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Who has disappointed you this gen?



All of their games I bought this year for my PS3 runs like shit.
The prince of persias, the POP HD ports, the Splinter cell ports and the Assassin Creeds.
It's like they don't even give a shit about performance.


Guys, the last line was me quoting a fellow by the alias of Bro Team Pill. I couldn't resist.

Maybe ignore them and play some awesome indie games.....? I feel like theres plenty of variety this gen everyone is just slobering over these over budgeted AAA shooters instead of all the awesome little indie games.

Oh, I still play plenty of other games. Doesn't stop me from looking on in horror as the "big money" part of the industry becomes an unsustainable AAA meat grinder.
Nintendo: The Wii held so much promise, but it was terribly handicapped by an absolutely shitty online plan that made online communities and gameplay impossible on the Wii. It boasts one of the strongest collections of games on any Nintendo console, but the damned thing makes it hard for anyone to turn it on if they've ever owned an HD console. They also made a huge mistake when they made the Wii so underpowered. It should have been strong enough for shitty ports of third party games. There was no need for an overheating $400 piece of garbage. There was plenty of middleground, but Nintendo's super safe approach ruined that as usual. Let's see if they go at it halfhearted again with the Wii U.

About 9/10nth of third parties: They completely dropped the ball on the Wii and let one of the most successful videogame console markets slip right out of their hands and into Apple's market(along with smartphones). Amazing lightgun shooters like Overkill and Extraction couldn't even include a barebones online component in order to bring home a better arcade experience. Other developers with fantastic IP like Capcom decided it would be a good idea to make the best version of a legendary game like RE4 and followed that up with lightgun shooters when people expected more. The promise of pointer aided TPS and FPS games with controls surpassed only by the K&B PC setup never happened and we've been stuck with the boring dual analog ever since. Others like Ubisoft literally poisoned the well for third parties by flooding the Wii with shovelware the likes of which has never been seen before. Third parties failed hard. Any successes like Red Steel were followed by inaction for years until gamers... just gave up and left for the HD consoles.

Capcom: They were probably one of the greatest videogame companies and one of the few third parties with IP that rivaled that of the console manufacturers. Everything about them is now rushed and inadequate. They are a shadow of their former selves. We see glimpses of their glory every once in a while, but it's just a glimpse. Some of their biggest talent has left and their money men have their creative people in a figurative choke hold. One of their strongest specialties(fighters) is now stuck in a loop of blatant rushed games and cash ins which they used to fund shitty outsourced games.

BioWare. Started off this gen quite well, Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins were fantastic games and sold relatively well. Then they basically abandoned their RPG root and tried to dumb down their future products in order to chase sales.

And no KOTOR 3 or Jade Empire 2.


I don't know, but it's definitely not Nintendo
which I'm guessing will be a popular answer here

Some many of the best Nintendo games of all-time have been this gen. (and, by extension, best games, in general)

Ein Bear


All of their games I bought this year for my PS3 runs like shit.
The prince of persias, the POP HD ports, the Splinter cell ports and the Assassin Creeds.
It's like they don't even give a shit about performance.

No dev gives a shit about performance. Every game could run at a locked 60fps easily, but then they couldn't fill their trailers with fancy smoke effectss and get everyone worked up about screenshots, so hey!


I don't know, but it's definitely not Nintendo
which I'm guessing will be a popular answer here

Some many of the best Nintendo games of all-time have been this gen. (and, by extension, best games, in general)

There are plenty of reasons to be disappointed in Nintendo this gen, but most will be "boohoo graphics!"

If you had told me back in 2005 or early 2006 that Sony was going to drop the ball like they've done thus far with the PS3, PSP and Vita I would not have believed you.

First sign of trouble: PSP issues (Long loading times due to UMD, short battery life, game drought, etc.)
Second sign of trouble: $599 US Dollars

Last but not least: The Vita announcement. Because it made it painfully obvious that Sony just refuses to learn from their mistakes.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Square Enix for not giving me Kingdom Hearts 3 for PS3 yet.

Biggest disappointment might be Polyphony Digital though. Man, takes years and years for GT5 to come out and man it was such a letdown. I wanted that game to just take over my gaming time completely and for it to consume me. Nope. Boring and outdated single player progression and the online just wasn't interesting enough to keep me attached.


EA Sports/Tiburon- exclusive NFL license killing off the competition and then the development direction just now implementing and designing things that should have been done years/iterations ago. Same goes for the NCAA Football developers.


