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Who has disappointed you this gen?



I was the BIGGEST Square/Enix fan up until this generation, where they've literally released nothing that I've enjoyed.

On the opposite side, I'm the most pleased with Nintendo/Atlus. I wasn't a Mario fan until just recently.


they've been mentioned many times already but fuck them, they deserve it.


oh and atlus too. where in the fuck is my hd persona game?

The Boat

Bioware: The Thread.

But I'd also say Nintendo, the Wii games drought and some of their E3 showings were utterly devastating.

That said I love my Wii, and I love Nintendo, there were plenty of disappointments this gen but the ones from Nintendo hurt the most.

Also Skyward Sword? Maybe? I don't even know how I feel about that game :/

I never really understood why E3 themselves are so important to people. I mean, I love them, but it's not like they actually mean anything, why should E3 showings have this sort of impact?

Asides from consumers and annoying general opinions on the internet, I'd say 3rd parties for being completely incompetent when it came to supporting Wii. Good money to be made there and lots of concepts to explore, but they were just... stupid.

So many more great games could have been made with motion and pointer controls, but now that Nintendo is moving away from the remote, we won't see a big focus on these, mainly pointing. There are plenty of good 3rd party games although most people like to turn a blind eye to that, but still not enough.


Konami: Where's the focus on other IP other than MGS, which has been trash this generation-MG4 and Peace Walker were not on MG2/MG3 level of awesome. Maybe the formula is getting stale.


I never really understood why E3 themselves are so important to people. I mean, I love them, but it's not like they actually mean anything, why should E3 showings have this sort of impact?

Asides from consumers and annoying general opinions on the internet, I'd say 3rd parties for being completely incompetent when it came to supporting Wii. Good money to be made there and lots of concepts to explore, but they were just... stupid.

So many more great games could have been made with motion and pointer controls, but now that Nintendo is moving away from the remote, we won't see a big focus on these, mainly pointing. There are plenty of good 3rd party games although most people like to turn a blind eye to that, but still not enough.

E3 is usually indicative of what the big three intend to deliver over the next year. When Nintendo showed nothing, you knew it would be a while before you'd want to boot up your Wii :(
  • Japanese Develoopers - Overall output on home-consoles has been very underwhelming compared to previous gens.
  • Consumers - Directing an ungodly amount of focus onto party-motion-shovelware and dudebro games, and not creating an even bigger backlash towards DRM & DLC.

It's ok though. Pendulum's bound to swing the other way at some point.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Rare for not making a true sequel to Perfect Dark.

And for not Porting Jet Force Gemini to XBLA.

Holding out hope they will do both eventually. A next gen true PD sequel would blow my mind.


They dropped the ball as hard as they could at the literal last minute with ME3. Goddamn them. Goddamn them all to hell.

SOCOM 2 still remains one of my all time favorite online games and yet they have continually moved further and further away until they shut down.

Free Radical
The Timesplitters trilogy will forever be one of my favorite series of games and yet they managed to produce the bomb that was Haze and shut down as a studio. Now, Crytek seems unwilling to fund another Timesplitters and for that incompetence, I don't thank them.


Junior Member
A better question seems to be "who HASN'T disappointed you this gen"? I'd probably say Valve and Nintendo's actual game development studios. If you wanna ask me who's disappointed me the MOST, probably Ubisoft. Last gen they struck me as one of the most creative big western publishers. Now all their games are "press A for awesome" shooters.

To anyone complaining about Sony, the only thing I think they did wrong on their own was $599. Otherwise it's not really a matter of what they did wrong, but what everybody else did right. The reason they suck so much in the software and services department is because Microsoft dragged them into a fight they weren't ready for. Sony probably didn't come into this gen expecting all the western devs to descend on consoles, or for online services to be such a big deal. This gen has been a totally different ballgame from the PS1 and PS2 eras. MS was basically a step ahead from the get-go.


Zipper Interactive - They knew exactly what the fans wanted but instead gave us the complete fucking opposite.

Sony - For not giving the HD treatment for their best shooter of last gen. SMH.


Square: Final Fantasy went from amazing (10 and 12) to indulgent and lazy (13 and 14)

No end of bad KH spinoffs with no KH3 or Versus 13 in sight ( for an entire GENERATION mind you)

Nintendo: I hate their shafting of 3rd parties. Non-stop shovelware. Over-reliance on Mario/Zelda.

Capcom: They put all their resources in franchises that don't excite me. Lost Planet? Dead Rising? Where're the good Megaman games? I guess they can milk Resident Evil forever.
I forgot to mention Square Enix in my previous post. I'm sure everyone already knows what they've done so no reason to repeat things.

