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Which game or game franchise has the most annoying and extreme fanbois?


Was this whole thread actually a ploy to bring out real fanboys and get them raging against each other?

Because if so, you have succeeded :)
That's the point of this thread, we can already spot the worst group of fanboys here 😎


Hate to say it but, Nintendo by far, I've heard them defend that trash online and how they made party chat. I would say a good runner up is League fans.


That's the point of this thread, we can already spot the worst group of fanboys here 😎
Nintendo fanboys I agree.

Yet here you are being retarded enough to think I play only Nintendo games because of my avatar.
Literally have no idea what your avatar is from kiddo. Try again.

Unlike you I enjoy playing any kind of video game no matter who makes it.
I mean go enjoy bing bing wahoo sidescroller 385. Doesn't change the fact it's for elementary school children and grown adults obsessed with that shit is fucking creepy.

Should I call you a tranny loving twink kid that loves to sniff ass because of your avatar?
That has nothing to do with my avatar though.


Shenmue fans fell short of taking this title from kojima fans. I predict kojima fans will hold onto that title until the last of us 2 launches.


Soccer fans.

Some days ago I woke up because of the fireworks some pricks were launching. They didn't launch because their team won, it was because the local rival team lost an inconsequential game.

No videogame fan made me sleep deprived because a rival company made a worse game.


Unconfirmed Member
Extremely vague answer for a vague thread but I'd say anybody that defends a series no matter what.
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Here's a one out of left field, Danganronpa. It's a radioactive hattrick galvanising the obssesions of tumblr slashfiction/shippers, style over substance 'wacky' animu evangelists and faux-intelligent shitty fanfiction writers in love with themselves for how smürt they are, which includes the writer of the games, sans 'fan'.


The last of us fanboizzz. How dare you talk shit about our generic zombie fest, with dull characters, dull story and bad gameplay mechanics.


Gold Member
1st party games of any console. It's a tough one though. Sony fanboys VS. Nintendo fanboys. They are still battling it out for worst fanboys. But Nintendo fanboys still are the crown holders of fanboys.

Why did I not mention Xbox. Well there's nothing there to fanboy about. And PC. Well it's common sense that it's the best:messenger_winking: and if you disagree I will get Ben Shapiro to destroy you with FACTS and LOGIC.
Here here...spoken like a true sony fanboy!
For me, at the moment, people who playing on hardware (consoles and pc) are the most annoying fan boys.

Hating again streaming solutions with an energy better wasting in something else.....


Gold Member
Dark Souls people because they don't even realize Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the first sin is the best souls game !
Sony fans would beg to differ, and they'd be wrong. Id argue Bloodborne has the best boss fights. DS1 has best level designs. DS3 has the best combat. DS2 has the best customization. Demon's Souls just makes me remember the good times when all of this was alien and fresh. Its a game that came out day and date with Uncharted 2. I had to choose and omg buying Demon Souls may have been the best choice in gaming ive ever made.

See not all us DS fanboys are bad


My experience sais it's WoW players. They are all the time crying about how WoW is now shit and unoriginal and when they try another mmo:

1) They say it's shit cause "it's too similar to wow"
2) They say it's shit cause "it's not like wow"

it's so easy to find out WoWfugees when playing other MMO like FFXIV, they are the ones always crying on the chat calling names to the others or saying that the game is so unfair and hard.
Console: Sony - "Our console is the best and we have the best exclusives even though those games have not done anything different to stand out. STFU Xbot, come back to us when Naughty Dog develops for your platform LOLOLOLOL"

Games: Fortnite - Myself: "Fortnite is not my cup of tea. I don't like the buil-" them: "OMG STFU YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. GO PLAY YOUR BROKEN BUGGY MESS PUBG BOOMER." (Yes, Someone said that to me when they asked my thoughts on it)


Fans of games I don't like.

No matter how many times I post the facts in the OT and every related thread I can find, they can't see that they're playing and enjoying mediocre trash. They get really defensive about it too. The absolute WORST.
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Every fanboy is dumb and full of shit but, to me, corporate apologists are the worse (those who defend the absolutely worst money hungry companies - companies that charge microtransactions on top of a full price game, etc.

