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What would you like to see in Bloodborne 2?


Bloodborne has the best PvE of the series and the world design and aesthetic was such a breath of fresh air. It was the true evolution of the Souls series and now that Souls is over I hope to see the Bloodborne style being the way forward. They just need to balance PvP better and remove the RNG aspects of gems and the GOAT FROM game will be created.

Also how about cyberpunk borne? I fully expect FROM and SCEJ to make a sequel or spiritual sequel. The IP was too much of a success not to do another venture.

A cyberpunk/mech type game would be fresh enough. It would probably have way more freedom in movement and would probably focus more on ranged combat which would be interesting since so far the series, even souls with it's magic, has been melee centric.

I'd rather have that if anything than just bloodborne 2. Go for something completely new. If you wanna keep it scary, go for a Giger/Blame! like aesthetic.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
i don't really want more build variety. maybe more weapons, but stuff like heavier armour or shields = no. the narrowing of build options led them in a different direction to souls, and one that i much, much prefer. it's a game about being aggressive, being a hunter. being able to sit back and tank removes a lot of what makes the game so magical to play.


Please, there are so many magic "dotted lines" for the connections in that image that you are either being intentionally dense or have never played DkS1 for comparison. Here, let's compare:


The level of complex vertical connection and interconnected level design in DkS1 is unsurpassed in any other game in the Soulsborne series, DkS3 inclusive and BB inclusive. Dark Souls 2 shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.

Dark Souls 1 has its fair share of magical dotted lines
  • Getting to and from the Undead Asylum
  • Entering Anor Londo and leaving Anor Londo
  • Dukes Archives requires the same magic dotted line since it's connected to Anor Londo
  • Getting to and from the Painted World
  • All of the DLC
  • Entering the Kiln of the First Flame
I'd also throw in that being part of an interconnected world didn't make Tomb of the Giants, Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith, or Crystal Cave anything better than D-tier levels.


I'd like it to offer a bit more variety in terms of play style. Make equip load a thing. Make bloodtinge builds more viable from the start. I'd like to be able to see someone playing as a big slow fatty with some ridiculous gun. Make PvP work. Do away with consumable healing. Don't make so much of the game as optional side areas.


That's not how I remember it. I thought you had to at least beat the first one to get an item required for the main story. I remember being very confused about this - maybe I'm wrong.

As to the bolded - they were just generic dungeons, and shoehorning lore onto them didn't help them become anything more than generic dungeons. You could almost see the lego-piece building as you moved through the same rooms in multiple different dungeons. It's not what I play Souls games to experience.

Nah, you beat a boss that gives you the first chalice dungeon but you never had to do any of them at all if you wanted to go through the story.

I know they were kinda generic dungeon (although they offered cool stuff and it's the only way in the entire souls series to refight bosses which was super nice). Although I was arguign that removing lore/context from them would make them even less interesting. I like the idea of chalice dungeon, hoping mostly that if they ever redid that concept they would have a much bigger variety of building blocks as well as different setting (not just cave, but like manor, open space ones and whatnot)


I would like it to not happen, Bloodborne is one of my favorite games of all time and I don't want a sequel, the game works just fine as a stand alone entry, I want FromSoftware to do something new again.


i don't really want more build variety. maybe more weapons, but stuff like heavier armour or shields = no. the narrowing of build options led them in a different direction to souls, and one that i much, much prefer. it's a game about being aggressive, being a hunter. being able to sit back and tank removes a lot of what makes the game so magical to play.

This point right here is a large reason why Bloodborne is comfortably my favourite Souls game. It would be absurd of them to move Bloodborne back towards the main Souls series when the point is that the new IP was a way for them to safely try out a different style of gameplay - one that I, you and others much preferred.


That's not how I remember it. I thought you had to at least beat the first one to get an item required for the main story. I remember being very confused about this - maybe I'm wrong.

As to the bolded - they were just generic dungeons, and shoehorning lore onto them didn't help them become anything more than generic dungeons. You could almost see the lego-piece building as you moved through the same rooms in multiple different dungeons. It's not what I play Souls games to experience.

You definitely don't have to go anywhere near them, I did a Blades of Mercy playthrough recently and never once set foot in a chalice dungeon.
That's not how I remember it. I thought you had to at least beat the first one to get an item required for the main story. I remember being very confused about this - maybe I'm wrong.

You're wrong. You can't even access the Chalice Dungeons without defeating an optional boss. You're not required to spend a single second in that part of the game if you don't want to.


The middle area there is connected to 5 areas.

I pride myself on my ability to count, you know.

no, I don't lol

but in any case, I was wrong, it was to 6 areas... aaaand just look at that map, we all know DkS1 had a hell of a connected world.

