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Why does Microsoft not just end this generation earlier than planned?

The Xbox is doing ok....in the US. In that weird little place called not-America the xbox is really hurting. As the gap is widening, MS will have to pay more and more to developers for exclusivity deals and dlc content. While they have all the money in the world, they're not a charity. And looking at the backlash SE received for the Tomb Raider deal, dev's and pub's will start thinking twice before signing any exclusivity deals with MS.

The next xbox will MS's 'mac mini'. A cheap pc, running a full Windows X (or XI), with the capability of running Xbox games, as well as origin, steam, gog.

So MS will basically pay for developing a system, where they host 2 platforms of direct competitors that offer some the same content MS sells on XBL.
Some of this content even for less money!



I can see the Xbox brand being offloaded to some other company by the time Xbox ? releases in the next generation.

It seems to me that the acquisition of Minecraft was to add value to the Xbox ecosystem as a whole and increase it's overall sale price when the time comes.
I think it had more to do with getting that game on Windows platforms, which its being developed as we speak.
I don't own an X1 and I don't plan too (PS4/Wii U right now) that said their current struggles would not disappear by killing off the console early. If they did that now consumers would loose faith in the stability of the brand and would essentially put the X1 in the same situation Sega put the Saturn and then Dreamcast, and we know how that turned out. Like it or not they have to suck it up, and ride this out. Even if PS4 hits 100 mill+ by the end of the life cycle and "wins" the X1 will still sell at least 50~70 mill which is hardly a failure.

Do I see MS changing their business model for Xbox next gen? Probably. Maybe even turning Xbox into a software based service or separating the brand into a stand alone company


MS really set themselves back.

I feel like they started in the industry with an uphill battle against the much "cooler brand."

Fought that battle damn well into the 360 gen where they'd nearly become Sony's equal in mindshare and popularity. It was no longer all that "cool" to rag on Xbox.

Consumers love having easy choices, and love making it easy to "bash the other guys, or acct superior." (especially when you are still demographically dealing with a lot of high school kids/people still in peer pressure situations.) MS not only made it easy for them to do that this gen with their focus on TV, PR flubs, DRM, etc. They also made it really easy to bash them from a gaming standpoint as they clearly weren't matching Sony on power. Most people can't afford both consoles... so for a lot of people it was/is "Thanks for making this choice easy AND making it so I can make fun of the competition! I love that! Riding insult trains is the coolest!"

So now they are completely uncool again with a less powerful console.. which is a worse off position in SOME WAYS than they were when they launched the OG XBox.

In other ways.. not at all though.. as they do have a much bigger mind share and have convinced a lot of people to be fans.. and have produced a product many are enjoying immensely. Their sales in a vacuum are not concerning.. being trounced by Sony.. long term, at this point.. sort of is.

But man.. did they take a giant leap back.
Microsoft should stick to Office. I wish they would throw in the towel in the gaming industry. I can't stand their approach, their arrogance and contempt of the core gaming community. "XBox, On!" All these years in the console business and they still don't know what gamers want. Look at all their U-turns and about-faces. It's ridiculous how someone with so much experience could be so disconnected from the gaming community. It's hilarious and sad. Well, now they're paying for it. I hope they continue to flail their arms until they tire out and sink.

Take your gimmicks to the freak show, MS. We don't want that shit - especially enough to be forced into paying for it. Oh, but you now removed the forced Kinect option. Even after you said you never would thereby screwing over those that trusted your initial statements and went with it anyway - despite not wanting it but wanted to be loyal to the brand... Such a massive fail.

This is clearly a panic attack! Somebody hands him a paper bag, please!


Always thought Facebook might buy Xbox once they get VR down.

Nah, I don't think Facebook would be interested in game developement, maybe some for Occulus launch but i don't think they would be supporting it for long. If anyone it would probably be Amazon, maybe Google or Apple.
I always thought the answer to MS starting the next, next gen early(2 years from now?) ...Would simply be to release a very powerful upgrade to the X1...much like PC every 6-12 months or Tablets and phones.

The key would be to make sure it has the same architecture and could play all of X1's games out of the box.

War won right?