The Boat

E3 is usually indicative of what the big three intend to deliver over the next year. When Nintendo showed nothing, you knew it would be a while before you'd want to boot up your Wii :(

Then you should be disappointed at Nintendo due to their release schedule, not the E3 itself. I don't go "Man, Nintendo really pooched it with Wii, their E3 sucked", it doesn't make sense.

While I realize that it is somewhat indicative of what they're releasing, it's not that straightforward, especially in Nintendo's case as they tend to downplay and leave lots of stuff out. Hell, this was very clear when we had E for All instead of E3.

And I'm not saying this just to nitpick, saying it because I think people give too much importance to E3, which leads to the overreactions. They're funny though.


°Temp. member
Capcom - Great games, but bad dlc practices.
Sony - Why can't the ps3 play FLAC?
Nintendo - inferior tech
Guerrilla Games for completely destroying the foundation they built with Killzone 2 with the turd that was KZ3.

Polyphony Digital for taking forever to release a half baked game, being stupidly insular and ignoring the user base pre release when feedback would have helped GT5's development immeasurably.

Sony for pretending the YLoD problem didn't exist, ignoring their customers, being continually behind the curve and incompetent.


All of Japan really. After the country's amazing PS2 era output I expected that to be amplified tenfold with the power the PS3 (and 360) provided. Alas, with the PS3 disastrous start and the world as a whole turning away from Japanese style games, Japan is pretty much a shadow of its former self.


It would be easier to list what hasn't disappointed me this gen. Which isn't to say I haven't enjoyed a ton of great games, because I have, but my passion for gaming as a hobby has been severely diminished this gen and it looks like it's only going to get much, much worse next gen.


How anybody can sit at their monitor with a straight face and blame gamers is fucking ridiculous.

"Hey, fuck you for enjoying the types of games you enjoy. Why can't you like what I LIKE?"

No, the only correct answer is the dumb shit management of every developer out there. Know your market. Know your audience.

Honestly, my favorite games ARE the niche games, the JRPGs, the obscure goofy games. I'm not a big fan of the Bro games, but I'll be damned if I ever criticize somebody for liking the games the way they do.

But back to management. The fact that PS2 classic games sell as remastered HD, and sell decent enough to warrant them to be continued to be made should tell every single developer of niche small titles or JRPG that there is still a market for those types of games with "sub-par" graphics.

They need to just make games in that style an up rez them to HD quality. Not everything needs to look like Uncharted/Gears/whatever. I don't ever need to see people's mouth move.

The fact that games sell well on Wii should be a sign that you can make games... and then just put an HD layer of paint on the games.

Hell, look at Disgaea... It can't cost a lot to develope that game and they keep making sequels in HD.

Blame developers for being idiots and not running their companies properly. Also, the developers should be blamed for not embracing PC either. You can be profitable on PC if the console side is not making you money. Again, short side/blindness of management.
Another one for me is Konami.

The way they've allowed the Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven) series to just turn into absolute crap has been heart breaking.

The best thing EA have done this gen in all honesty is turn FIFA into a great series.

hao chi

Brawl - Can't touch Melee's jock strap.

Nintendo - How the fuck do you go through an entire generation without creating a new franchise? And no, I'm not counting the Wii X games. (Edit: Forgot about Blue Ocean, but still, they've done very little in this regard)

Microsoft - What's the plan here, guys? You've gradually lost numerous exclusives, you shut down at least one of your better developers (probably more I'm forgetting, but I miss FASA), Bungie is now third party, and future installments of your best exclusive franchise could be multi-platform or not on a Microsoft system at all if Epic chooses. All the while you charge for XBL, which I have little reason to pay for if without exclusives I can't play on PS3.

Splinter Cell - This was my favorite franchise last gen, and I hate the direction it's been going this gen. Also, no 2v2 Spies vs Mercs is a massive disappointment.


It's gotta be Square-Enix. Final Fantasy brand tarnished, each successive kingdom hearts game on a different platform (DS.. then PSP...then 3DS.. WTF!?!?) and Dragon Quest online looking like CRAP.

I don't understand the people saying Sony as their 1st party effort this gen far surpasses PS2/PS1 offerings.


Aggressively Stupid
Kojima Productions: Metal Gear Solid 4 and Peace Walker have left me with very little faith in the future of this franchise. Kojima is the Lucas of the video game industry. Terrible, just terrible games/story.


konami definitely,mgs4 was great but this was 2008 and there was almost nothing worthwhile for the last 4 years

while square fucked up on consoles their handheld output was just as good as their snes/ps1 times; crisis core,dissidia and twewy were amazing,they revived tactics ogre,chrono and parasite eve,they brought over the remakes of dragon quest,front mission and star ocean,birth by sleep was the best in the series,type-0 seems to be the best ff in years
Square: Pretty much sucked this entire gen (I'm talking home console)

Sony: In a lot of ways, I'm really happy with Sony. They bring and fund lots of great and varied games for their system. But they really need to get better people working on their OS and online services.

