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Why are women portrayed as an angry, hysterical, mentally ill creatures in AAA games this gen?


Gold Member
Because the game industry is emotionally stunted, and generally exhibits the maturity of a 14 year old with bad skin. It’s completely incapable of nuance, subtlety or variation.

We’ve swung from big titted sex dolls to blood soaked harpies, with virtually nothing in between. That’s it for female representation. Nothing else exists.

God forbid any of them actually just give us a realistic female character, who is ..... gasp ..... well adjusted, and content to look attractive.

And male characters are no better, really. It’s either dude bro muscle heads or weak wristed skinny lads, by and large.

The problem really lies with the fact that video game storytelling and characterisation is so bloody immature. Miles away from other entertainment mediums.
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Hold onto your panties
Western women are just being portrayed accurately
That one in the lower right hand of the picture...



Well at least Japan is still making games with fun, colorful, and visually appealing female characters.

Aloy was the only western female character this gen that was great.
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Sadly, Ugly is the new beautiful in the west, barring a few examples. Japanese made games still have good looking women, and not all of them are Japanese or Asian. Some of them are western women and look good.


Gold Member
OP obviously facial animation tech has greatly improved over past gen examples so you'll see a wider range of emoting displayed. That's it, end of story. Any wider trend of women potrayed this way is purely in your imagination as you'd have to conveniently forget many opposing examples.


Heather was not all there mind you. She was the Ellie of PS2.
I'm going to hell to avenge my dad, i don't mind and i'm somewhat of a tomboy.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks much. Only on 3ds and ps1, eh? Bummer. I got a thing for blue haired video game girls.
Also Saturn. gl with that though lol. Runs perfectly on PC (emu). You skipped the 3ds? That thing is full of blue haired girls lol. (also the Vita)


Because they're angry at shitpost threads such as this. You could post as many - well many more - pics of tentpole Male characters - pulling warfare faces too. When do you think you might get over 'women's existing too? They're right outside your doorstep.


I think that in the case of Senua in Hellblade it makes sense and it actually fits a lot.
Especially with the story and what's happening to her and the mental problems she's suffering from, I am also a big fan of Heilung who does old Norse music that they used in the trailer too. The overall style just really fits together nicely. They're sorta embracing that albeit stereotypical beastial Pagan side of it all.

In general tho I do agree with this, and I think that it's just because people have an extremely narrow-minded view on what '' strong '' is.
People only think about it in terms of masculinity, even in fiction where you can write and design your character to do literally anything ( lets be real here, the female characters don't look physically strong to begin with. They basically still have superhuman strength in contrast with their physiques ).
I see this a lot with people who talk about character designs and how people look at feminine designs, a lot of designs that some will look at as sexual a lot of other people will look at as an aggressive and cool expression of femininity.
A man with his shirt off is still sexual to a lot of people, but people accept it as a sign of power because that's how we've been conditioned in society and what is normalized in media.
A woman showing cleavage or whatever tho, that's literally an expression of power in the same way as a man showing off his abs or his wealth through a nice car, watch etc.
Human beings work the same as animals, the same as how a peacock or a lion show off their big feathers and mane, most of these things that we do are done for the same reason even if it's subconcious.
Men acting all aggressive and showing their abs, biceps and wealth etc. Why do you think that men do this?
It's to attract a mate.

Most men don't go to the gym because they want to be healthy, they go there because they want the attention of women.
It IS an expression of sexuality, men are literally trying to be sexy to women ( or other men ).
But when women express themselves sexually then it's seen as submissive and objectifying, but I think that's only one way to look at it and it's all about framing I could frame what men do to make it objectifying towards men too.
I mean what men are basically doing is essentially signaling to be used as a credit card who work themselves to death to support other people and to put themselves on the line to protect others, that's pretty objectifying when you actually think about it...
And when it comes to gay people then very often there will be one part that is more feminine and the other that is more masculine.

If you actually ask artists who draw women in skimpy outfits and/ or women who are very overtly feminine and aggressive in a feminine way, most of them do it because that's what they find cool and engaging. It's flaunting your power in the same way that men do.
But because of how people at large have been socialized and also because of how backwards the world in general is ( especially in developing countries, that still play video games remember that ), in order for women to be considered '' strong '' they basically need to act and look masculine because masculinity is so ingrained into peoples perception of what strength is.
You actually see this a lot in parts of the LGBTQ community, I know that there's a of hysterical bullshit going on there too but in general femininity is a lot more accepted as a badass thing.

In general I think that this is more about pandering to mens idea of what a strong woman is, not what womens idea is.
Some womens ofc, but in general I don't think that most women find misery porn and angsty or butch women to be very appealing.
That is what men find appealing and to be '' strong '', and men going through pain and struggle to protect other people is a big part of what '' being a man '' has and still is about.
A glorification of pain and anger I think is quite stereotypically masculine, while most women look at it as men being stupid ( and it often is ).

The original Lara Croft had a lot of weird marketing because of the shitty marketing department, but the actual character and games themselves were a lot more '' feminist '' imo than the reboot is. Original Lara Croft was very much a feminine power fantasy, while the new Lara is a more masculine idea of what a power fantasy is and straight up misery porn at times. I mean I dunno what woman think that Lara almost being raped at the beginning of the first reboot game and the implications of that throughout the game was a good idea.
That seems more like a mans idea of it to me, and it's also a lazy way to make us care about her and want to protect her.

