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Which console manufacturer has exceeded your expectations this generation?


Both the PS3 and 360 have exceeded my expectations, and I don't regret buying either system. I like the 360 because of xbox live and I do most of my online gaming on this machine. I like the PS3 for its exclusives and also for its media center capabilities (Blu Ray disc playback, ability to stream media from PC).


None of them, I think they all performed below par this generation. Despite the Wii success, I think it's the weakest major system since the Saturn, MS are running the tightest ship, but they have nothing of real value to me that's exclusive, which is lame, and although Sony have stepped up their first party support, their third party exclusives are almost non-existent. All three are weaker than their previous iteration for me.

However, consoles aside the DS has exceeded my expectations. That's probably because of my expectations more than it's performance however.


NecrumSlavery said:
Microsoft just copies the fuck out of Sony and Nintendo to try and monopolize the market. Americans and Brits kiss MS's ass regardless of how bad they treat them. I don't get it. I don't understand why the Us/UK love Microsoft so much. I assume Ms's evil marketing is to blame. Now with Kinect they have completely abandoned the hardcore gamer to cater to the grandmas of the world. Other than Gears 3 and sadly more Halo(without Bungie...talk about milking it) MS is providing nothing special or unique. Gears 3 isn't really unique, but its actually an improvement unlike the carbon copy Gears 2 compared to the first one. It saddens me that last gen the Xbox was a reliable hardcore system and not Ms does nothing but milk shovelware and fake trailers. Thank god the world is smart enough to always go Sony when the US or UK pick the 360. Keeps the majority in fav of the PS3. Hope that the core really pull their heads out of their asses and fight back for the games. Because if the 360 crowd just allows it, MS will raped them. MS has always been about money. Not one person who has any passion at MS other than crazy Peter Molyneaux..everyone else is a tool douchebag asshole like Kudo or Major Nelson.
I own a 360 btw, but I really have nothing but disgust for MS as a company.

Your opening statement is amazing. XBL, Achievements, Kinect, Mandatory downloads for XBLA games, Integrated community dashboard, Netflix/Sky are wholly MS ideas for consoles.

The only purpose you post serves is to demonstrate your bias. Theres not one point there that cant be argued and crushed logically. Did you happen to forget PSN fiasco? The damage control by Sony as it was taking place doesnt instill much confidence in people for future use.
I spent most of this generation played PS2 and GCN. Just jumped into the fray recently.

DS exceeded my expectations. Better than the GBA, even.

Wii exceeded my expectations as well. I expected an utter wasteland, and yet, a dozen games appeared that I wanted and then fell in love with. Plus, it can do Gamecube games in 480p. So I got my money's worth there, when I didn't expect to care in the first place. I won't argue that the software lineup isn't disgusting right now, but I bought it knowing this.

360 and PS3 were a let downs. It's mostly the online-focused experience (which I care nothing for). Add to that: DLC, DRM, patching the buggy disc experience, shorter game lengths, unreliable hardware and deteriorating image quality (as opposed to PC). The fact that if I still owned these I would be more excited about PS2 ports says a lot about the quality of games out right now.

PSP was also a let down. Biggest reason was the control schemes, which were universally terrible. Peace Walker caused me physical pain. Also, battery life, lackluster hardware quality, UMD's and loading, and the general poor software design of the interface and options. I was hoping for something that would match the PS2 or at least come close, but the PSP was a non-starter for me.

So I guess I've turned into a Nintendo fanboy this generation. Well, you win some, you lose some.


My two cents as owner of all three.



- Some solid exclusives (God of War, Uncharted)
- Some unique titles (Demon's Souls, The Last Guardian)

- Pad is shit for play all genres
- Shoulder buttons are epic fail
- Analog should be set as in X360's pad
- Almost all the multiplatform titles are better on X360 (even considering pad)
- Online sucked for years and now is just decent
- A few people use online chat because of the headphones = epic fail
- No multi games chat (*)

(*) I mean the feature you have in X360 that I can play Fifa and talk to friends that are playing Halo and Top Spin



- A few (!) really really awesome games (Mario Galaxy 1 and 2)
- Some unique titles to enjoy the Wiimote ( the best one is by far Trauma Center Serie, on of my best ever)
- Many solid titles (Metroid, Donkey, Mario Kart, Twilight Princess)

- Excluding Zelda Skyward Sword console is dead
- No HD
- Graphics were usually shitty and rarely good looking (Mario Galaxy 2)
- Online sucks badly



- You love online playing? X360 is your console. No doubts.
- Best pad of the generation. Why should I drive my Ferrari using a handlebars (PS3) when I can use a Momo Wheel (360)?
- Multi games party chat (explained before)
- Almost all the multiplatform titles are better on this console (considering the strenght of the online structure and the quite perfect controller). Don't understimate those games because we love playing BC2, Fifa, NBA,.... and we prefer to play them on the console that offer us the best experience)

- RROD (but nice assistance)
- Just a few exlusives (Halo, Forza, Gears,...)
- Microsoft bet too much on Kinect and this 2011 is going to be full of useless titles

Easy choice then, my winner is by far Microsoft X360.


despite RROD, Microsoft for sure. I never expected to play so many JRPG's on the 360, nor did I expect it to have so many updates to the dashboard and added functions, Kinect, and a redesigned console.
none of them exceeded my expectations.

