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Wii U Community Thread

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El Capitan Todd
Nintendo only has one core business to protect VideoGAMES

they cannot allow themselves to be out shined every generation by others sooner or later you brand becomes worthless because people just know what to expect from you after 12 years of weak sauce it may become harder for people to take you seriously in an industry you once owned

Its not so impossible for Nintendo to die... Atari, NEC, Philips, Sega, Apple all these companies made a run at consoles some lasted longer than others

I understand Nintendo wants to stay alive by being profitable but being cheap all the time while your competition for gaming/visuals are Highend PC vs Cutting Edge Consoles vs iOS gaming

some where in there you need to find your spot in the eyes of all consumers for this range of stuff. How long will Mario/Zelda keep Nintendo alive?

So even with what you are saying, they can still die in a few years if marketing is falling apart from the current console confusing everyone.

I did not expect to be talking about yet another weak Nintendo home console for another 6 years to come... that does not sound like a bright healthy future for your core business

Nintendo is vulnerable right now, they can be out of it easily

So, because they are vulnerable, because they face competitions from bigger groups as Apple, Microsoft and Sony, because they must survive, in your opinion they should enter a business model that creates huge losses?

I don't understand.

Plus, to me it seems that Wii, DS and 3DS demonstrate that you could AT LEAST create your spot in the business, offering something "smart" in terms of contents and interfaces, more than horsepower

Plus, the Mario and Zelda meme is quiet updated, in my opinion.
They gained a lot of money and brand awarness in the last 8 years thanks also to other IP (old and new)


Junior Member
Nintendo only has one core business to protect VideoGAMES

they cannot allow themselves to be out shined every generation by others sooner or later you brand becomes worthless because people just know what to expect from you after 12 years of weak sauce it may become harder for people to take you seriously in an industry you once owned

Its not so impossible for Nintendo to die... Atari, NEC, Philips, Sega, Apple all these companies made a run at consoles some lasted longer than others

I understand Nintendo wants to stay alive by being profitable but being cheap all the time while your competition for gaming/visuals are Highend PC vs Cutting Edge Consoles vs iOS gaming

some where in there you need to find your spot in the eyes of all consumers for this range of stuff. How long will Mario/Zelda keep Nintendo alive?

So even with what you are saying, they can still die in a few years if marketing is falling apart from the current console confusing everyone.

I did not expect to be talking about yet another weak Nintendo home console for another 6 years to come... that does not sound like a bright healthy future for your core business

Nintendo is vulnerable right now, they can be out of it easily
I joke about the one console future because of it's origins (sony's folk pushing for it enhances the irony of ninty actually achieving it). Besides their hardware 'mistakes', Nintendo is probably the one redeeming hardware manufacturer out there. Not interested in 'media' and puts out a ton of great games that focuses on gameplay. All the crap that pushes people into a rage are the things we want. Shitty Skyrim should have been pushed back and polished? I've not played it but people rage about it and it probably could have used an extra year? All the Zelda delays make sense. Making a great game repeatedly is extremely hard (sorry, no diss to sega...actually, fuck sega for fucking up). And Nintendo still comes up short but they are the only hardware manufacturer pushing gameplay, different ideas. Actually wanting Nintendo to die because they don't chase a polygonal dream is crazy, especially when there are PCs out there, in the wild. We need the balance.

The industry would have probably collapsed w/o the Wii. Only people making profits in the early years of the past recession was Nintendo. Many studios have closed this gen. I can understand the frustration with Ninty and 3rd parties but at some point, they have to survive, especially this gen. If 3rd parties keep pushing their agenda, we'll be left with EA and Activision on consoles. A lot of shooters. No horror games (fuck off EA), no strategy games, minimal platformers, minimal puzzler games. I do believe the whole industry would collapse and the carcas would be picked over by Apple. We would have an Apple console and microrapements would skyrocket. Exclusives would skyrocket, only because Apple would force everyone to get N or get Aout. They wouldn't even let PC ports to happen.

