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What's up with all the negativity around The Last of Us now?


I've grown out of stealth now. The story is good, but stealth is painful. I hadn't followed previews at all, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I've played a lot of stealth in the past, and it's well done stealth, but it's still stealth.
But he's the one who's right, according to the jaded cynics. He's the one of refined taste and judgement, not some corporate shill with a Doritos hat. When all is said and done, he had a more rewarding experience playing some less hyped less expensive release or by replaying some 10 year old sacred cow. He doesn't like New Thing, and you should be impressed he doesn't like New Thing unlike these other plebes

Lol, so true. Out of 72 reviews on MC there are 5 reviews that are below a 9 and those reviews are supposedly the true reviewers who weren't blinded by the hype. Give me a freaking break.

There is no backlash. People have opinions and the majority is that this game is great.
The game is amazing. I don't agree with any of the issues raised. I have my issues with the companion AI sometimes, and I encountered a view glitches along the way (a clicker that could pull off a Raziel through locked gates) but all in all this game is a masterpiece. My personal GOTGen...Only Beyond can dethrone something of this calibre.
But he's the one who's right, according to the jaded cynics. He's the one of refined taste and judgement, not some corporate shill with a Doritos hat. When all is said and done, he had a more rewarding experience playing some less hyped less expensive release or by replaying some 10 year old sacred cow. He doesn't like New Thing, and you should be impressed he doesn't like New Thing unlike these other plebes

The Hipster Effect: if a game is universally acclaimed, people go out of their way to find and magnify faults with it. If a game is universally panned, people try to ignore the faults and appreciate the "art" or whatever so they can be a "cult" following

Or, opinions. Pick one.

Ice, you're on point. It has been that way forever. What I find craziest about a game such as this; is that it will get a million 10/10's but people will focus on some guy who has rated it way below average.

The industry is what it is though, I do respect people's freedom to opinion and for them to voice it, but it's not everytime that a reviewer goes against the norm means that we can trust that viewpoint against a bevy of more positive writeups.

In an industry where even average b-tier action adventure games can garner an 8-9/10, it becomes laughable when a game which is way beyond many titles in terms of graphics, sound and story is rated below an 8 by any publication.

Generally some people like to shit on games which are rated highly, it's the cool thing to do for the last couple of years.

But he's the one who's right, according to the jaded cynics. He's the one of refined taste and judgement, not some corporate shill with a Doritos hat. When all is said and done, he had a more rewarding experience playing some less hyped less expensive release or by replaying some 10 year old sacred cow. He doesn't like New Thing, and you should be impressed he doesn't like New Thing unlike these other plebes

oh my fucking god you clowns it isn't a conspiracy if someone doesn't like a game


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oh come on, every time I look at this girl I think Ellen Page, the similarity is impossible to miss.
I thought I was alone on this. The girl does have a lot of similarities to Ellen Page.

I only watched YouTube videos of the game, because this game really doesn't interest me too much due to the genre (zombies and post apocalypse) but technically it's amazing. Voice acting is stellar. From watching about two or more hours of the game, although, it seems very linear. Only exception seems to be some wide open areas where fighting is involved.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
oh my fucking god you clowns it isn't a conspiracy if someone doesn't like a game

Everyone on the internet speaks in hyperbole. A happy meeting point is a rarity.

There are always negative things you can point out about universally praised games. The developers probably appreciate this kind of feedback as well (to an extent). There's always room for improvement.

You've gotta pay less attention to the "overall score or opinion" and more attention to what people are praising and criticizing/complaining about. Adam Sessler used to go on about this all the time back when he worked for ZDTV/TechTV/G4.


My favorite is people saying stuff like "the audio mix is awful" or "the graphics are GARBAGE."

Like, I get that you might not like the game as much as the rest of us. You might even, somehow, not like the game at all, but, you need to get a grip if you really think any part of the game is THAT bad.


Not an asshole.
It is a solid game, but definitely not a 10/10. It has some great story beats and it also gets pretty repetitive at times. It's a solid 8.


OK, I'm about 6 hours in and I'm loving it. The complaints I had before aren't nearly as bothersome now... except when I'm sneaking and I hear Ellie running full speed and I think it's an infected. By the way... how's the Multiplayer?


oh my fucking god you clowns it isn't a conspiracy if someone doesn't like a game

Not a conspiracy, it's just some people like to bitch about anything popular just like there are some who love anything that's popular. Case in Point: Adele, She had a brilliant album and singles with 19. But for some odd reason she blew up in 2011 and you start seeing all that shit about her being either the second coming of Jesus or mainstream shit. Same thing with any other form of entertainment.
It's so odd that this thread has been on the front page of GAF for a couple days now.

The only place where I've seen the words "Last of Us" and "Negativity" seen together, is in the title of this thread. For all I know, people are loving it.

