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Why Do So Many People Complain About Loud Consoles?


Gold Member
The amount of people taking offense in here is telling. Sorry, but if your console sounds like a jet engine, that's not normal, and it's likely your fault. It's also safe to assume your dwelling looks a lot like this.


It's incredible how many people still try to blame the consumer instead of blaming Sonys poor design and/or manufacturing process. There is a significant percentage of PS4s that are unbelievably loud. That is not the consumers fault, that is Sony's fault for not doing what needs to be done to fix the problem. If you were lucky and got a quiet system, good for you, but your luck doesn't make the problem at large the consumers fault. There is a very good reason that this has been a frequently occurring topic for three years now.


I'm playing FFXV on regular PS4 and I'm afraid that my console will die because of this sound.

If it's really loud constantly you should call Sony. Otherwise, it's normal for fans on an electronic device to get louder when doing something intensive, and is in a way a good thing, as it's a sign your system is using it's full power.
Is your pc the size of a ps4 and does it have a blower cooler gpu?

That's not the point and you know it. The PS4 is loud...period. It's a console and it's the loudest current console. There are quieter ways to cool graphics components. It's loud and we all including you have to deal with it. Why are you making excuses/defending a piece of hardware?


Because it's fucking annoying and I either have to use stereo headphones or crank up the volume on my 5.1 to drown the noise and that's a no go at night when others are sleeping.

Also to some extent, it's distracting based on what's going on in a game, especially in calm scenes where the only thing you hear is the fucking console.

Btw, my fucking PS4 has fan noise even during standby.
Man your PS4 must be a thousand meters away if you can't hear it. Or you're one of the lucky few

Also this. But I gotta admit that Dreamcast's loudness was almost... soothing. PS4's is worrying, it's like the console is going to explode at any moment

A few feet away and I've never heard anything out of any of my consoles during regular use (outside of rocket league before they patched it).

That's not the point and you know it. The PS4 is loud...period. It's a console and it's the loudest current console. There are quieter ways to cool graphics components. It's loud and we all including you have to deal with it. Why are you making excuses/defending a piece of hardware?

Most likely because it's not a universal experience like you're pretending.
My comcast box and pc psu fan are several times louder than ps4 pro or xb1s.

What is wrong with your PC's psu?

I'll give you the Comcast box though--those things are really loud, and for no discernable reason whatsoever. It's still a lot quieter than my PS3 (my loudest console, and the one whose noise bothers me the most), but that's not saying much.

Tl;dr Comcast sucks.


If it's really loud constantly you should call Sony. Otherwise, it's normal for fans on an electronic device to get louder when doing something intensive, and is in a way a good thing, as it's a sign your system is using it's full power.

It's super quiet in Overwatch and Infinite Warfare for example.

It's SUPER LOUD in Killing Floor 2 and sometimes really loud in FFXV (especially during cutscenes for some reason). I'm probably overreacting but still.
If you have been playing consoles for 35 years you should be annoyed by the last 20 years, because until the PS1-Saturn generation consoles were dead silent because of cartdriges
A few feet away and I've never heard anything out of any of my consoles during regular use (outside of rocket league before they patched it).

Most likely because it's not a universal experience like you're pretending.

I'm pretty sure PS4's on average make the same amount of noise. There are numerous environments for the console, but at the end of the day a PS4 stands out in a mostly noise less environment.
Game scene cuts to "designed to be quiet and sombre moment" in a game, all you can hear is an idling jet engine setting on a desk in front of you.

It's BS.


Junior Member
That's not the point and you know it. The PS4 is loud...period. It's a console and it's the loudest current console. There are quieter ways to cool graphics components. It's loud and we all including you have to deal with it. Why are you making excuses/defending a piece of hardware?

It kind of is the point. There is not a single peice of av equipment that is similar to the ps4, and especially the pro. The Xbox one has a significantly less powerful gpu than even the base ps4. So it should really be held to the same standards as other av equipment, and especially not full tower pcs with dual fan open coolers. Its like a 1/6 the size of your typical full tower rig.

In my experience the ps4 and ps4 pro aren't loud enough to hear over the tv volume, so no, I don't have to deal with it.

