thing in the WC3 UMS landscape and as a TD player you simply had to know it, as countless maps that showed up every week were effectively Wintermaul variants or skins. It's unbelievable that a proper revival never made it big in SC2, where you would have expected it to be one of the ten or so maps that actually benefit from the restrictive and much-maligned popularity rank.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Missile Wars
Various ORPG modes
Angel Arena
One Piece v Bleach


WARLOCK! (So much i'm remaking it in UE4.)

And, of course, DotA.


Wintermaul and its many variants in WC3/TFT. A landmark in the emergence of the tower defence genre and one that never survived the transition into Flash/mobile that served other TDs so well, partly as the entire core concept revolved around cooperative play. If you weren't into DotA, this was reliably the biggest thing in the WC3 UMS landscape and as a TD player you simply had to know it, as countless maps that showed up every week were effectively Wintermaul variants or skins. It's unbelievable that a proper revival never made it big in SC2, where you would have expected it to be one of the ten or so maps that actually benefit from the restrictive and much-maligned popularity rank.

It's a shame that hardly any of the popular game types that emerged from the UMS boom of Brood War and Warcraft 3 ever saw the light of day in SC2. I think the mapmaking community just said "fuck this" with SC2 early on, and that was that. I get so angry thinking about that sometimes. I almost wish SC2 had never been made for what it did to UMS. Killed it for both Brood War and SC2. Fuck.


I played a lot of the 5-player Magic: the Gathering-themed maps in Brood War.

Might have to revisit this. Waxing nostalgic, now.


I played a lot of the 5-player Magic: the Gathering-themed maps in Brood War.

Might have to revisit this. Waxing nostalgic, now.

I'm getting back into Brood War UMS as well. You can usually find me in the US East channel "donuts" under the name ScOULaris in the evening time (eastern time). I have thousands of maps, so I'm sure I have every iteration of those MTG maps out there.
i never played a custom map in SC but with WC, thanks to my little bro i got hooked in that scene

pimp my peon (was the goat too)
footy wars?
pudge wars
japan-all stars (i think that was the name), i liked to use Kenpachi and it's bankai or Goku
alien vs predator
undead assualt 2 (i reached level commander or something like that, the level that unlocked cyborg soldier) this one was one of my favorites

and others i cant remember
Its been too long and I don't remember the vast majority of them, but I do remember spending hours playing custom maps in WC3. Never actually played a single actual match of the game and I think I may not have completed the campaign - it was all custom maps all the time.

Tower Defense, RPG maps (I remember an excellent remake of a Final Fantasy game random battles and all), Kodo Tag, Zombie Survival, Run Kitty Run, Fishing sims, UTHER PARTY!! It was an infinite supply of creativity and fun and I was incredibly disappointed by the handling of custom games in Starcraft 2.

Never liked DoTA


Its been too long and I don't remember the vast majority of them, but I do remember spending hours playing custom maps in WC3. Never actually played a single actual match of the game and I think I may not have completed the campaign - it was all custom maps all the time.

I was that way with Starcraft. Never played through the campaign, nor did I ever play a single standard online match. All UMS all the time.
Never played SC2's custom maps unfortunately, but played a ton of WC3.

There was a map called Ring Wars which had a pretty decent community with multiple clans in both EU and NA for a long time. The map was fairly popular in general too. Basically it was based on Lord of the Rings and it was 6v6. It was very hero based - like you had 3-9 heroes who leveled up and once they got some levels, they were insane powerhouses if you knew how to use them together. There were also normal units that kept spawning at steady intervals, and while they were important too, they were more of a tool to help the heroes (distract the enemy, surround enemy heroes and such) and worked as a cannon fodder.
It was a blast especially when you had people who knew what they were doing on both sides.

Eventually the community kind of dwindled though. At that point I started playing Dota more and more and played it for a long time.

Also played various tower defense maps and other stuff quite a lot.


Parasite, Galactic Conquest, Genesis of Empires, War of the lost Kingdoms were my favorites.

I remember loving the Helms Deep maps in Starcraft, as well as a few space sim games. Also the DBZ games in Starcraft were absolutely awesome.

Weirdly enough, I hated AOS in stracraft and hated DOTA even more in WC III.


Parasite, Galactic Conquest, Genesis of Empires, War of the lost Kingdoms were my favorites.

I remember loving the Helms Deep maps in Starcraft, as well as a few space sim games. Also the DBZ games in Starcraft were absolutely awesome.

