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What would you like to see in Bloodborne 2?


Bloodborne is still much much closer to Dark Souls than Kings Field is to Demons Souls in terms of gameplay. Bloodborne is pretty much just Dark Souls with no equip load, guns, trick weapons and a different style of dodging which is all new enough to make it different to an extent but more akin to two similar species of the same animal instead of an entirely new animal. Kings Field is like an animal that shares a common ancestor in terms of similarity. Something truly fresh would be a new animal entirely which is what I think Miyazaki is looking at.

I also don't want the souls series to go away. But I don't really want Dark Souls IV or Bloodborne II. I want an entirely new setting and if they do Dark Souls IV they could probably pull that off, whereas the time period and setting of Bloodborne doesnt allow for too much Variation. If they go back to the Pthumerians then gameplay would pretty much be dark souls and if they go anymore forward we'd be near present day setting. They could do a new city but it might just end up being a rehash of BB1. We've already seen the old hunters. I just don't see anywhere else to go.

It still blows my mind how so many people refused to see Bloodborne as part of the Souls series at its release, and insisted that it was a totally different type of game.

Glad we're over that nonsense.

I agree with not wanting Dark Souls IV or BB 2. If we compare the sequels, then Dark Souls (as a sequel to Demon's) and Bloodborne (as a sequel to Dark) have been the best, partially because of the originality factor. Dark Souls II was the worst received, and Dark Souls III, while magnificent, would have been more so had it not had the whiff of samey 'greatest hits of Souls' to it.


but how can you say there are no options? I mean, just an example, the weapons itself has 2 forms with really different movesets and attributes, it is a choice of ours if we use them, hell, even a choice when we use them.

I would love if there is a kind of weapon art for each mode in BB2, but the combat itself is really deep as it is.

DkS in comparison has only one defined moveset, no variations, I don't get why BB would need more variety as it is.
I don't think I've said that. BB added
-Transforming weapons which were far more unique and removed all the fluff DaS had(lots of weapons but there are 1 or 2 weapons in an entire class that outperform the others)
- More animations per weapon unlike DaS's 2 hit loops
- Charge attacks
- Made armor def largely pointless which encouraged mixing and matching for fashion with little repercussion
- Blood Gems (They were conceptually good but they gave very little reason to not use a +atk gem. I would like them to remove +atk gems entirely and have more unique gems like increased dodge distance, the ability to backstab with non-charged R2's, etc.
- Quickstepping which encouraged more aggressive play style
- Blood vials which healed by % rather than a flat amount like estus.
- You may spawn as an enemy if a player summoned someone who are in an opposing faction
- Many if not all bosses having stagger states which you can then perform viscerals which rewards you for performing well

These are the additions BB had off the top of my head and many of these additions are why I prefer BB over DaS. Granted, BB took a step back in a few areas but the pros outweigh the cons for me. Coming off of this, I can't really see how From can improve on all this outside of iterative improvements. BB felt like a breath of fresh air and I'd like more breaths of fresh air from a BB2 rather than it being like DaS3(good game but felt far too familiar). Still, they don't really need to crank everything up to 11 like I suggested as long as they change enough.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hell yes. Some thoughts for the game:

Resting at lamps. I was never really bothered on release but my brother was playing Bloodborne and I helped him with the Blood-Starved Beast and I wanted some Vials but I couldn't rest and I was completely flabbergasted coming from DS3.

Arcane and Bloodtinge: I understand they did not want make a carbon copy of Souls games but there are a lot of things you can do with Arcane and Bloodtinge. With Arcane, since it deals with mystic tools, incorporate more powers from Great Ones instead of just Ebrietas. One where you shoot Amygdala lasers or shooting Icicles ala Rom. Obviously there will be more Great Ones so I'd like to see this build expanded on. In regard to Bloodtinge, a lot of bosses had Bloodtinge like powers that the player could've had access to. Creating a sword from the player's blood, blood pillars that is similar to Queen Yharnham's attack. An aoe attck similar to force within from Dark Souls and so on. There are so many things From can do with these two stats and I hope to see it expanded on.

Weapons: I really like the weapons in Bloodborne and all I ask is make even more creative one. The Pizza Cutter and Simon's Bowblade are some of the best weapons creatively speaking. So imaginative. I also would like to see more ranged guns similar to Snipers. If you don't want players to cheese so much, then up the QuickSilver bullets usage.