Now I hope my delusions have only illustrated how crazy you sound. It's ok. I just bought a $1700 PC for gaming because I don't want any part of Sony or MS next gen. We all do stupid things.

BTW, if you want to know if Mario and Zelda will still be keeping Ninty alive in 6 years, I will refer you to NSMB and Mario Kart sales over the last generation. Nothing about those sales legitimizes your complaint that Nintendo needs to up the power of their consoles.


Yes, I've read also Miyamoto reply about this, he said that they will fix this issue before release. I really hope so, I don't want neither to imagine a "Gamepad Plus" situation!
Yes but this article also add, after quoting Miyamoto on the fix issue >
It looks like the “fix” that Nintendo has in mind for now is to make games and software that adapt to the issue.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Replies in a thread like this sometimes make me do believe about people accusing NeoGAF as a Sony hivemind.

Seriously, why the fuck are people comparing a handheld to a console controller? Where did they get the idea that the Wii U has poor latency while ignoring the "downgrade" of a game in Vita?


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Has this been discussed here?
Interesting. Do we have an actual confirmation the pad has a gyro? If we do then I guess we'll have to wait and see what the gyro is once we tear down the bugger.
So, because they are vulnerable, because they face competitions from bigger groups as Apple, Microsoft and Sony, because they must survive, in your opinion they should enter a business model that creates huge losses?

I don't understand.

Plus, to me it seems that Wii, DS and 3DS demonstrate that you could AT LEAST create your spot in the business, offering something "smart" in terms of contents and interfaces, more than horsepower

Plus, the Mario and Zelda meme is quiet updated, in my opinion.
They gained a lot of money and brand awarness in the last 8 years thanks also to other IP (old and new)

the business model defense is a good one, all I am saying they can still fail with the current model

maybe its just me... I don't have the last few marios for my Wii or my 3DS, I don't have the last few Zelda's from DS or Skyward Swords

Maybe I am falling off the Nintendo train little by little, or I am just getting older
I am really seeing forcing myself to buy a WiiU as a waste of money so far. I am still forcing myself to think that I'll find something I enjoy playing and passing the time with like I use to do.

So yeah maybe I am wrong about this, but if I can slip from my Mario/Zelda love so can others. I heard great things about recent Mario/Zelda but I kept my money in my pocket for years now. So yeah I'm feeling a little different about the future for me and Nintendo I guess
if I lost that desire, I wonder how many others will get tired

just the other day I was defending Pikmin 3 not having online play, meh this gets tiring

it is time for Nintendo to learn some hard lessons but when we continue to buy regardless of what is missing they get another 6 year free ride to heaven


the business model defense is a good one, all I am saying they can still fail with the current model

maybe its just me... I don't have the last few marios for my Wii or my 3DS, I don't have the last few Zelda's from DS or Skyward Swords

Maybe I am falling off the Nintendo train little by little, or I am just getting older
I am really seeing forcing myself to buy a WiiU as a waste of money so far. I am still forcing myself to think that I'll find something I enjoy playing and passing the time with like I use to do.

So yeah maybe I am wrong about this, but if I can slip from my Mario/Zelda love so can others. I heard great things about recent Mario/Zelda but I kept my money in my pocket for years now. So yeah I'm feeling a little different about the future for me and Nintendo I guess
if I lost that desire, I wonder how many others will get tired

just the other day I was defending Pikmin 3 not having online play, meh this gets tiring

it is time for Nintendo to learn some hard lessons but when we continue to buy regardless of what is missing they get another 6 year free ride to heaven

As you get old, kids gets old enough to enjoy Mario and Zelda.