I'm not defending it if someone really has a defective unit or one that has gotten louder over time and needs to replace the thermal paste or send in for repair. Sony clearly should have used better thermal paste. Not defending that, but it is a relatively easy fix if you're outside warranty. Honestly it could be much, much worse (rrod).
I didn't have any issue of the kind exept with my fat PS3 40GO. It stills works but it makes a really loud noise, fan working at max power all the time (the console itself isn't hot, from what I can tell...).
But I have a PS4 and I didn't notice any particularly loud noise and I've played games like Uncharted 4 and GTAV. All PS4 have this noise problem ?


Gold Member
When a friend first saw me playing Gears on the 360 on a Rainy map was amazed for the rainy surround sound.... was the disc spinning and the fan...


Gold Member
I still have a Zephyr/Elite 360 and the noise that thing makes. My oh my. Want to talk loud, try xfire 7950s with blower-style fans.

Fan noise is a huge deal. Trying to downplay it makes people look desperate.


Junior Member
For OP:




Audio evidence that the PS4 can go from hardly audible to full on being an annoyance when playing a game. I notice my PS4 does this when I play SFV for whatever reason.

The first video would not be audible with volume on in a typical use case (living room).

Second one almost sounds like it has some sort of coil whine going on and definitely should be sent in for repair/replacement.


i hate these kinds of threads.

"You're using your console wrong" - no
"You have the wrong expectations" - which? that i'd like my PS4 to be as silent or even more silent than pretty much any other console i owned beyond the OG Xbox 360?
"You're over-sensitive" - more sensitive than you, maybe
"You're doing something wrong" - no
"Just use headphones" - i didn't invest money in a speaker based sound system to use headphones, also i prefer not to block out my surroundings, because i like to be able to hear my significant other if she asks me a question.
"Turn up the volume" - doesn't help during immersive scenes where the game's sound is mostly muted. And during these scenes, the PS4's 'wroooooooooo' is the most immersion-killing.
"It's just while the disc is installing" - no

Replacing the thermal paste can help, but doesn't in most cases. Usually it's just a placebo effect because people want the warranty breaking disassembly of their console to have made any meaninngful and lasting(!) difference. Oftentimes it simply doesn't.

I really don't appreciate the fact that people still keep creating threads for the sole sake of marginalizing what simply bothers some, spewing the same false 'obvious fixes', ignoring the huge amount of people telling them they're either lucky they don't care or lucky that their console is more silent than theirs. And then shitposts like Stratostar's - wonderful...

The first video would not be audible with volume on in a typical use case (living room).

Second one almost sounds like it has some sort of coil whine going on and definitely should be sent in for repair/replacement.

thanks for being in charge of what constitutes a 'typical' use case.


Headphones aren't comfortable for me, and I don't like turning on the volume extremely high when gaming, sooo... yeah, it bothers me when a console is loud. Also the reason I could never game on a gaming laptop. The fans are just to loud.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no issues with the sound level of things like the GameCube, Xbox 360 Slim or Wii U. It's stuff like the launch Xbox 360 I simply can't tolerate.

As to understanding it - if you don't, that's fine. Everyone has their own thing. To me, quiet hardware is way more important than framerate or resolution when playing a game.


Junior Member
i hate these kinds of threads.

"You're using your console wrong"
"You have the wrong expectattions"
"You're over-sensitive"
"You're doing something wrong"
"Just use headphones"
"Turn up the volume"

Replacing the thermal paste can help, but doesn't in most cases. Usually it's just a placebo effect because people want the warranty breaking disassembly of their console to have made any meaninngful and lasting(!) difference. Oftentimes it simply doesn't.

I really don't appreciate the fact that people still keep creating threads for the sole sake of marginalizing what simply bothers some, spewing the same false 'obvious fixes', ignoring the huge amount of people telling them they're either lucky they don't care or lucky that their console is more silent than theirs.

Why would you break the warranty seal if you're still under warranty?

Of course not. Send it in for Sony to fix it or replace it if you have a warranty.

Edit to typical use case: there is no volume on and it's being recorded off screen presumably right next to the console.