What is this thread title? A self-fulfilling prophecy or something?


Same was with Bioshock Infinite. A high praised game by press doesnt mean its good.

I'm late to the party and am just getting to Bioshock Infinite. I don't get the super high praise for this game. The story, art, characters are all top notch but the gameplay is so amazingly average. At best I would rate it a 9/10 game (which is good dont get me wrong) but far from game of the generation (or even game of the year, I think Tomb Raider has been much more enjoyable than this) type of praise...


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
It's so odd that this thread has been on the front page of GAF for a couple days now.

The only place where I've seen the words "Last of Us" and "Negativity" seen together, is in the title of this thread. For all I know, people are loving it.

What is this thread title? A self-fulfilling prophecy or something?

Give it a few weeks and you'll probably start seeing more TLoU criticism threads. Look at what happened with BioShock: Infinite.


Well, it's either corruption or incompetence. I left that part out, because I have a harder time calling somebody incompetent than calling them corrupt. In a way, it's like I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Hah.

I am especially disappointed in Edge, who gave this game 10/10. I've always kind of looked up to them as the Consumer Reports of gaming.

To be clear, I am disgusted with the game breaking autosave bug over the quality of the game itself (which I haven't yet played). Anybody who played the game at all should have caught that. I don't know if these reviewers are sitting and watching movies of the game being played and basing reviews off that or what. There is simply no explanation.

I really dislike this line of thinking. The reviewer rated the game really high and you feel disappointed with what he rated it, but you haven't played the game? A review is one person's opinion, and most people look at just the score instead of paying attention to who the author is or what the content of the review was.

A review score means nothing if you don't bother to read why they gave it that score. I enjoy reading reviews by writers who like the same types of games I do, so the review means more to me.
Not a conspiracy, it's just some people like to bitch about anything popular just like there are some who love anything that's popular. Case in Point: Adele, She had a brilliant album and singles with 19. But for some odd reason she blew up in 2011 and you start seeing all that shit about her being either the second coming of Jesus or mainstream shit. Same thing with any other form of entertainment.

sounds like after she gained popularity and her audience grew, more people had an opinion on her music because more people heard it. but I guess if that were the case I wouldn't be able to label everyone I disagree with as hipsters and shut down their opinion before hearing it out.
Give it a few weeks and you'll probably start seeing more TLoU criticism threads. Look at what happened with BioShock: Infinite.

The ONLY Last of Us-related thread that has been constantly at the top of the first page of GAF for the last couple of days is this one.

An impartial observer, from looking at GAF, might say: Oh that must be a horrible game then. A real failure. Look at what they're saying.

The thread title is dis-ingenious. It's like saying "Why does Glenn Beck keep denying that he raped and killed a girl in 1990?" (like that hoax they did a couple of years ago).
This game is lives up to the hype IMO. Solid and great visuals, story, gameplay and atmosphere. The mp added looks and plays better than most sp portions of games out there now.

I'm loving TLou, hope a sequel is in the works for ps4


I was intending to pick this up despite thinking that Uncharted 1 and 2 were terribly overrated. But after reading this thread, I am going to hold off. These days, I generally prefer open world games so a scripted narrative-driven linear game doesn't really hold my attention for long unless it has very substantial and deep core gameplay mechanics like in the Platinum action games. This game doesn't seem like it so I'm out.
It feels like an overhyped point-and-click-and-shoot adventure really.

I was interested in it already but reading this has me even more interested. Can't wait to get it in the mail.

Does anyone else think it feels like a point and click adventure with shooting thrown in?


I was interested in it already but reading this has me even more interested. Can't wait to get it in the mail.

Does anyone else think it feels like a point and click adventure with shooting thrown in?

lol not at all, it's more like a stealth game with action being a viable option
Except infinite really wasn't any good and neogafs first assessment of the game being rushed and unpolished were correct

Though that was barely scratching the surface of how disjointed everything was

I'm really not getting that's sense with this game so far so I call bullshit

The only big backlash i saw of Bioshock Infinite was in neogaf by some forum users. Lots of people love the game, myself included.
Hell even its a very vocal minority of gaf that hates the game, theres a great amount of people that also love it here, its funny because there was a lot of intelligent discussion on the OT and the story thread, with people saying why they love it, and other saying the negatives things they thought the game had, and all was good becuase it was the majority of time intelligent on both sides. Then comes 1 or 2 guys opening threads starting discussions with in summary "i hate the game, stop liking what I hate" or "look, this reviewer is hating the game like me, we are right and people who love it are wrong" and other 5 people uniting in those hate threads and saying "yeah you are right the game sucks balls it was overhyped", and thats is what you are calling "huge" backslash.
And the first line I bolded is in fact a lie, stop treating Gaf like an entity. Some people will love it, other people will not, same with The Last of Us.