El Capitan Todd
the business model defense is a good one, all I am saying they can still fail with the current model

maybe its just me... I don't have the last few mario's for my Wii or my 3DS, I don't have the last few Zelda's from DS or Skyward Swords

Maybe I am falling off the Nintendo train little by little, or I am just getting older
I am really seeing forcing myself to buy a WiiU as a waste of money so far. I am still forcing myself to think that I'll find something I enjoy playing and passing the time with like I use to do.

So yeah maybe I am wrong about this, but if I can slip from my Mario/Zelda love so can others. I heard great things about recent Mario/Zelda but I kept my money in my pocket for years now. So yeah I'm feeling a little different about the future for me and Nintendo I guess
if I lost that desire, I wonder how many others will get tired

just the other day I was defending Pikmin 3 not having online play, meh this gets tiring

it is time for Nintendo to learn some hard lessons but when we continue to buy regardless of what is missing they get another 6 year free ride to heaven

There is absolutely nothing wrong in having opinions, also if different, as yours could be compared to mine. :)
I'm also a bit (even more, I'd say...) disappointed by the actual Wii U landscape, honestly, as I pointed out many times before and after their E3 conference.
But I don't think that my personal feelings is exactly the same feeling of the market.

If you tell me that the Wii U could be a risky move for Nintendo in terms of market share, I totally agree with you. I'm quite sure that they will not be able to repeat Wii's success, for example.

I was just pointing out that I don't think that entering a business model similar to PS3's one could be the right solution in terms of market share and business. I'm firmly convinced that if and when Nintendo will enter such a "loss-oriented" business model, they will fail in the home market and probably rely just on the handheld side of things.

Look at their problems with the latest fiscal year: 3DS was more successfull than DS (in the same lifespan), Wii sold poorly but poorly just compared to its previous records and not compared to the competitors (it sold way less, but not so desperately bad, especially considering the lack of effort in supporting it from both third and first party, with the successor already announced and showed), but they are facing economical problems.

I don't think that following the same path of the compatitors, offering horsepower consoles sold at big loss, pushing the graphics as the main focus, and looking for cinematografic experiences should be the right way for Nintendo to go.

For my personal taste, I would like an offer more balanced between "Nintendo difference" and t"normality", but with normality I think more about third party support than graphic horsepower, and the two things are just partially correlated. As the lack of PS360 games should confirm.

EDIT: about the appeal of mario and zelda is obviously a matter of personal taste, that can also change during your life. I enjoyed more Galaxy and Land than previous 3D Mario, for example, and also the market in terms of absolute sales had a great response to the latest iterations of the vast majority of Nintendo franchises. Plus, it's not true that they offer just those two IPs, and already mentioned, also if I would prefer more variety and AAA budgets spent also on other franchises (as they did for example with DKCR) or new IP (as they did with Xenoblade) oriented to "us"


the business model defense is a good one, all I am saying they can still fail with the current model

maybe its just me... I don't have the last few marios for my Wii or my 3DS, I don't have the last few Zelda's from DS or Skyward Swords

Maybe I am falling off the Nintendo train little by little, or I am just getting older
I am really seeing forcing myself to buy a WiiU as a waste of money so far. I am still forcing myself to think that I'll find something I enjoy playing and passing the time with like I use to do.

So yeah maybe I am wrong about this, but if I can slip from my Mario/Zelda love so can others. I heard great things about recent Mario/Zelda but I kept my money in my pocket for years now. So yeah I'm feeling a little different about the future for me and Nintendo I guess
if I lost that desire, I wonder how many others will get tired

just the other day I was defending Pikmin 3 not having online play, meh this gets tiring

it is time for Nintendo to learn some hard lessons but when we continue to buy regardless of what is missing they get another 6 year free ride to heaven

May I ask, and could be yes or no, but would improved graphics and online really re-ignite your interest in Mario and Zelda?
I think I may be the only one that really wants Nintendo to fail hard with WiiU
I want it to hurt them so bad they never question the need for powerful CPU/GPU ever again
but with so many sheep out there Nintendo failing is harder than people think, the price will not be out of reach for most casuals

What a stupid thing to say.