SE 13 was horrible and 14 was really bad at launch (Yoshi-P you are the shit)

Capcom you flood the market with fighters and dont expect the bottom to fall out ? And the on disc DLC is bull if its there already we should already be playing it.

Sony i love ur games i do but you have to market your games better
Zipper and their inability to make a proper SOCOM, and funny enough they are closed now......

Also Sony for letting that happen or forcing Zipper to make SOCOM 4 more of a COD clone than a SOCOM game.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Third parties treatment of the 3DS.
Woeful. Shambolic.

Nintendo: Why don't you release games on our systems?
Third Parties: We can't compete with Mario.
Nintendo: OK, we'll delay our Mario games and stagger our releases, giving you the first eight months all to yourselves.
Third Parties: Deal.

Without Mario, the 3DS doesn't sell. Third parties, instead of stepping up to the plate, end up delaying their games - Cave Story, Gabriella's Ghostly Groove - because the console isn't selling. Price drop ensues.

Then, guess what, when they do release the games.... They release them the same time as Mario.

And predictably, everyone buys Mario instead.

Ein Bear


Such as? We had full 3D games running at 60fps back in the N64/PSX era, there's literally no reason you couldn't make whatever you wanted on today's hardware that hit a consistant framerate.

It's a tradeoff between visuals and performance, and developers will go with visuals 99% of the time.
$599, Vita price gouging proprietary memory cards, copying MS with achievements, arrogance in PR and in marketing

DLC practices

gotten even worse

It's a tradeoff between visuals and performance, and developers will go with visuals 99% of the time.

They need things to look good in gifs and still images so trolls can post them up on forums and say "this looks better than that [so it's a better game]". Framerates can't help with that. Hopefully they'll learn by the end of this gen that that doesn't increase sales.


The developers/publishers I care about:
Square Enix

-Disappointed with SE for not bringing Kingdom Hearts 3 yet.
-Kind of disappointed with Capcom for their lame anti-consumer practices.
-Okay with Sony and Nintendo.
-Love Atlus and Namco.


Konami, Tecmo (Team NINJA) and Kojima Productions. They all share some of the reasons for that too. Their tech is outdated as hell and they have fucked up their main franchises in a royal fashion. PES. Silent Hill, MGS.
KP has just been a mess, for me. I despise the direction MGS took after MGS3.
Microsoft's shift in direction from core to casual doesn't really win me over either. The 360 was all about great exclusives, those days are pretty much gone.
EA hasn't really changed, they're still the shitty evil corporation that they've always been, I'm not exactly disappointed or surprised. Good EA was alright while it lasted.

All in all, I'm more disappointed with gamers themselves rather than companies. This BOHICA attitude pisses me off. DLC is fine. DRM is fine. Online passes are fine. It's sad that people don't fight companies on anything. It's a hobby, not worth the effort and headache, I guess.
I haven't enjoyed a single Capcom game this gen outside of RE5, and even that was a major letdown after RE4. I never got around to playing DMC4 for whatever reason and that's the only thing they've made that appeals to me I haven't played. Instead of making a sequel to that, they got Ninja Theory to make the abomination known as DmC. Where's a new Onimusha? Why in the world did they cancel Mega Man Legends 3? Why would you even release Operation Raccoon City? So many stupid things they've done this gen.

I love my 360 and have spent way more time with it than any other system probably ever, but their first party support has been awful since 2009. Crackdown 2 got no dev time which led to it feeling rushed and now it probably won't get a sequel because of that. Fable 3 was awful after the very good Fable 2 and great Fable 1. No new core IPs since 09 that I can think of. Huge focus on Kinect and attempt to make it something it's not. No attempt at using Rare's legendary IPs since Perfect Dark XBLA. Not picking up Bungie's new IP is another head scratcher. I do like that they have been rebuilding their first party studios internally instead of just buying devs like they used to, but so far none of those studios have released any games.

All I'm gonna say is this, they haven't made KOTOR III, Republic Commando 2, Battlefront III, or Rogue Squadron 4. Instead we've just gotten the Force Unleashed and LEGO games. Really Lucasarts?

Motion controls. That's all I've gotta say. I hate them and it ruined Skyward Sword and Metroid Prime 3 for me.
I'm just totally off the Bioware train now. I probably won't buy whatever their next game is. Part of is how they've directed their mechanics for sure, but another is some combination of the stories and characters being more blatantly wish-fulfillment and fetishism, respectively, and/or me just growing up and realizing it was always like that.


