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Why is Pierce Brosnan's Bond era so heavily disliked?

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Pierse Brosnan was the first Bond I knew so his movies are naturally liked by me.

I've been recently trying to get a BMW 7 series just cause of that one scene in Tomorrow Never Dies


Brosnan's hurt by his movies. His first film was great, but they went downhill from there, with the last one really putting the franchise on life support from a creative standpoint (a pattern now shared by Craig).

Unfortunately, even though Goldeneye is Brosnan's best, there's still the sense it was a lost opportunity, with the possibility that Dalton could have starred in it.

Though I will defend TWINE as being interesting conceptually and featuring a cool villain in Electra King. Too bad it kind of goes off the rails in the second half and features too many goofy elements.


He's a fantastic Bond. I really liked Goldeneye but found all of his other movies watchable. Not good, just watchable.


Unfortunately, even though Goldeneye is Brosnan's best, there's still the sense it was a lost opportunity, with the possibility that Dalton could have starred in it.
Yeah, Brosnan was fine in it, but fuck, Dalton would have not only sold the shit out of Bond and Trevelyan having history, but us already knowing that the one way to get to Dalton's Bond was through people he was close to would have made Trevelyan's heel turn that much more painful.


They were probably too cheesy for Bond. Then again the films themselves are more a product of their time than anything else, and the late 90s were cheesy as fuck.
Yeah like a lot of people in here Brosnan was my first Bond, so that's why he's my favorite.

Plus he's the last Bond we got before, ughhh, Craig.

Davey Cakes

I've always enjoyed Bond films in a casual sort of way. I'm not really invested in the franchise but I find it entertaining. Brosnan's Bond films were mostly entertaining to me as I was growing up, so I can't hold anything against them. The exception is Die Another Day, which I thought was utterly ridiculous in plot and execution.

As for Craig, I only truly loved Casino Royale. I was very disappointed in Quantum of Solace and I thought Skyfall was serviceable at best. Never even bothered with Spectre.


I like them.

Goldeneye was Bond again after a LENGTHY hiatus, and it was well put together. Also, we will always have the N64 game.

Tomorrow Never Dies is meh

TWINE catches a shit-ton of hate but I think it's fantastic. The
villain reveal
was great.

Die Another Day is a live-action anime.


Maxis Redwood
Interesting to think that Craig is on the same unfortunate trajectory that Brosnan found himself on. Incredible first movie, and then each subsequent release was progressively worse, resulting in similarly awful 4th movies. I hope Craig is able to redeem his era and end on a high note.
Interesting to think that Craig is on the same unfortunate trajectory that Brosnan found himself on. Incredible first movie, and then each subsequent release was progressively worse, resulting in similarly awful 4th movies. I hope Craig is able to redeem his era and end on a high note.

I doubt it, isn't he pretty much worn out by the role? I think if he does reprise the role, it'll only be for the paycheck, and we all know how that goes.


Tomorrow Never Dies peaks at Vincent Schiavelli.

I like TWINE more than most but action wise it's pretty much over at the opening credits sequence. Robert Carlyle seemed underutilized and the reveal that he is basically Elektra's henchman makes him dying last in an unremarkable way fall even flatter.

Take out Denise Richards/the caviar factory and end on Elektra's death and you'd be pretty close to a Craig style Bond.


Obligatory Top 10

10. For Your Eyes Only
9. Dr. No
8. You Only Live Twice
7. The Living Daylights
6. Goldfinger
5. Goldeneye
4. Casino Royale
3. From Russia With Love
2. Skyfall
1. License to Kill

OT: The Bronsan era excluding Goldeneye isn't great but Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Ends With You are fun in a "this is dumb 90s shlock kind of way"

Die Another Day was self parody

Dalton best Bond for sure, i love both of his films.


He made two great/ good ones (Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies), and two bad (The World is not Enough and Die another Day).

That's pretty much the same ratio as the thug from the docks (Craig)... And probably same as other Bonds in fact.