They failed hard with the Gamecube. All it was convince them that the hardcore gamer will never reliably be there for them.

You basically just want a bunch of people to lose their jobs because you wish Pikmin looked better.

User Tron

Remember a while back wsippel found out that the latest version of the compiler for the Wii U broke compatibility with older libraries? As I pointed out at the time, this could happen if IBM and Nintendo removed support for some instructions while trimming the transistor count for the final silicon. As the V5 dev-kits apparently started shipping to devs shortly after with production hardware, it does seem to be the case that there's a difference in the CPU compared to previous dev-kits. It's likely to be quite minor at this stage, but it's possible that they were working to get the compiler working better with the new CPUs, or even that the reduction in transistor count allowed them to hit higher clock speeds than they were expecting before.

Breaking code changes happen when the API is not final. Could be hardware related but not likely.
no not their jarbs!

May I ask, and could be yes or no, but would improved graphics and online really re-ignite your interest in Mario and Zelda?

No, but at least I would have a better reason to point at than my love and memories of Nintendo growing up.

I grew up with Nintendo, hard fan. Purchased a PS1 as a gift for my godsister's boys just as a trade to get all my NES carts back from those spoiled brats

Still I'm nearly 39 I grew up, I just don't feel Nintendo has offered much to adults

I am buying a WiiU on my good feelings for the company and memories alone, I'm being honest here I can't point at very much yet that is gaming related

I wonder if I would have owned a Wii if I did not win mines from Ubisoft's Redsteel website before launch? I did not have to make that choice, I won one so I got a few games for it overtime played TP wii version

so I am purchasing a WiiU for this fuzzy feeling alone?
blah I feel used.


No, but at least I would have a better reason to point at than my love and memories of Nintendo growing up.

I grew up with Nintendo, hard fan. Purchased a PS1 as a gift for my godsister's boys just as a trade to get all my NES carts back from those spoiled brats

Still I'm nearly 39 I grew up, I just don't feel Nintendo has offered much to adults

I am buying a WiiU on my good feelings for the company and memories alone, I'm being honest here I can't point at very much yet that is gaming related

I wonder if I would have owned a Wii if I did not win mines from Ubisoft's Redsteel website before launch? I did not have to make that choice, I won one so I got a few games for it overtime played TP wii version

so I am purchasing a WiiU for this fuzzy feeling alone?
blah I feel used.

I don't get it.
They still make amazing games to me at least, and that's why I continue to support them.
Or really any gaming company.

Adding an extra layer of shine is cool and all, but if the core game is great, it could be stick fingers for all I care (Defend the Castle!)

And you should never buy something to return to those old feelings. The same way certain shows and movies don't hold up because you got older. But would you rob a kid of that experience because it no longer satisfies you as an adult?


El Capitan Todd
no not their jarbs!

No, but at least I would have a better reason to point at than my love and memories of Nintendo growing up.

I grew up with Nintendo, hard fan. Purchased a PS1 as a gift for my godsister's boys just as a trade to get all my NES carts back from those spoiled brats

Still I'm nearly 39 I grew up, I just don't feel Nintendo has offered much to adults

I am buying a WiiU on my good feelings for the company and memories alone, I'm being honest here I can't point at very much yet that is gaming related

I wonder if I would have owned a Wii if I did not win mines from Ubisoft's Redsteel website before launch? I did not have to make that choice, I won one so I got a few games for it overtime played TP wii version

so I am purchasing a WiiU for this fuzzy feeling alone?
blah I feel used.

And to me, there nothing wrong about that feeling. Especially because, if with "adults" we mean "hollywood-style" experiences, they are not the right choice. Lucky us, there are also other different consoles on the market, that target specifically that demographic, first.
Me, ironically, the more I grow the more I like and play Nintendo: with friends/wife/family. But also on my own, of course. I was a "Sega-boy" back in the days HAHA
okay I don't want to hear any of you being all whiny 3 years from now about the WiiU, deal?