So I call bullshit on your comment.
See, we can all play the same game.
How about games journalist are sheeple and dont think for themselves and are too afraid to be honest because of community backlash.

The game is not what it was made out to be.


This thread is Uncharted 3 Review thread all over again. The best part are the guys who keep saying that you could only be disappointed if you expected CoD. Also, complaining about gunplay is totally missing the point because the game's supposed to be that boring.
The stealth is also supposed to be this mindnumbingly barebones.

Are you, in any way whatsoever talking about the Last of Us?

Gunplay boring? Huh? Every gun in this game has weight and packs a punch. It reminds me of Killzone 2 without the input lag. Oh you can't run and gun in this game. 0/10 would not play again. Shooting clickers with any gun other than the 9mm is satisfying as hell. The shotgun and flamethrower are especially awesome.

The stealth is barebones? Having to carefully lead the enemy away from each other so they don't hear or spot you when you grab someone and try to choke them... or create opportunities to do it by throwing a bottle or a brick to a spot to lure them away from each other is barebones? Huh... I mean, it's stealth. What more are you supposed to do?


I was interested in it already but reading this has me even more interested. Can't wait to get it in the mail.

Does anyone else think it feels like a point and click adventure with shooting thrown in?

No. Not at all.

Well, let them have their opinions. Mine's the only one that matters to me and I say this game is game of the gen so far. Only other one that can possibly top it is GTAV, but considering Rockstar past games I doubt it.
The only big backlash i saw of Bioshock Infinite was in neogaf by some forum users. Lots of people love the game, myself included.
Hell even its a very vocal minority of gaf that hates the game, theres a great amount of people that also love it here, its funny because there was a lot of intelligent discussion on the OT and the story thread, with people saying why they love it, and other saying the negatives things they thought the game had, and all was good becuase it was the majority of time intelligent on both sides. Then comes 1 or 2 guys opening threads starting discussions with in summary "i hate the game, stop liking what I hate" or "look, this reviewer is hating the game like me, we are right and people who love it are wrong" and other 5 people uniting in those hate threads and saying "yeah you are right the game sucks balls it was overhyped", and thats is what you are calling "huge" backslash.
And the first line I bolded is in fact a lie, stop treating Gaf like an entity. Some people will love it, other people will not, same with The Last of Us.

So I call bullshit on your comment.
See, we can all play the same game.

On point with this.
biggest problem i have is clickers.

AI are yelling around and moving around like mainiacs really does kill immersion.

probably the most useless AI companions in a high rated game since... RE4? idk.


I was intending to pick this up despite thinking that Uncharted 1 and 2 were terribly overrated. But after reading this thread, I am going to hold off. These days, I generally prefer open world games so a scripted narrative-driven linear game doesn't really hold my attention for long unless it has very substantial and deep core gameplay mechanics like in the Platinum action games. This game doesn't seem like it so I'm out.

Holy shit...

fuck GAF. You guys are crazy.

after finishing the last of us I wanted to come on gaf and discuss how amazing it is. But nope, all I read is people bitching about the most trivial bullshit. This is typical GAF.


works for a research lab making 6 figures
Holy shit...

fuck GAF. You guys are crazy.

after finishing the last of us I wanted to come on gaf and discuss how amazing it is. But nope, all I read is people bitching about the most trivial bullshit. This is typical GAF.

Ha, the game is fantastic and this ^... GAF, where we whine about games more than we play them. A discussion is one thing, but what's going on in this thread from a few of you is just stupidity... a point and click shooter, give me a fucking break.
Holy shit...

fuck GAF. You guys are crazy.

after finishing the last of us I wanted to come on gaf and discuss how amazing it is. But nope, all I read is people bitching about the most trivial bullshit. This is typical GAF.

I mean, you did come in to a thread talking about negativity, there's the OT for a more positive reaction.
Holy shit...

fuck GAF. You guys are crazy.

after finishing the last of us I wanted to come on gaf and discuss how amazing it is. But nope, all I read is people bitching about the most trivial bullshit. This is typical GAF.

instead of making a general and mainly baseless point. Calling out the gaf hive mind (which i thought was bannable iirc) why not make a clear counter argument.
What is it about the negativity that you disagree with.

Are you saying the game was not overhyped and over praised?
are you saying the game does not suffer from technical issues?
are you saying the game does not have content and mechanic issues?


Just finished the game. I will spare people my full review, just suffice to say that I still have the Last of Us well behind Bioshock Infinite for my game of the year.


Haven't finished it yet, but I can tell that this game would have a lot of split opinions.

The game has a certain rhythm that players have to be able to groove on. Purposely give up and start over too many times and you destroy that rhythm. It almost makes me think that there should be a penalty for dying or reloading the encounter.

So far better than Infinite, but not as good as Tomb Raider.
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