Can Sony not design a console around a living room sound profile? With the most powerful gpu in any consumer elctronic device of its size I do think they have a little headway. Its not a fucking roku.
I sit 2ft away from my PS4 during MGS V when I was in the helicopter I thought my PS4 fan was out of control it was spinning so fast and was so loud. It's very distracting and annoying. Not sure what else there is to say tbh


Why would you break the warranty seal if you're still under warranty?

Of course not. Send it in for Sony to fix it or replace it if you have a warranty.

I did sent mine in, 1 week after purchase, telling them it's super loud and i expect a replacement or a fix. They sent me back the same console 2 weeks later. Same noise level.

But yeah, thanks for another charming "you're doing it wrong" post.
The only times I have complained have been PS2 V7 (and this one was considered noisy by standards of that time), OG BC PS3 ... and PS4 playing Furi.

I always have a computer generating 30-35db of background noise, which helps hiding noise from adjacent flats and the street, so it drowns all other devices. if a console fan can get noisier than that, I have a problem. Although since in winter I need to use a dehumidifier all day (50 db), I barely care. I sleep with a white noise machine, so if you get me a silent room I get extremely anxious (because I have to endure all the noise from others).

Overall, PS4 has ben fairly quiet even during hours and hours of Destiny, only complaining a bit in the hottest days of summer. 360 (Jasper) with HDD installs always feel extremely quiet, too.


Junior Member
I did sent mine in, 1 week after purchase, telling them it's super loud and i expect a replacement or a fix. They sent me back the same console 2 weeks later. Same noise level.

But yeah, thanks for another charming "you're doing it wrong" post.

Well that sucks. I'm sorry. Terrible customer service.

Could you not return to the retailer you bought it from? I would think so within a week after purchase. Did you call back and ask for a manager? At that point I'd be fed up and would be asking for a replacement and not a repair.


I hate fan noises. I can stand all other of those noises people find annoying. Nails on a chalkboard. Forks on a plate. But fans bug me. Not at the level that it "hurts" but I really don't like it. People react differently to different kind of noises.
My AC/Heater return and blower are behind the wall behind my living room couch. I wish I could to worry about loud consoles. Besides, my Dreamcast, PS2, and launch PS3 all blow my PS4 out of the water in terms of noise.
So I had a topical experience today.

I could hear my friends console through his microphone, and it was kind of annoying.

I can't hear mine in my own room.

It made it clear that there's a lot of variance in how consoles sound. I have to strain myself to hear anything from my PS4, but in some cases, others have much louder systems. Ventilation and whatnot are probably a factor, but either way it might explain some of the mixed feelings on this. Like the OP, I've never heard a significant sound from any of my consoles, but I can appreciate that some do.


When you have a loud ass whirring jet engine close by in a relatively quiet room then something is wrong if the sound overpowers your headphones. My PS4 was loud out of the box and I've dusted it out a few times.


Well that sucks. I'm sorry. Terrible customer service.

Could you not return to the retailer you bought it from? I would think so within a week after purchase. Did you call back and ask for a manager? At that point I'd be fed up and would be asking for a replacement and not a repair.

Please let go of the narrative that any PS4 with an above-average noise level is a defect.
Depending on which game you run, it's a loud console. Some of them "not quite as loud", some of them "loud loud".


again. Stop 'just asking questions' and accept the facts that
* some people simply care more about noise levels than you do
* the PS4, by design, is not a quiet console whatsover - especially the OG model, and especiall during taxing games
* there's little that affected users can be doing - and in any case, they shouldn't need to
* it is PERFECTLY valid that people complain.

stop marginalizing and mansplaining issues that you either don't observe or you're simply not sensitive to.
Or do you do the same in any thread about sub 1080p resolutions, games with frame pacing issues or frame drops, games with input lag, ...

edit: oh, i see you're doing the exact same thing in the Smoker thread in offtopic. saying "the smell is exaggerated, unless you smoke a pack a day". Telling :/


I kind of want to open up my PS4 to clean the dust out but I'm too chickenshit to do it. It doesn't bother me when it gets loud because of the sound I just worry that it might be overheating. Loud electronics don't bother me, my old PC sounded like a vacuum.


I can never hear fan noise unless I'm on a pause menu or something and there's no game sounds going on. Same for my PC (though I use pretty quiet fans to begin with there). The Pro is pretty quiet for me and there's hardly ever ambient noise from outside in my game room. No HDD noise from my Pro since I have an SSD in it.