Goods: Dr No, FRWL, GF, TB

Bad: Octopussy, TMWTGG, AVTAK, Moonraker

Good: TLD
Bad: LTK

Goods: Casino Royale, Skyfall
Bads: Quantum of Solace, Specter

Love Brosnan btw, he was superb in Remington Steel.


Goldeneye was Pierce Brosnan's only good Bond movie. Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough were both lame and y'all are crazy for defending em. Well, no, I don't actually think you are crazy and I respect your right to like things I don't. But I personally think they're shit films - less shit than Die Another Day; that's on a wholly different level of shit, but still shit.

It's no fault of Brosnan's though. He was totally the right man for the job in that less serious era post-Dalton/pre-Craig. I think Goldeneye is one of the all time best Bond films. It perfectly embodies the series IMO, and likewise, for that one movie, Brosnan perfectly embodies James Bond the man (in a way that I would dare say Roger Moore never did).

(And I say that without my judgement being clouded by video games; I never had Goldeneye 64 and barely ever played it and certainly don't have a nostalgic attachment to it.)


It's been awhile since I've seen it but I loved The World is Not Enough growing up.

Sophie Marceau was a great villain.



Inconsistent scripts. He had the charisma and the take on the character to make it his own but the writing just wasn't there. His movies had great moments but never the full package and he is saddled with the single worst James Bond movie ever made on top of that as his swan song.

World is Not Enough is better than people give it credit though, yet even then it's far from great and still a distant second behind Goldeneye. Had one of the best opening set pieces of the franchise - but that's directing at work, not the writing.


Glad to see Garbage's World is Not Enough theme get some love. That film was terrible but the song is awesome.

Brosnan was a decent Bond in mostly bad Bond movies. These films we're so flawed they we're always going to suck regardless of which actor was playing JB. Goldeneye is the only tolerable one of the bunch.
I like his first three. I actually consider The World Is Not Enough a little underrated, even. It's one of the better Bond movies. Die Another Day though belongs with Diamonds Are Forever as the worst in the series history. Awful movie.

As a Bond, he didn't really have his own persona. He kind of just took parts of Connery and parts of Moore into a mixture of the two. He's Lazenby 2.0, just doing an impression of what the guys before him did. He's not bad, but he's not interesting.

Goldeneye with Dalton would have been GOAT. He would have sold that "for me" line like a legend.
Goldeneye is a classic, but overall he felt less like James Bond, and more like a generic Bond clone who has no depth to his character beyond chugging martinis and banging supermodels. Compared to Dalton before him and Craig after, he's very one-dimentional.

I feel that it drags his already anemic-to-terrible Not GoldenEye Movies down further then they would have been otherwise.


Gold Member
Pierce Brosnan era bond was like a parody of the bond franchise. like the scary movie franchise where its making fun of itself.

everything is campy as fuck but it can be enjoyable.
Brosnan is a solid Bond trapped in horrible films. Goldeneye was great, Tomorrow Never Dies was there, and the latter two were dire.
GoldenEye was fantastic, but it was all downhill from there. Tomorrow Never Dies is worth it for Jonathan Pryce, and its whole "fake news" plot is bizarrely relevant these days when it seemed preposterous back then. I'll always love TWINE for Sophie Marceau, be still my young beating heart.

But man. The scripts. The camp.

He absolutely nails the look, probably more than any other Bond. But those are some dire, dire scripts he got. Except GoldenEye, again.
James Bond is big budget schlock. The only meaningful critique against them is if they are boring. Even Die Another Day which is off the rails crazy is still kinda fun to watch.
Die Another Day is only saved by the fact that Moonraker was even worse. And Halle Berry looked pretty good? I'm trying here, guys. It was awful, just awful.


He's who I picture first when I think of Bond...

...but when I think of his movies, all I remember is glacier surfing.

I think Goldeneye 64 is why he's embedded in my mind.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Die Another Day is only saved by the fact that Moonraker was even worse. And Halle Berry looked pretty good? I'm trying here, guys. It was awful, just awful.

The fencing scene was ridiculous but good. That's really all I got.
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