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Why can't I shut the (bad) HUD off in every game this gen? Worst Offender: Bungie


EDIT: I'm not calling Destiny's HUD out as a bad one. I'm calling it out as obnoxiously always on.

Do I really need:

Hit Marker
Hit Damage Number
Enemy Level
Enemy Health Bar
Enemy Name
Player Health
Ability Charge Bar
3 Weapon Icons
3 Weapon Clip Counts
3 Weapon Total Ammo Counts
2 Ability Icons
Always On Team Level Number whether Team is onscreen or not
Always On Team Names whether Team is onscreen or not
Super Charge Message

Not to mention the other things that popped up in this same battle and room on the HUD that weren't flashing at me when pressed share on the first image:
Directional Damage arrow (see 3rd quoted shot)
Floating Directional Objective Marker (Second to last image)
Objective Name and Description (second to last image)

With screenshot captures being a standard feature on consoles and PC now, and many games going as far as adding photo modes, what reason would any developer have for not letting me shut the HUD off?

Same goes for Watch Dogs. Shame on you because your brother Assassin's Creed has had tons of HUD options since day one.

And the hell if I am going to pay full price for Dying Light when every time a character is talking or there is a cutscene, a lingering "Press B to Skip" is on the screen the WHOLE TIME. Y'all are messing with my anxiety.

So why Bungie?! This doesn't look nice in a screenshot. It looks like a busy Borderlands rip-off that I can't use the Share button on.
We'll get to your refusal to have audio options later.




Neo Member
Call me crazy but I think Bungie are good at designing huds and menus and shit. It's one of the things I quite liked about Destiny.


For the same reason you don't get ketchup in (good) restaurants.

Uh. Playing most of these games without HUDs is entirely possible and occasionally preferable. Works great in TLOU and is a minor annoyance at most in Infamous. This is more comparable to a restaraunt pre-drenching your food in ketchup no matter how much you plead.
I agree, less HUD is better. And the lack of audio options is the worst.

People can rave about how much they love Marty's score all they want, but let me turn off the damn music if I want to.
Call me crazy but I think Bungie are good at designing huds and menus and shit. It's one of the things I quite liked about Destiny.

The menus/interface in Destiny are great. But still, it'd be nice to be able to turn that shit off. Less is more for a lot of people. Makes the game more immersive- as does turning off the music, for me at least.


Grounded Mode in TLOU was perfect at this, wish that was a standard option in every game, only the very bare essentials.

Metro's Ranger Mode was fantastic as well, but I had to figure out the controls myself which was frustrating, especially with those specific bindings on PS4

I think Dead Space handled its HUD extremely well also
Funny that you call out Destiny, for an FPS with MMO and RPG influences it has a surprisingly minimal HUD.

HUD options are nice though. (They just require proper usability/bug testing.)


I actually kind of like the Destiny HUD, it gives you the information you need without going overboard. I mean, it's no Call of Duty.

It would be interesting to have an option to remove the hud when you save a screenshot, though.


Call me crazy but I think Bungie are good at designing huds and menus and shit. It's one of the things I quite liked about Destiny.

I think Halo is among the best. I think Destiny is poorly done. Too many colors, to much space taken up, too many icons, always crowding.


The Destiny one is terrible, the whole HUD around the yellow super bar is burning into my plasma because there's no way to turn it off (or even make it much more transparent).


You should be able to turn it off, but, I would say Destiny's HUD and UI are some of the best I've ever seen in a game. Always clean and pleasing to the eye, while always conveying all the information I need.


Because as a console gamer, you aren't allowed to make choices. You either have to take it all in, or get away from closed platforms.

- no HUD removal.
- no server browsing instead of broken matchmaking that requires several patches nowadays to get "fixed".
- no custom controller layouts of your choosing.
- no choice between 1080p/30fps or 720p/60fps.
- ...
Destiny's hud is appealing but always thought, there must be a better way to communicate we're supercharged than through pop up text.

The End

Destiny's is really not bad, all things considered.

Playing CoD:AW was such a jarring experience. Single player was super minimal, but then you get into MP:

For the same reason you don't get ketchup in (good) restaurants.

I agree. The experience is tailored how the designers intended -- everything doesn't necessarily need to be customizable.

Albeit, it is often nice when HUDs are fully customizable like in Conduit on the Wii.


Unconfirmed Member
Metroid Prime released in 2002 and allowed you to partially or completely remove the HUD. But I preferred having the HUD appear very solid because it made me feel like I was in a suit.


Even people that disliked Destiny liked the "hipster slick" UI. I would rather have audio sliders. I wonder if this option is being explored now that Marty is not there. I always heard that he was the main force stopping audio sliders from being added.


This is more comparable to a restaraunt pre-drenching your food in ketchup no matter how much you plead.

Agreed. The screenshots suck with the HUD on.

People keep thinking I am actually saying Destiny's is one of the artistically bad ones and I'm not, but that's also totally besides the point in a conversation about whether you can turn it off for screenshots.