Well, you're in no position, and never will be in a position, to tell me what I can and can not talk about or how I can feel about any hardware purchase I may or may not have made.

If the deal you're suggesting is that it gets you to stop talking about a position you're pretty clearly reconsidering as stupid, then absolutely not, no. I'd rather you keep going while I sip tea and watch than make a deal so fundamentally flawed.

The point is mainly that I don't whine, you can't tell me not to whine, and I'd rather watch someone consistently try to use their age to prove a point while simultaneously act suspiciously like a 17 year old about it than agree to stay quiet.


okay I don't want to hear any of you being all whiny 3 years from now about the WiiU, deal?

quiet U, you practically work for them :|

I've never been whiny about my consoles..
There's too many games across too many platforms/device. I guess never had a problem because never limited myself to a single type of experience.

And already know doing at least 2 consoles next gen.


okay I don't want to hear any of you being all whiny 3 years from now about the WiiU, deal?

Is that really the Smiles and Cries that I know?

Nobody felt more fucked after that E3 press conference than me, but come on..! I bet that 95% of people posting in this thread (5% = specialguy) will buy a Wii U someday and will be at least as happy with it as with their Wii.
Penguin said:
And was curious what other franchises would you like to see Nintendo resurrect as sort of DD franchises. I think Dr. Mario and a handful of their puzzlers are also good fits.
That one already made the transition, and new versions were released on DSiWare and WiiWare.
sfried said:
I'm getting mixed messages about the GPGPU: On one hand it's a GPU that does CPU functions but on the other hand developers who do not properly optimize won't see much of a performance enhancement. What again is the main advantage of a GPU that does CPU calculations?
From their beginnings GPUs took over things that CPUs had been doing, but the GPUs were better at. Now there are just more things the GPU could be better at.
Terrell said:
A 2.5" external can usually be powered entirely by USB, depending on the drive's RPMs. A 3.5" external almost always requires an extra power connection, either occupying 2 USB ports or 1 port and a power cable (which is more common).
Would a setup that used 2 USB ports also be able to transfer twice as much?
Smiles and Cries said:
I think I may be the only one that really wants Nintendo to fail hard with WiiU
I want it to hurt them so bad they never question the need for powerful CPU/GPU ever again
There's just as much chance they'd look at a Wii U failure and say "Well, trying to be closer on the hardware and controller front was stupid. Let's go back to what we did with Wii and make our next system a 50% faster Wii U with the strangest controller ever."
I don't know about you guys, but if ZombiU turns out a good game, I think the GamePad additions will make it one of the freshest fps experiences for quite sometime.

I really think launch titles for Wii U have the potential to be best of any console.


That one already made the transition, and new versions were released on DSiWare and WiiWare.

Oh I know it has, but you never know, could try a retail release.

Speaking of Dr. Mario. Remember the WiiWare version had an online option where friends could play a portion of the game with you without actually buying it.

I kind of wish more online titles had something similar. Sort of like a live demo where you get real multi-experience but only a small snippet of it.
I don't know about you guys, but if ZombiU turns out a good game, I think the GamePad additions will make it one of the freshest fps experiences for quite sometime.

I really think launch titles for Wii U have the potential to be best of any console.
I have my doubts it will be a good game but I really like the ideas presented within.


Yeah it's going to be interesting when the heat is on next year. Nintendo will be counting on their casual audience again to get them a good foothold along with holding the core Nintendo fans with same-as ports of the third party games. MS will likely come out all guns blazing on multiple fronts; the living room box and the high end game machine. I fully expect them to annihilate any sense of Wii U power and basically go for the throat. To be honest while I don't see the Wii U gen being like the Wii (no third party core) I can see once again those core western gamers jumping ship to MS or Sony for those games when their respective consoles come out, even if they get a Wii U to start with.

