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Whats the best action movie of all time!!

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Junior Member
Of all time? hard to say... but Mad Max: Fury Road has to be up there.
Ya I think mad max is number two for me. Exspecially the scene where they have the biker gang jumping over the gas truck. Always stood out to me and was awsome :)

Also everyone saying aliens do you like alien better like me or do you like aliens better.


Is Drunken Master really that good? I think I watched five minutes of the dubbed version on Netflix and I turned it off because I couldn't stand the dub. Worth sitting through, or should I try to find a subbed version?

Also everyone saying aliens do you like alien better like me or do you like aliens better.
I like Aliens more than Alien, but I will readily admit that Alien is the better movie.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the best movies of all time.
It's either flawless or damn near.
It's an action movie.

Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Wait till you see Raid 2...specifically that last hour. Dear lord it's amazing.

Raid > Raid 2

When Raid 2 gets going, holy shit it's something else but that first hour has a bunch of scenes that add nothing to the story and should have ended up on the cutting room floor.
Ya I think mad max is number two for me. Exspecially the scene where they have the biker gang jumping over the gas truck. Always stood out to me and was awsome :)

Also everyone saying aliens do you like alien better like me or do you like aliens better.

I prefer Alien, but its not an action movie imo


Junior Member
Is Drunken Master really that good? I think I watched five minutes of the dubbed version on Netflix and I turned it off because I couldn't stand the dub. Worth sitting through, or should I try to find a subbed version?

I like Aliens more than Alien, but I will readily admit that Alien is the better movie.
That's how I am with the raid 2. Bought the dubbed virsion on accident and it's just so so bad. Need to get around to finishing it soon got about half way through then fell asleep because it was late.
die hard is perfection. predator is also close behind.

I'd have to let time decide if the Raid movies stand the test of time. I use to think movies like Hard Boiled and Ong Bak were classics but they haven't aged well.
Terminator, T2, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Die Hard are all valid answers.

I want to believe that Kill Bill The Whole Bloody Affair would also fit the bill but I never had a chance to see it...

Maybe Fury Road, too. Still need to rewatch that a bunch more times.

I don't know that I'll ever have a definitive answer anyway.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The Good, The Bad and The Weird easily has a claim at best action movie for the train robbery scene or the huge final chase.



Die Hard

There's no question


let's be honest, it's very clearly Die Hard.

also, OP, that isn't even the best fight in the series. watch the sequel ASAP.

Terminator 2 or Die Hard

Die Hard hits all the notes: comedy, tension, awesome action.

Hard to say though which action movie is my favourite.

Are the cops incompetent or is Gruber just that good?


Acceptable answers are Die Hard, Terminator 2, Mad Max: Fury Road, Aliens, and The Matrix

Excelent taste.

Die Hard.


Bish loves my games!
Die Hard is an acceptable answer though the real answer is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Personally I've always loved Hard Boiled.
John Woo's Hard Boiled
The Raid or The Raid 2
Mad Max Fury Road or Road Warrior
First Blood
Die Hard
Terminator 2
The Wild Bunch
Raiders of the Lost Ark

They are all acceptable answers to me. Honorable mentions go to Point Break, Predator, True Lies, The Matrix, Face Off, Kill Bill Vol 1, and many others that I'm forgetting. I will also add Cobra as an underrated action movie.


Allright gaf so I have been on a action movie binge lately. I have been watching a lot of them from local to forgeign. So I want to know gaf what is your favorite action movie. For mine its...


WOW!!!! I didn't know what to expect going into this film as it was the first foreign film I have ever seen. At first I was a little wary about having to read sub titles all the way through but my god was it worth it. The premise is simple a swat team has to clear out a tower of villains. What you actually get is some of the most fast paced intense action I have ever seen in my life. I never knew kung fu was so fucking cool. Trust me if you haven't seen this film stop reading this and go watch it right now. YOU WILL THANK ME!!!!

Best fight scene ever

Just watch the scene above and tell me thats not the greatest fight scene ever. (even though daredevils hallway scene is awesome to)

You just picked my favorite action film and my favorite fight, OP.

I actually prefer Raid 1 to 2. Better pacing.

Mad Max Fury Road is way up there too. Love the chase scenes and stunts.

Jacky Chan 80's/90's HK films are at the top too. I can't choose between them. The way he pulls stunts and uses the environment in 'normal fights' is just unparalleled. Crazy guy.

Then Eight Diagram Pole Fighter

Man, that final fight is freaking GLORIOUS and so completely over-the-top. I love it so much.


Let me add Demolition Man to the list.

Maybe not the greatest but I love it

And the older Jackie Chan movies were amazing
Die Hard is an acceptable answer though the real answer is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The GAF poll's already been linked in here, but I'm still amazed it didn't even make the top 5 there (despite only having one less #1 vote than T2), and that it missed the top 5 because a lot of people voting didn't even consider it an action film at all, much less the best one ever made.

That poll's also funny because people swear Fury Road got overrated, when I bet if you run it in another 6 months, T2 will drop beneath it.

As it should.
The Raid deserves to be among the all-time greats like Die Hard and Aliens for sure. I wouldn't place it over those two, but it's up there.


Came to see if T2 was the first post. Yup.

Came to see if Die Hard, Aliens and The Matrix would be in the top 5 posts. Yup.

Glad there's such a consensus on at least one film genre!
Commando can't be an answer. When your main villain is a tall guy with a fat gut and spindle arms you don't enter the goat conversation.


I can't choose a best of all time, but my top 5 in no particular order is

Mad Max Fury Road
John Wick
The Raid (1&2 interchangeable)

Those are just the ones that immediately come to mind, there are probably several more I'd put on the same level if I thought about it.


I like the Raid, but it doesn't crack my top ten list. The fights just dragged on for far too long to the point of such ridiculousness that it amazingly bored me somehow ("Can one of you please just bleed to dead already?)

I would agree with Die Hard.
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