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Who at Xbox is responsible for this?


Complicit over…… fucking what? Antibullying messaging? Get a fuckin grip. This isn’t the gamer Holocaust happening before our eyes.
Corporations do this so they can pat themselves on the back. That is why it is cringe and deserve to be called out for their disingenuous virtue signaling. Acting like that cornball message on the dashboard will change any person’s behavior is hilarious. That space should be reserved for games and only games IMO.

Btw you seem a lot more worked up over this than I am if I’m being honest. Relax brah. Ain’t nobody smashing their Xbox or talking about a “gamer holocaust.”


I showed this to my wife and asked for two daily blowjobs. Morning and night.

Didn't work.
Try this.

Sperm contains vitamin C and B12
Magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium.

It is said that it’s good for skin and hairs.

Brothers who need 2 blowjobs per day united!
Every excuses are accepted.


Gold Member
Just for info, I like to be treated like a thirsty sugar daddy for all you girly gamers out there.

For the boys, I like to be treated like the sour faced asshole I am.
Me Too Samesies GIF


Though this isn’t a controversial message, I feel like some people really miss the point of what people like the OP intend (imo).

For one, I don’t need some entertainment corporation telling me how to act or what to care about.

For two, messages like this are dumb and pointless. People who are going to be genuinely nice online are ALREADY going to do that. People who are dickheads are not going to change because big daddy Gates and his sidekick Phil said to.

It’s just pumping air of morality into a void when people just want to be entertained.

It is like those posters you see at Walmart or inside schools that read “everyone is welcome here!”

Like… really? I can guarantee you there are many, many people not welcomed on school grounds or many other places. It’s just air that is meaningless to make people have a false sense of “feel good”.

That’s probably way to deep a dive, honestly - I am mixed on stuff like this because it is a harmless and fine message. I just don’t know if it’s really needed or comes out the right way for many people.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
People are annoyed at a "Don't be a cunt online" message. Probably aimed that those people.

A major part of the reason I rarely play online is listening to toxic shit.


It's pretty unoffensive to the intellect to be honest, there's so much worse garbage than that today.

Though it should've said treat others as you want to be treated
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It should have read, "treat others as you want to be treated"

Which came from the Bible

Which is probably why they edited it with current year they/them pronouns. 🤭
Honestly came here to say this. The two sentences may seem fairly synonymous, but the difference in wording is significant.

“Treat others how they want to be treated” has a demeaning undertone to it because it implies you have to treat them well without even considering if they deserve your respect/good treatment in the first place. It’s very impersonal, and implies only the other person’s wants are valid.

“Treat others how you would like to be treated” means you have to be reflective first. How should I act in order to earn peoples’ respect/good will, and therefore give them reason to try and earn mine as well? It’s a much more two-way street statement.
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Reseterror Resettler
Mods delete if this counts as console warring, but when I turn on my PS5, it tells me I'm a worthless ass sniffer and then ejects the disc straight into my crotch Kuririn Destructo Disc style, before remotely downloading malware to every electronic device within three miles and fucking your mom.

Fuck outta here with that more flies with honey than vinegar shit. MISS ME



Gold Member
Honestly came here to say this. The two sentences may seem fairly synonymous, but the difference it wording is significant.

“Treat others how they want to be treated” has a demeaning undertone to it because it implies you have to treat them well without even considering if they deserve your respect/good treatment in the first place. It’s very impersonal, and implies only the other persons wants are valid.

“Treat others how you would like to be treated” means you have to be reflective first. How should I act in order to earn peoples’ respect/good will, and therefore give them reason to try and earn mine as well? It’s a much more two-way street statement.
Treat others well

Gafer: how dare you?!

Literally a universal message that you can ignore if “treat others well” triggers you. Y’all just enjoy being annoyed. To the point messsges that baby shows like dragon tales would teach bother you.

There's a big difference between

"Treat others well"
"Treat others as they want to be treated"

One is stating to equally respect other people and treat them with kindness. The other is stating to engage in other peoples fantasys or wishes in how to treat them, in other words, unequally.