"You see, you say they fucked you up your ass but it could be worse. Their dick is soft at least, other companies have spikes on them. Be fucking thankful!". :messenger_beaming:


Gold Member
Sonic fanboys for suuuuuuuuure!!!!! They got so triggered that a movie spent millions to redesign the main character to appease them. Think about it!


from software fanboys when someone mentions easy mode.


Casul bithc

(wink, wink, I'm actually a really nice guy who loves carrying new DS players in jolly cooperation. I'll sunbro with anyone!)
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Pokemon and almost every Nintendo game lol...
I love Nintendo, but we must aggre that no matter how crap and repetitive some of their games can be, people will give the max scores, no matter what...

For sure. And theyre the loudest because theyre the most socially retarded and only have anime-fake-speak as a guideline for communication, which doesnt apply to the real world.

Though saying that I think anime is the catalyst. I posted on the Elder Scrolls subreddit (and that place is TEETHING with furries and anime incels), saying it was preposterous how levelling up a character's crafting ability costed over $10,000 of real world money. My account got raped to fuck with the karma, and I had people psychoanalysing me saying I must have had some "awful family interaction" to have to post what i did..

I think it's that South Park trolling whiteboard diagram, so I try not to think too much.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Interesting! Didn't think of it that way...my kneejerk reaction initially was that fans of anything tend to be annoying, but this puts things in a positive light regarding fans. I'm curious if anyone else has good things to say about fans/fanbases of something
There's a fairly good movie that came out recently about how fandom has evolved

there's a whole business to being a fan
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My point exactly, people like you are just plain cancer.

You people drew first blood by claiming that FF7 was the GOAT and all that.

I don't even hate the game, I just think it's lesser than other entries.

Also, Zelda as overrated? I don't care for OoT or any of the other too heavily hand-holdy games myself, but at its best (Zelda 2, Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, BotW), it's among the best IMO.

I mean, calling Zelda/Nintendo overrated would like me calling Blizzard overrated. Both companies put out games with a high level of craftsmanship and polish.

Apple fanboys, stupid and overpriced products attract stupid customers, fight me

I won't hold it against anyone not choosing Apple, but Android phones with the same feature tiers are roughly the same price. The Android OS is objectively less stable and not as well-curated though. If none of that bothers you and you've jailbroken yours, then more power to you.

Apple stans can be annoying, but so are the contrarian haters.
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You people drew first blood by claiming that FF7 was the GOAT and all that.

I don't even hate the game, I just think it's lesser than other entries.

Also, Zelda as overrated? I don't care for OoT or any of the other too heavily hand-holdy games myself, but at its best (Zelda 2, Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, BotW), it's among the best IMO.

I mean, calling Zelda/Nintendo overrated would like me calling Blizzard overrated. Both companies put out games with a high level of craftsmanship and polish.

I won't hold it against anyone not choosing Apple, but Android phones with the same feature tiers are roughly the same price. The Android OS is objectively less stable and not as well-curated though. If none of that bothers you and you've jailbroken yours, then more power to you.

Apple stans can be annoying, but so are the contrarian haters.
I don't have a beef with Apple (I love my almost 14 year old iPod classic and use it daily) but every apple fanboy I know is computer illiterate. Also, apple watches are like Power Ranger devices but ou only morph into a douchebag when you wear them. lol
You people drew first blood by claiming that FF7 was the GOAT and all that.

I don't even hate the game, I just think it's lesser than other entries.

Also, Zelda as overrated? I don't care for OoT or any of the other too heavily hand-holdy games myself, but at its best (Zelda 2, Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, BotW), it's among the best IMO.

I mean, calling Zelda/Nintendo overrated would like me calling Blizzard overrated. Both companies put out games with a high level of craftsmanship and polish.