I agree. The experience is tailored how the designers intended -- everything doesn't necessarily need to be customizable.

Albeit, it is often nice when HUDs are fully customizable like in Conduit on the Wii.


I actually kind of like the Destiny HUD, it gives you the information you need without going overboard. I mean, it's no Call of Duty.

It would be interesting to have an option to remove the hud when you save a screenshot, though.

I don't think they can do that programmatically as the share button goes to the OS not the game. In Destiny specifically you can pause and unpause to get a brief window with no UI though, unless that's no longer the case.

Metroid Prime released in 2002 and allowed you to partially or completely remove the HUD. But I preferred having the HUD appear very solid because it made me feel like I was in a suit.

It can be an interesting effect like that in Metroid Prime and Halo, but if there's no canon reason for you to actually be seeing a UI on your eyeballs it can be a bit annoying, see also all third person games.
Do I really need to see my opponents health bar in the corner of the screen and another floating above their head? No, I don't. Cut that out.


Worst offender is Bungie?

In one of the busiest HUDs this gen (a gen where screen capture has exploded) they have zero option to turn it off. Yeah, Destiny is the worst offender. That's a busy HUD for sure. Numbers fly off the enemy for every bullet. EVERY BULLET. Why would I want to capture that?


There's at least one console this gen that offers a pretty good alternative to HUDs on the TV, and the few third party games on it have typically offered good options on that front.

If you are talking about Wii U, which has literally none of the games I capture images for, I have to ask if that system even has a built in capture system. I've never looked into it.


Destiny's is really not bad, all things considered.

Playing CoD:AW was such a jarring experience. Single player was super minimal, but then you get into MP:


I purposely didn't use any multiplayer shots in the OP since I can understand that with the emphasis on statistics and metrics in multiplayer, along with it being to fast to set of photos much of the time, why a company might not have an interest in letting multiplayer be a place to take photos.


It's funny you say this as I'm in the process of updating my custom HUD in Payday 2 that adds more things on screen like timers for drills and kill counts. I was even considering adding in a second custom HUD to add even more stuff that the first doesn't include. :p


In one of the busiest HUDs this gen (a gen where screen capture has exploded) they have zero option to turn it off. Yeah, Destiny is the worst offender. That's a busy HUD for sure. Numbers fly off the enemy for every bullet. EVERY BULLET. Why would I want to capture that?

Are we talking about the same game here? I think Destiny is one of the cleanest out there.
Yes you can't turn it off but there's a work around. The HUD is gone for a brief moment when you exit the menu. I've seen quite a few screenshots like that.
How is that worse than other games where you can't even do something like that?


In one of the busiest HUDs this gen (a gen where screen capture has exploded) they have zero option to turn it off. Yeah, Destiny is the worst offender. That's a busy HUD for sure. Numbers fly off the enemy for every bullet. EVERY BULLET. Why would I want to capture that?
Pretty much the entire point of the game is to get the best weapons that do the most damage. Seeing how much damage you're dealing is pretty important. I'm not a huge fan of putting stuff right in the middle of the screen (especially the super charged indicator is really bad), but Destiny's HUD overall is pretty minimalistic. Having options is always nice I guess.

As for being the worst this gen:

That's a load of shit.


Are we talking about the same game here? I think Destiny is one of the cleanest out there.
Yes you can't turn it off but there's a work around. The HUD is gone for a brief moment when you exit the menu. I've seen quite a few screenshots like that.
How is that worse than other games where you can't even do something like that?
Making excuses son.

And yes, it's a very busy HUD. That list in the OP is from that one shot alone and just adds more space and icons to my screenshot that I hate. And I can't be trying to pause and Unpause in battles to try and get shots or HUDless video.

Is there a busier HUD you want to point out to me so I can update the OP?

Pretty much the entire point of the game is to get the best weapons that do the most damage. Seeing how much damage you're dealing is pretty important. I'm not a huge fan of putting stuff right in the middle of the screen (especially the super charged indicator is really bad), but Destiny's HUD overall is pretty minimalistic. Having options is always nice I guess.

As for being the worst this gen:

That's a load of shit.
I already explained why I didn't use multiplayer images for Destiny or any other game. Destiny has even more info in competitive than the info I complain about in the OP.

You strictly posted competitive images. And none of what you are saying about the HUD design has any bearing on why the HUD can't be shut off for capture purposes or preference.

I purposely didn't use any multiplayer shots in the OP since I can understand that with the emphasis on statistics and metrics in multiplayer, along with it being to fast to set of photos much of the time, why a company might not have an interest in letting multiplayer be a place to take photos.


I haven't played Destiny, but I think the shots you posted OP are rather clean for a game like that.

And besides, all those hit markers and tickers you complained about are there because the console crowd has support games that have CONSTANTLY done those features with their wallets.

So it makes sense that if say, COD has these hit tickers, and it sells many, many copies, and other games emulate that and also sell. Then clearly these features are what gamers want and the developers of new games will include them to appease those gamers.
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