I believe in treating everyone well equally, so I do not see the Xbox message as a positive.
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There's a big difference between

"Treat others well"
"Treat others as they want to be treated"

One is stating to equally respect other people and treat them with kindness. The other is stating to engage in other peoples fantasys or wishes in how to treat them, in other words, unequally.

I believe in treating everyone well equally, so I do not see the Xbox message as a positive.
You’re thinking to deeply about basic platitudes. You want to find more in it than is there. Treat people with respect.


It's not the message itself that is offensive. The message itself is fine.
The problem is being moralized to by an evil corporation.
How hard is that to understand?

/I don't have a problem with it fwiw. I find it funny.
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I'm pretty sure the OP isn't against the message itself but against such messages appearing on his XBOX dashboard?
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Honestly came here to say this. The two sentences may seem fairly synonymous, but the difference it wording is significant.

“Treat others how they want to be treated” has a demeaning undertone to it because it implies you have to treat them well without even considering if they deserve your respect/good treatment in the first place. It’s very impersonal, and implies only the other person’s wants are valid.

“Treat others how you would like to be treated” means you have to be reflective first. How should I act in order to earn peoples’ respect/good will, and therefore give them reason to try and earn mine as well? It’s a much more two-way street statement.
The formulation "treat others how you would like to be treated" doesn't specify that the other person needs to be deserving first, nor does it require that others act reciprocally. (You can treat someone in a way that you would like to be treated, without them doing the same). The difference is that in the first sentence the other person decides the standard of treatment and in the second, you yourself decide, based on your own values. So it comes down to a moral question about what role individuals should have in determining the standards of their treatment. For example, if a particular practice is fine in my culture (I am fine being "treated" in this way), but highly offensive in another culture, is there any moral obligation for me not to perform the practice on the person in that other culture?
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Phil, are you treatin lyin Jim Ryan how he wants to be treated? I wouldn't have noticed it myself, but it is annoying with some reflection on how it got there. I want to be dunked on so I play better. Am I factored in?
"Toxic gamers online? Don't blame us. We tell all of our XBox gamers to be nice and treat others how they want to be treated."

See how easy it is for a company to absolve themselves of any responsibility for the actions of their customers towards each other?
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It's a genuinely positive message. But the problem isn't the message, it's who is giving it.

A massive multi-national, trillion-dollar corporation that is relentlessly profit-focused above all is else trying to lecture us gamers about morality.... yeah, something about that just doesn't sit right.

It's just insincere virtue signaling. An attempt to pander to the Era crowd. You know that the execs at Xbox and MS in reality don't give a flying fuck how gamers treat each other. Only that they keep on giving MS money. So if they can guilt pre-teens into opting not to shout racial slurs at other players during online gaming sessions of COD, it keeps people "engaged" with the Xbox platform and spending on the platform.

Corporations that only care about their bottom line have no right to lecture us about moral behavior. They should go apologise to the families of all the Foxconn workers who committed suicide while making Xboxes and PS over the last decade before coming to lecture us on how to behave morally or ethically.... wankers!


Gold Member
It's a genuinely positive message. But the problem isn't the message, it's who is giving it.

A massive multi-national, trillion-dollar corporation that is relentlessly profit-focused above all is else trying to lecture us gamers about morality.... yeah, something about that just doesn't sit right.

It's just insincere virtue signaling. An attempt to pander to the Era crowd. You know that the execs at Xbox and MS in reality don't give a flying fuck how gamers treat each other. Only that they keep on giving MS money. So if they can guilt pre-teens into opting not to shout racial slurs at other players during online gaming sessions of COD, it keeps people "engaged" with the Xbox platform and spending on the platform.

Corporations that only care about their bottom line have no right to lecture us about moral behavior. They should go apologise to the families of all the Foxconn workers who committed suicide while making Xboxes and PS over the last decade before coming to lecture us on how to behave morally or ethically.... wankers!
Oh comon.... You're so triggered. Basically, fuck Hallmark, amirite?

