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Which series should next receive the 'Mania' treatment?


Megaman X series, especially the first 3 games.

OOH what an incredible experience with those games back at the 90's.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
lol at the idea of Mega Man needing the "Mania treatment."

Mega Man 9 and 10 were the best games in that series, and any Inti-developed X game would almost certainly be better than anything save the first one. (Which, to be fair, isn't really hard.)
Personal favorites, other than Castlevania, I'd love:

A REAL Double Dragon attempt that is NOT like IV. If they can get the NES+ style down (not like IV, which they sucked at), I'd be fine. If they can't, go for a sorta Arcade/SNES+ looking version with all the leveling and moves of the NES original.

Splatterhouse. Basically a Splatterhouse IV that is a cross between Arcade and Genesis+ graphically.

EDIT: Of fuck, I remember I always had a dream of a TMNT BEU with graphics that look to par circa the first arcade game and Turtles in Time. My idea was to have a big final battle against Shredder, the Foot, Krang and such, in which, which takes the Turtles from the streets, sewers and Central Park of NYC to Dimension X itself. Will feature cameos from other characters, such as the Punk Frogs, Ray Fillet, Mona Lisa, the Neutrinos and others. Basically, a love letter to the classic TMNT BEUs of the early 90s and a big love letter to the 80s TMNT cartoon series, all wrapped up in one pizza poundin' adventure.

Final Fantasy
Yes! Something that feels like a classic FF game, big world, lots of towns, adventure, whimsy, more than one "world", but unlike Final Fantasy Legends/Dimensions, tone down the nods to other FF games. It is alright if an item, boss or summon nod to something in past installments, but we don't need fuckin' locations from past FFs appearing in the game. That and no more
Chaos or Bahamut
as final bosses. Make the final bosses original, dammit!

Ninja Gaiden is the real standout to me. One of the best 2D games of all time and no proper sequel since the 3rd.

I would say Contra as well but Contra 4 on the DS was satisfying. I also wouldn't mind a faithful sequel to Super Castlevania IV.

Ninja Gaiden and Contra are wonderful choices.

I could go with just the SEGA ones

Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Alex Kidd and Shinobi

All those are GREAT choices. Hell, as people are listing RPGs, I'd love a classic styled Phantasy Star V (done in a sorta Genesis+ style, taking inspiration from Phantasy Star IV's style, but goin' up from there).
Zelda Mania: The Adventures of Mania. A segment in all games in all timelines is redone in Zelda 2 mechanics.

But really, Gradius Mania. All the series stages are already interchangeable.


There's a reason Streets of Rage Mania is such a popular answer; Streets of Rage Remake was Streets of Rage Mania, except instead of SEGA funding the eventual project, the project was released, then immediately C&D'd.

I hope Mania leads to a change in heart for SEGA. The only Mania I'd want more is Vectormania.

Phantasy Star. Make a cheesy 90's JRPG with modern sensibilities continuing the story of the classic games. It'd be awesome!

... except maybe this.


This would be like if Sonic Mania was a faithful sequel to Sonic Adventure instead. Smh.

Hell given how Sonic Mania turned out, maybe Sega actually should give the 3D/Sonic Adventure entries the same treatment. Turn it over to the fans and see if they can figure out that decades-old conundrum: "How can Sonic actually work in a 3D space?"


Castlevania already kinda did this with the "ReBirth" series (along with Contra and Gradius) to little fanfare. The market is very different today regarding download only titles, but I honestly don't think Castlevania needs a "return to roots" as much as a really well done re-release schedule. Underrated gems like Bloodlines, the aforemention WiiWare title, and the woefully under releases Rondo would do the series and fans well.

Contra also has some amazing later entries: Contra 4, Hard Corps Uprising, and ReBirth are all solid titles. An HD remake/remaster of the PS2 titles would also be a solid plan for the franchise.

Honestly, GAF is in love with Sonic Mania, and that's fine, but no other franchise has remained as relevant as Sonic in spite of it's quality - Sonic Mania just doesn't work for other series.




What series has a fan with the level of knowledge and skill as Christian Whitehead? If you can find one, that's probably where you'd start.


It really doesn't work with something like Contra. Contra 4 is literally already that.

MOST series like that have already had solid, more modern entries released after the 90s. Sonic Mania is a big deal only because 2D Sonic has been so consistently crap for so long. Mario, Metroid, Classicvania etc already have had their Zero Missions and Adventure Rebirths. Plenty of good 2D Rockman games have been done.

This would be like if Sonic Mania was a faithful sequel to Sonic Adventure instead. Smh.
Lol yep. Johnny-come-later 'classic' Castlevania.


Mario Maker exists though.
As someone already said it, it's not the same

You can do new levels with the assets but that won't make new locations using the same artstyle, like sonic mania did, if i recall corectly there are also some resources missing from mario maker as well
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