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Which series should next receive the 'Mania' treatment?


I'd love castlevania but please not another Metroid Style game, got no interest in any more of them.

Go all out in the style of CV3 with branching paths and different characters.


it has to be called Castlemania for the sake of the pun.

Me drawing out my Mario Maker levels:


I should not be allowed input on Castlemania.

Big One

Phantasy Star. Make a cheesy 90's JRPG with modern sensibilities continuing the story of the classic games. It'd be awesome!


Ninja Gaiden is the real standout to me. One of the best 2D games of all time and no proper sequel since the 3rd.

I would say Contra as well but Contra 4 on the DS was satisfying. I also wouldn't mind a faithful sequel to Super Castlevania IV.


Obvious Answer: Classicvania.
Snowball's Chance: Actraiser
Wild Card: Power Blade.

This would be like if Sonic Mania was a faithful sequel to Sonic Adventure instead. Smh.

Thank you.

So basically what classic 8/16 bit game needs a new entry with the classic 8/16 bit style?

I'm just gonna say Actiraiser, because no one else is gonna say it.

Don't be so sure. The world needs another City Building Sidescroller.
As much as I LOVE both Mega Man and Castlevania I think another franchise deswrves the treatment since we got Mighty No 9 and we are getting the Igavania KS game.

I vote for classic F Zero...never gonna happen...


Breath of Fire. An updated collection of Breath of Fire I and II with the graphics of IV would not be amiss! If not that, a Breath of Fire VI with IV's graphics would be even more welcome.


Super mario world.
As a kid i used to watch my brother and cousings play that game for hours straight and i would imagine myself in that awesome and colorful world(they never allowed me to play because i was awful and died too much so all i had was my imagination), i don't think another mario game was ever that beautiful... the NES couldn't render a mario game with that many colors because it wasn't powerful, 3D marios just lack all the charm about the franchise for me, and while it was another very pretty game, yoshi's island graphics were too fancy to me, i loved that colorful pallete and well drawn pixel art from World, and i think it's a shame that was the only game in the franchise that used those assets, it's a crime, really. Even the pallet swaped version of the game looks good

Yeah, some other franchises probably need that more than mario :/ but a girl can dream


Secret of Mania - Secret of Mana/Secret of Evermore/Seiken Densetsu 3 (w/English trans) all given a similar face-lift to Sonic
or just port the originals I don't really care just gimme


Doesn't Sonic Mania literally exist because of a fan engine?

What other series has this going on?


Give Megaman the Sonic Mania treatment?

Sonic Mania is giving Sonic the Megaman treatment!

Yeah, eh? Inticreates wrote the darn book on how to make a modern sequel in classic style with MM9 and 10. And they continue to show their skills with Blaster Master Zero!

I would say Fallout, but given the fan community I'm afraid 'mania' might be a little too on the nose. So instead I'll echo the call for another 3DO-style Road Rash. Only well-adjusted people like Road Rash.
Super mario world.
As a kid i used to watch my brother and cousings play that game for hours straight and i would imagine myself in that awesome and colorful world(they never allowed me to play because i was awful and died too much so all i had was my imagination), i don't think another mario game was ever that beautiful... the NES couldn't render a mario game with that many colors because it wasn't powerful, 3D marios just lack all the charm about the franchise for me, and while it was another very pretty game, yoshi's island graphics were too fancy to me, i loved that colorful pallete and well drawn pixel art from World, and i think it's a shame that was the only game in the franchise that used those assets, it's a crime, really. Even the pallet swaped version of the game looks good

Yeah, some other franchises probably need that more than mario :/ but a girl can dream

Mario Maker exists though.


Junior Member
I said Thief because 1) Square Enix doesn't know what to do with the franchise right now and 2) It has a fairly robust modding community. Pay some of those guys to rustle up some fan levels and sell them with remixes of Thief and Thief II levels. Sell it to the audience that's been buying Nightdive games.

Castlevania is a good choice too since there are a ton of modders and ROM hackers willing to step up for that.

I would say Fallout, but given the fan community I'm afraid 'mania' might be a little too on the nose. So instead I'll echo the call for another 3DO-style Road Rash. Only well-adjusted people like Road Rash.

Does Fallout have that much of a modding community in terms of quests and such? I know there are a few really ambitious projects to create whole new maps for New Vegas.

Actually you could say the same for Elder Scrolls. There are people making whole new games out of Skyrim mods. If Bethesda actually sold some of that to the mainstream Skyrim audience those modders could make serious bank.
Virtua Racing

It's not 2D but I bet those basic 3D graphics of the originals are even cheaper to make today than pixel art.

Tomb Raider.

I'm serious. Give me my PS1 graphics, grid system and tank controls, baby. Classic style Tomb Raider. People will hate it but it doesn't matter because I'll love it.
This guy gets it.


Star Fox with graphics like the SNES game

Could have a legit chance depending on how the audience reacts to SF2 in the Snes mini.

Then again, Sonic Mania was a "return to the glory days of sonic", and if anything is the glory days of SF, it's 64.

Doesn't Sonic Mania literally exist because of a fan engine?

What other series has this going on?

Right now? Megaman.
Does Fallout have that much of a modding community in terms of quests and such? I know there are a few really ambitious projects to create whole new maps for New Vegas.

Sure does, especially since Black Isle released the editors. I haven't played many of the new campaigns because me and the community are coming from different places in our appreciation for Fallout. I think most of them were in the Serbian militia?

JC Sera

how sonic mania came about was a pretty lightning in a bottle moment for the games industry

1) the sonic fangamer not only making a better game, but writing his own engine for the purpose of porting old games
2) the company in question stepping back and letting a team of fangamers make a game
3) said company not just making it a throw away thing, but putting their full funding/trust/promotion behind the game
4) the developers having a complete understanding of what the appeal of the product was & how to build, capitalise and innovate off that appeal
5) game not being fucked up/with in any way during development phase, leading to relatively smooth sailing for the developers
6) No mod/fan gamer community drama arose around the game (Why did he get chosen and not me? Why did my game get a C&D while her's became official? Developer/Artist/Voice Actor X is a milkshake duck, denounce them! Fangame Y killed game Z which was already in development ect)

like can you really imagine any other major game company being able to keep such a hands off approach as sega did?
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