NPC: I'm hoping for more NPC's that the player can interact with and do quests for. I feel that we should talk to more Hunter's that are also from far away lands.

Covenants: There should be more covenants than just 3 and they should not be indistinguishable. Hunters of Hunters is a great concept and should Hunt invading hunters. There could be covenants devoted to Great Ones and Covenants devoted to Beasthood. From should go all in and create some sort of covenant that covers hunters who turn into beasts.

These are some of my thoughts and I'd like to see others.
Good post, can't disagree with anything here.

I'd add:
- Revamp the blood gem system completely. No reason to use anything except ATK UP gems. Poison, stamina regen, etc. who cares when I can just stack damage.
- Summon signs > bells, though I think a hybrid system could work too.
- Better RPG/customization mechanics. Runes were a little weaksauce. Could combine that with accessories for special effects (runes that you preset at the dream, and rings that you adjust mid-gameplay, for example), have more variety in outfits/armours etc.

See, I never get that line of thinking. It's fanboy gluttony, asking for more dessert after an already copious one, no matter if it leads to indigestion. One of the reason it's a masterpiece is also because it's a really well self contained universe
Or... people just really enjoy these games and aren't sick of playing them and could always play more, so long as the quality is good? Ever thought of that?

Just because you're tired of the formula or whatever, doesn't mean anyone who disagrees is a "gluttonous fanboy".

No amount of additional content would make the game better. You'll just end a point where instead it stops being surprising and/or interesting and you're going through the motions.
I disagree. New content (as in, new levels, bosses etc.) are more than enough to keep things fresh. Why do you think the DLCs are so popular?

Or if anything, remaster Demon Souls and apply some of the improvements from Souls 3 in it.
Well this is weird. After going on and on about how they aren't doing anything new, you... want a remaster instead. o_O

That's not how I remember it. I thought you had to at least beat the first one to get an item required for the main story. I remember being very confused about this - maybe I'm wrong.
You are indeed wrong.

Endo Punk

I want a step up from bloodborne as much as bloodborne was from Dark Souls. Give me Scifi Blood/Souls! bio mechanic monstrosities, cyber enhancements and alien environments.


I mean really, think about how weak a sequel would be.

One of the things about BB is that not a lot of people expected it to go full on cthulhu/cosmic horror. Even with the hints beforehand, not at that extent.

Then you get the massive shift after Rom's death and suddenly the Amygdalas hugging the towers of Yahar'gul in spider like fashion. You realize too they were here all along when you go to the church or raise your insight past 40.
When you get to the end of the game, you might've understood the plot but you definitively know what the game encompasses, from beast to almighty, almost godlike cosmic great ones. Past that, you can't go much higher up in terms of "what the fuck" or you get way too abstract for even your fanbase to follow.

I don't think a BB2, straight up sequel, would manage to come close in bringing the same punches as the first one does in terms of pacing and "Oh shit" moments since at this point we all know what to expect. We'll go "oh neat", like when in the dark souls 3
similar shift happens when you defeat Aldrich and Yhorm
. But past that it'll be just formulaic and expected

Just because you're tired of the formula or whatever, doesn't mean anyone who disagrees is a "gluttonous fanboy".


Because BB and Souls quality doesn't only stem from it's mechanics for a good deal of people. Souls 2 and 3 are massive steps down in terms of lore and world building and instead go full on pandering and referencing. While they're really nice to play as always, they bring nothing new and even the areas at this point are following a close formula. I'd really insist on people to think about what an actual sequel to Bloodborne or souls game for that matter entails rather than just going "YES GIVE ME MORE". This is why I call it fanboy gluttony. It's thoughtless and superficial, purely motivated on consumption, not quality.

And I'd rather have a remaster simply for the sake of Demons who's thel east played one. I mean it's already made and it's the basis for a lot of the future game but a lot still ignore it. Not the same to me.

I disagree. New content (as in, new levels, bosses etc.) are more than enough to keep things fresh. Why do you think the DLCs are so popular?

Because the DLC brought totally new areas. And i mean totally new, like the fishing village. and bosses. And it added more lore to a story that was already fresh.
But also, it's DLC, not the base game. Something they have time to flesh out after the fact.
Take Dark souls 3 for instance. Half of the items you get are just references to the older games. Half the zones are retreads of previous concepts. You have your pseudo latria again, your pseudo anor londo/cainhurst again. Your beginning zone is again a castle like multi layered zone like Undead Burg or Forest of the fallen giants.
You have your blightown amped up by 10. Zones like Carthus or Demon Ruins which are litteraly B-tier Chalice dungeon quality. And then you have straight up Anor Londo, again.