This reminds me so much of women in horror movies xD.
Women in cinema in general often have this problem, but in horror movies they hire a lot of .... Bad actors.
A lot of the women in horror movies act like they're more worried about their makeup being messed up and looking ugly on camera than actually being scared.

I can't remember her name but the woman in the Shining actually did a really good job at showcasing genuine emotions, but most of the time it's just awful.


Drake does murders for videogame mechanics purposes, otherwise the game would be a borefest.

But Ellie goes on a brutal killing spree for script reasons. It’s not the same.
Sure... But I honestly don't see her as a person with a mental illness. She does what she does because of her immaturity, she is a teenager after all, at the end she realize the futility of her actions, that's why she makes a choice to not kill that character. She finally is able to move on.

Now... It's a good story? That's subjective.

But it is what it is...


Well, in 10 years or whenever, the "standards" will have changed yet again and no doubt current depictions will be seen as "problematic" and lacking some sort of cultural sensitivity. Hence why it's so stupid to base your design choices around social trends of the era.


Short answer: mainstream appeal to a (primarily) male audience. I'm talking out of strict conjecture here. I also think there have been plenty of "good" female characters this gen. Aloy as an aforementioned example. Zelda in BotW was quite brilliant if you followed a certain set of quests in the game to get more backstory.

There's also the fact a lot of these games are just following those darker narratives where that kind of character is necessary, and there are just as many male characters that fall under the angry/mentally ill/hysterical spectrum. This is all coming from a woman. I'm fine with these kinds of characters if they make sense for the game and story that its trying to tell, never mind if the character is a man or woman.


Short answer: mainstream appeal to a (primarily) male audience. I'm talking out of strict conjecture here. I also think there have been plenty of "good" female characters this gen. Aloy as an aforementioned example. Zelda in BotW was quite brilliant if you followed a certain set of quests in the game to get more backstory.

There's also the fact a lot of these games are just following those darker narratives where that kind of character is necessary, and there are just as many male characters that fall under the angry/mentally ill/hysterical spectrum. This is all coming from a woman. I'm fine with these kinds of characters if they make sense for the game and story that its trying to tell, never mind if the character is a man or woman.

Completely disagree. I think the reason women are less attractive and more angry/rage filled has zero to do with appealing to males (who want to look at beautiful women) but an attempt to paint females as 'just like guys, look how strong they are' so they take a handful of typically male characteristics (anger, strength/body composition) and shove women into that mold and try to style themselves as being 'progressive' and 'breaking stereotypes'. These people think strong women must necessarily be overly masculine or angry, to the point where the viewer is unclear what sex they are really meant to be.

If it were truly left up to the mostly male audience, you'd get attractive strong women like Samus Aran or Ripley. Or fan service characters.

Not whatever misguided room temperature IQ blue haired low-T frappuccino bullshit this is that's being defecated out of coastal cities.

It really is astounding, because rather than champion the litany of feminine virtues that truly belong to women they instead erase it all in an effort to simply make them men.
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Completely disagree. I think the reason women are less attractive and more angry/rage filled has zero to do with appealing to males (who want to look at beautiful women) but an attempt to paint females as 'just like guys, look how strong they are' so they take a handful of typically male characteristics (anger, strength/body composition) and shove women into that mold and try to style themselves as being 'progressive' and 'breaking stereotypes'. These people think strong women must necessarily be overly masculine or angry, to the point where the viewer is unclear what sex they are really meant to be.

If it were truly left up to the guys, you'd get attractive strong women like Samus Aran or Ripley. Or fan service characters.

Not whatever misguided room temperature IQ blue haired low-T frappuccino bullshit this is that's being defecated out of coastal cities.

It really is astounding, because rather than champion the litany of feminine virtues that truly belong to women they instead erase it all in an effort to simply make them men.

Can we just sticky this in the FAQ so whenever a thread comes up we can repost it for convenience?


Are you sure they ARE all whamen? Lately some have converted to being animals and in some cases have no clue if they are whamen but actually an 'it". No lie i saw a women who was arrested with her BF for, of course killing a man, she had ZERO arrests(age 26) and the BF had 230 felony charges on record. Dumbest animal on the planet.


In old games we had female characters fighting zombies, monsters and armed men, and they were cool, strong and confident. they also showed emotions like fear, anger and sadness but they wasn't hysterical or made weird ugly faces to show that they are mentally unstable, is this a new trend i'm unaware of?


weird way to announce to everyone you’ve never interacted with a woman but okay


It's a video game... Drake killed more people than ever and still is the nice guy that doesn't have an inch of regret. For the games that ND makes...
Not sure why one would regret killing bad guys that are often trying to kill you first, it's not like Drake is killing innocent or nice people, lol.
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Not sure why one would regret killing bad guys that are often trying to kill you first, it's not like Drake is killing innocent or nice people, lol.
And from Ellie point of view she is also killing bad dudes that hurted her in many ways.

Ellie did nothing wrong, those guys destroyed her life...


Maybe they're going for realism. Every girlfriend I've had has checked at least 2 of those boxes at some point in the relationship.
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