Wii = overcautious with the hardware. No reason the system should have not been able to output 720p resolution at launch. It sold like hotcakes for a while so I can't complain too much here

PS3 = overestimated their fanbase and underestimated the average consumer. Premium price tag at launch, and low chip yields out the gate hurt sales

360 = rushed to the market to beat the competition without proper Q/A testing. RROD caused consumer trust to dip and hurt sales.

Game wise I have been more satisfied by the 360. I'll say XBLA exceeded my expectations though.


Gold Member
Microsoft, easily. After the original Xbox, had no idea that the 360 would be as good as it has been. And Live has really come a long way.

Not a fan of the Wii at all. I do own one though and gave it a shot.
Enjoy my PS3 as well but it's about what I expected. PSN has been a pretty big letdown.
From 2005 to 2009 Microsoft
From 2009 to 2011 Sony
The whole gen Nintendo

Seems MS had more juice at the beginning to prove themselves from last gen but then gave up a little when they got the lead. Sony started off fat and bloated but kicked it into gear once they realized how far behind they were and turned their system around.

I'm stoked to see next gen as all three will start off on equal footing. Something that has never happened. There has always been a perceived winner before each gen previously.


StuBurns said:
Despite the Wii success, I think it's the weakest major system since the Saturn

also, like the saturn, the respective manufacturer of the console is doing a great job of keeping terrific japanese games in that territory.


andymcc said:
also, like the saturn, the respective manufacturer of the console is doing a great job of keeping terrific japanese games in that territory.
I might not have been so negative about the Wii in the post if it wasn't for that bullshit. I'm in the UK, and of the three people are begging for, I only care about TLS, but not supporting your user base with those titles is terrible I think.


NecrumSlavery said:
Junior Member
(Yesterday, 10:26 PM)
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]Sony all the way.

The took the most bullshit from the media and still delivered the best content this generation. The system has surpassed anything I could imagine it doing and houses the most nique experiences in gaming this gen.

The PSP is going strong more than ever and the Vita is looking to revolutionize the handheld market

Second goes to nintendo for really taking a last gen system and innovating with it. The 3DS is kinf of a let down as it's really mediocre in every sense. Not one bit of tech on it shines. And the 3D is not at all worth it.

Microsoft just copies the fuck out of Sony and Nintendo to try and monopolize the market. Americans and Brits kiss MS's ass regardless of how bad they treat them. I don't get it. I don't understand why the Us/UK love Microsoft so much. I assume Ms's evil marketing is to blame. Now with Kinect they have completely abandoned the hardcore gamer to cater to the grandmas of the world. Other than Gears 3 and sadly more Halo(without Bungie...talk about milking it) MS is providing nothing special or unique. Gears 3 isn't really unique, but its actually an improvement unlike the carbon copy Gears 2 compared to the first one. It saddens me that last gen the Xbox was a reliable hardcore system and not Ms does nothing but milk shovelware and fake trailers. Thank god the world is smart enough to always go Sony when the US or UK pick the 360. Keeps the majority in fav of the PS3. Hope that the core really pull their heads out of their asses and fight back for the games. Because if the 360 crowd just allows it, MS will raped them. MS has always been about money. Not one person who has any passion at MS other than crazy Peter Molyneaux..everyone else is a tool douchebag asshole like Kudo or Major Nelson.
I own a 360 btw, but I really have nothing but disgust for MS as a company.

No wonder.

Prine said:
Your opening statement is amazing. XBL, Achievements, Kinect, Mandatory downloads for XBLA games, Integrated community dashboard, Netflix/Sky, Guide button, are wholly MS ideas for consoles.

The only purpose you post serves is to demonstrate your bias. Theres not one point there that cant be argued and crushed logically. Did you happen to forget PSN fiasco? The damage control by Sony as it was taking place doesnt instill much confidence in people for future use.

Yep the level of ignorance is mind boggling..



360 - Hardware problems were just about unforgivable. Not many games I feel I have to play and they destoyed my main interest in the system(Rare). Too much DRM crap.

PS3 - It's fairly close to what I expected I guess. Too much DRM crap.

Wii - Had some great games but I'd rather play them with regular controls and not motion controls. Hardware was too weak. The downloaded games being stuck on that 1 system being an especially low DRM point.
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