If you played any of the previous game, all these zones become a matter of going through the motion at some point because you can only go so far reusing assets without repeating yourself. FromSoft, as talented as they are, have also shown they're not a magical factory capable of churning out completely new games every year. Each of their games reuses assets, including animation, and sometimes entire characters. A bloodborne 2 wouldn't be exempt of that, it would reek of pandering.

But yeah, there are many reasons to love bloodborne and completely dislike the idea of a sequel. Ideally I would love if any next fromsoft game was as far removed from the Souls and BB setting. And I find it funny of course that there's always a subset of people acting arrogant like "Oooh these old fanboys who hate fun" while there's plenty of decent reason, looking at the trend of releases, to doubt the quality of a straight sequel


Hell yes. Some thoughts for the game:

Resting at lamps. I was never really bothered on release but my brother was playing Bloodborne and I helped him with the Blood-Starved Beast and I wanted some Vials but I couldn't rest and I was completely flabbergasted coming from DS3.

Arcane and Bloodtinge: I understand they did not want make a carbon copy of Souls games but there are a lot of things you can do with Arcane and Bloodtinge. With Arcane, since it deals with mystic tools, incorporate more powers from Great Ones instead of just Ebrietas. One where you shoot Amygdala lasers or shooting Icicles ala Rom. Obviously there will be more Great Ones so I'd like to see this build expanded on. In regard to Bloodtinge, a lot of bosses had Bloodtinge like powers that the player could've had access to. Creating a sword from the player's blood, blood pillars that is similar to Queen Yharnham's attack. An aoe attck similar to force within from Dark Souls and so on. There are so many things From can do with these two stats and I hope to see it expanded on.

Weapons: I really like the weapons in Bloodborne and all I ask is make even more creative one. The Pizza Cutter and Simon's Bowblade are some of the best weapons creatively speaking. So imaginative. I also would like to see more ranged guns similar to Snipers. If you don't want players to cheese so much, then up the QuickSilver bullets usage.

NPC: I'm hoping for more NPC's that the player can interact with and do quests for. I feel that we should talk to more Hunter's that are also from far away lands.

Covenants: There should be more covenants than just 3 and they should not be indistinguishable. Hunters of Hunters is a great concept and should Hunt invading hunters. There could be covenants devoted to Great Ones and Covenants devoted to Beasthood. From should go all in and create some sort of covenant that covers hunters who turn into beasts.

These are some of my thoughts and I'd like to see others.

Yeah, Arcane and Bloodtinge are kind of silly in the current game, with Arcane apparently just being a gate to gain access to certain items, and my bloodtinge is still single digits on my NG+.

I'm not sure I agree with the NPC bit. I mean, isn't almost the point of the lore that all of this hunter business is relegated to Yharnam and the surrounding area and not the whole world, because it's the only place that has found access to the Blood and has Old Ones in close vicinity? That seems kind of the point right aside from maybe some of the hunters of hunters stuff? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something though.


I don't think I've said that. BB added
-Transforming weapons which were far more unique and removed all the fluff DaS had(lots of weapons but there are 1 or 2 weapons in an entire class that outperform the others)
- More animations per weapon unlike DaS's 2 hit loops
- Charge attacks
- Made armor def largely pointless which encouraged mixing and matching for fashion with little repercussion
- Blood Gems (They were conceptually good but they gave very little reason to not use a +atk gem. I would like them to remove +atk gems entirely and have more unique gems like increased dodge distance, the ability to backstab with non-charged R2's, etc.
- Quickstepping which encouraged more aggressive play style
- Blood vials which healed by % rather than a flat amount like estus.
- You may spawn as an enemy if a player summoned someone who are in an opposing faction
- Many if not all bosses having stagger states which you can then perform viscerals which rewards you for performing well

These are the additions BB had off the top of my head and many of these additions are why I prefer BB over DaS. Granted, BB took a step back in a few areas but the pros outweigh the cons for me. Coming off of this, I can't really see how From can improve on all this outside of iterative improvements. BB felt like a breath of fresh air and I'd like more breaths of fresh air from a BB2 rather than it being like DaS3(good game but felt far too familiar). Still, they don't really need to crank everything up to 11 like I suggested as long as they change enough.

yeah I totally get you, however judging by how sequels were handled in DkS, shaking up the formula again would require a new IP, BB2 would be the same formula with improvements to the overall experience.