MS will come out with their guns blazing alright, but will they hit their targets? A good portion of their presentation will be to sell their media box, their OS and their new Kinect. They might also have VR glasses, and they will talk about smart glass. Its going to be a convoluted message. And what if they do offer a subscription? And block used games?

Then we have to ask ourselves, how important is the new box for Europe and Japan?

Of course, they will still present some pretty looking games. but so will Nintendo.
If you wonder why Nintendo didn't show their hand this E3 is because they recognize they need to have a good showing when the other new consoles come out. They will probably have one big unannounced game, or two smaller games, ready to launch prior to E3 2013.

Nintendo's first party games & Sony's still trump Microsoft's. If this new generation will make third party exclusives a thing of the past, that MS will have a problem delivering compelling content.

So as long as Nintendo can present how fun it is to play their games on their console this xmas, without having to reveal their major titles, they have nothing to worry about. They dont have to win over PS3/360 owners, they are going after a new generation.
I have my doubts it will be a good game but I really like the ideas presented within.
I think it will depend mostly on how well the level design and balancing will be (as long as the controls are well); if they get these two parts well, I can get over sound issues, graphics, etc. as the multiplayer alone seems to be very exciting (and I am sure this is one of the games that will be accompanies by multitudes of map packs and DLCs)
Well, you're in no position, and never will be in a position, to tell me what I can and can not talk about or how I can feel about any hardware purchase I may or may not have made.

If the deal you're suggesting is that it gets you to stop talking about a position you're pretty clearly reconsidering as stupid, then absolutely not, no. I'd rather you keep going while I sip tea and watch than make a deal so fundamentally flawed.

The point is mainly that I don't whine, you can't tell me not to whine, and I'd rather watch someone consistently try to use their age to prove a point while simultaneously act suspiciously like a 17 year old about it than agree to stay quiet.

Call me stupid, challenge my maturity all you want, play the high road. This changes nothing about my disappointment with what has been shown for the WiiU so far. I am not sure that wanting more our of my $250-$300 spent is such a bad thing if I am going to drop $2,000 on software over 6 years, (right now I can only hope Nintendo has 25 titles I want to own) thats money for me so what can't talk about it here because I have to think about someone's job is your point? I sent a butt load of money on NES over 80 titles - over 50 for the SNES - over 20 for GAMECUBE - 6 for Wii - tell me again about saving jobs If I cannot have a library of at least 20 over six years I doubt I'll help Nintendo survive. I am not one to rent or buy used games. I pay to support good games always have, my tastes may have changed over the years that is only being honest. Nintendo has less for me these days.

The core is not going to save Nintendo no matter what they do but if they are going to talk bullshit about value then seriously add some meat to the hardware. They don't have to match the PS4 for me they could be at least weaker by a decent margin but not blown out that is not value.

Nintendo still makes great games but not everything is for me. I've been an RPG whore most of my gaming life.

Call me stupid in 3 years after I purchase this console and still have a handful of software I desire for it. Wishing them to learn instead of having me trust them over and over again to deliver is not stupid. Nintendo needs to learn sooner or later they have burned fans out from supporting them. I'm feeling burned before the thing even comes out.

So if I should be happy with this as I was with Wii it means, I got at the very least 6 good WiiU games ahead of me for the generation? I hope not what I want is 20 that will mean I made a good purchase, because I have a nice library of titles I can look at and say it was worth it. This is value.

buying 2 consoles to get what you want is not value, its addiction! I'll get a PC.


no not their jarbs!

No, but at least I would have a better reason to point at than my love and memories of Nintendo growing up.