Such as? We had full 3D games running at 60fps back in the N64/PSX era, there's literally no reason you couldn't make whatever you wanted on today's hardware that hit a consistant framerate.

It's a tradeoff between visuals and performance, and developers will go with visuals 99% of the time.

There is no way a game like BF3 could possibly run at 60fps. You would have to drop the player count which would affect gameplay

If you are so worried about performance then buy a PC and you can play almost every game at 120fps . Otherwise you really shouldn't be whining about it.
Capcom - DMC 4 was disappointing and no good action games otherwise

Square Enix - Can't speak on Enix since I don't play any of their games but everything that came out of them has been in some way lacking/poor. FF XIII is awful with one of the worst narratives in an RPG I've ever had the displeasure of playing. They tried to improve with 2 but it was still tied to the same regrettable narrative. The whole FNC thing was terrible idea. Looking at the lore of the series, why it had to be split into 4 games as if it was that enthralling confuses the shit out of me.

Atlus - make some games God damn it


Square Enix

Final Fantasy: FFXIII project has been a trainwreck so far. Both FFXIII and FFXIII-2 are mediocre at best. And FFXIII Versus is in development hell. FFXIV being shit.

No Kingdom Hearts 3.

DQX being an MMO


Such as? We had full 3D games running at 60fps back in the N64/PSX era, there's literally no reason you couldn't make whatever you wanted on today's hardware that hit a consistant framerate.

It's a tradeoff between visuals and performance, and developers will go with visuals 99% of the time.

My bad. I thought you meant having the same visual fidelity and performing at 60 FPS.

My apologies.


Rare, came in expecting their great revival with the 360 and games like Kameo, and left convinced of their death a generation earlier.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Square Enix for the shit job they've done so far with the FF series, and Bioware for pissing away all the good faith and love I had for them.
I can't think of many companies who HAVEN'T disappointed me in some form.

I guess Treasure? Guardian Heroes HD is a dream come true, and Sin and Punishment 2 is a dream I didn't know I even wanted!

It's easy not to disappoint when you just make a couple games every year, though.
Kojima Productions:
MGS4 is so bad that it physically hurts me to think about it, damned near completely ruined the entire series for me.

Naughty Dog (Justin Richmond):
Destroyed the joy-incarnate that was U2 multiplayer with 1.05 and never fixed it, or owned up to the disastrous mistake that it was. Then, U3 happened, in all it's terrible mediocrity.


KZ3 multiplayer.

Ein Bear

There is no way a game like BF3 could possibly run at 60fps. You would have to drop the player count which would affect gameplay

If you are so worried about performance then buy a PC and you can play almost every game at 120fps . Otherwise you really shouldn't be whining about it.

I dunno, the Halo games on the original Xbox managed 16 players, I'm sure getting it up to 24 isn't that much more taxing for the current gen systems. Didn't Resistance manage 40 players at a time?

And I'm pretty sure the whole point of the thread is to 'whine' about stuff. It's about things you've found disappointing.

My bad. I thought you meant having the same visual fidelity and performing at 60 FPS.

My apologies.

Ahh got ya, no worries man! =)



They pumped out bland to terrible Fire Emblems and Zeldas on both the Wii and DS. Then there's NSMB DS and MKWii... Brawl. *shivers*

Atlus JP

I don't think I'll ever get another SMT game like Nocturne. Or another new Digital Devil Saga game. And Catherine was a disappointment.
Nintendo. Not because I hate motion controls like many do. I think that bringing in innovative control schemes is vital to expanding traditional gaming, especially in the face of the increasing popularity of iPhone/iPad games. However, I want it done right. The Wii U's tablet controller has the potential to be great and is a definite step in the direction. The Wiimote, however, was a major disappointment. Instead of making games more interactive, it just added pointless waggling to games 95% of the time. I can think of few creative things in Wii games which couldn't have been done equally well with a normal controller.

I can't recall any system which has disappointed me more than the Wii. The DS turned out to be amazing, but the Wii really failed on its potential. It just felt like Nintendo was being so...lazy all of the time. They dropped the system prematurely even though it was their most successful home console to date, and many of their mainstream titles like Wii Play and Wii Fit didn't have anywhere near the level of polish that you'd expect from Nintendo. And while the Super Mario Galaxy games were incredible, they didn't make compelling use of motion controls.