I'm shocked so many people are against a Bloodborne sequel.

they fear
*the old blood*
From ruins the first game

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Because BB and Souls quality doesn't only stem from it's mechanics for a good deal of people. Souls 2 and 3 are massive steps down in terms of lore and world building and instead go full on pandering and referencing. While they're really nice to play as always, they bring nothing new and even the areas at this point are following a close formula.
Funny, I could have said that about Dark Souls with regards to Demon's...

A medieval castle filled with hollows. A poison swamp with rickety wooden shacks and slugs. A lava-filled underground tunnel. A creepy prison. Soul arrow, fireball spells. Oh hey there's the Moonlight sword again!

I'd really insist on people to think about what an actual sequel to Bloodborne or souls game for that matter entails rather than just going "YES GIVE ME MORE". This is why I call it fanboy gluttony. It's thoughtless and superficial, purely motivated on consumption, not quality.
That sounds like pretentious garbage to me. Sorry.
It still blows my mind how so many people refused to see Bloodborne as part of the Souls series at its release, and insisted that it was a totally different type of game.

Glad we're over that nonsense.

I agree with not wanting Dark Souls IV or BB 2. If we compare the sequels, then Dark Souls (as a sequel to Demon's) and Bloodborne (as a sequel to Dark) have been the best, partially because of the originality factor. Dark Souls II was the worst received, and Dark Souls III, while magnificent, would have been more so had it not had the whiff of samey 'greatest hits of Souls' to it.

I don't think we'll ever be over that since I have to explain it in every Bloodborne thread. But I feel like this sentiment only comes from people who's only knowledge of the souls games is because they played Bloodborne and think Demons Souls and Dark Souls are in the same series or something.

True Fire

I'd rather FROM make "borne" an anthology series with a different theme every time. Bloodborne definitely seemed like a one-and-done, but they can do so much more with the gameplay.


Tears in the rain
1. Blood Estus. No more vials.

2. Bigger variety of enemy drops. Weapons,armor, new mats

3. A wider variety of trick weapons. At least double the total of BB+Old Hunters. Staff-whips, knuckles who become shields, katana that becomes two rapiers, whatever. A whole lot of Trick Weapons

4. A wider variety of fashion. For Fashionborne obviously. At least 60+ sets.

5. Separate the hub from the main world, but don't force returns there for lantern teleportation.

6. A wider variety in builds. Bloodtinge gets blood magic. Arcane has a FP bar and 50+ hunter tools

7. Longer, more involving NPC quests

8. Trick weapon infusion. You can equip gems in them after you infuse the correct path (Fire infusion leads to fire gems being equippable).

9. Chalice dungeons return, with a bigger environmental variety. Not catacombs but a bizarre dream state that takes you to brand new, unseen settings.


I'd love to see some more focus on insight and frenzy, going mad, etc. Like some gameplay mechanic that'll make the world look completely different depending on how high your insight is, and some players will have an entirely different experience than others. It can affect the plot aswell and the NPCs you meet and what you do with them, how you see the world basically...The potential is huge but maybe I'm asking for too much


Funny, I could have said that about Dark Souls with regards to Demon's...

A medieval castle filled with hollows. A poison swamp with rickety wooden shacks and slugs. A lava-filled underground tunnel. A creepy prison. Soul arrow, fireball spells. Oh hey there's the Moonlight sword again!

That sounds like pretentious garbage to me. Sorry.

Great rebuttal, absolutely convincing. That's the kind of people we have to appeal to then.

And yes, you could make a point that Souls 1 is also just a rip from Demons. In some way it is.
But souls 1 managed to save it by having a big comprehensive lore that tied nicely with the world itself. It was constructed in a way that it felt tangible. There were references for sure but also a majority of content and story tied directly to the game itself. Not to say that Souls 1 wasn't flawed in itself and in some way i did actually prefer Demons to Dark.

But let's not kid ourselves, there's a world of difference between the jump from demons to dark, and from dark souls 1 to 2 and 3. I've made a more comprehensive post in the lore talk thing about this in any case. I'm not absolutely against referencing. I'll never shun from the fact that there's always a Moonlight greatsword, or patches, etc. But like I said somewhere else, at least moonlight in BB actually had some effort around it: a character tied to it, a cutscene and a general tie in to world. Every subsequent Souls sequels in comparison did little effort in working it in (and souls 1 reason was pretty weak but at least directly related to something in the game).