As I said before, I don't necessarily agree with the superiority of any of the 2 design choices, they have their pros and cons, both

I'm done here. Good day, sir.

I kind of agree with him there, specially considering BB, take fire link shrine or even Valle of Drakes, they are just... hubs... and the oather areas while great, they aren't as big and intricate as BB,


Yeah also let me say that "there won't be a BB2" posts are probably just wishful thinking for those who didn't like it.

Taking the "DS3 is the last souls game" line and pretending it applies to Bloodborne is mental gymnastics.
Maybe for some but not for everyone. Bloodborne is my favourite of the Souls games. I don't want another one.
Dark Souls 1 has its fair share of magical dotted lines
  • Getting to and from the Undead Asylum
  • Entering Anor Londo and leaving Anor Londo
  • Dukes Archives requires the same magic dotted line since it's connected to Anor Londo
  • Getting to and from the Painted World
  • All of the DLC
  • Entering the Kiln of the First Flame
I'd also throw in that being part of an interconnected world didn't make Tomb of the Giants, Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith, or Crystal Cave anything better than D-tier levels.

You can't say that, politically incorrect and not allowed... Dark Souls is perfect :)
no, I don't lol

but in any case, I was wrong, it was to 6 areas... aaaand just look at that map, we all know DkS1 had a hell of a connected world.

As I said before, I don't necessarily agree with the superiority of any of the 2 design choices, they have their pros and cons, both
That was a joke.... about the "you know" fyi :)

I'm not disputing it's more "interconnected." It is.

But it's like pro-Dark Souls only players trumpet it like some kind of immutable aspect that makes the level design and game itself perfect in every possible way.
I would like the game to go just a little bit further than it does in exploring the concept of utterly alien architecture and locales. The Nightmare Frontier looks like something that could almost be out of another world, I'd want to see more things like that in even wilder directions.

The Chalice Dungeons have huge room for improvement, I'm one of the people who actually did enjoy them in Bloodborne and wants to see them come back, but I can't deny there's a lot of things that could have been done better. The most obvious way to make them better is just more content creation, more different types of rooms and enemies and a wider variety of visual differences between them. But there's also some real design improvements that could be made, like getting rid of the Chalice material system altogether and giving the player better rewards, even just giving them lots of upgrade materials would be a much better improvement, but I'd hope they could come up with something better than that. But overall I do want them back as I very much like the idea of giving players who prefer pve content some randomized content to play outside of just the main game.

Blood gems really need to go completely or be entirely reworked. I'm not a pvp player, but I know for people who do care about it they made pvp an annoying slog. Either blood gems should be completely pre-set or shouldn't exist at all. And if they were to exist poison gems and such need to be made more useful.

While I don't think there needs to be a Bloodborne 2 I would still like to see it. Because even if it isn't great or feels like a retread there's nothing it can do to harm my enjoyment of the original, and there's always the possibility that it could be just as good.


I'm getting close to the end, so...

  • I don't like grinding for blood vials... I eventually just said F it, stacked Moon runes, and went to the lecture building until I had like 300K to keep a lasting inventory of 'em.
  • Encumbrance isn't a thing in BB, but weapon durability is. I don't like this, but some friends I know said they never even had their weapon break or be near breaking. It seemed like an unnecessary annoyance to have to check this in the hub.
  • Keep designing cool trick weapons. I've seen complaints about the number, but I loved their uniqueness, strengths/weaknesses based on their different forms, etc. It's also terrific that you can go through the entire game with any of the starting weapons.
I wouldn't change much else. Maybe longer endings.

I'm actually really enjoying the chalice dungeons. They have a light Zelda vibe to them, and all the unique enemies and bosses really make them feel like additional content vs. just being recycled. I'm currently in the 3rd defiled layer.
Gameplay wise Kings Field isn't really the same though. Maybe design wise they're all heavily inspired by it and Demon Souls is a distant successor but the bonds between demons, dark and Bloodborne are much stronger.

Isn't that what BB is? Share the same design but make it fresh, FROM make these games since PS1 days. Miyazaki said DS3 is final closure on story but didn't mean it last game in series and it would return in some form.


I think they should go full horror with Bloodborne 2. Like, make the creature designs, the sound design, the atmosphere, the lore, the locations, etc. the creepiest yet.

Make me be afraid of evety step I have to take in the world!

I would argue Bloodborne was the closer to that in the entire Soulsborne series, so going all out with BB2 is the way to go imo!


i don't really want more build variety. maybe more weapons, but stuff like heavier armour or shields = no. the narrowing of build options led them in a different direction to souls, and one that i much, much prefer. it's a game about being aggressive, being a hunter. being able to sit back and tank removes a lot of what makes the game so magical to play.