I grew up with Nintendo, hard fan. Purchased a PS1 as a gift for my godsister's boys just as a trade to get all my NES carts back from those spoiled brats

Still I'm nearly 39 I grew up, I just don't feel Nintendo has offered much to adults

I am buying a WiiU on my good feelings for the company and memories alone, I'm being honest here I can't point at very much yet that is gaming related

I wonder if I would have owned a Wii if I did not win mines from Ubisoft's Redsteel website before launch? I did not have to make that choice, I won one so I got a few games for it overtime played TP wii version

so I am purchasing a WiiU for this fuzzy feeling alone?
blah I feel used.

Call me stupid, challenge my maturity all you want, play the high road. This changes nothing about my disappointment with what has been shown for the WiiU so far. I am not sure that wanting more our of my $250-$300 spent is such a bad thing if I am going to drop $2,000 on software over 6 years, (right now I can only hope Nintendo has 25 titles I want to own) thats money for me so what can't talk about it here because I have to think about someone's job is your point? I sent a butt load of money on NES over 80 titles - over 50 for the SNES - over 20 for GAMECUBE - 6 for Wii - tell me again about saving jobs If I cannot have a library of at least 20 over six years I doubt I'll help Nintendo survive. I am not one to rent or buy used games. I pay to support good games always have, my tastes may have changed over the years that is only being honest. Nintendo has less for me these days.

The core is not going to save Nintendo no matter what they do but if they are going to talk bullshit about value then seriously add some meat to the hardware. They don't have to match the PS4 for me they could be at least weaker by a decent margin but not blown out that is not value.

Nintendo still makes great games but not everything is for me. I've been an RPG whore most of my gaming life.

Call me stupid in 3 years after I purchase this console and still have a handful of software I desire for it. Wishing them to learn instead of having me trust them over and over again to deliver is not stupid. Nintendo needs to learn sooner or later they have burned fans out from supporting them. I'm feeling burned before the thing even comes out.

So if I should be happy with this as I was with Wii it means, I got at the very least 6 good WiiU games ahead of me for the generation? I hope not what I want is 20 that will mean I made a good purchase, because I have a nice library of titles I can look at and say it was worth it. This is value.

buying 2 consoles to get what you want is not value, its addiction! I'll get a PC.

Nearly 39 eh.

Here's an easy solution to your problem: Don't bother investing in a Wii U if you don't like it.

That will help Nintendo "get it" and fail faster, as per your desire. I'm sure your purchase is simply that important for their business model.
Nearly 39 eh.

Here's an easy solution to your problem: Don't bother investing in a Wii U if you don't like it.

That will help Nintendo "get it" and fail faster, as per your desire. I'm sure your purchase is simply that important for their business model.

yeah I am feeling very fucking important to Nintendo lately

this shit goes on every launch, they fuck us we bend over with; but the games are great rite guys? Yeah I feel very important Nintendo cares about my purchase, every GBA revision, 2 DS (Brick+lite), one gimpy 3DS. Shame on me for wanting better day fucking one.

Wait, I missed this edit



How sad.

you are taking this shit too personal seriously, that is the sad part :3


Unconfirmed Member
I have now sent an inquiry to webmaster Robert at NoA. Due to his position, I mainly provided questions about Wii U's hardware. Thanks to all those who wrote down questions though, maybe they can be used for other things. Now we just wait and see.
So I've made up my mind and realized I don't care that Nintendo didn't show anything at E3 and that at least 25% of third party games coming to the system would be good enough for me. I'm getting one at launch if there's a black unit available. I am no longer angry or bitter.

Finally found the new thread :).

Lol i feel the same mate and i feel i must apologise to BG and Ideaman for the comments i made about them in a post i made the day after E3.

The devastation of seeing only Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3 and NSMBU (which i think could all be done in SD on the original Wii) as the big first party titles when i was expecting F Zero, Starfox at launch or at least in the launch window along with trailars for Mario Universe, Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart and Retros new game made me a bit crazy :(.

Again i offer my apologies to BG and Ideaman.