The treatment of the souls sequels is what I basically fear would happen to a bloodborne sequel: Mechanically might be more comfortable but feel very hollow, focusing mostly on refencing the older title rather than bringing an actual progression.

I'm still on board for a mecha/cyberpunk type game tho. Like really anything as long as it's not a straight up sequel to a previous game.

Anyway i've said my piece and i'm out. Like the sequels I feel like i'm repeating myself too much :^)


Sandwich crafting that grants special buffs and heals per ingredient.

Upgradeable lunchbox that increases sandwich capacity.
Bloodborne was fantastic save for the poor frametimes and chromatic aberration. Fix those and just give me a direct sequel. Been playing Dark Souls 3 at 60fps, and it just makes me want 60fps Bloodborne even more. That combat system deserves it.


Something that bothers me on BB and DS games.


I want the weapons to feel powerful, like if a hit a small slob I want it to explode, right now its like they have a stroke an fall like a a feather to the ground.
Something that bothers me on BB and DS games.

I want the weapons to feel powerful, like if a hit a small slob I want it to explode.
It's against their design philosophy to have extreme overt Gore for little to no reason. So it'll probably never happen.
The immense Blood in Bloodborne has a lot of blood splatters fore gameplay and lore reasons before anyone brings that up which is also why it was turned way down in ds3.

Kai Ozu

Way more weapons and armor.

More varied stage design.

60fps neo mode.

And for the love of god, the matchmaking, please fix that from the first.
I will take this as an acceptable alternative.

Looks incredible. Too bad character creation sucks in From Software games so our character will not have that awesome hair.
Good post, can't disagree with anything here.

I'd add:
- Revamp the blood gem system completely. No reason to use anything except ATK UP gems. Poison, stamina regen, etc. who cares when I can just stack damage.
- Summon signs > bells, though I think a hybrid system could work too.
- Better RPG/customization mechanics. Runes were a little weaksauce. Could combine that with accessories for special effects (runes that you preset at the dream, and rings that you adjust mid-gameplay, for example), have more variety in outfits/armours etc.
I like the idea of a hybrid summoning system. Take what works in Souls but add a unique Bloodborne style. Accessories that can be visible would make Fashionborne even better.
Yeah, Arcane and Bloodtinge are kind of silly in the current game, with Arcane apparently just being a gate to gain access to certain items, and my bloodtinge is still single digits on my NG+.

I'm not sure I agree with the NPC bit. I mean, isn't almost the point of the lore that all of this hunter business is relegated to Yharnam and the surrounding area and not the whole world, because it's the only place that has found access to the Blood and has Old Ones in close vicinity? That seems kind of the point right aside from maybe some of the hunters of hunters stuff? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something though.
The player isn't from Yharnam so Hunters being from far away isn't out of the realm of possibility.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Great rebuttal, absolutely convincing.
Yeah well, what else am I supposed to respond when you post insulting trash like this:

I'd really insist on people to think about what an actual sequel to Bloodborne or souls game for that matter entails rather than just going "YES GIVE ME MORE". This is why I call it fanboy gluttony. It's thoughtless and superficial, purely motivated on consumption, not quality.

You're saying that people who disagree with you don't care about quality. GTFO with that. It's like when people say "people who enjoy Dark Souls 2/Bloodborne/<insert game in the franchise that isn't my very favourite> don't understand what makes <game in franchise that is my favourite> so good". Or maybe, just maybe, they like different things about it than you do, and fans who crave more content, do so because they know that the content produced by From Software will be of high quality? Like the DLCs have been?

Nah, couldn't be. They're mindless gluttonous consumers. *pushes up glasses*

It's against their design philosophy to have extreme overt Gore for little to no reason. So it'll probably never happen.
The immense Blood in Bloodborne has a lot of blood splatters fore gameplay and lore reasons before anyone brings that up which is also why it was turned way down in ds3.
On what do you base this statement on? About their design philosophy? Have you never seen the Penetrator intro cut scene from Demon's Souls, by any chance? Youtube is not cooperating for me right now but I remember it being pretty gory. Not to mention that poor guy getting smashed by the portcullis in 1-3. xD

Edit: sure, Youtube, start cooperating after I finish posting...
https://youtu.be/zfBhvbg9D4A?t=245 (4:05 -- yep, random guy gets crushed in a shower of gore for no reason lol)
Sort of discarding the assumption that the next Souls spinoff has to be a Bloodborne game:

More variety between starting classes/weapons.