Doesnt matter, bring back the BC aspect and have xbox one still in there, many were buying PS2 games still with their New PS3 consoles, having it even better looking upscaled and all that.

People don't buy consolr to play BC games they buy it for the system games.
Each generation developement cost of games increase so 3rd party want longer gen not shorter if Microsoft release another consoles 3rd party will support X1 instead of the new system


Can’t stump the diablos
This is the same logic likely used by people who rage-quit at the first signs of losing an online match.

Pretty much "I'm not first place, better just quit".

If companies did this we wouldn't have innovation on the scale we do now.
If athletes did this, sports would suck.
If people in life did this, we wouldn't have many left.

OP is really over reacting here. MS will be fine.
Hopefully they take some lessons learned from this and try to do better next time.
I think this will be another long generation 6 years plus. MS will stick with X1 and we'll probably see more forced parity as time goes on.


*Subjectively, Xbox has more exciting exclusives coming up.

Objectively,both have great exclusives coming.

You can't argue something as fact based on personal opinion.

Outside of Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, and I guess the order, the PS4 exclusive lineup is pretty bare in the nearish future.I think the only retail exclusive between now and Christmas is LBP3. Not a bad game, but I'm certainly much more excited for MCC and Sunset Overdrive. A quick glance at the GAF front page suggests that there core gamers tend to agree.

Don't get me wrong, PS4 has some good stuff coming too, but I'm wondering if Sony's financial troubles have impacted their ability to fund development on first party exclusives, or something.

I get that XBO is behind, and weaker, but PS3 was behind and had worse ports for the majority of the time both consoles were released, but by the end of the generation PS3 was pretty close to the X360 (maybe even bigger internationally)

XBO can probably keep up with the PS4 in NA, but lose out internationally and still be both profitable and viable. It might not ever catch the PS4, but could still make a lot of money for Microsoft. This generation is far from done, but there's lot of people ready to say the XBO is a complete failure, which isn't really the case.


It's a marathon, not a sprint. And this seems pretty fucking early to be asking MS to just throw in the towel wtf.

It already is, to tell you the truth (outside of the U.S. & UK).

agree, but you attack your main competitor where they are weakest, and that is their debt, you force their hand...

but the longer you wait the more PS4's are in peoples home the harder it would be to do I feel.

LMAO. Microsoft's not going to spend billions of dollars just to outsmart Sony with PS4 like they did with the Original Xbox & with the 2005-2007 years of the Xbox 360. Their investors will flip the fuck out & force MS to shut down the Xbox brand.


Unfortunately, the wider market seems to have deemed XO's disadvantages to far outweigh its advantages, at least for September 2014... and eight previous months... consecutively... including the month that launched the only other game to rival Destiny's hype... (Titanfall).

Agreed, but does that make XBO a failure? I'm pretty sure the gap between 360 and PS3 was even worse after PS3 first launched, but Sony figured it out and caught up. MS could do the same.

It sounds like you're going to be turning your PS4 on, more often than you'll prefer to play on your XO, unless XO exclusives are going to be the majority of your game purchases.

This has been true of one or two games this year, but most of the time the XBO experience is "good enough". Multiplayer games are more relaible on Live, and the friends features are better, so that sometimes has been the more important factor. The difference between 900p and 1080p is noticeable for me playing on a 27" monitor at a desk, but doesn't bother me much as long as the framerate is good between both systems. I expect that over time, companies will figure out how to optimize Xbox games better and the discrepancies will be there, but not impact the game themselves as much.

Having to cut corners and compromise a vision in such a way, for the sake of preserving core experience on a weaker platform, is tantamount to reaching for parity anyway. When it's so obvious that a game's development has been geared towards propping up the weaker system at the expense of what could be a better game with the stronger system's capabilities, people are going to have a problem with that even if they don't understand the business reasons for it (avoiding debates and stuff).

I think you can have a version that has extra bells and whistles in it for PS4, but plays smoothly and looks "good enough" on XBO without inciting armageddon amongst gamers everywhere. For example, I bought GTA4 on PS3, because playing GTA games on a dual shock "feels more right" to me. It had less vegetation and I think a worse framerate... or something, but I don't really remember it as a "bad" experience. It was still "good enough".