Weirdly enough, I hated AOS in stracraft and hated DOTA even more in WC III.
Yes, DBZ maps were a ton of fun. I never really got AoS either, but it's cool that it led to the existence of a completely new genre.
DBZ had a wealth of fun maps, with some that were incredibly well done. There are two in particular that stand out, one, I think its name was DBZ: Sagas, had an co-op arcade-y set-up and players trained between battles, going through every saga in Dragonball Z; the other was a sort of JRPG take on DBZ, filled with cutscenes, dialog, and specific roles for players, with many sitting it out when not required - both were tough, I don't think I ever finished them. DBZ maps were my bread and butter back then.

RP maps were also a lot of fun - lots of creativity by players and DMs. There was a really old one with Antioch in its name (Realms of Antioch or something) that was always my favourite, but the Volc's World maps had a great concept for multi-game campaigns, using similar units/stats across a variety of terrain. Many hours were spent in those games, with many worlds made.

LotR maps were everywhere back then, and they were a cool mixture of mass-attack game and overarching RPG/strategy, vaguely mimicking the events of LotR books. Other IPs had similar maps in concept, but I don't think any took off quite the same. Of particular note was LotR: Last Alliance, which always seemed like one of the best to me, with heroes that were strong, but not the basis for the entire match, with some cool secrets and strategies as well - it was really old, IIRC. There was a much newer one with base-capturing rewarding specialised units/perks, and some cool innovations in how armies were composed. Both had pretty good balance, I thought, which impressed me a lot considering how complicated they are.

But my hands down favourite maps? The Crash series, which are like the ultimate example of why Starcraft's UMS community was amazing. They were simple survival-RPGs where you levelled up a specified hero to new, powerful units, eventually becoming unstoppably strong at which point you levelled the entire map in search of four artifacts, each in a corner of the map. But what set it apart was how crazy and unrelated the sequels got. Crash 1 and 3 were made by the same person and were excellent; Crash 2 was made by some other dude, a real amatur, and was terrible; and Crash IV was made by someone else entirely and was really friggin' elaborate. Might be mixing up 3 and IV, but you get the idea - it's altogether a crazy legacy that every mapper respected.

Such a shame Crash never got replicated on WC3.

WC3 had less stand-out maps to me, and it took years for real amazing stuff to pop up. Of all of it, DotA was obviously the most noticeable, dominating the mapping scene and inspiring every clone imagineable; of them, Advent of the Zenith and Ninjas in Pyjamas seemed like the only really fun ones. But my favourite map was Dragonball Z: Tribute, a real innovation in how SC-style DBZ maps worked, utilising everything WC3 added to make this incredible, competitive-style RPG/arena brawler that vaguely followed the DBZ storyline; you'd have all the big bads and Z Fighters controlled by players, the respective groups allied with eachother, each with level-appropriate power-ups, giving specific points where one side or the other had an advantage, and each player - especially enemies - with radically different ways of powering up. WC3 produced less incredible maps overall, but the ones that were there ended up as remarkable classics.

Oh, and the custom-content community (like, skins and models and such) was amazing in WC3. There was a plethora of really good models and reskins, giving a lot of vareity to what was available. It was really fun to just browse what was out there while imagining the possibilities.

Nostalgia bombs everywhere.
It's a shame that hardly any of the popular game types that emerged from the UMS boom of Brood War and Warcraft 3 ever saw the light of day in SC2. I think the mapmaking community just said "fuck this" with SC2 early on, and that was that. I get so angry thinking about that sometimes. I almost wish SC2 had never been made for what it did to UMS. Killed it for both Brood War and SC2.Fuck.
SC2's map editor was the opposite of user friendly; it was really designed from the start for professionals and Arcade monetisation. This kneecapped any chance it had at taking off like SC or WC3. The ease of use yet flexibility was really a key factor in their respective succes, I think.

Plus, restricting the use of existing IPs completely killed big aspects of custom-mapping (as outlined above) which I think further hamstrung its ability to go anywhere, giving players at large nothing to really grab onto and enjoy.


Uther Party
Murder at the Mansion
or w/e it was called

I never really got into BW custom maps, just played the normal stuff. WC3 however was something that was always played at LANs with friends.


SC2's map editor was the opposite of user friendly; it was really designed from the start for professionals and Arcade monetisation. This kneecapped any chance it had at taking off like SC or WC3. The ease of use yet flexibility was really a key factor in their respective succes, I think.

