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Whiny Diablo fans don't like Diablo III's BAD ART, start whiny petition to cry


Gold Member
emerge said:
To be honest, I have to agree

There is something seriously wrong with the colors of your Diablo 2 screens, I don't know if you did it on purpose, but the colors are fucked up in them (too dark). :lol :lol


I wish Blizzard would just reuse the D2 engine and say "FUCK YOU FANS, YOU DON'T WANT PROGRESS, THEN FUCKING DEAL WITH IT".

This is the biggest irony I've ever seen. The Gaf argueing at people complaining about a game...:lol :lol :lol Shouldn't we be the ones complaining?
I think the game is looking great as it is. If they went with similar style to the other Diablo games I don't think it would really stand out, I much prefer a stylized look. They could cel-shade it and make it look like Wind Waker and I'd still take it over a boring realistic gritty look.


emerge said:
To be honest, I have to agree


is not true to

and neither is

true to

If wanting Blizzard to retain the nightmarish look of Diablo I and Diablo II is whining, count me in the whiners camp.

It's not supposed to look realistic, it's supposed to look like a shitty world where noone has fun and lives in constant fear of dying. Dirt and mud fit that theme well.

I agree it doesn't look as dark and gritty but it still has that Diablo feel to it.

And if they remade them like Diablo 2 people would be saying stuff like "It's too bland I'm sick of games only having different shades of grey and brown."


Crescendo170 said:

So their solution is to remove all colors from the game... genius!

What is their problem with the colors yellow and blue? 'Cause those seem to take the biggest hit in that example.

tha_con said:
I wish Blizzard would just reuse the D2 engine and say "FUCK YOU FANS, YOU DON'T WANT PROGRESS, THEN FUCKING DEAL WITH IT".


Hell, why change anything? Just release D2 again and say, "No, it's D3 - we swear. Play it, it's like totally different."


When its that dark its usually night time outisde.

Night outside shot:


Nasty final section of Act I's last dungeon


(Same point as last time)
Some of the guys complaining about cartoony or loosing atmosphere due to colors either havent played Diablo 1 or 2 in awhile, or are just forgetting the normal "rules" when it comes to the game's art style. The lower you get, the nastier it gets.

No one complained about Lut Gholein.


Minsc said:
There is something seriously wrong with the colors of your Diablo 2 screens, I don't know if you did it on purpose, but the colors are fucked up in them (too dark). :lol :lol


- turn gamma and brightness to a non-eyecancer inducing level
- turn off maphack
- didn't so anything on purpose, screens are lifted from www.battle.net


I had to chuckle when I got to this part.

- Dungeons with a blue/green environment lighting, technique used in cartoons to depict a dark, creepy and scary feeling but once again, this is Diablo, a mature game, dungeons should have a dark aura with the occasional lights from candles, just like we got in the previews Diablo's.
Dupy said:
Hardcore gamers have the biggest sense of entitlement I've ever seen. To say they know better than BLIZZARD about what direction to take the Diablo universe in is ridiculous.

So developers always know best? How'd that work out for the Deus Ex sequel?

As absurd as the whole petition thing is, I feel the same. The style they're using looks like a completely different franchise. Would you even know those pics were from Diablo 3 if you just saw them with no context, or would you think they're from some random knockoff?


KHarvey16 said:
And that's why I think people who summarily make judgments and then demands based on very early information should be forced to follow through on their initial feelings and be banned from purchasing the game unless their requests were fulfilled.

That's pretty ridiculous. Why does any disagreement with development have to turn into a deal breaker?

"Hey guys you better love the shit out of this or shut the fuck up!"

There was a pic that combined 4 large photos. Two one the left were current Diablo 3 and the two on the right were suggestions. I thought the two on the right were FAR superior. Doesn't mean I won't have fun with the game once it comes out.


diablo 2 does not retain the nightmarish look of diablo 2


As for dungeons, this is how most people actually played it:


The question is, will the whining stop once Blizzard actually show areas that are supposed to look dark/gritty. Sorry guys but forests tend to be rather colorful during daytime in autumn.


Mindlog said:
That's pretty ridiculous. Why does any disagreement with development have to turn into a deal breaker?

"Hey guys you better love the shit out of this or shut the fuck up!"

There was a pic that combined 4 large photos. Two one the left were current Diablo 3 and the two on the right were suggestions. I thought the two on the right were FAR superior. Doesn't mean I won't have fun with the game once it comes out.

Don't confuse summary judgments and demands with constructive criticism :).


They have some good points. And technically the game is very disappointing. I know that they want to make the game accesible to a wide range of machines, but they should set the bar a little higher than a PS2 game with AA.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
These bastards don't deserve Diablo III.
Vinci said:
What is their problem with the colors yellow and blue? 'Cause those seem to take the biggest hit in that example.

Yellow and blue must = "Cartoony". Their "fixed" screens just look black and white with a little red thrown in, not appealing at all.


My biggest problem with gaming in general is everything is way too dark, and I tend to stick to playing brighter games. Their 'suggestions' are simply desaturating the images, and not really adding anything to make it grittier.

If people want Blizzard to change the art direction, I hope they are also willing to way an extra 2 years to play it.
Blizzard's not going to entirely rework the art style this late into the development cycle, why are they even bothering with this?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Damn, just be happy that they finally announced the game and it seems to stick pretty close to the series' roots, tools.


tha_con said:
I wish Blizzard would just reuse the D2 engine and say "FUCK YOU FANS, YOU DON'T WANT PROGRESS, THEN FUCKING DEAL WITH IT".


