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Why the DS Rocks - Official Game Recommendation Thread

Going over the OP is rather depressing. I've held the belief that most of the DS' rockedness is greatly exaggerated and that I more or less don't get where people are coming from in proclaiming it's awesomocity. Turns out it's because every single awesomeass game I find in the OP is listing a TBA or Import Only tag for NA release.
Son of Godzilla said:
Going over the OP is rather depressing. I've held the belief that most of the DS' rockedness is greatly exaggerated and that I more or less don't get where people are coming from in proclaiming it's awesomocity. Turns out it's because every single awesomeass game I find in the OP is listing a TBA or Import Only tag for NA release.

You're crazy, or you hate gaming. Only possibilities here.

EDIT: Or possibly you have partial blindness.


Not as deep as he thinks
Son of Godzilla said:
Going over the OP is rather depressing. I've held the belief that most of the DS' rockedness is greatly exaggerated and that I more or less don't get where people are coming from in proclaiming it's awesomocity. Turns out it's because every single awesomeass game I find in the OP is listing a TBA or Import Only tag for NA release.
Are you sure you're looking at the same list I'm looking at!? :D Cuz...I don't know...


Time Traveler
Son of Godzilla said:
Going over the OP is rather depressing. I've held the belief that most of the DS' rockedness is greatly exaggerated and that I more or less don't get where people are coming from in proclaiming it's awesomocity. Turns out it's because every single awesomeass game I find in the OP is listing a TBA or Import Only tag for NA release.
DS is awesome, is just that you have very poor gaming tastes.

DS is a console for people that like games, so if you don't mind, go and play your super high rezz games, and leave real gamers (as in people that enjoy the hobby) alone; because Professor Layton isn't the only masterpiece that you have critiziced; you entered the Scribblenauts thread to question the genius of the game.

Summarizing: GTFO!


Loopop Cube: Loop * Salad DS



Picked up this puzzle game recently on a whim and it's been a lot of fun. It's a familiar match the the colored blocks type game but with platforming elements since you control a character who pushes the blocks. The idea is to clear the screen by matching 3 or more of each colored block. Some of the screens are deceptive in their difficultly, the OTT cutesy graphics really hide a smart little puzzle game.

There are 12 worlds, each with 10 screens (I think) - there are other modes and a hard(?) mode too, the game is in Japanese, but it's easy to navigate. Each world has a different theme and a different loli anime type song with lyrics (which might drive you insane, I just found them catchy and funny).

NTSC-UK Review, 9/10
I didnt want to make a new thread, so bumping this one.

Anyone know if there are any kenken games for the DS? I've been hooked to it recently and would like to get one. Thanks!
This thread is always a good reminder of what a beast the DS is (and a terrible curse on my wallet *shakes fist*). I definitely don't think Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero has gotten the love it deserves though. Why, I'm not sure. It's surprisingly awesome, yet you hardly ever hear anyone mention it. I consider it one of the most overlooked adventure games on the DS.


I'm currently enjoying Age of Mythologies and (Anno) Dawn of Discovert DS

Can't believe what a nice little strategy machine the DS has turned into.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
This thread is always a good reminder of what a beast the DS is (and a terrible curse on my wallet *shakes fist*). I definitely don't think Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero has gotten the love it deserves though. Why, I'm not sure. It's surprisingly awesome, yet you hardly ever hear anyone mention it. I consider it one of the most overlooked adventure games on the DS.

I'm waiting for it to drop in price. I tried it, but I wasn't that sold that much on it. But if it was new for $20 I would probably pick it up.


Holy shit this thread keeps on delivering.
Awesome job on the OP, ethelred!
I recently bought 3 new DS games and this thread reminds me I still need at least 10 more. Sigh.

Deku, I have the original Age of Empires DS, is Age of Mythologies similar?
It's a nice game but I keep on losing interest, the battles keep on dragging on and on...
It's a little bit annoying you can't build where you'd ilke.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
This thread is always a good reminder of what a beast the DS is (and a terrible curse on my wallet *shakes fist*). I definitely don't think Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero has gotten the love it deserves though. Why, I'm not sure. It's surprisingly awesome, yet you hardly ever hear anyone mention it. I consider it one of the most overlooked adventure games on the DS.
absolutely. elebits ds is terribly underrated. it's a better adventure game and a better zelda game than phantom hourglass.
charlequin said:
You're crazy, or you hate gaming. Only possibilities here.

EDIT: Or possibly you have partial blindness.