Plus, restricting the use of existing IPs completely killed big aspects of custom-mapping (as outlined above) which I think further hamstrung its ability to go anywhere, giving players at large nothing to really grab onto and enjoy.

Whoa. I didn't know about that bolded part. Yeah, that'll do it.


I played a lot of world war, diplomacy, lotr, helms deep, evolves, and the thing.

I wish the UMS community for brood war was still around. :(
Brood War custom games are always unfairly hidden in the shadow of Warcraft III. So many gems on there that didn't seem to transfer over to later games. Some of my favorites were the zombie defense maps like Raccoon City and countless other Resident Evil/general zombie-themed games, Grocery Store Wars, Dynasty Warriors, Heaven and Hell, A Day at School RPG, Parasite, DBZ games, SWAT/Hostage Rescue, the list really just goes on and on. I spent a lot of time on WC3 custom games as well, don't get me wrong, but there really was something special about BW custom games, it's hard to pinpoint it exactly.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Lurker/Sunken defense basically created a genre. I'm still disappointed that it was the WC3 tower defense style that took over. I preferred the patterns and puzzles to upgrading towers and lack of ways to block movement.


I played a lot of world war, diplomacy, lotr, helms deep, evolves, and the thing.

I wish the UMS community for brood war was still around. :(

There's still a small population hanging around the US East servers, myself included!

Also check out the StarEdit Network forums for new maps still being made today by dedicated mapmakers. It's really inspiring to see some of these people working on a complex map for 2-5 years, even to this very day. There's an RPG map in development over there called The Architect that looks ridiculous. I can't wait for it to be finished.

But I hear ya, man. What I wouldn't give for the scene to come back full force. :(


Raccoon City was the absolute shit back in the day. I was a fiend for it, and it never came up enough in the servers for my liking. Always wanted Checkpoint Foxtrot. I also adored Diplomacy.

Azeroth Wars was like 90% of the time I spent on WC3 as well. The scale of that map blew my mind. Although I never really got into DotA since I kept getting kicked for downloading maps. :lol


Never really played maps in BW because of no proper internet here.

In Warcraft 3 it was mostly:

DotA (better than DotA 2, HoN and whatnot), played it from 2006 till 2009/2010 (banlists were awesome)
Word War 2 (I think)
One Piece vs Bleach
Too many RPGs

Was never a fan of TDs.


Which was the game where you essentially choose and upgrade 1 unit type which automatically spawns at your bunker? It was Footmen Wars in WC3 but there was another name for it in SC1.

Good times putting one flying unit on patrol, telling the rest of your guys to follow, then stacking and flying the group over to someone's bunker and letting loose.

El Topo

There was this Werewolf variant that included building a base, don't remember the name though. I think Dark Deeds? Amazing game.
Azeroth Wars was amazing and hysterical. Fighting for who gets to play what faction in the lobby was a game in and of itself. I remember when the Naga were hilariously difficult to attack in the middle of the ocean so they could take over Kalimdor with leisure. The Burning Legion player just sitting around and freaking out if Scourge and Fel Horde were bad or vice versa, the enormous powderkeg in Lordaeron in general, any hilarious set of alliances like Stormwind and Khaz Modan teaming up with the Fel Horde and instantly taking over half the Eastern Kingdoms. I never got into DotA, I was always one of the ones seething when I saw it dominate the games list.
Phantom was my favourite bog-standard RTS mode. It was basically a regular RTS SC match, except one player got free resources every second - they were the phantom. The goal was to defeat the phantom in an 8-player FFA match, with players figuring their teams and such out on their own. I was really bad at playing RTSes, but spreading the fear and mistrust - even unjusty - was incredibly fun to do. Whoever jumped on board with my machinations was the phantom... and I was generally eliminated before I got to see who won.
Whoa. I didn't know about that bolded part. Yeah, that'll do it.
I think it had to do with monetising maps. It made the crack down on that stuff long before any monetisation could happen.

In a lot of ways, DotA broke Blizzard. Their corporate overlords probably, to this day, won't forgive them for letting DotA slip through their fingers the way it did.
Brood War custom games are always unfairly hidden in the shadow of Warcraft III. So many gems on there that didn't seem to transfer over to later games. Some of my favorites were the zombie defense maps like Raccoon City and countless other Resident Evil/general zombie-themed games, Grocery Store Wars, Dynasty Warriors, Heaven and Hell, A Day at School RPG, Parasite, DBZ games, SWAT/Hostage Rescue, the list really just goes on and on. I spent a lot of time on WC3 custom games as well, don't get me wrong, but there really was something special about BW custom games, it's hard to pinpoint it exactly.

