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Who is an artist that other people like who you think is overrated?

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Being a guitar player myself my top overrated artist is probably Eric Clapton. He's like a real life version of those shreds videos. It's not that he is a completely terrible guitar player or song writer. But his level of mediocrity and annoyance in his music surpasses my tinnitus. Only way I can stand his music is if my speakers are out of phase.


Beastie boys. My God they suck.
Yes. That being said, Paul's Boutique was a great album because of the production.

Also second all Drake-hate.

Maybe somebody else called out, but Foo Fighters. Decently structured songs, decent musicians, but boring and generic as shit. Hall n Oates were more cutting edge.
Being a guitar player myself my top overrated artist is probably Eric Clapton. He's like a real life version of those shreds videos. It's not that he is a completely terrible guitar player or song writer. But his level of mediocrity and annoyance in his music surpasses my tinnitus. Only way I can stand his music is if my speakers are out of phase.

I used to believe this, and I still kinda do, but man his work on All Things Must Pass is so fucking good.


Not my opinion, but where I grew up, (very rural America) Prince.

Once upon a time, he was sex personified (yes, yes he was) and that made him evil.

We teens hid the swapping of his songs, one at a time on cassette tapes. (Anyone else remember cassette singles?)

It kept the kids straddling the line between safe and grounded. The song would be explained away by "I didn't KNOW!" and the kid scolded.

We ALL had His music on tapes. If you were caught, you were expected to throw yourself on the pyre.


Beastie boys. My God they suck.

besides the obvious ones in this thread that make me want to freak (but I don't, because everyone has a valid opinion, right guys?/////////###@1

This one stung. The Beasties have some goofie shit, but once they picked up instruments and made some really killer music with it, holy fuck, they really stand up (imo of course)

If you haven't really given them the chance, blast Check Your Head & Ill Communication - and think of what year this was happening.
Not my opinion, but where I grew up, (very rural America) Prince.

Once upon a time, he was sex personified (yes, yes he was) and that made him evil.

We teens hid the swapping of his songs, one at a time on cassette tapes. (Anyone else remember cassette singles?)

It kept the kids straddling the line between safe and grounded. The song would be explained away by "I didn't KNOW!" and the kid scolded.

We ALL had His music on tapes. If you were caught, you were expected to throw yourself on the pyre.
This story made me giggle
Beastie boys. My God they suck.



Frank Quitely...
Look I hate his shitfaced characters

...Oh those artists
Queen, and some of my favorite songs are theirs
J Cole - King Corny

Iron Maiden - I can't stand the vocals

The Beatles - boring ass pop songs and then boring ass whatever the fuck they made after


Radiohead is an easy one. Their music isn't bad but it isn't special in the grander picture and more importantly Yorke's voice can be straight up dreadful at times.

Beethoven. Has more to do with him being referenced so much with the Moonlight Sonata even though the rest of his work just goes into a completely different direction.

Chopin also. A lot of his most known work is mass produced melancholic music that sounds & is extremely same-y.

Metallica. Hatfield's voice is out of a bad Sonic game and I hate it.


Yoko Ono is a hack.

Jackson Pollock's paintings are worthy of some notice but their wildly inflated market value is a symptom of an insular community of overmoneyed elitists that's crawled so far up its own ass that it has to open its mouth to wave hello.

Katy Perry has a bad voice and most of her songs are shallow nonsense. Unlike Beyonce, Madonna, and Lady Gaga, she's just a vehicle for formulaic commercial pop.


I'll echo the Radiohead sentiments here. I bought In Rainbows and didn't get it. I later decided to give them another shot and bought a Best Of compilation, hoping to get their greatness distilled and... nope.

I get that they're pioneering and doing things nobody else did, but it feels as though I either needed to be "there" in their heyday or have a degree in musical theory to appreciate them. It's a shame, because I really did try to like them.

I do wonder what proportion of their fan base is musicians of one kind or another who really do appreciate what they're doing and how big a slice are posers who don't understand their music either but pretend to because it makes them cool and sophisticated.

Dude I don't know what crazy fanposts you read but you don't need any musical knowledge whatsoever to appreciate them because their music is absolutely not complex on a individual track basis. They are an accessible entry-level prog band and they also weren't a pioneer in their genre.


This thread is killing me.

As much as I dislike most modern hip-hop and pop, I can appreciate the craft required. Anyone calling The Beatles, The Stones, Radiohead, Bob Dylan, or Queen overrated is crazy. Like, it is fine if that isn't your kind of music, but their craftsmanship and influence is undeniable.

A genre that I see very little value in new country. It just seems like music manufactured for idiots. I like a lot of old western music, but new country seems to take the any good aspects from old country music and distill it into inane, bland garbage. So yeah, if there was any group of artists I would deem overrated, it would definitely be modern country musicians.


For me it's basically any of those cornily-anthemic bands like Fun. And some others I'll try to think of. It just does not feel authentic at all.

Today at work they played some pop-rock station that aired two Coldplay songs that were recorded live. The amount of oh oh oh ooh's with the crowd singing along (that I used to rule the world song) and the intense clapping in another song(some bullshit song I don't know the name of) were just kinda baffling. Tis a shame what's become of them because I do enjoy listening to their first 2.5 albums, albeit very rarely.
Daft Punk. To think they invented EDM is silly. (Source: DP Unchained). They are talented and I really like some of their stuff, but to me, they were never what they were cracked up to be.


U2, Adele, Beyoncé.

Won't deny that their talented but ugghhh, just can't get into their music and they don't really say anything that really relates to me.


Not an unpopular opinion I think but man Green Day needs to stop making music, or trying to make music. They were good 20 years ago, but they have been awful since they came back with American Idiot.


Red Hot Chili Peppers are unlistenable. U2 only ever put out one good album. And, in the vein of artists that are not bad, but leagues below their contemporaries, I'd say Barry White and the Rolling Stones.

Also K-Pop. The whole genre.


Not liking something which is popular isn't the same as them being "overrated". Overrated surely means someone who is successful yet not very talented at what they do. Listing artists like, Beastie Boys, The Beatles, Guns n Roses or Chili Peppers etc can hardly qualify, just because you don't find their music good.
If I had to pick a couple, I would choose, Oasis and Greenday. Two bands I used to like, back in the day. But looking back I can see them for being generally run of the mill artists who enjoyed huge success, possibly more than they deserved on talent alone.


The biggest are definitely Nirvana, Josh Homme (don't like any of his post-Kyuss bands, but I've seen people treat him like he was the best living Rock musician or whatever) and Radiohead. Probably Kanye too, but I'm not sure if I should count him because I don't like Rap overall - with some exceptions, and he's definitely not one of them.

Was debating Neutral Milk Hotel, but I've actually never heard them being mentioned IRL - so they are on the "internet phenomenon" level for me.

Kinda would say Muse and Judas Priest, but while I couldn't find an album of either that I would like as a whole, they have enough good songs for me to say that I'd enjoy their concerts or whatever.


Daft Punk. To think they invented EDM is silly. (Source: DP Unchained). They are talented and I really like some of their stuff, but to me, they were never what they were cracked up to be.

Not to mention they sort of stole their whole schtick. There were a couple of electronic groups that dressed up like that back in the 1970s, most notably Space
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