Standard heal items should be refillable at checkpoints like Estus Flasks and capacity should be severely limited at first but expandable via a system that works like Estus Flask Shards.

Keep a dedicated button for standard heal items, like we had with Blood Vials; make alternative healing items incredibly rare.

Don't skimp on magic and other alternatives to melee combat.

Don't make me warp to level up or replenish health/heals.

More and more interesting NPCs.

Expand on the Insight system considerably:

- Win Insight from bosses and invasions, just like in Bloodborne
- Discover consumables that can be used to increase Insight, just like in Bloodborne
- Consume Insight to summon, just like in Bloodborne
- Can also earn Insight from certain questlines/conversations/discoveries
- More Insight = marginally better heals from standard healing items, with a hard cap
- More Insight = enemies deal more damage, also with a hard cap
- At certain Insight quantity tiers, add bonuses like more health/stamina, added effects to weapons (greater damage, added elemental damage, etc.) that vary depending on the player's equipment
- Players lose 1 Insight each time they die
- Set a fixed cap for Insight; scenarios that would award Insight instead award Souls/Blood Echoes/whatever currency when player has reached the cap
- Have Insight influence not only the way the world looks, but the conversations you're able to have with NPCs, the way the NPCs themselves look, etc.
- Eliminate Insight shops and Chalice Dungeon materials system and instead replace them with optional challenge dungeons where the player can find/earn special gear/items. Some will have unique bosses; can also fight tougher version of certain bosses to earn their gear sets. Must spend fixed amount of Insight to unlock each challenge dungeon.

Yes. Telling a story through item descriptions is more embarrassing than telling a story by scanning enemies in Metroid Prime.

A character who carries a digital encyclopedia around with her at all times that can scan things and retrieve information about them is a little less silly than a character who magically learns about the history and lore of the world just by picking up items.


I just want it to exist.

Real answer though, better Blood Vial system without the farming, focus on unique trick weapons and go in on it. I strongly prefer BB's limited but varied weapons over Soul's games variety that feel similar. So more of that.

Basically, I just want more of Bloodborne, there isn't a whole lot I would change.

Minor stuff I can think of:
- Streamline multiplayer (signs are better than bells)
- Better covenants
- Better blood vial system (hybrid of estus and vials)
- More useful Arcane and Bloodtinge builds - give me strong incentive to boos these stats
- More/better sidequests - Felt like there were only a few, but they were good
- Make insight change the world even more - this is by far the coolest mechanic idea in BB and they didn't do a whole lot with it

Basically, do more of Bloodbourne but make the build options a little more robust, fix some nagging issues, and set it in a whole new town with a whole new mythology. Ditch the old mythos, keep the general
horror theme.
Personally, I don't need a Bloodborne 2. I've been with the series since Demon's Souls in 2009 and I'm definitely ready for something new from From Software. Even though I'm sure Bloodborne 2 would be a great game, it would just feel like more of the same to me.
Yeah well, what else am I supposed to respond when you post insulting trash like this:

You're saying that people who disagree with you don't care about quality. GTFO with that. It's like when people say "people who enjoy Dark Souls 2/Bloodborne/<insert game in the franchise that isn't my very favourite> don't understand what makes <game in franchise that is my favourite> so good". Or maybe, just maybe, they like different things about it than you do, and fans who crave more content, do so because they know that the content produced by From Software will be of high quality? Like the DLCs have been?

Nah, couldn't be. They're mindless gluttonous consumers. *pushes up glasses*

On what do you base this statement on? About their design philosophy? Have you never seen the Penetrator intro cut scene from Demon's Souls, by any chance? Youtube is not cooperating for me right now but I remember it being pretty gory. Not to mention that poor guy getting smashed by the portcullis in 1-3. xD

Edit: sure, Youtube, start cooperating after I finish posting...
https://youtu.be/zfBhvbg9D4A?t=245 (4:05 -- yep, random guy gets crushed in a shower of gore for no reason lol)

Basing it on Miyazaki talking to one of the artists about those deformed Dragons in dark souls 1 and why he doesn't want them to be grotesque and crawling with maggots. I don't have the quote but it's probably not hard to find it.


All I want to see is "Directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki".

That's enough for a pre-order.