Now that E3 is over and the NDA's are done can third party developers not reveal the full tech specs of the Wii U, we know it has a pretty nice Tri Core CPU and 1.5GB's of Ram but i think everyone is wondering where the GPU falls between 400 and 1000 FLOPs.
I think I may be the only one that really wants Nintendo to fail hard with WiiU
I want it to hurt them so bad they never question the need for powerful CPU/GPU ever again
but with so many sheep out there Nintendo failing is harder than people think, the price will not be out of reach for most casuals
I don't know how to reply to this dude....but something is telling me that you are starting to cross over to the dark side lol

You're pissed at Nintendo. I get it. Wish they were more like Sony and Microsoft. Some of your points are valid. But you need to step away from the toxic threads going on right now. Go drown in Xenoblade. Put on some Twilight Princess. Go collect some stars in Mario Galaxy. Remind yourself why you love Nintnedo games. Never give in to the dark side


yeah I am feeling very fucking important to Nintendo lately

this shit goes on every launch, they fuck us we bend over with; but the games are great rite guys? Yeah I feel very important Nintendo cares about my purchase, every GBA revision, 2 DS (Brick+lite), one gimpy 3DS. Shame on me for wanting better day fucking one.

On the individual level none of us are important to Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Microsoft, Kraft Foods etc... They are going to do what they do no matter what one individual thinks.

Nobody is forcing you to buy the hardware. I'm planning on investing in a WiiU at or near launch and even if it sucks I won't feel like I've been bent over because I accept what I am getting into. I'm aware of the real possibility of the console's failure and I also acknowledge that I don't have to like every game out there.

It's fine to want better day 1 but you also need to exist in the same reality most people do. The one where companies and people are free to do what they want and you are NOT obligated to give them money. Think Nintendo makes gimpy hardware, then don't buy it.

I like their games and know that I have to deal with their hardware philosophy. They are forever linked.

If you don't like their franchises, hardware and the way they do business then maybe it's time to move on from Nintendo. There are lots and lots and lots of other games being made right now.
I don't know how to reply to this dude....but something is telling me that you are starting to cross over to the dark side lol

You're pissed at Nintendo. I get it. Wish they were more like Sony and Microsoft. Some of your points are valid. But you need to step away from the toxic threads going on right now. Go drown in Xenoblade. Put on some Twilight Princess. Go collect some stars in Mario Galaxy. Remind yourself why you love Nintnedo games. Never give in to the dark side




Nope, you are not the only one. I would love to see them kicked hard in the balls if it meant they'd actually get back to giving a fuck about power and promoting that aspect of their machines as well as all the casual and social stuff (which I think is great). Give me a US$400 machine, I'll pay if the tech is in there

Then you can pay the difference. I'd rather pay a normal price for the wii u then to much for an overkill powerhouse, I have my pc for that.

seriously, Nintendo is the only company atm that thinks when designing their hardware instead of the "herp darp, lets put tons of mem in and uuuh.. a $600 gpu" and sell the whole lot for 599USD!


I personally like the Nintendo that sells ideas more than the Nintendo that sells hardware. The #1 thing that stood out to me this E3? The pre-E3 video where Iwata talked about today's state of family entertainment. Nothing else at E3 came even close to wowing me as much as that. Things like that give me confidence about Nintendo's business thinking forward and of the bigger pictures. MS revealing a new amazing tablet? That kind of thing happens every day.
I'm suspecting that the visual gap between the current gen and next-gen console games will be a bit disappointing to some. Budget costs, diminishing returns, and the power that consoles can realistically achieve with limitations of size and cost vs PCs are factors. One of the biggest issue that the original Wii had was engine compatibility issues, but people like Crytek and EA are saying that they already have their next-gen engines available. UE4 is scalable, so it may not be an issue with that one as initially feared.


A question to the older gaffers, not Wii U related > Is it ok if I create a thread about a PC gaming project which will be (partially) officially revealed in a few days? I ask because I work for one of the company involved and I don't want to be banned for some rules I wasn't aware of.
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