Similarly, Wolfenstein on XBO was "good enough", as is Destiny, and many others. I bought Mordor on PS4, because the publisher was shady about the concessions made on the Xbox, so I wasn't sure how bad it would be when I preordered. Of course, part of that was GAF rumour that the PS4 was 60 FPS and XBO 30 FPS, when it turned out that both were 30FPS.

In the end, Mordor was probably "good enough" too. I like both systems, and honestly play both pretty equally, but IMO, XBO is a decent alternative to a PS4, and I can see how many people might prefer it, or see them as basically equal with different strengths and weaknesses, as I do.

I will say the most impressive thing on either console to me is on PS4. The install technology is really really cool. Most games are playable within like 10 seconds of putting in the disc. That is NOT the case on XBO.


I really like like the XBOX line up from launch up until now. PS4 hasn't had a single game that has made me want to pull the trigger yet (Bloodborne/The Order Feb will). The OS experience is getting better and better. I actually started recently to use the kinect to get it to do stuff quicker then it would be to do it via controller.

It's been a great experience.

I guess the problem here is that the OP and most gamers fail to realize that a gaming console is there to provide entertainment and fun experiences. If you can walk away having a blast, I would say it has done it's job.

Growing up, we use to have more fun finding tree branches in the forest and playing Knights/Ninjas with our imagination compared to being given mounds of different toys and shit which left us wanting.

People just want to argue and be better then their neighbours. It's horrible really. Enjoy your hobby, dammit and help others to enjoy it too!
I want to add something: This whole "PS4 is more powerful" than Xbox One thing is interesting, but if people are really that concerned about power, why didn't they get a PC? Is it because the cost? I'm fairly confident anyone can build a PC or even buy one for the same or just slightly more than the cost of a console.

I played Battlefield exclusively on consoles since Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Everyone who ever plays Battlefield knows that the best version to play is on PC. But I still had fun playing on Consoles. This goes all the way back to Nintendo and Sega and will probably continue in the future. We as children didn't argue which was better between Sega and Nintendo, we went over to our friends houses and played both. So in the end, does it really matter?

No. As long as the game is fun and you're having a good time.


Im not sure how much this would help them, Microsoft should first focus on a long term plan for providing great first-party games. All their golden eggs seem to be in Halo, but 343 has yet to actually wow people like Polyphony, Media Molecule or ND does. Also, depending on the success of Bloodborne, they could secure Miyazaki for more great titles.


Junior Member
Man Microsoft should have just made Xbox a Windows console all along. It probably would have required the kind of setup that exists on Steam now to have existed back in 2001, thus requiring Microsoft to have a freaking crystal ball, but wouldn't it at least be cool if Microsoft just switched to that direction in the future? Whatever.

As for the Xbox One, it won't catch up to the PS4. It might get kinda close in the US, but not a chance in hell worldwide. It'll probably just stay in a profitable second place for another five years.

If the minds of the heads of Microsoft change over the years, you could possibly see Xbox, along with the rest of Microsoft's consumer electronics, get spun off one day.
As for the Xbox One, it won't catch up to the PS4. It might get kinda close in the US, but not a chance in hell worldwide. It'll probably just stay in a profitable second place for another five years.

At this point, I'm sure they'd be more than happy with a profitable second place, then come out swinging with a vengeance next gen.


I want to add something: This whole "PS4 is more powerful" than Xbox One thing is interesting, but if people are really that concerned about power, why didn't they get a PC? Is it because the cost? I'm fairly confident anyone can build a PC or even buy one for the same or just slightly more than the cost of a console.

I played Battlefield exclusively on consoles since Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Everyone who ever plays Battlefield knows that the best version to play is on PC. But I still had fun playing on Consoles. This goes all the way back to Nintendo and Sega and will probably continue in the future. We as children didn't argue which was better between Sega and Nintendo, we went over to our friends houses and played both. So in the end, does it really matter?

No. As long as the game is fun and you're having a good time.

Most average consumers don't care about PC gaming. What you're talking about refers to hardcore gamers, in which they have a lot of money to build a good gaming PC as well as to keep upgrading specs in the future.