Woud love it if they made a new armored core actually, feels it would be more fitting. Also if we're gonna bring something back at least bring me a new armored core. We got a lot of souls but not a lot of mechs :V

I want mah mechs

You're saying that people who disagree with you don't care about quality. GTFO with that. It's like when people say "people who enjoy Dark Souls 2/Bloodborne/<insert game in the franchise that isn't my very favourite> don't understand what makes <game in franchise that is my favourite> so good". Or maybe, just maybe, they like different things about it than you do, and fans who crave more content, do so because they know that the content produced by From Software will be of high quality? Like the DLCs have been?

(woop, sorry to post again)

Actually want to apologize if I came across like this. I don't mean that people who "disagree with me" specifically don't care about quality. Hell I enjoyed Dark souls 2, played through it lot's of time and I enjoy Souls 3, despite fatigue which also comes from following the series from a long time. My point was more "I fear that the want for constant sequels regardless of intent behind it might harm the inherent quality, quantity nonwithstanding". I stand by the "gluttony" aspect of the term because I feel it encompasses the feeling. It's something I feel extends past Souls, or games in general (like movies too). I enjoy sequels the most when it feels like it can be easily be expanded upon, bring in new elements without cheapening the core elements. I just don't feel that way for Bloodborne.

However if it does come to fruition then yeah, changes to vial to make em more like Estus, expand on arcane to offer an even wider variety of gimmicks to trick weapon (although I did find the amount by the end of old hunters to be really satisfying). Most all changing the lantern rest and warp system and the covenant and NPC stories so that PVP could live on more easily.

There's one thing, thinking about it, which I would be okay with but if there EVER was a sequel, set it far far away from yarnham. Like move away completely, both in setting and some themes, like moving from Innsmouth to Mountains of Madness. Would also allow to have some more varied setting if it's not in a gigantic city. But that would require a lot of assets and lore to justify so I don't think, if they do that, that it should come to hastily. Plus it doesn't solve some of the problems that I have with it.


Did you even play Bloodborne?


While much of it is connected, it's not in the same way as Das1. It felt like Demon's Souls where you had a big area which circled around on itself with shortcuts, but each zone felt quite separate from the others. (even though you could actually walk between most of them)

I did love how the Forbidden Woods was connected to central Yharnam though, I want more moments like that.

Edited my post to reflect that.

This doesnt make sense for the world/lore of Bloodborne. The Hunters Dream is not a physical location.

Who said it has to be a Hunters Dream?


Gold Member
I echo "being directed by Miyazaki". That's all I need for a preorder.

Really hope this happens one day. There is a lot more to tell here. Yes, the story of Yharnam is prolly done and a BB2 playing there would be stupid but there is so much you can do with the Great Ones.

Man, do this FromSoft!
I know a lot of people want Sci-fi souls, but I think it would work a lot better if that setting was in bloodborne, based on the lore. So.. I want sci-fi Bloodborne!

Now there's an idea. Take the world of Bloodborne and fast forward a few centuries to the point where humans are capable of advanced space travel. I could be down for that.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I must be the only one who thought the blood vials was perfectly fine, lol.

Honestly running out of Estus in early DS3 is really frustrating, since you have to retreat to the bonfire (or pray the next one is close by). In BB you constantly get more as loot or enemy drops so you can keep progressing. I remember being low at some point in Forbidden Woods and despairing a little, then I found a stash as loot, and killed the pig, and suddenly I was back up at 16-18 vials in no time. What a relief!

Basing it on Miyazaki talking to one of the artists about those deformed Dragons in dark souls 1 and why he doesn't want them to be grotesque and crawling with maggots. I don't have the quote but it's probably not hard to find it.
I remember that, but this has nothing to do with gore...

Also, well, there's tons of grotesque-as-fuck monsters in the whole series (even if not including Bloodborne, but of course that game took the cake for grotesqueries), so I think the quote applied to a specific creature, not everything. Leechmonger, Dirty Colossus, Gaping Dragon, (DS3)
Aldrich, Curse-rotted Greatwood
, to name a few gross, "grotesque" looking beasts from non-BB games.


First one was nearly perfect. But direct warping to other lamps (basically DS3 bonfires) would be awesome.


You can't honestly tell me you think areas like Demon Ruins, Tomb of the Giants, and Lost Izalith are better than even the worst areas in Bloodborne.

Bloodborne is a far more consistent game than Dark Souls 1, in my opinion.

What was wrong with Tomb of the Giants? It was actually one of my favorite areas.
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