Starcraft's unique capacity for massing units (compared to 3D games) gave it a huge leg up for some game types, and all but makes them SC exclusive.

Remember, folks: CCMU wasn't a bug, it was a strategic asset.

The bound maps were another one that couldn't be replicated. People did some really creative stuff with those terrain editing hacks.


I fucking loved the themed TD maps. I remember some Adult Swim, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z stuff...I spent too much time on that.


I fucking loved the themed TD maps. I remember some Adult Swim, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z stuff...I spent too much time on that.

It seemed like the DBZ theme was being applied to every type of map under the sun back then, hah. DBZ Sagas was the best of the bunch, if I recall.


Azeroth Wars was amazing and hysterical. Fighting for who gets to play what faction in the lobby was a game in and of itself. I remember when the Naga were hilariously difficult to attack in the middle of the ocean so they could take over Kalimdor with leisure. The Burning Legion player just sitting around and freaking out if Scourge and Fel Horde were bad or vice versa, the enormous powderkeg in Lordaeron in general, any hilarious set of alliances like Stormwind and Khaz Modan teaming up with the Fel Horde and instantly taking over half the Eastern Kingdoms. I never got into DotA, I was always one of the ones seething when I saw it dominate the games list.
Sinking the book to summon the Legion in a boat. :lol


Neo Member
Oh man, this is a good one.

So many DBZ maps, I especially liked the Ultra versions of each saga.
Lurker Defence was godly.
Basically I always gravitated towards TD maps.
I remember there were some LotR maps as well.
I think there was one called Sunken Defence? You had a bunch of bunkers that would spawn new units.


Raccoon City was the absolute shit back in the day. I was a fiend for it, and it never came up enough in the servers for my liking. Always wanted Checkpoint Foxtrot. I also adored Diplomacy.

I wasn't able to appreciate Raccoon City maps back then, but when I recently revisited the maps I found them to be a lot of fun. I totally understand now why they were so popular for a while.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I always love competitive TDs and Ice/Forest Trolls maps the most. I don't remember names, but those RPGs that kept your progress across multiple matches were incredible too.

I must've spent thousands of hours playing custom maps on WCIII back in the day. Those were the times.

Obviously SC2 came around and ruined everything. Thanks, Blizzard.


... And I just remembered my favorite Starcraft map that didn't get any(decent) equivalent in warcraft III. Smash TV. Damn that was fun, crazy, stuff.
Basically all of the time I spent playing Warcraft 3 online was spent playing custom games. There are too many to name, but Wintermaul Wars was one of my favorites, and I was always on the lookout for a game of Waugriff's Curse of Time RPG. I liked Night of the Dead too. I was never too big on Footman Frenzy though. I liked DOTA well enough until everybody started taking it so seriously.

Edit: How could I forget Skibi's Tower Defense? It had a bunch of minigames between rounds, some of which were glorious fun (and some of which drove me crazy).

those mauls were awesome


Dark deeds was sick...

One random person would be the evil which could be a werewolf, a cultist, a vampire and some other things. You had to survive and find the evil who would be hidden as a farmer.


Dark deeds was sick...

One random person would be the evil which could be a werewolf, a cultist, a vampire and some other things. You had to survive and find the evil who would be hidden as a farmer.

That sounds pretty cool. Was it Starcraft or Warcraft?


OMG I remember playing for countless hours online because the maps where really fun.

I think my favorite was Special Forces: it was a map where you started in the bottom left corner, trying to survive the first 10 minutes was hell after that it was doable. I also loved Madness Evolve and Zombie Hotel and Mouse & Cat.

I liked TD maps, but some of them were really unfair, if everyone was defending the same line, the last player would never get any kill in the first few waves and when monsters started reaching the last part of the lines, that player would be so underleveled that he wouldn't be able to kill anything.


I played all the Madness map for hours.
I loved those crazy combo-creation these games had.
And all those RPG, it was amazing how far they allowed you to create with UMS.

That sounds pretty cool. Was it Starcraft or Warcraft?

I remember playing it. I believe it was WC3.
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