Unless you're rich or have a good paying career, a lot of people will be less likely to build a good gaming PC or to get into PC gaming at all.
Most average consumers don't care about PC gaming. What you're talking about refers to hardcore gamers, in which they have a lot of money to build a good gaming PC as well as to keep upgrading specs in the future.

Unless you're rich or have a good paying career, a lot of people will be less likely to build a good gaming PC or to get into PC gaming at all.

In the past that was probably true. However I don't believe that anymore.

PC gaming is much more widespread and mainstream, especially with games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and the accessibility that Steam offers. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone pick up a laptop that can play low end games, or spend $400-$500 building a somewhat decent computer instead of buying a PS4 or Xbox One.

You don't need to be rich or have a good paying career to PC game. You just need some disposable income, the same amount it would cost to buy a console and maybe a few games.
I want to add something: This whole "PS4 is more powerful" than Xbox One thing is interesting, but if people are really that concerned about power, why didn't they get a PC? Is it because the cost? I'm fairly confident anyone can build a PC or even buy one for the same or just slightly more than the cost of a console.

I played Battlefield exclusively on consoles since Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Everyone who ever plays Battlefield knows that the best version to play is on PC. But I still had fun playing on Consoles. This goes all the way back to Nintendo and Sega and will probably continue in the future. We as children didn't argue which was better between Sega and Nintendo, we went over to our friends houses and played both. So in the end, does it really matter?

No. As long as the game is fun and you're having a good time.

What about people who want the console experience and still play the best version of multiplatform games? Who are you to judge their priorities? Seriously, this argument about PCs needs to die.

I play multiplatform games exclusively on PC, but I still understand people who don't. Multiplatform performance was a huge plus for 360 and is now for PS4. Deal with it.


The gap is what, 1 million units or something? Honestly it's not that big of a gap. We're not talking Dreamcast levels of failure with Xbox One. It's second place. It's not the most spectacular place to be but it isn't the bottom of the barrel either.

Not second place bud

Edit: my bad if that site is banned, I'll find a different source.
I really think its funny that some of you think they would spin off or sell off the xbox. That I promise you will never happen. I promise you.

Anyways. I have both consoles and I like them for different reasons. Had them both from day one.
That is a terrible Idea and I don't even own an Xbox One.

Theres more negatives that come to mind that anything positive. Their consumers would most likely lose faith in the product. And I highly doubt that Satya would allow such a thing because of how much of a loss that would lead to.

Edit: Even if it did happen, they would be pulling a Nintendo and releasing it as "New Xbox One" or Xbox One.5


I really think its funny that some of you think they would spin off or sell off the xbox. That I promise you will never happen. I promise you.

Anyways. I have both consoles and I like them for different reasons. Had them both from day one.

Yeah there is a better chance of MS buying playstation brand down the road and slapping it on their new console than cutting and running from gaming. MS really wants a piece of that pie.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
I see watching TV, Watching Netflix, Playing Destiny etc etc, so that could show that once users get the Xbox home they do use it as that 'all in one' device.

I usually put some use out of the $400-$500 things I buy too


Its doing better than xb360 in the same time period. As far as financials go Microsoft as a company is very resourceful. They just spent $2.5 billion on Minecraft. Minecraft people. Meanwhile Sony expects a $2.1 billion loss in the coming fiscal year. Xb1 will be fine folks.

1.) The $2.1 Billion loss equates to restructuring from Sony, not from their gaming division.

2.) The money that Microsoft spent for Minecraft isn't exactly only for the Xbox brand.
Yeah there is a better chance of MS buying playstation brand down the road and slapping it on their new console than cutting and running from gaming. MS really wants a piece of that pie.

Yup. I think they have a plan in place, and much like Sony learned from last Gen, they will learn from this one. They will always try to take things in an all encompassing direction (its MS) But They will be around for many generations to come.
MS is not gonna throw in the towel! Didn't you all see the not so long ago Rocky Balboa commercial?

Besides, every Xbox(and PS4) is like a digital Bestbuy, WalMart, etc. inside your house. They are making money like Scrooge McDuck selling movies, games, music, Netflix subscription finders fees, and more. MS and Sony don't talk about digital sales too much because they don't want them retail partners to know how quickly they're getting squeezed out.
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