I have no problems with the D3 look, but I would accept it being made in a revamped D2 engine as well. That way I wouldn't have to upgrade my computer. :lol


syllogism said:
diablo 2 does not retain the nightmarish look of diablo 2


Take a look at the color palette for the palm tree. Compare to a real life palm tree photograph. Yep, the Diablo II colorization looks pretty bland and sick to me.

syllogism said:
Sorry guys but forests tend to be rather colorful during daytime in autumn.

Yes please apply real-world aesthetics to a world where the prime evils walk the earth


Gold Member
emerge said:

- turn gamma and brightness to a non-eyecancer inducing level
- turn off maphack
- didn't so anything on purpose, screens are lifted from www.battle.net

Perhaps I need to freshen my memory, sorry for that!

It's just this is more the sort of colors I remember when I think of the game - notice the red and blues on the life/mana globes compared the other shots, I didn't realize they faded for night scenes.


It just seemed too much of a stark difference, but I guess it all depends on where you set the brightness/gamma to a degree like you said.


KHarvey16 said:
Don't confuse summary judgments and demands with constructive criticism :).

Fair enough.

and for what it's worth we still have like 3 more yearsuntil it is released

I may even still have the Gamepro with an early Starcraft preview that was basically Warcraft in space except your marines had inventory slots for stuff like flashlights :eek:


Leezard said:
I have no problems with the D3 look, but I would accept it being made in a revamped D2 engine as well. That way I wouldn't have to upgrade my computer. :lol

Chances are the game will be easy to run... especially by the time it comes out.


I always played D2 with increased gamma and everyone I know that played it did the same.

I'm glad D3 will have a watchable darkness setting.

Like Titan Quest has an excellent dark feel in Act 4 and yet it is not pitch black and quite enjoyable. I hope Blizzard can capture the same darkness feeling in D3.


While I would not count myself in the hardcore whiners group, I do feel that the game could use a slightly darker tone. I don't think they should throw out the art style, just change some of the lighting effects to add more dark contrast.

This somewhat reminds me of the initial art direction Nintendo was going to take with Metroid Zero Mission for the GBA. Originally, they had a big-headed Samus running around fighting a round plush Kraid. Thankfully they changed the art direction to be more mature.


I don't really mind the direction, but I think I would've preferred something more gritty. It does remind of WoW a little though. WoW can also look like this, you know:


Just sayin'


Why are people here so upset that hardcore fans of a series want that the sequel looks more like the predecessors? It's obvious that the the style is more colorful and a bit more lighthearted (and no, that's not just because they only showed early areas).

The game looks very cool (even better, it looks already incredibly fun) but I can understand why a traditional fan of the series would be kinda disappointed by the new style.
I can't even begin to express how glad I am that idiots like the people supporting this petition are around to undermine any sensible criticism of the shift in art design. By having such ridiculous twits put forth as the image of those doubting Blizzard's choices, we can safely avoid having any actual intelligent discussion about them.


Endgegner said:
Why are people here so upset that hardcore fans of a series want that the sequel looks more like the predecessors? It's obvious that the the style is more colorful and a bit more lighthearted (and no, that's not just because they only showed early areas).

The game looks very cool (even better, it looks already incredibly fun) but I can understand why a traditional fan of the series would be kinda disappointed by the new style.
More like a vocal minority of the fans


bloodforge said:
Their "fixed" screens just look black and white with a little red thrown in, not appealing at all.

Just realized. The entire D2 hardcore fanbase better buy a Wii and a copy of Madworld when that game comes out. It's, like, made for them. Not an ounce of shitty color anywhere, other than red, blood red.

Just thinking about it makes me feel like a man.


I said it before, and I'll say it again.

I think the similarities between the two have more to do with the engine / technology they almost undoubtedly share, than it does with art direction.

It's really fucking easy to see that.


Did these guys even stop to that in all likely hood, blizzard turned off the light radius and brightened the game up so that everyone at the conference could SEE it?

I'm really starting to fall into the camp that games should not be previewed unless it's like 2 months before release.


It is our opinion that the graphic elements that characterize the Diablo universe are not fully present in this sequel, Diablo universe is made of:

That's all I had to read.

They can keep whining about it, but quite frankly, I highly doubt it'll change.

And I personally think it looks amazing.


j-wood said:
I'm really starting to fall into the camp that games should not be previewed unless it's like 2 months before release.

Yeah, I think I'm going to be more of a fan with Nintendo's new philosophy on not showing previews for games more than several months out when we're still hearing bullshit about D3 for the next 3 years.

Fucking A, Blizzard. Don't torture the rest of us, we like your damn game.


It reminds me of people thinking that the Wind Waker art style "didn't fit the franchise".

Like they know better what fits the franchise than the guy who created it.

You can be disappointed, of course you can, but just don't make a petition, it's pointless.
Fio said:
They have some good points. And technically the game is very disappointing. I know that they want to make the game accesible to a wide range of machines, but they should set the bar a little higher than a PS2 game with AA.

wa wa wat!?!?!?!?

Please, give sell me your NASA ps2, I would like to play with that machine.

For the nerds, tone down your computer screens colour, you idiots.


Ramenman said:
It reminds me of people thinking that the Wind Waker art style "didn't fit the franchise".

Like they know better what fits the franchise than the guy who created it.

You can be disappointed, of course you can, but just don't make a petition, it's pointless.

Ironically, people now miss the Wind Waker art style and wish the next game featured it.


Ramenman said:
It reminds me of people thinking that the Wind Waker art style "didn't fit the franchise".

Like they know better what fits the franchise than the guy who created it.

You can be disappointed, of course you can, but just don't make a petition, it's pointless.

How many sequels are better than their predecessor's?
How many sequels are far worse?

Devs sometimes(frequently?) stumble upon greatness (Tribes) and then try to ruin it with their vision (Tribes 2.)
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