Microsoft: The farther we get into this generation, the more MS seems to step backwards. They started strong with some cool, unique games (Alan Wake, Kameo), but now it seems like if you don't care for COD or Kinect, it's not a system for you.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
Nintendo: Zelda Skyward Wank was not a Zelda game, and had to be put down because it lacked the series' usual magic.

Capcom: We release a sample of the game, make you pay full price, strap you down with a megaload of dlc, then release the complete version several months later with $20 off the price-tag.


No additional functions
Criterion I didn't like BOP at all but NFS:HP somewhat redeemed them. I still hate they focus so much on online. I liked autolog, but there was virtually no replay in HP for single player. I mainly blame this on the lack of circuits.

Tecmo Firing Itagaki was a mistake. I haven't even played NG3 and don't know if I will. Now it looks like Devil's Third might not even get released and if it does I feel it will pale in comparison to his work on NG.

Nintendo They've had some great Mario titles and gave us Sin and Punishment 2. I was really let down by Zelda and Metroid though, not to mention the failure of NOA on localizing games. With all the studios closing down this gen due to rising dev costs, you'd think Nintendo would have tried harder to reach out and get them on board but they just can't seem to get the third party support right. Can't completely blame them for that, but they really dropped the ball with Wii for me.

On the other hand, I've been really pleased with other aspects.

Crytek I think they've done a great job with the Crysis series. There aren't too many devs out there who deliver compelling single player experiences, but they've done a fantastic job imo.

Konami I'm not a die hard Metal Gear fan like a lot of folks around here, but I thought MGS4 was brilliant. I really enjoyed it a lot. Even though I've got some qualms with Castlevania, I have to admit that Lords of Shadow was by far the best 3D iteration the series has seen. I look forward to seeing the sequel. Last is Metal Gear Rising. I went from being mildly interested to it being one of my most anticipated games.


Square Enix
Level 5 (although they might redeem themselves with Ni no kuni)

Basically most of Japan was very disappointing.Thank God for the rebirth of From Software.


Nintendo forcing motion controls where they don't belong. I don't want to shake to roll in DKCR and I don't to wave my hand around constantly to collect star bits. The shame of it is that the games are so good.

Nothing new on the Wii from Nintendo that got me excited. There were amazing sequels but it lacked a new great series. Having said that having 2 Galaxy games sort of makes up for this.

Microsoft with mind-blowingly bad hardware.

Download only games.

Rare's downward spiral.

Companies having or trying to have control over games people buy.
Nintendo forcing motion controls where they don't belong. I don't want to shake to roll in DKCR and I don't to wave my hand around constantly to collect star bits. The shame of it is that the games are so good.

LOL have you ever actually played a Wii? Controlling the pointer requires nothing more than slight rotations of your wrist. Though I am getting a pretty hilarious mental image of you frantically waving your arm around and crying "WHY WON'T YOU WORK?!?!" at your TV.
inb4 Microsoft.

Oh wait, it was point one in the OP. You're tough to beat, GAF...

Umm, honestly, I guess just Nintendo because their Wii did not cater to hardcore gamers like me.

I dont care about DLC or any of that trivial crap I'm supposed to be outraged about.

Microsoft a little bit for the Kinect stuff (though I understand it) and I wish they'd have a FPS developed by Rare and a few more Rare core games (like Killer Instinct) and I wish their online was free I suppose.

Sony because I hate their controller, and they didn't update it one bit from the PS2, plus their dashboard/network, Also Sony has had a very forgettable first party lineup imo.

I'll think more about this for third parties...nothing glaring there.
Capcom. Damn, I was so ready to love everything they put out. Dead Rising, Lost Planet, RE5. WTF happened?
Fingers crossed for Dragon's Dogma and RE6.
Then there's Nintendo. I remember seeing a pic of the "Revolution" in 2005 and wanting to love that little console so bad. Messing around with Wii sports was fun for a weekend, and Mario Galaxy was pretty damn good. Then I was done.


more money than God
The industry is going in a scary direction where they're covering exploding costs by nickel and diming their customers. That's what's most disappointing.


Most of the disappintment in this thread means that people don't know what to expect from their companies ... I mean .. being disapointed with NINTENDO THIRD PARTY SUPPORT ? I understand being sad, but disappointment means that you EXPECTED something ...
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