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Who here has tried Oil Pulling?

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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.

My contribution was going to be that my mom has been reading a book called The Coconut Miracle where the author claims that eating coconut oil cures cancer and AIDS. Lo and behold he's the same snake oil salesman that is mentioned in that article.
i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.


snopes also claims we landed on the moon, hardly a trustworthy source of information.

Hardly! Real skeptics know where to look up their information, such as *************.

i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

Pity that salty granny pic was already used on the first page.


An ex of mine tried that.

Her teeth were a bit yellow because she had braces in high school and didn't properly clean them (gross). Anyway, she would take Cod Liver Oil in pill form and then "Oil Pull" by swishing some Coconut Oil for like half an hour or so.

After a few weeks, I did begin to notice her teeth becoming impressively white. We broke up not too long after, but I personally believe this was just the Coconut Oil "staining" her teeth white.


i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

Not serious, right?


I feel like this post isn't getting enough attention.
We're too busy on crystals.
i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

I don't think this is how you go about sparking a conversation about something you belive in works.


i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

8/10 ... would read again
I have not read any literature on this (although I can if necessary), but this may be instructive for people who are just learning to distinguish real medicine from fake:

1) Anything that purports to remove "toxins" should instantly ring alarm bells. What toxins? Why are they not more specific?

2) Something which promotes "overall health" should also raise red flags. Like "toxins," this is a vague term that lacks specificity.

3) Plausible mechanism: most of us aren't doctors. However, many of us can still ask simple questions such as "how does this work?" How would swishing oiling around in my mouth promote overall health? How would it make my liver better, for instance? I can't think of a way that could happen, based on my understanding of biology.

1) The Bad Ones.

2) Overall health of the colon, gums and skin. Helps with cancer and whitens teeth.

3) Magnetism and infra-red uv lights.
Highly recommended alongside
- blood draining when sick (ancient european method of treaing the sick by draining blood from their veins)
This drains the toxins from your body as your body makes new clean blood to replace the sick blood!

- cupping (you heat a glass and rest it on your back, as it cools down so will the air inside it which will cause negative pressure which sucks out all the toxins through your pores

The less you use of somethign the more powerful it becomes, so if you dilute something to the point where there's not a single particle of it left then it's super stronk!
the 'the less you use the better it works' really works as shown when applying it to the concept of common sense. The less of it you have the better it works.

OP pls...


i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.
Do I have to bother explaining to you why anecdotal evidence of a thing you wanted to work is flawed compared to proper blind testing and you know... plausible mechanisms of action not fucking existing.

Highly recommended alongside
- blood draining when sick (ancient european method of treaing the sick by draining blood from their veins)
This drains the toxins from your body as your body makes new clean blood to replace the sick blood!
Actually bloodletting still see some use. Funnily enough it's only to treat certain rare diseases that weren't even known about when it was common.
God this thread. Hah. My GF's dad legit doesn't believe in dentists and told her she should do this instead of fillings. He is a bit tin foil hat wearing about a lot of things though.
Snake oil.



Actually bloodletting still see some use. Funnily enough it's only to treat certain rare diseases that weren't even known about when it was common.

Yeah, I have two uncles with hemochromatosis and they effectively have to engage in bloodletting (via blood donation) to keep iron levels down. Though I'm not actually sure if the blood is just tossed, if the elevated iron levels make it useless for transfusions.
i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

Thread was worth it just for this meltdown. Here, chill out and have a glass of this detoxifying water with little fruit slices and shit in it.



Yeah, I have two uncles with hemochromatosis and they effectively have to engage in bloodletting (via blood donation) to keep iron levels down. Though I'm not actually sure if the blood is just tossed, if the elevated iron levels make it useless for transfusions.

Blood from donors with hemochromatosis is just as viable as otherwise. The elevated iron levels are quickly normalized by the recipient.
I have a friend who is like a moth to a flame when it comes to this kind of bullshit. One day she was posting pictures of her feet in what looked like a bowl of shit that was supposedly pulling toxins. Riiiiight

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

Now what, huh?


Oil pulling works.

It's the same reason I eat all these fatty oils, same concept. I eat all this greasy food and it cleans me out every morning ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.

Dude I know what you mean, people laugh at me when I tell them this rock keeps tigers away.

Solidarity, brother.


I hate these "toxin" bullshitterys. What keeps any of these fads from pulling the good stuff out of your body?

These toxin people must not have Livers or Kidneys.


Black Canada Mafia
I have a friend who is like a moth to a flame when it comes to this kind of bullshit. One day she was posting pictures of her feet in what looked like a bowl of shit that was supposedly pulling toxins. Riiiiight
That stuff is some of the most upsetting to me, because there is no way the manufacturers believe it - there needs to be a specific chemical reaction to turn that stuff a gross brown, sweat activated. Other dumb woo stuff, maybe the creators believe it, but this person is using science!

Should it be illegal to sell something if you think it's bullshit?


i mean, go ahead and dismiss something that you have never tried yourself because you read some dumb reddit post about how ~silly~ it is. its not science right? your god neil degrass tyson didn't approve it, so you could never let the thought into your thick heads. educate yourselves before you make fun of something you have no idea about. im done here, don't bother replying.



I have been worried about my toxin levels. What method do you recommend GAF? Oil - pulling or rare crystals? I've already adopted a fruitarian diet, but still feel my toxin levels are too high.
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