Pretty much what I think. Them allowing themselves to balance around only one playstyle allows them to make better encounters overall imo.


Junior Member
I want:

-60 FPS on neo
-Better Chalice dungeons
-Dark Souls 1 tier level design
-Better net code :)lol)
-Shit like Cuthulu,Yog Sogoth and nyarlathoptep as bosses
-Magic or at least some alternative to magic (better fire arms would be great)

Bloodborne Design >> DS1 Design


Making magic a viable early game strategy before you get to NG+ would be nice, tho.


Dark Souls 1 has its fair share of magical dotted lines

  • [*]Getting to and from the Undead Asylum
    [*]Entering Anor Londo and leaving Anor Londo
    [*]Dukes Archives requires the same magic dotted line since it's connected to Anor Londo
  • Getting to and from the Painted World
  • All of the DLC
    [*]Entering the Kiln of the First Flame
I'd also throw in that being part of an interconnected world didn't make Tomb of the Giants, Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith, or Crystal Cave anything better than D-tier levels.

magical dots are referred just as a 1-way to the area, nothing to leave them, in all these highlighted cases here there is a logical explanation to why there isn't just a corridor to get there, and in all of them there is way to get where the player was before

The dukes archives is well connected, with the halls and everything.


I think they should go full horror with Bloodborne 2. Like, make the creature designs, the sound design, the atmosphere, the lore, the locations, etc. the creepiest yet.

Make me be afraid of evety step I have to take in the world!

I would argue Bloodborne was the closer to that in the entire Soulsborne series, so going all out with BB2 is the way to go imo!
It was pretty damn creepy enough, IMO. Can't tell you how many times my skin crawled during an encounter or jump scare. LOL
Isn't that what BB is? Share the same design but make it fresh, FROM make these games since PS1 days. Miyazaki said DS3 is final closure on story but didn't mean it last game in series and it would return in some form.
Bloodborne is still much much closer to Dark Souls than Kings Field is to Demons Souls in terms of gameplay. Bloodborne is pretty much just Dark Souls with no equip load, guns, trick weapons and a different style of dodging which is all new enough to make it different to an extent but more akin to two similar species of the same animal instead of an entirely new animal. Kings Field is like an animal that shares a common ancestor in terms of similarity. Something truly fresh would be a new animal entirely which is what I think Miyazaki is looking at.

I also don't want the souls series to go away. But I don't really want Dark Souls IV or Bloodborne II. I want an entirely new setting and if they do Dark Souls IV they could probably pull that off, whereas the time period and setting of Bloodborne doesnt allow for too much Variation. If they go back to the Pthumerians then gameplay would pretty much be dark souls and if they go anymore forward we'd be near present day setting. They could do a new city but it might just end up being a rehash of BB1. We've already seen the old hunters. I just don't see anywhere else to go.

The Flash

I really doubt that boss has the same size. But the important thing is they need to rework the camera before making any boss like the one in your pic

And they might just not make a boss like that at all since it's just fan art and not based on anything that actually exists.
Bloodborne is still much much closer to Dark Souls than Kings Field is to Demons Souls in terms of gameplay. Bloodborne is pretty much just Dark Souls with no equip load, guns, trick weapons and a different style of dodging which is all new enough to make it different to an extent but more akin to two similar species of the same animal instead of an entirely new animal. Kings Field is like an animal that shares a common ancestor in terms of similarity. Something truly fresh would be a new animal entirely which is what I think Miyazaki is looking at.

well, if you go that way then I agree.


magical dots are referred just as a 1-way to the area, nothing to leave them, in all these highlighted cases here there is a logical explanation to why there isn't just a corridor to get there, and in all of them there is way to get where the player was before

The dukes archives is well connected, with the halls and everything.

Anor Londo can only be accessed via being carried there, and the only way you can get out is by getting the Lordsvessel otherwise you are trapped there. Revisiting Undead Asylum is the same deal.
More dlc variety weapons and tools incorporated into the main game, and somehow Space Souls with creepy aliens, far advanced humanoid life forms, and skeletons with futuristic, yet archaic-looking slow-shooting laser rifles.


Anor Londo can only be accessed via being carried there, and the only way you can get out is by getting the Lordsvessel otherwise you are trapped there. Revisiting Undead Asylum is the same deal.

sorry but no, I didn't get the lord vessel the first time I got out of Anor Londo, I got carried to Sen's Fortress the same way I got carried to Anor Londo. The player just needs to talk to the demon at the top

Same happens with Undead Assylum, the crow carries you like the first time, to fire link shrine
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