I unno. There was some cool stuff that's been released, sure. But everytime I saw something that truly wowwed me I'd look over and it'd be TBA or Import Only. Like I forgot that Tingle game even existed, Daigasso Band Brothers too. I was mostly talking about the RPGs though, as that's mainly what I'm interested in and mainly what gets hyped to hell and back for the DS. The difference between what's been released and what hasn't is disgusting. I'm gonna go count how many games there even are, let alone look good, outside of Pokemon, FF, and DQ... 9. A whopping 9. Toss out Etrian and Mario and you've got 5, none of overwhelming quality besides TWEWY and Shiren. I can't help but spike jealousy into my veins seeing those awesome screens of Blood of Bahumut and Inazuma Eleven and Soma Bringer.

What really put me over was Culdcept DS though. I didn't even know that game existed.

manueldelalas said:
DS is a console for people that like games, so if you don't mind, go and play your super high rezz games, and leave real gamers (as in people that enjoy the hobby) alone; because Professor Layton isn't the only masterpiece that you have critiziced; you entered the Scribblenauts thread to question the genius of the game.

Console for people who like games but you criticize me for not inhaling an unreleased game's hype balloon. Sounds like someone's mostly a fan of sucking their own dick.


console gaming today is for people who like PC games

It has divorced itself from the console gaming traditions of the past 20 years.


Thanks a lot for this thread, I need to bookmark it. I just bought a DSi a few weeks ago and I'm playing the newest Castlevania. Has anyone else experienced a bit of a letdown in the DSi builds quality? A lot of places on my DSi squeak when I apply pressure to it / play it.


Really for how much I play the DS I should just sell all my other games and consoles. Recently it's been all about the DSi downloadable games. PictoBits and Boxlife are brilliant. Both of the titles are some of the most interesting puzzles games to show up in a long time.


I'm playing BOXLIFE right now!

Just started, and having a blast. However, I'm really terrible at FACTORY mode... haha

<3 DSi


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
jarosh said:
absolutely. elebits ds is terribly underrated. it's a better adventure game and a better zelda game than phantom hourglass.
quoted for MF'in truth.


Just read a bout Boxlife, looks awesome. I do bindery full time while I go to college (been doing it for 3 years), its pretty ironic I'm about to buy this game.
I still have my 1000 free points from when I bought the DSi. What should I buy? I dont really like the Nintendo Shop interface, so dont want to go in there and look around... i'd rather go in knowing what I want and then getting it. Any recommendations?

I like puzzle games and small games which I can play for 10-15 minutes and then put down (like Crosswords DS, which is great in this regard!) Thanks!

Tiktaalik, how much are Pictobits and Boxlife, and can they be played in small spurts?


Finally got a DS. I don't have the kind of money to throw around for yet another £100+ system but managed to get a DS Phat really cheap (just needs a case replacement as the hinge is going and...well, it's pink).

First games I've bought from Ebay:

Sonic Rush
Sonic Rush Adventure
New Super Mario Bros
Feel the Magic XX/XY
Wario ware Touched!

Lots of games i wanna try out, like Soul Bubbles, Bangai-O, My Japanese Coach, Dead N Furious, Big Bang Mini and Great Giana Sisters DS.

In the case of Giana: does anyone sell it to the UK yet? As far as I know it's only out in Germany right now.


iamcool388 said:
I still have my 1000 free points from when I bought the DSi. What should I buy? I dont really like the Nintendo Shop interface, so dont want to go in there and look around... i'd rather go in knowing what I want and then getting it. Any recommendations?

I like puzzle games and small games which I can play for 10-15 minutes and then put down (like Crosswords DS, which is great in this regard!) Thanks!

Tiktaalik, how much are Pictobits and Boxlife, and can they be played in small spurts?

I think both are 500. They're really exactly what you're looking for. Perfect 10-15 minute games. Both have either short timed or brief levels.


Excuse me if similar requests to this have been made in the thread, but i don't have the time to ready through all of these pages right now :p

My older sister, who is not a gamer (except for the odd game or two like Tetris on the gameboy which she used to like back when it came out), is looking to buy a DS, but she doesn't really know which games she should get.