Nobody asked your opinion on mine in this topic, you drew first blood by quoting me. So let me set this straight, I think your game is a big steaming pile of shit! :lollipop_poop:👈 Your the true definition of "annoying and extreme fanboi" that just doesn't know when to quit. Face facts people have different opinions and your opinion is not better than mine, and if you don't like it well too bad, go cry to your mommy mama's boy, cause nobody else gives a fuck! 🖕


Nintendo fanboys are the worst. I mean... no Nintendo game is the best at anything since 1996, so cut that out. Nintendo is the WWE of videogames: fans hanging on by nostalgia and rehashes while the real world has passed them by.
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Nobody asked your opinion on mine in this topic, you drew first blood by quoting me. So let me set this straight, I think your game is a big steaming pile of shit! :lollipop_poop:👈 Your the true definition of "annoying and extreme fanboi" that just doesn't know when to quit. Face facts people have different opinions and your opinion is not better than mine, and if you don't like it well too bad, go cry to your mommy mama's boy, cause nobody else gives a fuck! 🖕

Well I'm not the one resorting to insults. And you're the one who drew first blood by opening fire first in other threads. And you don't get to say diddly about opinions considering your own dismissal of others. And I'd say a little more about your own tastes but I refuse to get into a peeing match.


I think the line between fan and fanboi is a bit too subjective to make this a quantifiable matter really. To me anyone who reaches a status I would personally consider fanboyism then they're too obnoxious to even try to talk to about what they're a fanboy of.... I really like a lot of different games but I can still recognize and acknowledge flaws in them... I find that fanbois often lack this ability....
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Call of Duty aka Call of Dookie fans are the worst. They are the same game almost everytime....slightly reskinned, and they all sound like they should be playing Mario party! They act like it's great when they haven't seen greatness like Final Doom aka the best game ever made, Hexen, or Blood!


Neo Member
Breath of the Wild fanboys are the worst. It does nothing that open world games on other consoles haven't been doing for years. Nintendo fans are new to open world games though so they pretend it's revolutionary.

"I can pick an apple from a tree? ZOMG SO GROUNDBREAKING!"

You could steal cars in 2001. Blame Nintendo for not allowing GTA 3 on their purple lunch box.
Well I'm not the one resorting to insults.

Considering you stan FF7 you don't have much of a leg to stand on.

There's nothing I hate more than lying hypocrites!

And you're the one who drew first blood by opening fire first in other threads.

So this is some kinda of grudge you wont let go? Typical of a fanatic fanboi, you must be talking about this thread. I stated an opinion and you and your buddy assaulted me for not agreeing with my opinion, very respectable of you!

And you don't get to say diddly about opinions considering your own dismissal of others. And I'd say a little more about your own tastes but I refuse to get into a peeing match.

And you don't get to decide what I do and do not like! You don't like my taste in games? Good! I think your taste in games is trash too, but the difference here I don't follow you around like some creepy stalker keeping tabs with whats been said ages ago in different threads. And I'm going to keep calling your game trash till the day I die, letting everyone I know how much I hate it, so you might as well give up following me around.

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
How dare you ? Nintendo invented fire, electricity and video games, you miserable shitbags !

A player on 360: Bayonetta is an excellent game, I wish i had BTA like this on the Wii
A Nintendog: Who cares ? Only platformers and gameplay matter.

A few years later, Nintendo pays for Bayonetta 2.
Nintendog: No one is like Nintendo, I mean no one ! Bayonetta 2 is the best BTA ever made.
X Box player: Yeah, graphics are better but the first was made by Kamiya and has deeper gameplay.
Nintendog: LOL

A poll on Era:
Nintendogs: I vote only for the Nintendo related thing whatever the subject.

"What is sexy" poll on Era:
- Kardashian's ass 1%
- Johansson's lips 1%
- Peach's boobs 45%
- Clooney's smile 1%
- Efron's muscles 1%
- Mario's mustache 51%


To be fair, for every fanbase who absolutely loves a product there is an equally annoying counter-fanbase who blindly hates that thing.

I'd rather engage with someone who cares passionately about something, and seems genuinely happy to get more of that thing, that to engage with someone who is seething with anger because someone else likes a thing.

Of course it can be fucking hilarious to watch someone rip into a popular franchise or totally eviscerate a popular game. It can be very funny to see the salty reactions.

That can definitely go to far though.
It's like watching the RLM Star Wars reviews and laughing because the lads are actually quite talented and funny.
Then you go to internet forums etc to find 100s of people who THINK they are as funny as RLM but actually they are just fucking stupid.

It's a fine line.

You seem to get a lot of people who want to have a kick at fanboys but then they start crying that it's "just criticism" when the fanboys give them a little back.

I see A LOT of people who want to dish it out but can't take it back in return. On both sides.
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