I could definitely hear the Disc Drive Noise on my X360 though if it was ever reading the drive, but thankfully that was usually just on start up due to being able to install games to the HDD on it. Now THAT thing made significant noise if a DVD was ever spinning up. The HDD in it made noise, but not enough to be an annoyance over game sounds and music.

I don't turn stuff up super loud, but I do have a great Pioneer Andrew Joins 5.1 system with Floor Standing Fronts and a big Center that I can pretty much run as loud as I want and I never turn it down very low. Just a comfortable volume usually so that I can always hear voices clearly.

My couch is 8 feet away from my TV (60" - http://imgur.com/a/qxMlY), so that probably contributes some to it. Just, yeah, from where I sit, stuff has to be not making any noise at all for me to hear it. I wonder if entertainment center setup contributes to it in some way as well - mine's totally open with glass shelves. I guess it's possible that different materials or enclosed spaces could amplify the vibrations more. Tons of stuff can affect the way that sound travels.
If my tv is on i never hear my PS4 Pro and even if i mute it and play something intense like unharted 4, or ff15 i never hear from where i sit its a nice change compared to my brothers ps4 which when i played uncharted i thought it was gonna blow up.
Small room, have to keep volume low at night as to not bother others, easy to hear when my PS4 in particular gets loud. Though it's noticible during the day with normal volume, too. (Also, as someone who has been building PCs since forever I'm burdened with the impossible quest that is Quiet Shit.)


I'm not one to always talk about MUH IMMERSION, but it's absolutely immersion breaking when a console is loud enough to cover the sound coming out of the TV. A friend of mine often brings his PS4, and it's so fucking loud I had to ask him to set it up in the next room and extend an HDMI cable. The thing is absolutely atrocious.

At least I'm not worrying about the PS4 melting apart, unlike my fat PS3. Had to elevate it and put a small fan in front of its air vents. Not silent by any mean, but it keeps it from entering take-off levels of noise.


It kind of is the point. There is not a single peice of av equipment that is similar to the ps4, and especially the pro. The Xbox one has a significantly less powerful gpu than even the base ps4. So it should really be held to the same standards as other av equipment, and especially not full tower pcs with dual fan open coolers. Its like a 1/6 the size of your typical full tower rig.

In my experience the ps4 and ps4 pro aren't loud enough to hear over the tv volume, so no, I don't have to deal with it.

I'm not defending it if someone really has a defective unit or one that has gotten louder over time and needs to replace the thermal paste or send in for repair. Sony clearly should have used better thermal paste. Not defending that, but it is a relatively easy fix if you're outside warranty. Honestly it could be much, much worse (rrod).

It's like 0.6 TF more powerful which is practically a rounding error at this point. Sony's OG console was uncommonly loud this gen, just like Microsoft's OG console was uncommonly loud last gen (though the 360 was definitely worse). It doesn't mean that Sony are terrible people or that the PS4 is a bad console or whatever, but thing is/was kinda loud by console standards and it isn't crazy that paying customers might find that worthy of criticism.


I had the first revision of the PS4 and I could definitely hear it when I played games.

It wasn't insane but saying that it was impossible to hear would be lying.

It's funny because PC's used to be much much louder back in the day for me, and now my PC is so quiet I can only hear it if I stick my head inside the case.


I have NEVER, ever heard a console make significant noise in my 35 years of playing video games.
What? I mean let's just take OG 360 for example. When playing games off a disc, the damn thing would sound like a washing machine on spin cycle. If you think that's just a 'slight hum' then you need your hearing checked. OG PS4 can be as bad when installing.

There's something blissful about a silent console. Passive cooling, SSD, no moving parts, that's the utopia.


My PS4 does sounds like a jet engine/hair dryer. When I play Uncharted, I have to basically blast the TV in order for it to be heard over the console. I should not have to wear headphones because the console is so loud.

So, congrats on yours not being loud? I hope you understand that just because yours is quiet does not mean everyone's is.


My first PS4 was fine, but in a move stopped working; The replacement needs thermal paste and from the first day i got it a year ago its sounded like a hair dryer on medium. Annoying and ridiculous would be the words id use.
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