Pretty much everyone. This will be my last console generation. Sticking with PC's from here on out. There were far too few titles I was interested in on all three of the major consoles.


Bioware: The Thread.

But I'd also say Nintendo, the Wii games drought and some of their E3 showings were utterly devastating.

That said I love my Wii, and I love Nintendo, there were plenty of disappointments this gen but the ones from Nintendo hurt the most.

Also Skyward Sword? Maybe? I don't even know how I feel about that game :/



Perfect Dark Zero could have been amazing but wasn't and since then they've made Avatars and a XBLA release of the original PD.


Everyone aside from Nintendo and Sega in all honesty. Even then Nintendo's awful localization decisions were souring me on them until The Last and Xenoblade got localizations.

Capcom, Square, and Konami are the biggest offenders for me.
Oh, let me begin...

Anyone and everyone who drinks the Kool-Aid of Dogma:

Yes, CoD/Angry Birds/WoW/etc make stank money. Does that guarentee that you'll make money if you force otherwise fine developers to ape the shit out of that? NO. NO. NO. NO! You roll the dice same as everyone son, but in the shade of a behemoth of the industry.

This line of thinking has become a rot, corrupting far beyond the bounds of their genre/region this generation, trampling healthy industry and creativity in its wake back and forth to the next gold rush.


For buying into bad business decisions that cost them choices, money, and access to what they paid for.

For buying into hype flying thru the echo chamber that mysteriously clamors out the shortcomings of a BLOCKBUSTAH title until its in their hands.

For ignoring mid-sized games and feeding the mitosis of the game industry on their end cuz "If it's not $3, it better be AAA, and if its not $60, I better be able to play in 10 second bursts OR IT FUCKING SUCKS".

For letting developers treat them like idiots but never let them call them that.

For letting developers treat them as if they have the attention span of toddlers and proving them right.

For letting developers treat them as if they have the emotional resilience of toddlers and proving them right.

For letting developers treat them as if they have the mental faculties of a toddler and proving them right.

For going on ear-splitting screeds on the internet about being stuck/killed/etc in a game instead of looking up the solution or help ON THE INTERNET.

For lying to themselves that "MAH TIME IS VALUABLE GAME STEAL THIS RRRRRRAARRRRRRRGHGHHHGHGHGH" like they're taking time out of their busy schedule of raising 15 orphans, curing cancer, and mediating peace in the Middle East. You're playing a goddamn video game. You'd be watching reality TV or horseshitting on the internet if you weren't playing it provided your priorities are straight.

For railroading all non-iPhone/Nintendo-developed game art direction to Too Realism, Too Often. God forbid it has even the slightest whiff of Japanesedness too.

And finally, for the Japanese consumers, a special spittle-flying broadside customized to them: following the herd only to a handfull of quality titles and ignoring console gaming.




I came in to the gen not thinking too much of them, then got an Xbox when it seemed that they would have all the "hardcore" game experiences. Sadly, in the last 3 years or so a concentration on non-game "services" and the loss of most of their exclusives makes them a non-runner for me now. I also had to pay £50 for their shitty wireless adaptor because of where my room is. You can get a decent PC one for a third of the price. It's just batant profiteering. Also i'm fucked if i'm gonna be paying for XBL any more. I don't even like Halo, and it seems that everything else is multi format now.


Came into the gen completely uninterested in them, and somehow leave it uninterested in them. I own a PS3, but sometimes it seems like i don't. It has much better exclusives than the 360 nowadays, but Sony seem unable to hype a game and i just never feel like getting "the big new release". MS also seem to have convinced me to get 3rd party stuff there (unless it's on PC, i'm not insane). Also, crap like Super Sony Smash Bros (or whatever) just makes me want to see them fail. It's like a band releasing a cover version, only the band that did the original is still around and promoting it themselves.


So many good games ruined by making my eyes bleed. An HD Wii SKU would have saved them for me. Alas, i'm forced to try playing better looking (but glitchy) games via emulator. Motion controls were mostly ok, unless they're forced into situations where they don't belong. Some people will say that that is all situations. But they're wrong.


Square by a large margin for me. They killed my interest in my favorite RPG franchise. I don't think I'll ever be able to buy another FF game after observing the direction they have taken (except maybe Type-0)
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