I can't really offer any suggestions since i don't currently have one either, so could anyone please help with some suggestions for the following:

Puzzle games (as mentioned, she did used to like Tetris)
Brain training type games (not really sure which one of these is considered the best to get)
Pets games (cat or dog related i guess, but are any of these really worth getting, even for a non gamer who loves animals?)
Music games

Thank you for any suggestions :D
BadAss84 said:
Excuse me if similar requests to this have been made in the thread, but i don't have the time to ready through all of these pages right now :p

My older sister, who is not a gamer (except for the odd game or two like Tetris on the gameboy which she used to like back when it came out), is looking to buy a DS, but she doesn't really know which games she should get.

I can't really offer any suggestions since i don't currently have one either, so could anyone please help with some suggestions for the following:

Puzzle games (as mentioned, she did used to like Tetris)
Brain training type games (not really sure which one of these is considered the best to get)
Pets games (cat or dog related i guess, but are any of these really worth getting, even for a non gamer who loves animals?)
Music games

Thank you for any suggestions :D
From every category you mention:

Tetris DS
Brain Age (1 and 2)
Rythem Paradise

That should keep her busy for a while.
Notorious_Roy said:
From every category you mention:

Tetris DS
Brain Age (1 and 2)
Rythem Paradise

That should keep her busy for a while.

Note, however, that Tetris DS is extremely difficult to find new due to Nintendo being unable to do a reprint, which in turn is due to licensing issues.


Pureauthor said:
Note, however, that Tetris DS is extremely difficult to find new due to Nintendo being unable to do a reprint, which in turn is due to licensing issues.

Call gamecrazy or gamestop. My gamecrazy had one for $14 the day I went there.


Notorious_Roy said:
From every category you mention:

Tetris DS
Brain Age (1 and 2)
Rythem Paradise

That should keep her busy for a while.

Thanks for the suggestions, i'll look into those :)

Pureauthor said:
Note, however, that Tetris DS is extremely difficult to find new due to Nintendo being unable to do a reprint, which in turn is due to licensing issues.


Would Planet Puzzle League be a good alternative if i couldn't find Tetris? I have seen a little bit about it and it looked like a similar sort of game to Tetris, except with a different twist.


BadAss84 said:
Thanks for the suggestions, i'll look into those :)


Would Planet Puzzle League be a good alternative if i couldn't find Tetris? I have seen a little bit about it and it looked like a similar sort of game to Tetris, except with a different twist.

Planet Puzzle League is good but if you can find Tetris, get it as the DS version is great.

Some other suggestions:

Picross DS (fantastic game)
Big Brain Academy (like the Brain Age games but it's more visual which I prefer)
Clubhouse Games (nice assortment of games for the buck)
Professor Layton (haven't played it yet but it has gotten good reviews, point and click adventure game where you solve puzzles)
Zoo Keeper (very simple but fun puzzle game)
Bomberman DS (not a puzzle game but this could be a game that is easy to pick up where you and your sister can play together. Multiplayer only requires one cart)

Make sure to take advantage of Best Buy's sale this week (buy 2 DS games, get 1 free) since you're already looking into purchasing DS games.
Anihawk said:
That's really saying very little.

jarosh said:
true, considering how shitty phantom hourglass was. let me put it this way then: elebits ds is a great game.

Wherever there is hate, I'll be there.

PH is the best game on the DS, the best handheld LoZ, and in the top five LoZ games, ever.
BadAss84 said:
Would Planet Puzzle League be a good alternative if i couldn't find Tetris?

Planet Puzzle League, aka Tetris Attack or Panel de Pon, is a very highly-regarded puzzle game; it would be a pretty rad choice.


Thanks guys :D

I found Tetris DS on shopto.net, so i'll get that (£22.95 though!), and they also have Brain Training for only £9.95, which seems a good price, so i'll get that aswell.

They have the black DS Lite for £92.97, which is the cheapest i've seen so far, so i think thats that :D

I'll keep PPL and Picross DS in mind for any future games she might want :)


Has anyone tried out MySims Racing? While it's certainly no Mario Kart DS, it's actually a pretty solid kart racer. It has a fetch quests and crazy taxi like quests that earn you some weird form of currency that you can spend on upgrades.


Great thread! So many games i've yet to buy/complete.

I'm currently working on a PS2 games thread similar to this, loads of work, i've done about a quarter of it, i'd be thankful if anyone could give me some help and pointers.
handofg0d said:
Has anyone tried out MySims Racing? While it's certainly no Mario Kart DS, it's actually a pretty solid kart racer. It has a fetch quests and crazy taxi like quests that earn you some weird form of currency that you can spend on upgrades.
I tried the demo from the Nintendo channel and I agree, it is a decent racer. You could not test the mentioned modes in this demo though.
+1 for the DS love from me. I've recently picked up...

