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Which Actor Has Had The Best Career Ever?

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One more for Mifune.

And one more for Harrison Ford. The run of Empire -> Raiders of the Lost Ark -> Blade Runner -> Jedi -> Temple of Doom is GOAT for me. He had a cameo for ET somewhere in there, too.
Yep..taking on the bait on this one.

i guess i should watch some American cinema. i just think it's mostly worthless tripe so i haven't paid much attention for decades. i'm honestly too busy catching up on some of the Croatian (and Serbian, to an extent) existential policron-dramas from the 60s/70s. way too many i've missed.

What in the world?

Bold One

tom cruise shouldnt even be in the conversation. he hasnt been in a great film ever.
Haven't seen Liam Neeson, Alan Rickman, or Gary Oldman mentioned. Tons of good stuff for each of them.

Goldblum might be up there too.


Al Pacino or Tom Hanks.

who..? i swear i've never heard of him. what five films?

i know Pacino of course but.. who, who and who? should i know those characters?

i guess i should watch some American cinema. i just think it's mostly worthless tripe so i haven't paid much attention for decades. i'm honestly too busy catching up on some of the Croatian (and Serbian, to an extent) existential policron-dramas from the 60s/70s. way too many i've missed.



I think Michael Fassbender will be up there if he continues to act for another 30 years.

Yep. His career is only like 6-7 years old right now, but I think he's probably the best actor working today and will definitely finish as one of the greats with a couple more decades under his belt.

The Beard

who..? i swear i've never heard of him. what five films?

i know Pacino of course but.. who, who and who? should i know those characters?

i guess i should watch some American cinema. i just think it's mostly worthless tripe so i haven't paid much attention for decades. i'm honestly too busy catching up on some of the Croatian (and Serbian, to an extent) existential policron-dramas from the 60s/70s. way too many i've missed.

Bruh, Serbians and Croatians don't even watch those. Lol


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Chris Evans.

- supermodel good looks
- equally good at comedy, drama and action
- brought the most boring comic book superhero to life on the big screen, who is now more popular than Iron Man
- criitical acclaim
- diverse filmography
- added "successful director" to his resume

Daniel Day-Lewis, no doubt. The man has won Oscars in every year he has come back from his hiatus. He is so method, if he were cast as Batman, the man would actually fight crime for a year and cut off his parents to master the role. His methodology and his penchant for working with GOATs make him the actor with the best career.

Only right answer and I'm not even a fan of him. In his short lived career, Fassbender seems to be picking some very good roles as well. Would have said DeNiro, but.... yeah. We can also say Nicholson, too. He's absolutely amazing.
Daniel Day-Lewis, no doubt. The man has won Oscars in every year he has come back from his hiatus. He is so method, if he were cast as Batman, the man would actually fight crime for a year and cut off his parents to master the role. His methodology and his penchant for working with GOATs make him the actor with the best career.
So how do we get DDL out of his current retirement? Hasn't been in anything since Lincoln.


Gold Member
Max von friggin' Sydow:

The Seventh seal, 1957:




The Tudors, Cardinal Von Waldburg:


Lor San Tekka in the force awakens:


Domhnall Gleeson.
Star war, Ex machina, Brooklyn and Revenant this year alone, definitely up and raising fast.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
tom cruise shouldnt even be in the conversation. he hasnt been in a great film ever.

Your opinion isnt valid. This isn't even debateable, judging by widespread acclaim, box office receipts, best picture nominees, etc.

Dont waste everyone's time.

Domhnall Gleeson.
Star war, Ex machina, Brooklyn and Revenant this year alone, definitely up and raising fast.

My top 3 movie from last year: In Time.


Tom Hanks is a pretty able writer/director as well, if anyone's watched From the Earth to the Moon. Von Stroheim he ain't, but he's still impressive by modern standards. I'm surprised he hasn't done more on this front -- That Thing You Do! is a good film.

I'd probably lean towards someone like Gregory Peck. or a dark horse like Joseph Cotten, who had the range to go from supporting roles in Citizen Kane to stuff like The Abominable Mr. Phibes with a ton of solid classics in between.

Paul Newman had his own salad dressing line, which is pretty cool.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
Best career?

Samuel L Jackson hands down.

(Based on the metric of having the most fun doing it)

Samuel L Jackson said:
I never asked for anything except a purple light saber. George said, "Well, light sabers are either red or green." I said, "Yeah, but I would like a purple one."

Samuel L Jackson said:
I went to the movies a lot when I was a kid. That was my joy. Saturday mornings, my mom kicked me out of the house, I went to the movies at nine in the morning and watched cartoons and serials and the double-feature horror picture, and then I would meet her later for the adult stuff. So I love movies that way. So I'll do a movie like Snakes on a Plane, and I'll do a film that's very serious. And I'll do a comedy, because it's there.

Samuel L Jackson said:
Definitely. And I always do - I love me on-screen! (On if he watches his own films)

Best career by performances.

Leonardo DiCaprio or Daniel Day-Lewis. Method actors in general.


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jean Claude Van Damme and Bruce Willis.

For playing in mostly shit/stupid action movies that they're probably not so pround of ? Hmm.

I'd say Johnny Depps has been pretty great regardless of what you may think of him the last few years.

Tricky case, he was at the top by 2006 but since he has only shot on average to mostly terrible movies. Tom Hardy is 15 years younger than he is, and he has already a better career than him. What great movies star Johnny depp in ? Edward Scissorhands, Donnie Brasco, and the first Pirate of the carribean (wich was and still is a really fantastic and entertaining movie imo), Neverland... The rest is average to (really) terrible imo. He has made some good choice about his career and had really great facial features by 1995 to 2006, but after Pirate of the carribean, he had already none of that anymore, all he could and can do is playing either a variant of its Jack Sparrow character (Alice in Wonderland, The Lone Ranger and Dark Shadows) or either pick historical roles that no one care about and playing silent while disguising himself even more...

I'd pick Cristopher Reeves and Daniel Day Lewis, I think.


I'd say Harrison Ford.
Have you seen his output over the last 20 years? It's nothing like his output the 20 years prior. He's still a legend though.

Jack Nicholson comes to mind, my favourite actor of all time who has enjoyed a fantastic career through the decades and is also a genuine true acting talent.


John Cazale

Five films, all classics.

You should watch that documentary "I Knew it was You: Rediscovering John Cazale."

My pick would be Tom Hanks. Christopher Lee is a great choice but his career has it's highs and lows (particularly in the late 70's up until the Lord of the Rings flicks and Star Wars).


Harrison Ford

He has headline performances in two of the world's best known and loved movie series Indiana Jones and Star Wars as Han Solo. He also played Tom Clancy's iconic hero Jack Ryan and a leading role in Blade Runner. Add in Witness and The Fugitive to show his great acting chops.


McBrayer? He's had a good career, but not great..... Yet.
Lol. Nicholson. The awards, the fame, the grin, the women. Honestly can't think of anyone close overall. Sure I'm guessing Hank's or Ford made more but I'd rather have gone to one of Jack's parties anyday.

The man was at peak during what I'd argue remains golden period for performance actors.

Nobody comes close quality of performance/films ratio I'd say.

Caja 117

I will say Tom Cruise for me, Top Gun, Legend, Jerry Mcguire, Mission Imposible, Tropic Thunder, a few good men, Collateral, Days of Thunder, Magnolia, Rain man, Fourth of July....

Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hanks, Jack Nicholson, Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock ,Meg Ryan, Harrison Ford and Leo are up there as well
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