Or as Sony says, "think of the children.."
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Oh comon.... You're so triggered. Basically, fuck Hallmark, amirite?
Hur hur... triggered... durr durr.

If that's the best you've got to contribute to the thread you should just stay out of it.

And no... Hallmark doesn't lecture us. They sell us greeting cards. If you too dense to see the difference I can't help you
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Seems like a great message to me?

Remember, true woke isn't the woke you know and love to criticize

I don’t want my mom giving me life lessons every time i play video games.

We are adults. We don’t need to be talked down to like We are kids.
Treat others well

Gafer: how dare you?!

Literally a universal message that you can ignore if “treat others well” triggers you. Y’all just enjoy being annoyed. To the point messsges that baby shows like dragon tales would teach bother you.

I don't need a company to preach to me while they do nothing to remedy the actual problematic aspects of their community. If you like empty virtue signaling, then good for you. Most adults don't and would rather see actual change.
Yep. Surprised it's only been mentioned once or twice. The ads are catered to a users ad profile.

edit: Ezekiel_ Ezekiel_ you emoted to this post and not the previous ones, disappointing :(

Curious to know how they decide who to cater this ad to. I had this ad and I don't use voice chats, never use any text chats, and barely play MP games in general on the platform. 99.9% of my interactions with Xbox are single player games.

Smells like a lot of bullshit.


Gold Member
I don't need a company to preach to me while they do nothing to remedy the actual problematic aspects of their community. If you like empty virtue signaling, then good for you. Most adults don't and would rather see actual change.

But that's why you're wrong. It's not only adults who play on these platforms. Sure you're a surly old person, but huge percentages aren't. So you can deal with a little tempering on that front versus being an edge lord so very angry... And if you are, just don't use Xbox I guess. Sony doesn't do cross-play for the children too.. so safe space there.
But that's why you're wrong. It's not only adults who play on these platforms. Sure you're a surly old person, but huge percentages aren't. So you can deal with a little tempering on that front versus being an edge lord so very angry... And if you are, just don't use Xbox I guess. Sony doesn't do cross-play for the children too.. so safe space there.

It is clear you just want to try to start some shit, but at least have the decency to read what people post before you toss out idiotic replies.

Yes, there are more than just adults playing, and doing these empty platitude remarks does NOTHING to stop the actual issues within the Xbox (or greater gaming) communities. This isn't going to change anyone's mind, it isn't going to stop or stem the open racism, bigotry, and harassment that players get. It's just a way to pretend as if they care while continuing to not promote any actual change within the system.

It is lazy, insulting, and people who actively think this is a good idea (such as yourself) need to get a reality check.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I don’t want my mom giving me life lessons every time i play video games.

We are adults. We don’t need to be talked down to like We are kids.

It's a small ad widget in the corner of the screen, it's not 'talking down' to you, you can just ignore it if it shows on your dash

Some y'all get offended way too easily



Gold Member
totally in the camp with OP.

there's a reason why the saying goes as followed, and has been this way for generations.

"treat others as YOU would want to be treated"

this bastardized version tweaks it to say:

"treat others as THEY want to be treated"

is essentially espousing obedience. what if the other person is unvirtuous and wants to be treated as a superior why would it be moral to be subservient to them? the original saying puts everyone on equal ground.
Xbox 360 days trash talk was so fun too boring nowadays people get upset too easy and quickly, Me my mate played Halo 3 duo's we were level 45 and 30 something and we beat 2 level 50's they went bonkers it was brilliant we did camp with shotguns whole match they were angry but that's what made Xbox Live great moments where u overcome better players and get to rub it in.


It should be "treat otgers as you want to be treated". Who the fuck came up with that twisted version?


Personally see nothing wrong with it, it’s really just them giving you common sense. Probably there for those that play a ton of multiplayer and I’m sure others can attest that can be a very enjoyable or very horrible experience.
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