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (£15 GAME)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (£12 Amazon.co.uk)
Final Fantasy IV (£12 amazon.co.uk)

And ordered/awaiting...

Ace Attorney: Justice for All (£17 play.com)
Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations (£17 play.com)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (£14 play.com)
Suikoden Tierkries (£25 play.com)
Viva Pinata (£8.73 Thehut.co.uk)
Locks Quest (£8.73 thehut.co.uk)
Soul Bubbles ( £7.73 thehut.co.uk)

The Hut has some of the most amazing prices on DS games at the moment.

Also awaiting PAL release of DSiWares's Mario VS DK.


I own or have owned a good bit of the games in the "OP"

Here are the ones from the "OP" that I would recommend:

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX Advent
Metal Slug 7
Bangai-O Spirits
KORG DS-10 Synthesizer
Final Fantasy IV
Mysterious Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Director's Cut
Pheonix Wright, Ace Attorney
Professor Layton & the Curious Village*
Clubhouse Games
Retro Game Challenge

edit: I was a bit surprised by how many of the games listed in the OP I don't recommend =\

edit: Layton is iffy, I love it for the puzzles but did not care for anything else. If you need a story or characters to pull you through the puzzles I can not recommend this...but as far as puzzle games go on the DS this is as pure a logic/'trick question'puzzler as you can get.


DS is a beast. If the new consoles launch in 2011, I very well am going to make it through this entire generation on PS2 + DS.
Gattsu25 said:
I own or have owned a good bit of the games in the "OP"

Here are the ones from the "OP" that I would recommend:

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX Advent
Metal Slug 7
Bangai-O Spirits
KORG DS-10 Synthesizer
Final Fantasy IV
Mysterious Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Director's Cut
Pheonix Wright, Ace Attorney
Professor Layton & the Curious Village*
Clubhouse Games
Retro Game Challenge

edit: I was a bit surprised by how many of the games listed in the OP I don't recommend =\

edit: Layton is iffy, I love it for the puzzles but did not care for anything else. If you need a story or characters to pull you through the puzzles I can not recommend this...but as far as puzzle games go on the DS this is as pure a logic/'trick question'puzzler as you can get.

lol. You and I have polar opposite gaming tastes. I didn't really enjoy anything on that list except for Professor Layton. And that is probably my favorite DS game of all time (Until they release the sequel)

But I mean, I have to question some of these games you mentioned.

Clubhouse games? who buys a DS to play cards on it?

And the synth program? That's not even a game, is it?

Rocket Slime bored the hell out of me.

And I played FFIV for a while, but I quit because I was getting too fed up with training party members, only for them to be replaced with new ones. wtf. I loved the FFIII remake, though.


SundaySounds said:
lol. You and I have polar opposite gaming tastes. I didn't really enjoy anything on that list except for Professor Layton. And that is probably my favorite DS game of all time (Until they release the sequel)

But I mean, I have to question some of these games you mentioned.

Clubhouse games? who buys a DS to play cards on it?

And the synth program? That's not even a game, is it?

Rocket Slime bored the hell out of me.

And I played FFIV for a while, but I quit because I was getting too fed up with training party members, only for them to be replaced with new ones. wtf. I loved the FFIII remake, though.
Clubhouse Games: It was a blast to play online, plus it makes good airplane entertainment...really good airplane entertainment

KORG DS-10 Synthesizer: Not a game at all but I adore it. Made a pretty decent electronic sounding song with 2 DSs a month back...spent the entire weekend getting my bearings with the program and felt my time was well spent.

Rocket Slime...what can I say? I can do nothing but disagree with you in every way with this one. I felt the slime gameplay was fun and quirky, the mech-combat gameplay was great fun and exciting, the story was irrelevant and funny, and the story progression was spot on. Throughout the entire experience, I was entertained and that's all a man can ever ask for when it comes to a game. Shame you couldn't enjoy it.

I could never enjoy the DS version of FFIII as it was too damn slow. Nothing moved as quick as I wanted: not the 'cinematics', the dialog, the combat, and not even the post-combat exp/items/gil acquisition screen. I didn't even make it 5 hours into the game.

I'm still pretty early into FFIV but I'm loving it, so far. There seems to be a nice bit of weight to the characters that I don't see too often in other jRPGs.

edit: Regarding us being polar opposites...can't say I care much. I just like clarifying my recommendations a bit.
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